Fritz Fon Ata - Firmware to convert German to English


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29 Jan 2006
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I have bought a Fritz Fon ATA from a German supplier and want to
convert the language of the software to English. I have downloaded the
English firmware from the website but it refuses to load. I think it might have something to be with the freenet branding?

I get the error "Die angegebene Datei enthält keine für Ihr Gerät
gültige Firmware."

The firmware I have tried is fritz.box_fon_ata.en.11.03.98.image

Can anyone help me out?
Thanks again for the help.
I have now unbranded the ATA but the international firmware will not load, I receive the translated error.

"The indicated file does not contain firmware valid for your equipment."

The firmware I downloaded is 'fritz.box_fon_ata.en.11.03.98.image'
what firmware release is active on the box?
You also have to change some settings to make the box accept international firmware. AVM removed the englisch web pages from the non-international firmware so you have to try it via the recover.exe.

part 1: install a telnet image

1. download starttelnet.image from and install it like a new firmware.
2. reboot the box

part 2: install the international firmware

1. establish a telnet connection to your box via putty or telnet.exe (ip should be
2. type in the following
echo firmware_version avme > /proc/avalanche/env
3. connect your pc to the box via ethernet and change the ip settings of your pc to 192.168.178.XXX /
4. copy recover.exe from the fritz cd :)\software\x_misc\) and the international firmware into the same directory
5. open a dos box
6. type in but do not execute the following command
recover -f fritz.box_fon_ata.en.11.03.98.image
7. reboot the box by unplugging the power cable
8. after 2 sec. execute the command
9. if this fails repeat 8. immediately
10. wait for the update being finished (could take up to 3 min.)
11. reboot the box by unplugging the power cable

now you should be able to access the english web pages
Hi das_schaf,

Thanks for your assistance so far.
I followed your instructions without any problems until I try the recover.exe step.

When I try the recover.exe command I recieve the error
recover: error = 9

I have tried this command using both the LAN and WAN ports on the ata and with the windows firewall disabled.

Do you have any further suggestions?
das_schaf schrieb:
are you still able to access the webpages ?
can you ping the box ?
did you repeat the recover command ? contains some hints for the recover programm.

I can not access the webpages, the ata is not working at a dhcp server.
With a static IP set on my pc I can not ping the ata on or
I tried lots of time the recover.exe command without success.

Help Please!
Ok I managed to load the german firmware on using recover.exe

But I still can not access the webpages and it still does not issue IP address using dchp.

I am worried I have screwed up the unit :(
Hi mackeyuk,

if you can access your box using telnet, type
echo "firmware_version avm" > /proc/avalanche/env

Then reboot the box by typing

If this dosn't work you can wait for the new German firmware and flash it to the box using recover.exe. It should be released within the next few days! With the new firmware installed, you can activate telnet by calling #96*7*! Then you can follow the steps above!

Good luck!

Hi Dead Evil,

Thanks for the tip, but no joy with telnet.
I guess all I can hope for is the new firmware version to fix my problem.
könnte mal jemand übersetzen ....habs so geschafft... die fritz.box_fon_ata.en.11.03.98.image zu installieren...

1. Telnet-ar7login-reset-debug.tar aufspielen
2. mit telnet einloggen und auf avme umsetzen ( echo firmware_version avme > /proc/avalanche/env )
3. mit recover die FritzBox_Fon_ata avme de 11.03.64 aufspielen (Austria Schweiz Edition) ....das geht nur am WAN-Port!
4. box neu booten und ganz normal übers webinterface die neue fritz.box_fon_ata.en.11.03.98.image aufspielen und schon gehts....

siehe bildchen...:


  • Unbenannt1.JPG
    104.8 KB · Aufrufe: 115
  • Unbenannt3.JPG
    87.5 KB · Aufrufe: 109
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ja, ich habe nun auch die .98 auf der FBF_ATA.
Funktioniert wie in der Anleitung.

2 Hinweise noch:

1. Ich konnte das Image mit recover.exe nur einspielen, nachdem ich an den aeusseren Ethernetanschluss gegangen bin.

2. Beim testen hatte ich vorher den Switch rausgenommen und die FBF_ATA direkt an den PC gehangen.

C:\fbf_fw>recover -f 64.image
recover: Firmware von 64.image geladen
recover: Suche FRITZ!Box ...
recover: FRITZ!Box (
recover: Uebertrage kernel.image (711168)
recover: kernel.image uebertragen
recover: Uebertrage filesystem.image (2240512)
recover: filesystem.image uebertragen

1. Telnet-ar7login-reset-debug.tar aufspielen
2. mit telnet einloggen und auf avme ausetzen ( echo firmware_version avme > /proc/avalanche/env )
3. mit recover die FritzBox_Fon_ata avme de 11.03.64 aufspielen (Austria Schweiz Edition)
4. box neu booten und ganz normal übers webinterface die neue fritz.box_fon_ata.en.11.03.98.image aufspielen und schon gehts....

connect PC to the outer LAN port of the FBF

1. flash Telnet-ar7login-reset-debug.tar
2. log in via telnet and type: echo "firmware_version avm" > /proc/avalanche/env
3. open a DOS box and type: revocer -f 64.bin (wereas 64.bin is the renamed "FritzBox_Fon_ata avme de 11.03.64" (Austria Switzerland Edition) but do not hit ENTER; this will only work if PC is connected to WAN port
4. reboot fbf and hit ENTER about 2 seconds after restart
5. flash fritz.box_fon_ata.en.11.03.98.image via the webinterface
Thanks for the tips guys. I think I understand..

1. Use recover.exe to load Telnet-ar7login-reset-debug.tar
2. Login via telnet and run the echo command as detailed
3. Use recover to install FritzBox_Fon_ata avme de 11.03.64
4. Use webpage to load fritz.box_fon_ata.en.11.03.98.image

The step i am unsure of is

1. flash Telnet-ar7login-reset-debug.tar

Does 'flash' mean recover.exe or is this a sparate program?
This means flashing like a normal Firmwareupdate. But it seems that you can't get any connection to you Fritzbox, right?
If this is right, you should try get your Box alive... (with the german firmware). After that you can try these 4 steps to change the language.

I can not access the webpages.

So I have managed to recover to the latest german firmware, below is the result. But now the box LEDs are all flashing at the same time. What does this mean?

C:\ft>recover -f 64.image
recover: Firmware von 64.image geladen
recover: Suche FRITZ!Box ...
recover: FRITZ!Box (
recover: Uebertrage kernel.image (711168)
recover: kernel.image uebertragen
recover: Uebertrage filesystem.image (2240512)
recover: filesystem.image uebertragen

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