Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

Hello Telefonicus,

Do You, or does anyone know the following viariables for Fritz Box Fon, english version?


Best regards, Janeo
All lights blinking


I tried to convert my 7050 to English firmware and ended up with all the lights flashing :mad: and unable to login via http, telnet or ftp. Can anyone tell me how to do a hardware reset or give any other advice?

Try the recover tool you can find on the ftp server:
Try german and/or english tool if one says anything like "wrong box". Connect PC via LAN cable to LAN A of the FritzBox (best is the original red LAN cable, if you don't have it anymore try another short high quality cable). Disable firewall and anti virus software.
rhumbel schrieb:
I tried to convert my 7050 to English firmware and ended up with all the lights flashing :mad: and unable to login via http, telnet or ftp. Can anyone tell me how to do a hardware reset or give any other advice?

First try again all the procedure, and again and again very carefuly. Check where is your mistake, most probably you made it. If you wouldn't be able to find, make your variables returned to german mode as follows:

quote SETENV annex,B
quote SETENV HWRevision,76
quote SETENV ProductID,Fritz_Box_7050_AnnexB
quote SETENV firmware_version,avm
quote SETENV firmware_info,14.04.26

and try german recover for the a.m. firmware version, you will have yoyr Fritz as before.
Regards, Janeo
Janeo schrieb:

You don't need to change it manually! After the firmware update my FBFW reads:

rhumbel schrieb:
...all the lights flashing
If you already made the changes recommended in #167 in this thread start the recovery program again and let us know the output. You can mark and copy the messages.
telefonicus schrieb:
You don't need to change it manually! After the firmware update my FBFW reads:


Thanks for reply :)
What does it mean "You don't need to change it manually"? Do you mean that planning a change of "Fritz Box Fon" (FBF, not FBFW!) to english version we do not have to change those variables before?
What about HWRevision?
B.Regards, Janeo
Thanks all you guys. Running the recovery program allowed me to eventualy ftp in and change the environment variables, after which I could load the english firmware and change to Annex A.
Actually I just bought the box to run my old ISDN phone on an analouge line but now I can get rid of a Wanadoo box, D-Link wireless router and skype phone! Everything is working great!

Thanks for your expert and fast help! (next time I should try to read the whole thread before jumping in and making changes)
I have bought a German AOL Fritzboz WLAN fon 7141 for the UK. When looking at the AVM site there does not seem to be any English version of the firmware. Question for you experienced guys,

1. Will the Annex-B german formware on the 7141 work in the UK (plan to use voipstunt).
2. Is the 7141 any different from the 7140. Could i use the steps described above for 7140 to convert the 7141 to English and Annex-A?

Thanks and regards
Fritz box 7050 annex b with firmware 14.03.xx branded 1&1

I have done a lot of reading in different topics. I have seen a plenty of good information and different kind of ways to achieve Annex b to annex a, firmware upgrades and German to English conversions. Although, I'm lost in the quantity of information available….

I have a German Fritz box 7050 annex b with firmware 14.03.xx branded 1&1 which is already converted to annex a with the haveaniceday mods (and working)

Can someone make some suggestions how to:

What is the recommended firmware version? (English and German) 14.04.30 or higher seems to be a bad idea.
What is the recommended way to upgrade to the German version? Unbrand, upgrade to recommended firmware version, convert from annex b to annex a
What is the recommended way to upgrade to the English version? Unbrand, upgrade to recommended firmware version, convert from annex b to annex a

Answering in German language isn't a problem.
Fritz box 7050 annex b with firmware 14.03.xx branded 1&1

telefonicus schrieb:
14.04.26. Beware of 14.04.30 and 14.04.31!!!

see #167 in this thread

I have converted:

box 7050 annex b with firmware 14.03.85 branded 1&1 german interface


box 7050 annex a with firmware 14.04.26 english interface

For use with ADSL provider in belgium (VOIP=

Instuction from telefonicus (thread #167) are perfect. Thanks :rosen:
I have tied to change menu language from German to English on my Fritzbox 7050 AnnexB, and now got the following error:
..Checking flash area (mdt1)
Could not check the partition mdt1!

I have tried to recover image on my 2 computers many, many times but always with the same error. When I tried to come back to German language I got massage that firmware is incompatible. Any suggestion?
I have heard that I should try other recover-image, but on the avm server is only last one fritz.box_fon_wlan_7050.en.04.26.recover-image.exe. Maybe some of you know where I can found e.g fritz.box_fon_wlan_7050.en.04.20.recover-image.exe AnnexB?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Which firmware version has actually been installed and with which one did you try to recover?
I have had a German firmware Version 14.04.31 and have tried to recover with fritz.box_fon_wlan_7050.en.04.26.recover-image.exe
If you have a firmware version 14.04.30 or higher installed you cannot recover with a recover version smaller than 14.04.30. Flash area layout has been changed so these versions are incompatible.
What I have to do now. Is my fritzbox broken or car I rescue it?

you cannot downgrade. That`s the problem. Maybe in a month or later?
Sorry for this bad news.
You can only try recover versions 14.04.30 (which is deprecated) or 14.04.31. But there is no english version of these.
Thank you. I am back on German 14.04.31 and waiting for the new English 14.04.3x
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