-- Executing Dial("SIP/7777-2069", "VISDN/visdn0/594522") in new stack
-- Calling visdn0 on VISDN/null
-- Calling on interface 'visdn0'
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: DLC autorelease timer stopped
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:305 GET (1 => 2)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: chan_visdn.c:690 GET (2 => 3)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: chan_visdn.c:809 PUT (3 => 2)
-- Called visdn0/594522
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: SETUP-REQ
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: Sending message:
q931 -> message type: SETUP (5)
q931 -> VL IE 0 ===> 4 (Bearer Capability) -- length 3
q931 -> Coding Standard = CCITT (0)
q931 -> Information Transfer Capability = Speech (0)
q931 -> Transfer mode = Circuit (0)
q931 -> Information Transfer Rate = 64 kbps (16)
q931 -> User information layer 1 protocol = g.711 a-law (3)
q931 -> VL IE 1 ===> 108 (Calling Party Number) -- length 6
q931 -> Type of number = Unknown (0)
q931 -> Numbering plan = Unknown (0)
q931 -> Presentation indicator = Presentation allowed (0)
q931 -> Screening indicator = User provided, not screened (0)
q931 -> Number = 7777
q931 -> VL IE 2 ===> 112 (Called Party Number) -- length 7
q931 -> Type of number = Unknown (0)
q931 -> Numbering plan = Unknown (0)
q931 -> Number = 594522
q931 -> VL IE 3 ===> 125 (High Layer Compatibility) -- length 2
q931 -> Coding standard = CCITT (0)
q931 -> Characteristics identification = Telephony (1)
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: DLC is disconnected, requesting connection
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: DLC is awaiting connection: message queued
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:387 GET (2 => 3)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:1895 Timer T303 started
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: U0_NULL_STATE ==to==> U1_CALL_INITIATED
-- poll timeout = 5000
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Releasing message
q931 Releasing message
-- poll timeout = 4988
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Received message:
q931 <- call reference = 116.O (len 1)
q931 <- message_type = SETUP ACKNOWLEDGE (13)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:415 GET (3 => 4)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: Got SETUP ACKNOWLEDGE
q931 <- VL IE 1 ===> 24 (Channel Identification) length=(1)
q931 <- Interface id = Implicit (0)
q931 <- Interface type = Basic (0)
q931 <- Pref/Excl = Exclusive (1)
q931 <- D channel ident = Is not D channel (0)
q931 <- Coding standard = CCITT (0)
q931 <- Channels = B1
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:399 PUT (4 => 3)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:4521 Timer T303 stopped
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: No channel proposed in setup, using indicated channel
q931 visdn0[B1]: changed state from AVAILABLE to SELECTED
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:387 GET (3 => 4)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:4525 Timer T304 started
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: U1_CALL_INITIATED ==to==> U2_OVERLAP_SENDING
q931 visdn0[B1]: changed state from SELECTED to CONNECTED
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: input.c:1178 PUT (4 => 3)
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Releasing message
-- poll timeout = 999000
-- visdn_q931_connect_channel
-- Connecting streamport 000021 to chan 000002
-- visdn_q931_more_info_indication
-- poll timeout = 999000
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Received message:
q931 <- call reference = 1.I (len 1)
q931 <- message_type = SETUP (5)
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: call.c:272 GET (1 => 2)
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: Got SETUP
q931 <- SO IE 1 ===> 161 (Sending Complete) length=(1)
q931 <- VL IE 2 ===> 4 (Bearer Capability) length=(3)
q931 <- Coding Standard = CCITT (0)
q931 <- Information Transfer Capability = Speech (0)
q931 <- Transfer mode = Circuit (0)
q931 <- Information Transfer Rate = 64 kbps (16)
q931 <- User information layer 1 protocol = g.711 a-law (3)
q931 <- VL IE 3 ===> 24 (Channel Identification) length=(1)
q931 <- Interface id = Implicit (0)
q931 <- Interface type = Basic (0)
q931 <- Pref/Excl = Exclusive (1)
q931 <- D channel ident = Is not D channel (0)
q931 <- Coding standard = CCITT (0)
q931 <- Channels = B2
q931 <- VL IE 4 ===> 108 (Calling Party Number) length=(12)
q931 <- Type of number = National (2)
q931 <- Numbering plan = ISDN Telephony (1)
q931 <- Presentation indicator = Presentation allowed (0)
q931 <- Screening indicator = Network provided (3)
q931 <- Number = 6151594522
q931 <- VL IE 5 ===> 112 (Called Party Number) length=(7)
q931 <- Type of number = Subscriber (4)
q931 <- Numbering plan = ISDN Telephony (1)
q931 <- Number = 594522
q931 <- VL IE 6 ===> 125 (High Layer Compatibility) length=(2)
q931 <- Coding standard = CCITT (0)
q931 <- Characteristics identification = Telephony (1)
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: Requested channel B2 available
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: U0_NULL_STATE ==to==> U6_CALL_PRESENT
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: input.c:1178 PUT (2 => 1)
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Releasing message
-- poll timeout = 998914
-- visdn_q931_setup_indication
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: chan_visdn.c:2965 GET (1 => 2)
-- poll timeout = 998914
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: PROCEEDING-REQ
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: Sending message:
q931 -> message type: CALL PROCEEDING (2)
q931 -> VL IE 0 ===> 24 (Channel Identification) -- length 1
q931 -> Interface id = Implicit (0)
q931 -> Interface type = Basic (0)
q931 -> Pref/Excl = Exclusive (1)
q931 -> D channel ident = Is not D channel (0)
q931 -> Coding standard = CCITT (0)
q931 -> Channels = B2
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Releasing message
-- poll timeout = 998914
-- Executing NoOp("VISDN/visdn0/1.I", ""Einkommender Anruf"") in new stack
-- Executing Dial("VISDN/visdn0/1.I", "SIP/7777|20|tr") in new stack
-- Called 7777
-- visdn_indicate 3
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: ALERTING-REQ
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: Sending message:
q931 -> message type: ALERTING (1)
q931 -> VL IE 0 ===> 30 (Progress Indicator) -- length 2
q931 -> Coding standard = CCITT (0)
q931 -> Location = Private network serving remote user (5)
q931 -> Description = In-band information or appropriate pattern now availab
e (8)
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Releasing message
-- poll timeout = 998912
-- SIP/7777-164c is ringing
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Received message:
q931 <- call reference = 116.O (len 1)
q931 <- message_type = CALL PROCEEDING (2)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:415 GET (3 => 4)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: Got CALL PROCEEDING
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:399 PUT (4 => 3)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:3879 Timer T304 stopped
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: input.c:1178 PUT (3 => 2)
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Releasing message
-- poll timeout = -1
-- visdn_q931_proceeding_indication
-- poll timeout = -1
-- VISDN/visdn0/116.O is proceeding passing it to SIP/7777-2069
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Received message:
q931 <- call reference = 116.O (len 1)
q931 <- message_type = ALERTING (1)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:415 GET (2 => 3)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: Got ALERTING
q931 <- VL IE 1 ===> 28 (Facility) length=(18)
q931 <- VL IE 2 ===> 30 (Progress Indicator) length=(2)
q931 <- Coding standard = CCITT (0)
q931 <- Location = Public network serving local user (2)
q931 <- Description = In-band information or appropriate pattern now availab
e (8)
q931 <- VL IE 3 ===> 40 (Display) length=(13)
q931 <- Display = CCNR moeglich
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: input.c:1178 PUT (3 => 2)
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Releasing message
-- poll timeout = -1
-- visdn_q931_alerting_indication
-- In-band informations available
-- poll timeout = -1
-- VISDN/visdn0/116.O is ringing
-- visdn_hangup VISDN/visdn0/116.O
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: chan_visdn.c:1709 PUT (2 => 1)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: DISCONNECT-REQ
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: Sending message:
q931 -> message type: DISCONNECT (69)
q931 -> VL IE 0 ===> 8 (Cause) -- length 2
q931 -> Coding standard = CCITT (0)
q931 -> Location = Private network serving local user (1)
q931 -> Cause value = Normal call clearing (16)
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Releasing message
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:387 GET (1 => 2)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:1262 Timer T305 started
-- poll timeout = 30000
-- visdn_q931_disconnect_channel
-- poll timeout = 30000
-- visdn_hangup VISDN/visdn0/116.O DONE
== Spawn extension (default, 0594522, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/7777-2069'
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Received message:
q931 <- call reference = 1.I (len 1)
q931 <- message_type = RELEASE (77)
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: call.c:415 GET (2 => 3)
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: Got RELEASE
q931 <- VL IE 1 ===> 8 (Cause) length=(2)
q931 <- Coding standard = CCITT (0)
q931 <- Location = User (0)
q931 <- Cause value = Normal call clearing (16)
q931 visdn0[B2]: changed state from AVAILABLE to AVAILABLE
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: Sending message:
q931 -> message type: RELEASE COMPLETE (90)
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Releasing message
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: U7_CALL_RECEIVED ==to==> U0_NULL_STATE
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: call.c:367 PUT (3 => 2)
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: input.c:1178 PUT (2 => 1)
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Releasing message
-- poll timeout = 29889
-- visdn_q931_release_indication
-- poll timeout = 29889
== Spawn extension (incoming, 594522, 2) exited non-zero on 'VISDN/visdn0/1.I
-- visdn_hangup VISDN/visdn0/1.I
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: chan_visdn.c:1709 PUT (1 => 0)
q931 visdn0:CALL[1.I]: Freeing call
-- visdn_hangup VISDN/visdn0/1.I DONE
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Received message:
q931 <- call reference = 116.O (len 1)
q931 <- message_type = RELEASE (77)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:415 GET (2 => 3)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: Got RELEASE
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:399 PUT (3 => 2)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:5037 Timer T305 stopped
q931 visdn0[B1]: changed state from DISCONNECTED to AVAILABLE
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: Sending message:
q931 -> message type: RELEASE COMPLETE (90)
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Releasing message
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: U11_DISCONNECT_REQUEST ==to==> U0_NULL_STATE
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: call.c:367 PUT (2 => 1)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: input.c:1178 PUT (1 => 0)
q931 visdn0:CALL[116.O]: Freeing call
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: DLC autorelease timer started
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Releasing message
-- poll timeout = 10000
-- visdn_q931_release_indication
-- poll timeout = 10000
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: DLC autorelease timer fired
-- poll timeout = -1
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: DL-RELEASE-CONFIRM
q931 Releasing message
-- poll timeout = -1
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Received message:
q931 <- call reference = 0.I (len 0)
q931 <- message_type = FACILITY (98)
q931 visdn0:TEI[0]: Releasing message
-- poll timeout = -1