dsmod-0.2.9 mit 06.04.27, 08.04.27, 23.04.27, 25.04.27, 43.04.27, 12.04.26, 14.04.26

Hallo Oliver

vielen Dank für Deine schnelle Antwort.

Ich verwende tar (GNU tar) 1.16.1
Habe gelesen, dass tar (GNU tar) 1.15.1 bevorzugt ist.

Ich werde diese Version mal versuchen.
(Leider weiss ich noch nicht, wie ich diese installieren muss.)
Bin sehr windoof lastig.

Hat das inzwischen was ergeben? Habe dasselbe Problem: Click
Ja, es scheint tatsächlich an der tar Vesrion zu hängen.
Leider weiss ich nicht wie ich version 1.15.1 in cygwin installieren muss.

Daher habe ich es mit VMWare player und Friboli versucht und es hat geklappt!!!!!!!
Seit heute Nachmittag habe ich den DS-mod 0.2.9 auf meiner Fritzbox laufen, das Grinsen geht gar nicht mehr weg.:D

Echt super!!!!!

PS : Gibt es irgendwo eine Anleitung, wie das TAR package unter cygwin installiert (und 1.16.1 gegen 1.15.1 ausgetauscht) werden muss ? :noidea:
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Bei mir hat es nun auch bei mir geklappt - E N D L I C H :) - Verbesserungsvorschlag an danisahne: Anpassen an TAR 1.16, dann gibt's weniger Probleme
Verbesserungsvorschlag an AVM: busybox mit gescheiter TAR-Version nehmen. :mad:
Fritz!Box Fon 5050 from German to English

Hi, I have installed ds-mod ds-0.2.9 on Cygwin and I have applied the ds-0.2.9-p7.patch.bz2 on it.

When I do "make" command then I obtain the following error message:
$ make

WARNING: There are no packages selected. To install packages type
         `make menuconfig' and change to the 'Package selection' submenu.

unpacking firmware image
splitting kernel image
unpacking hidden squashfs
unpacking filesystem image
unpacking var.tar

applying patches
make: *** [firmware] Error 2

I would only need to translate the 5050 german firmware into an 5050 english firmware without mods or patches. Any idea? :confused:

Can anyone please help me?

"make menuconfig"->Advanced Options->Verbose Mode->2->"make"

Greets, Oliver
olistudent schrieb:
"make menuconfig"->Advanced Options->Verbose Mode->2->"make"

Thank you olistudent, here the output is
WARNING: There are no packages selected. To install packages type
         `make menuconfig' and change to the 'Package selection' submenu.

unpacking firmware image
splitting kernel image
unpacking hidden squashfs
  created 5 files
  created 1 directories
  created 0 symlinks
  created 0 devices
  created 0 fifos
unpacking filesystem image
  created 715 files
  created 62 directories
  created 160 symlinks
  created 0 devices
  created 0 fifos
unpacking var.tar

applying patches
  applying patches (fon_5050-de)
    patching file etc/profile
    patching file usr/bin/system_status
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.net
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.voip
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.S
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.S
    patching file etc/init.d/rc.S
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_fon.html
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_homehome.html
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2.inc
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 7.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2.inc.rej
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_internet.html
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2_system.html
make: *** [firmware] Error 2

Can you please tell me how can I get an english firmware for my FRITZ!Box Fon 5050?

Thank you for helping me :wink:
English firmware for 5050

saintofsky schrieb:
    patching file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2.inc
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 7.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file usr/www/all/html/de/menus/menu2.inc.rej

Obviously you tried ton translate something in menu2.inc, thus the patch applied to the original version fails here, because it is looking for the wrong (German) context. I suggest you take a look at the patch, determine what it changes and change it so it is correctly applied to your translated version of the file. Another way of translating the firmware would be to apply your translations as patches, too.

saintofsky schrieb:
Can you please tell me how can I get an english firmware for my FRITZ!Box Fon 5050?

Other than translating it yourself, I don't know, because I cannot find an English AVM original fw for your box. Probably none exists, I am not sure. What could help you speed up your work might be downloading an English firmware for a similar box and help yourself by copying and pasting parts of in into the 5050 firmware. You need to be careful to do that right, though.

Sounds like a lot of work. Maybe you can learn enough German to get along with the original firmware? Just kidding... ;-)

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