[Frage] Fritzbox 7490 - telnet / debug.cfg (modfs?)


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15 Sep 2019
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Hello All,

I'm a Dutch Fritzbox enthousiast (sorry for english).
I've had a modded 7360 but time for an upgrade to 7490.
What I need is to enable telnet permanently and have a way to execute scripts.
I have a script running that will change dailing rules depending on the time of day (on- offpeak rates).

In the past I modded the image (created symlink telnetd), added execution of debug.cfg and started telnetd there.
It became more and more difficult since rukernel is not available anymore so need to go over adam2.
I don't understand how to do it with dualboot this way.
Modfs is the way to go right? Some help please since it's very difficult to find the right German search words.

What's the way to go to get this running on 07.12?

Some hints for decision.
First: You have to know, what kind of 7490 will be bougth or has bought. International version with branding avme oder German version with branding avm or the black-ones with 1und1.
Second: The version of bootloader is important, if You want to change to an international Firmwareversion.
Third: For newer Bootloaderversion, if FW have to be changed (de<->int) I would recommend fwmod (the lowest changelevel in freetz) instead of modfs. Most of modfs-features have been integrated in fwmod e.g. Bootmanager-Gui to switch between the both linux_fs_start partitions.
For fwmod you need a freetz-installation. For modfs only a USB-Stick, prepared (recommended) witch ext3/4 and a linux-swap partition but also an Initial-FW e.g. https://github.com/PeterPawn/first_aid/ with console-access (SIAB), to execute modfs
In both cases, you have to know about eva-tools and how to flash via adam2.
If your Powershell is up-to-date You may use the eva-tools-"ps"-scripts.
Which way for You would be more easy I cannot decide or recommend, because the HW-version of the 7490 or the age (because of Bootloader) may direct the easiest way.
LG and good luck
Btw. Have a look @your scripts, if they will still work, because iirc with FW 7.xx-version some important things roundabout telefony-daemon has changed.
Vollzitat von darüber entfernt by stoney

International model.
So I need to know how to flash over adam2 from freetz-image.
I extracted and noticed kernel and filesystem image. Should both to be flashed to mtd0?
I need to know how to enable telnet and how to execute script in background (since sleep is used to wait for next execution).
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