Faxprogramm für Fritz!Box

Hi hab mal ne frage,

wie bekomme ich das Programm unter Windows 7 ans laufen?

Am Anfang hatte ich immer diese Meldung .... interaktiver Dienste.

Zu diesem Zeitpunkt hab ich es geschafft ein Fax zuversenden.
Hier konnte ich auch noch den Versanddialog sehen.

Nachdem ich dann aber auf "Ausführen als Benutzer"umgestellt habe, sowie die drei bereits genannten Dienste umgestellt habe, kamm zwar diese Meldung ".... interaktive Dienste" nicht mehr, aber es kann kein Fax mehr versendet werden und ich sehe den Versanddialog auch nicht mehr.

Zurück stellen der o.g. Einstellungen bringt es leider auch nicht mehr ans laufen!

Gibt es keine Version für Windows 7?


Mich interessiert jedoch folgende Frage:
Greift dieses Tool auch auf den Faxspeicher (USB) der entsprechenden Fritz!Boxen zu?
Nein, tut es nicht.

@milch47, nein, als Benutzer geht bei Win7 nicht, nur Admin...
auch als Admin bekomme ich es nicht zum Laufen. Sehe den Dialog nicht und bekomme allerdings auch nicht die "Fehlermeldung" weg...

Help :)

Gruss Uwe
@Uwe, aktiviere im Benutzermanager den Administrator, meld dich damit an und try again. BtW, x32 oder x64?

wo finde ich denn den Benutzermanager? Benutze Win7 32bit Ultimate.

Gruss Uwe
Arbeitsplatz auf dem Desktop, rechte Maustaste, Verwalten, lokale Benutzer und Gruppen...
OK, wie aktiviere ich den Admin denn? Unter Benutzer steht er drin. So wie auch mein normaler Account mit Admin Rechten...

Oder muss ich mich ständig mit dem Namen "Administrator" anmelden um Faxen zu können?

Gruss Uwe
Na du klickst drauf, aktivieren und Passwort vergeben.

Und nee, nach der Installation solltest du die Berechtigungen auch als Normal-User haben und Faxen können.
Hallo Doc,

sorry war ein paar Tage krank.
Bekomme die Fehlermeldung einfach nicht weg...
Admin Konto ist aktiviert und das Exe File von Capifax starte ich im Kompatibilitätsmodus WinXP SP3 als Admin.
Die drei Dienste haben auch den Haken bei "Verbindung zulassen"....

Noch eine Idee?

Gruss Uwe
...das Exe File von Capifax starte ich im Kompatibilitätsmodus WinXP SP3 als Admin.
Öhhhmmm, wieso das denn, es läuft unter Win7 auch bei x64, ergo kannst du es ganz "normal" installieren, jedoch solltest du dich vorher als Administrator anmelden...

melde ich mich als "Administrator" in Win7 an, klappt Capifax, owohl ich in der unteren Taskleiste immer noch den Hinweis mit dem interaktiven Dienst sehe.

Melde ich mich mit meinem normalen Benutzerkonto an (mit Adminrechte), dann klappts nicht mehr...

Gruss Uwe
Siehste, mein Reden.
Also deinstalliere alles und fang von Vorne an, als Administrator.

Zur Not kannst du den exe-Dateien auch die entsprechenden Rechte verpassen... ;)
Hallo Doc,

bei mir ist der Wurm im System :)

Jetzt bekomme ich es nicht hin ein Fax zu versenden.
Ich benutze die 7270 mit neuster FW.
T.38 habe ich testweise ein- und ausgeschaltet. CapitoTCP Treiber ist aktiviert.
Controller "5" für senden und empfangen.

Hier das Log Stufe 3 vom ersten Versuch mit 9600 Baud ECM off zu meinem Faxanschluss über GMX.
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:24 - capifax_send("D:\Programme\sharp_capifax v0.2.3\spool\capifax_senden-2010_4_27--17_29_21--704932_903095_copy.tiff", 2, 0, "704932"
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:24 - REQ: CONNECT (704932 -> 0xxxx6880688)
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:24 - CNF: CAPI_CONNECT - (0) (PLCI: 773)
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:28 - IND: CAPI_CONNECT - CON: -1, PLCI: 1029, NCCI: 0 - IGNORING (49xxxx6880688 <- 0#492xxx04932)
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:37 - IND: CAPI_CONNECT_ACTIVE - CON: 1, PLCI: 773, NCCI: 0
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:37 - CNF: CAPI_CONNECT_B3 - (0)
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:37 - IND: CAPI_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE - CON: 1, PLCI: 773, NCCI: 131845
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:37 - 1970/01/01 17:48:56.519 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:38 - 1970/01/01 17:48:57.486 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:38 - 1970/01/01 17:48:57.502 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:38 - 1970/01/01 17:48:57.705 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:38 - 1970/01/01 17:48:57.705 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:38 - 1970/01/01 17:48:57.720 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:38 - 1970/01/01 17:48:57.751 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:38 - 1970/01/01 17:48:58.188 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:38 - 1970/01/01 17:48:58.204 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:38 - 1970/01/01 17:48:58.204 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:39 - 1970/01/01 17:48:58.235 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:39 - 1970/01/01 17:48:58.469 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:39 - 1970/01/01 17:48:58.485 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:39 - 1970/01/01 17:48:58.485 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:39 - 1970/01/01 17:48:58.500 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:39 - 1970/01/01 17:48:58.750 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:39 - 1970/01/01 17:48:58.797 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:39 - 1970/01/01 17:48:58.843 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:39 - 1970/01/01 17:48:58.875 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:39 - 1970/01/01 17:48:59.187 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:39 - 1970/01/01 17:48:59.187 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:39 - 1970/01/01 17:48:59.202 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:40 - 1970/01/01 17:48:59.358 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:40 - 1970/01/01 17:48:59.467 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:40 - 1970/01/01 17:48:59.483 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:40 - 1970/01/01 17:48:59.764 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:40 - 1970/01/01 17:48:59.779 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:41 - 1970/01/01 17:49:00.263 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:41 - 1970/01/01 17:49:00.263 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:41 - 1970/01/01 17:49:00.357 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:41 - 1970/01/01 17:49:00.357 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:41 - 1970/01/01 17:49:00.825 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:41 - 1970/01/01 17:49:00.996 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:41 - 1970/01/01 17:49:01.027 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:42 - 1970/01/01 17:49:01.386 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:42 - 1970/01/01 17:49:01.402 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:42 - CAPI 0x3490 - Normal call clearing
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:32:42 - IND: CAPI_DISCONNECT - CON: 1, PLCI: 773, NCCI: 0

Geschwindigkeit 14400 mit ECM
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:40:36 - libcapifax v0.6 successfully initialized!
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:40:36 - ctrl: 5, loglevel: 3, ev_status: 3d3ae38, ev_progress: 3d3ae3c, ev_log: 3d3af04
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:40:36 - CNF: CAPI_LISTEN - (0)
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:40:37 - capifax_recv(D:\Programme\sharp_capifax v0.2.3\temp\capifax_receive_0-704932.tiff~, 3, 1, 704932, +49-xxxx-704932, xxx-K GbR)
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:40:46 - capifax_send("D:\Programme\sharp_capifax v0.2.3\spool\capifax_senden-2010_4_28--9_32_44--704932_0xxx26880688_copy.tiff", 3, 1, "704932", "0xxx26880688", "+49-xxxx-704932", "xxxxK GbR")
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:40:46 - REQ: CONNECT (704932 -> 0xxxx6880688)
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:40:46 - CNF: CAPI_CONNECT - (0) (PLCI: 1285)
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:40:47 - IND: CAPI_CONNECT - CON: -1, PLCI: 1541, NCCI: 0 - IGNORING (49xxxx6880688 <- 0#49xxxx704932)
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:40:55 - IND: CAPI_CONNECT_ACTIVE - CON: 1, PLCI: 1285, NCCI: 0
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:40:55 - CNF: CAPI_CONNECT_B3 - (0)
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:40:55 - IND: CAPI_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE - CON: 1, PLCI: 1285, NCCI: 132357
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:40:55 - 1970/01/01 17:57:14.911 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:40:56 - 1970/01/01 17:57:15.738 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:40:58 - 1970/01/01 17:57:18.062 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:03 - 1970/01/01 17:57:22.695 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:03 - 1970/01/01 17:57:22.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:03 - 1970/01/01 17:57:22.945 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC framing OK in state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:03 - 1970/01/01 17:57:22.945 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_A_CNG to T30_PHASE_B_RX
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  DIS with final frame tag
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  ff 13 80 20 ee fa 44
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 In state 18
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DIS:
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..1. ....= V.8 capabilities: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .0.. ....= Preferred octets: 256 octets
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Ready to transmit a fax document (polling): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Can receive fax: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..10 11..= Supported data signalling rates: V.27 ter, V.29, and V.17
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= 2-D coding: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..10= Recording width: 215mm +- 1, 255mm +- 1 0x1.c22c00p-957nd 303mm +- 1
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Receiver's minimum scan line time: 0ms at 3.85 l/mm; T7.7 = T3.85
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Selected compression 3
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - Phase B handler (0x80) DIS
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - Phase B: bit rate 14400
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - Phase B: ECM on
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - ??? Encoding Type (null)
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Trying to send file 'D:\Programme\sharp_capifax v0.2.3\spool\capifax_senden-2010_4_28--9_32_44--704932_032126880688_copy.tiff'
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Start sending document
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Minimum bits per row will be 0
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Starting page 1 of transfer
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Partial page buffer contains 42 frames (256 per frame)
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:23.990 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.006 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.006 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..10 00..= Selected data signalling rate: V.17 14400bps
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.006 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.006 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.006 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.006 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.006 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.006 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.006 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.006 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.006 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.006 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.006 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.006 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 18 to 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.006 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Sending ident '+49-2354-704932 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting**************+49-2354-704932******end_of_the_skype_highlighting'
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.006 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  TSI without final frame tag
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.006 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 03 43 32 33 39 34 30 37 2d 34 35 33 32 2d 39 34 2b 20 20 20 20 20
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.053 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:04 - 1970/01/01 17:57:24.053 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_RX to T30_PHASE_B_TX
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..10 00..= Selected data signalling rate: V.17 14400bps
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  DCS with final frame tag
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.628 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 13 83 00 62 f8 44
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:25.940 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:26.018 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:26.018 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 4 to 5
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:06 - 1970/01/01 17:57:26.018 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_TX to T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:09 - 1970/01/01 17:57:29.029 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX, state 5
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:09 - 1970/01/01 17:57:29.029 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX to T30_PHASE_B_RX
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:09 - 1970/01/01 17:57:29.029 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 5 to 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:11 - 1970/01/01 17:57:30.433 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:11 - 1970/01/01 17:57:30.620 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC framing OK in state 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  FTT with final frame tag
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  ff 13 44
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 In state 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Trainability test failed
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..10 10..= Selected data signalling rate: V.17 12000bps
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 6 to 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Sending ident '+49-2354-704932'
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  TSI without final frame tag
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.556 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 03 43 32 33 39 34 30 37 2d 34 35 33 32 2d 39 34 2b 20 20 20 20 20
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.619 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:12 - 1970/01/01 17:57:31.619 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_RX to T30_PHASE_B_TX
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..10 10..= Selected data signalling rate: V.17 12000bps
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  DCS with final frame tag
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:13 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 13 83 00 6a f8 44
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:14 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.506 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:14 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.584 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:14 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.584 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 4 to 5
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:14 - 1970/01/01 17:57:33.584 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_TX to T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:17 - 1970/01/01 17:57:36.611 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX, state 5
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:17 - 1970/01/01 17:57:36.611 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX to T30_PHASE_B_RX
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:17 - 1970/01/01 17:57:36.611 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 5 to 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:18 - 1970/01/01 17:57:38.015 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:18 - 1970/01/01 17:57:38.186 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC framing OK in state 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  DIS with final frame tag
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  ff 13 80 00 ce fa 44
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 In state 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..10 10..= Selected data signalling rate: V.17 12000bps
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 6 to 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Sending ident '+49-2354-704932'
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  TSI without final frame tag
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.232 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 03 43 32 33 39 34 30 37 2d 34 35 33 32 2d 39 34 2b 20 20 20 20 20
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.294 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:20 - 1970/01/01 17:57:39.294 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_RX to T30_PHASE_B_TX
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..10 10..= Selected data signalling rate: V.17 12000bps
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  DCS with final frame tag
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:40.870 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 13 83 00 6a f8 44
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:21 - 1970/01/01 17:57:41.182 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:22 - 1970/01/01 17:57:41.260 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:22 - 1970/01/01 17:57:41.260 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 4 to 5
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:22 - 1970/01/01 17:57:41.260 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_TX to T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:25 - 1970/01/01 17:57:44.270 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX, state 5
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:25 - 1970/01/01 17:57:44.270 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX to T30_PHASE_B_RX
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:25 - 1970/01/01 17:57:44.270 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 5 to 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:25 - 1970/01/01 17:57:44.302 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:25 - 1970/01/01 17:57:44.426 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC framing OK in state 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  DIS with final frame tag
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  ff 13 80 00 ca fa 44
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 In state 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..10 10..= Selected data signalling rate: V.17 12000bps
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 6 to 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Sending ident '+49-2354-704932'
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  TSI without final frame tag
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.300 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 03 43 32 33 39 34 30 37 2d 34 35 33 32 2d 39 34 2b 20 20 20 20 20
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.347 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:26 - 1970/01/01 17:57:45.347 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_RX to T30_PHASE_B_TX
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..10 10..= Selected data signalling rate: V.17 12000bps
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  DCS with final frame tag
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:27 - 1970/01/01 17:57:46.969 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 13 83 00 6a f8 44
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:28 - 1970/01/01 17:57:47.250 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:28 - 1970/01/01 17:57:47.328 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:28 - 1970/01/01 17:57:47.328 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 4 to 5
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:28 - 1970/01/01 17:57:47.328 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_TX to T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:31 - 1970/01/01 17:57:50.354 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX, state 5
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:31 - 1970/01/01 17:57:50.354 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX to T30_PHASE_B_RX
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:31 - 1970/01/01 17:57:50.354 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 5 to 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:32 - 1970/01/01 17:57:51.743 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:32 - 1970/01/01 17:57:51.930 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC framing OK in state 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  DIS with final frame tag
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  ff 13 80 00 ca fa 44
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 In state 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..10 10..= Selected data signalling rate: V.17 12000bps
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 6 to 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Sending ident '+49-2354-704932'
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  TSI without final frame tag
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:52.975 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 03 43 32 33 39 34 30 37 2d 34 35 33 32 2d 39 34 2b 20 20 20 20 20
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:53.038 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:33 - 1970/01/01 17:57:53.038 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_RX to T30_PHASE_B_TX
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..10 10..= Selected data signalling rate: V.17 12000bps
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  DCS with final frame tag
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.613 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 13 83 00 6a f8 44
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:54.941 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:55.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:55.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 4 to 5
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:35 - 1970/01/01 17:57:55.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_TX to T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:38 - 1970/01/01 17:57:58.030 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX, state 5
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:38 - 1970/01/01 17:57:58.030 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX to T30_PHASE_B_RX
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:38 - 1970/01/01 17:57:58.030 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 5 to 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:40 - 1970/01/01 17:57:59.418 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier up in state 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:40 - 1970/01/01 17:57:59.590 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC framing OK in state 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:41 - 1970/01/01 17:58:00.635 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  DIS with final frame tag
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:41 - 1970/01/01 17:58:00.635 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  ff 13 80 00 ee fa 44
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:41 - 1970/01/01 17:58:00.635 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 In state 6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:41 - 1970/01/01 17:58:00.635 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 6 to 3
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:41 - 1970/01/01 17:58:00.635 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  DCN with final frame tag
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:41 - 1970/01/01 17:58:00.635 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 13 fb
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:41 - 1970/01/01 17:58:00.697 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC carrier down in state 3
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:41 - 1970/01/01 17:58:00.697 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_RX to T30_PHASE_D_TX
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:42 - 1970/01/01 17:58:01.758 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_D_TX, state 3
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:42 - 1970/01/01 17:58:01.836 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_D_TX, state 3
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:42 - 1970/01/01 17:58:01.836 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Disconnecting
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:42 - 1970/01/01 17:58:01.836 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_D_TX to T30_PHASE_E
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:42 - 1970/01/01 17:58:01.836 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 3 to 2
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:43 - 1970/01/01 17:58:02.834 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_E, state 2
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:43 - Phase E handler (0x30) Disconnected after permitted retries
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:43 - Phase E: pages transferred 0
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:43 - Phase E: image resolution 8031 x 7700
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:43 - Phase E: compression type 3
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:43 - Phase E: coding method T.6
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:43 - 1970/01/01 17:58:02.834 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 2 to 32
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:43 - 1970/01/01 17:58:02.834 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_E to T30_PHASE_CALL_FINISHED
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:43 - CAPI 0x34d8 - Incompatible destination
[libcapifax] 28.04.2010 09:41:43 - IND: CAPI_DISCONNECT - CON: 1, PLCI: 1285, NCCI: 0

Das selbe Problem habe ich, wenn ich das Fax meiner Frau (ebenfalls 1&1 Vollanschliuss) erreichen möchte. Bei ihr selbst klappt Fax, da sie ein analoges Gerät an der FBF angeschlossen hat. Kann es etwas mit der Auflösung bei Druckereinstellungen zu tun haben?

Noch eine Idee?

Gruss Uwe

P.S: Jetzt habe ich es mal empfangsmässig versucht - klappt auch nicht. Der Ruf wird vom Programm nicht angenommen. Es klingelt und klingelt und nix passiert .....
Habe alles deinstalliert und alle AVM Sachen aus der Registry gelöscht (Hatte ja vorher Fritz!Fax). Danach als Admin wieder alles installiert und trotzdem klappts nicht ... (ja, gebootet hatte ich auch :)) ...
Ich bin am verzweifeln hier ....
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hmmm... wenn du FritzFax drauf hattest und es hat funktioniert, warum bist du nicht dabei geblieben?

Die Debugs kann ich dir im Moment nicht vollständig erklären, jedoch wird mit T30 gehandelt und nicht mit T38 (d.h. Codecs werden ausgehandelt, das sollte in der Box auf "immer Festnetzqualität verwenden" stehen), außerdem ist die Auflösung des Faxes sehr hoch und die Gegenstelle ist nicht kompatibel...
Hi Doc,

eigentlich ganz einfach zu erklären :)

Unter WinXP lief CapiFax fast ohne Probleme (98%ige Trefferquote beim Senden und Empfang).
Dann wurde auf Win7 gewechselt und CapiFax lief überhaupt nicht. Dadurch kam der Wechsel auf Fritz!Fax, welches Sendemässig zu 50% und Empfangsmässig zu 80% klappte. Dann las ich von CapiFax unter Win7 und hoffte den alten XP Zustand wieder zu bekommen....

In der FBF steht die Einstellung auf "immer Festnetzqualität benutzen". Wie kann ich denn die Auflösung reduzieren? Welche wäre denn optimal?

Und vor allem: Wieso wird die MSN nicht abgefragt, so dass Capifax die Rufsignale nicht mitbekommt?

Gruss Uwe
bearbeit dein PC mit einem reg-cleaner und probier nochmals Fritz!Fax.
das Pikachu-Tool hilft doch alle Einstellungen richtig zu setzen.
habe ich gerade gemacht. Jetzt kommt der Ruf an, aber bei meinen Selbsttest (Fax an mein GMX Fax Account - drei Versuche - drei Mal Abbruch von GMX und drei Versuche auf einen anderen Faxanschluss -allerdings auch reiner VOIP Anschluss - auch drei Mal Abbruch durch den Empfänger) scheitert alles ...
Ein Test von FritzFax zu Fritzfax über eine weitere MSN auf einem anderen Rechner im Netzwerk funktioniert ....

Gruss Uwe

P.S. Gibts keine Möglichkeit öffentliche Testfaxe zu versenden an einem analogen Gerät?
Serienfax mit winword - Mega problem


ich habe Capifax v0.2.3 am laufen und funktioniert sobald super.

Ich habe jedoch das Problem wenn ich in Word ein Serienfax an 5 verschiedene
Faxnummeren senden möchte, schickt er mir ein 5-seitiges Dokument an die erste faxnummer schickt.Heisst er trennt die einzelnen Seiten nicht.

Die Tokens werden alle übernommen, aber er versendet wie gesagt nur alle Seiten an die erste Faxnummer. hat da jemand einen Tip für mich.?:confused:

Unexpected Message Received - Failed 13

Hallo allerseits,

ich nutze Capifax zum Senden und Empfangen von Faxnachrichten über die Fritzbox und bin auch soweit zufrieden. Leider erhalte ich beim laufenden Empfang von Faxen sporadisch (nicht immer) die Fehlermeldung "Unexpected Message Received" mit der Fehlernummer "Failed 13". Wie gesagt, ab und zu funktionierts (bei derselben Nummer und denselben Einstellungen) und ab und zu bekomme ich obige Fehlermeldung.

Kann mir wer weiterhelfen?

Vielen Dank im Voraus.


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