Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

Henrique schrieb:
o cabo está desligado ou no hardware suported.

"The cable is unplugged or in the hardware supported"? What was your exact error message in English?

I understand a little Spanish if that is easier for you. Would you mind to describe your problem in spanish and I'll try to translate it for the forum.
Hello Telefonicus

Henrique explain to me that after the *.tar ( annexB to annexA modification) his box ADSL do not sincronize. Box shows the error message " The cable is unplugged or no hardware supported".
I will try to ask him exactly wich steps he take and files to post here for you, as he don´t speak good english, and no german at all.
fritz 7050 cable not coneted

telefonicus schrieb:
"The cable is unplugged or in the hardware supported"? What was your exact error message in English?

I understand a little Spanish if that is easier for you. Would you mind to describe your problem in spanish and I'll try to translate it for the forum.
oi telefonicus, here you are the telnet results at my fritz box.
Frtiz version 7050 14.04.01
original annex B
after uplaod fritz_als_avm_annex_A_new.tar in the DSL-Information look annex A
Power blinking , not signal ADSL - cable not coneted.
Thats all
2002-09-08 14:00:58 unknown: FactoryDefault=/etc/default/avm/ar7.cfg (ar7)
2002-09-08 14:00:59 unknown: load_config(ar7): factory default loaded

BusyBox v1.00-pre3 (2005.11.04-09:38+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

ermittle die aktuelle TTY
tty is "/dev/pts/0"
Console Ausgaben auf dieses Terminal umgelenkt

# Sep 8 14:01:16 multid[373]: failed to send UDP-datagram to 192.
168.180.1:53 - Network is unreachable (128)
Sep 8 14:01:17 multid[373]: failed to send UDP-datagram to 192.16
8.180.1:53 - Network is unreachable (128)
Sep 8 14:01:17 multid[373]: failed to send UDP-datagram to 192.16
8.180.2:53 - Network is unreachable (128)
Sep 8 14:01:18 multid[373]: failed to send UDP-datagram to 192.16
8.180.1:53 - Network is unreachable (128)
Sep 8 14:01:18 multid[373]: failed to send UDP-datagram to 192.16
8.180.2:53 - Network is unreachable (128)
Sep 8 14:01:20 multid[373]: failed to send UDP-datagram to 192.16
8.180.1:53 - Network is unreachable (128)
Sep 8 14:01:20 multid[373]: failed to send UDP-datagram to 192.16
8.180.2:53 - Network is unreachable (128)
Sep 8 14:01:24 multid[373]: failed to send UDP-datagram to 192.16
8.180.1:53 - Network is unreachable (128)
Sep 8 14:01:24 multid[373]: failed to send UDP-datagram to 192.16
8.180.2:53 - Network is unreachable (128)
in to the DSL_Information in Fritz Box we are DSL Line Type HO
Annex A
The type of line can make a diference or not?
No signal DSL
Power Blinking
fritz box 7050

opensoft schrieb:
Hello everybody,

this is my first message to this great forum, and I am sorry it can only be in English as I do not speak German.

Fritz!box Fon Wlan is a wonderful piece of hardware but it is hardly known (and thus distributed) outside Germany.

For this reason, if you live outside Germany, it is quite common to buy this device on e-Bay, and this is what I did.

Unfortunately, chances are that the Fritz!box just cannot work out of the box and a number of interventions are necessary.

This article is intended for helping the non German speaking persons (like me, unfortunately), to have their beloved Fritz working outside of Germany.

This information is based on my understanding of the articles on this forum and hands-on experience in turning my great unusable Fritz!box into a great working Fritz!box.

No need to say that modifying the box voids the manufacturer warranty. Only use these instructions:

- if, after reading these notes, you feel confident with your understanding
- if, as it was my case, you do not see any other use for your unusable box (that is, you have nothing to lose)

This post does not explain anything that is not already explained / found out on this forum. Its only purpose is to expose the subject in english and, possibly, join all the necessary information in one place.

Before I start, I must mention that I asked the manufacturer for information on:

1 whether the box in my possession was ISDN or POTS (analogue)
2 whether it would be possible to convert it from ISDN to POTS
3 whether it would be possible to load an english language firmware on the box

I can post my message and the answer I got if this is of interest to anyone, but basically the answers were:

1 as it is built for the German market, it is ISDN
2 it is impossible to convert it to POTS
3 it is impossible to load a firmware in English

The guy from the support ended making little fun of me concerning point 3 - he said this could be an opportunity for me to improve my German.

Indeed I would love to speak German, to be able to read all the interesting threads of this forum!

After this long introduction, let's come to the technical part of my post.

The first problem to the non German fresh buyer of Fritz on e-Bay is that the box will not synchronise the DSL line.

This is because, as far as I understood, in Germany THE ENTIRE TELEPHONE INFRASTRUCTURE is ISDN!

In the rest of Europe we have POTS as a standard, and when we buy a generic modem it complies with the POTS analogue standard. When we want an ISDN modem, we specify that it has to be ISDN because this is an exception to the rule.

As opposite, in Germany, ISDN is the standard, and it is so normal to have ISDN that many Germans do not even realize that they have ISDN instead of POTS.

Nowhere in my Fritz!Box package (router + packing + manual + stickers) I found an indication of its standard. The web site was of limited help because it just stated that the product is "Annex A" (analog) or "Annex B" (ISDN) depending on the model, but it gave no clue on how to make the distinction. This basic fact gave me the impression that the difference between the "Annex A" and the "Annex B" model had to be in the software.


So how do you get the verdict? If your box does not synchronise, you can check whether it is "Annex A" or "Annex B" using the web interface and checking the picture in "Internet" -> "DSL-Informationen".

On the bottom of the picture you will quite certainly find out that the device is "Annex B" (ISDN) like every piece sold in Germany.

At this point you are probably thinking that you bought the wrong hardware.

OK, this is where we have to forget what the manufacturer says and we have to rely on the friends of the community.

Before we go on, I want to draw your attention on what is inside the tiny red box.

The Fritz!Box is a Linux based device, and as such it provides a set of standard tools to those that are familiar with Unix.

If you have never worked with Linux, you might perhaps ask a Linux enthusiast friend to come and help. He will find this procedure very simple.

The conversion of the Germany targeted box into an international targeted box requires access to the command line.

This is achieved using telnet, that has to be activated using the following sequence on a telephone connected to a "FON" port:


To deactivate telnet:


It is good practice to deactivate telnet when it is not needed.

For the transition from "ANNEX B" to "ANNEX A" it is not necessary to use telnet, but to start getting familiar with the beast I suggest opening a little "explorative" connection, for instance opening a dos box and typing:


or whatever the IP address of your Fritz is.

Once a telnet connection to the box is active, a number of standard Unix commands are available. For instance, the command:


displays the environment variables and is a nice start to check the values of variables like "Country" or "ANNEX".

The transformation from "ANNEX B" to "ANNEX A" is actually a change to the value of one of these variables.

On this forum, there are some nice "scripts" to perform the transition at:

(thank you haveaniceday, I owe you everything!)

Basically, you have to pick the relevant file for you and send it to the router like you would do for a firmware update.

As I am assuming that you bought a German equipment with web interface in German and ISDN (ANNEX B), the right file is:


in the file name, avm stands for the standard german version (as opposed to avme for english language equipment) and "ANNEX A" refers to the effect of running the script, that is setting the equipment to work with analog "ANNEX A" standard.

To install the script, open Fritz! web interface and choose "System" > "Firmware Update"

Click on Browse, pick fritz_als_avm_annex_A_new.tar, press upload.

** IMPORTANT ** The file must be uploaded AS IS, without decompressing it.

You will see the "Info Led" blinking and a message recommending to wait a few minutes on the screen.

At the end of the process the router reboots and you have a router usable with a POTS (analog) line!!

To confirm, open the web interface, "Internet" -> "DSL-Informationen", and you should see that your box is "ANNEX A". If you have the DSL cord plugged, you router has already started synchronising!!

How easy is this? THANK YOU HAVEANICEDAY!!


If you are afraid of harming your Fritz!box now that it is finally usable or you just don't have any interest in changing the language (because you are a german living abroad, for instance), then you can stop reading here.


Still there? Then take a pause, as this is where it gets a bit tougher.

Unfortunately, downloading the English firmware from the manufacturer website is not enough. If you try to install the international (english) firmware, you get an error.

When the firmware is uploaded to the box, there are checks that are performed to make sure the new firmware is appropriate for the box. As your box is German (avm), the English (avme) firmware installation fails.

To overcome this problem, you have to make very few changes to the firmware.

The firmware comes as a standard tar file, and with any flavor of Unix it can be expanded, modified and compacted again.

As soon as the firmware is sent to the box, a script is run to perform some checks and eventually install the firmware. We need to slightly change this script.

Untar the firmware in a directory, i.e. patch:

mkdir patch
cd patch
tar xvf ../firmware.image

you get a ./var directory containing, among other stuff, a script called "install"

edit the script:

vi ./var/install

and locate the platform check. Where the script checks for the string "avme" (in the list of accepted installtypes) modify "avme" in "avm", so that the script will go on if the OEM string found is "avm" (what you have).

There are two such checks, one for "Annex A" and one for "Annex B". To be on the safe side, just modify both occurrences of
"avme" in "avm".

When the install script is patched, just create the tar file again:
cd patch
tar cvf patched.image ./var

and check that the newly created tar file has the same structure than the original one. More specifically, make sure that the contents of the tar file start with a trailing slash:

tar tvf patched.image

The file should have its contents with the relative path ./var/ and not just var or /var. (Actually I am not sure about the importance of this detail, but the original firmware features the ./).

The "patched" firmware image is ready to be uploaded to the box using the web interface.

*** IMPORTANT - Please read further on before actually uploading the patched image ***

The sending of the patched image should work like a charm, but when the router will reboot.... it will not be the end of the story.

Please do not panic when you will notice that the web interface is not working anymore. It is just part of the job, and there is an explanation for everything.

To solve and understand the problem we have to connect using telnet (see above).

With an established telnet connection, go to the var directory on the Fritz!Box:

cd /var
ls -l

you will see that there is a link called “html” pointing to /usr/www/avm/en

This link points to a non coherent (and non existing) hybrid, as we learned by now that "avm" stands for the German version and "en" stands for English...

To repair the web interface we just rename this defective link and we create the correct one:

mv html html.orig
ln -s /usr/www/avme/en html

Then we restart the webserver:

killall websrv

and voilà, the English web interface is alive, as you can check with your browser.

At this time, the best use we can make of the web interface is to upload another great contribution from HAVEANICEDAY: the script:


again from:

and, if at the consequent reboot we still lack the web interface, we manually correct the html link and restart the webserver as explained above.

The final step is uploading the english firmware as downloaded from the manufacturer web site to the box, so that we make sure that everything is as it should be.

This is all: after following these instructions, your box should be as great and useful as mine.

Just a few final words. When I modified my Fritz!Box Fon Wlan I was working in "nothing to lose" mode. I did not take any notes, this is why I tried here to pass the idea more than the specific commands.

I decided to spend a few hours of my time writing this paper hoping that someone I don’t know could find it useful because I believe in the sharing of the information. I "recycled" a box that was of no possible use to me thanks to the posts I found on this forum, and I wanted to make the information accessible to the English speaking.

I was very disappointed by the manufacturer answer to my questions. Fritz!Box Fon Wlan is a fantastic product, deeply based on open source solutions. In embedding open source software in their commercial products for profit, I think the manufacturers should also commit to "openness" to their customers. After all, if I threw my Fritz!Box Fon Wlan in a trash bin (as they almost suggested), it would have certainly not been to buy another one.

Please do not hesitate to send your feedback, corrections and opinions.


Without belive to contradict yours post, I have to relate that with my
Fritz Box, it did not result in the totality, therefore it really was
converted of Attached B for A , however it continues without ADSL signal, simply does not synchronize. compliments
telefonicus schrieb:
I did it this way:

Connect your PC to the Fritzbox via the Ethernet (LAN cable) and set the IP address of your PC to 192.168.178.XXX, the IP mask to and the IP interface to (if it doesn't work after several trials try

*Make sure your LAN adapter has a fixed IP address, e.g.
*Disable any IP-filtering or firewall
*Diasble any other LAN adapters
*Make sure you are accessing the LAN directly (not through an application software)

On your Windows XP PC open the "network connections" folder in one window and a "COMMAND" console ("DOS window") in another window. Enter the following instruction in the COMMAND console (do not press ENTER, just hold this comand line ready):


Now plug in the power supply and watch the network adapter status to change from "network cable removed" to "connection established" (3-4 seconds). That is exactly the time, when the ENTER key must be pressed.

Try and watch this change a few times before you press ENTER so you get a feeling for the time it takes. You may as well watch the LAN adapter symbol in the in the taskbar. This works with most WindowsXP installations but not with all.

If the Fritzbox does not react on the ftp command enter CTRL-C to cancel it and re-try the above with If this doesn't work enter the "arp -d" command to clear the MAC table before starting ftp. Also, setting your LAN adapter to 10 Mbit/s Half Duplex may be a good idea (AVM recommends it). Repeat this a few times - use the arrow-up key to repeat command lines.

If you see the FTP login prompt enter "adam2" as user and password.

220 ADAM2 FTP Server ready.

530 Please login with USER and PASS.
USER adam2
331 Password required for adam2.
PASS adam2
230 User adam2 successfully logged in.

Now enter the following commands:

quote SETENV annex,A
quote SETENV HWRevision,77
quote SETENV ProductID,Fritz_Box_7050_AnnexA
quote SETENV firmware_version,avme
quote SETENV firmware_info,14.04.20

Changing to Annex B would be respectively:
quote SETENV annex,B
quote SETENV HWRevision,76
quote SETENV ProductID,Fritz_Box_7050_AnnexB
quote SETENV firmware_version,avme
quote SETENV firmware_info,14.04.15

You can copy and paste all 4 lines at once (you can even include the login sequence and the bye command). Use the right-hand mouse button to paste.

Enter "bye" when you're done.

Now run the recovery program, e.g. from AVM (if it's no longer there ask me) and follow the instructions.

If anything goes wrong just repeat it (up to 10 times).

AVM recommends to use the red LAN cable for firmware updates/recoveries as it is quite short (and shielded).

Have fun!

(updated 24.11.2006)
It is possible to do it with 7141?
Without belive to contradict yours post, I have to relate that with my
Fritz Box, it did not result in the totality, therefore it really was
converted of Attached B for A , however it continues without ADSL signal, simply does not synchronize. compliments

It is possible to change the 7140 to annex a with the fritz_as_avm_annex_a_kernel_args and the firmware 7140.30.04.12

But in my case the modem also won't make a connection with internet??????

With the firmware FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7140.30.04.04 to annex a there is a connextion but a lot of reconnects.

Maybe there is a 7140 firmware which works well for annex a??????????
Henrique schrieb:
Without belive to contradict yours post, I have to relate that with my
Fritz Box, it did not result in the totality, therefore it really was
converted of Attached B for A , however it continues without ADSL signal, simply does not synchronize. compliments

If the conversion worked and you can see the web interface and work with it please consider a hardware problem. How do you connect to the ADSL line? Can you send us a scheme or photographs of your wiring (connectors,cables/adapter/splitter/microfilters)?
telefonicus schrieb:
If the conversion worked and you can see the web interface and work with it please consider a hardware problem. How do you connect to the ADSL line? Can you send us a scheme or photographs of your wiring (connectors,cables/adapter/splitter/microfilters)?
Yes web interface functions well!I,m also tried another
converted Fritz for Annex A also without converted, the
result isthe same.Respectived to the linkings, already I tried
several and some handles, with microfilter and without
microfilter, but everything this without any results. the
certainty is that it must have signal with any handle since
central offices are the two pines that make the linking of
ADSL 2,3 in RJ11. I go to try to revert box German and to try
another time again. lengths Note: the certainty is that my
ADSL with my ICEDATA500 functions in the perfection!
Guys, what about 7141? Is it the same like 7140?

I can buy new ADSL modem, but i need to convert to English interface... Is it possible?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
problem sincronization Fritz 7050

Hardware: FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7050 (Annex A)
Bootstrap: 97
Firmware: 14.04.20
Flash area (mtd2)
Deleting flash area (mtd2)
Restoring flash area (mtd2)
One system found! - Detecting the current version.
Version successfully detected!
Hardware: FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7050 (Annex A)
Bootstrap: 99
Firmware: 14.04.20
Flash area (mtd1)
Deleting flash area (mtd1)
Restoring flash area (mtd1)
Checking flash area (mtd1)
Flash area (mtd0)
Deleting flash area (mtd0)
Restoring flash area (mtd0)
Checking flash area (mtd0)
Flash area (mtd3)
Deleting flash area (mtd3)
Restoring flash area (mtd3)
Flash area (mtd4)
Deleting flash area (mtd4)
Restoring flash area (mtd4)
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7050 (Annex A) recovered successfully!

whats do you mind?
What do you thinks on this, the red? When I transform da Fritz Box for Annex B,the Box tries to synchronize, when I transform for Annex A, the Box does
not react. the signal to power is in any of the cases to blink.
Fritz 7050 problem sincronization

See screenshots


  • Doc4.doc
    430 KB · Aufrufe: 407

At last to me have brought FBF7050 from Germany. This device 1und1 blackbox with the article 20002306 (Annex B, ISDN). Converted it in international Annex A on a method telefonicus in the message 167. You are right! It works. Moreover, I have an opportunity and I checked all over again before converting on a line with Annex B, and then after converting on POTS lines with Annex A. I tested Annex A on DSLAM manufactures Huawei (speed was 318 up/1100down, report ADSL2 + hmm... :confused: ) and DSLAM manufactures Coresses (accordingly 830 / 8050, report ADSL2 :D ). Today I gather to test already at home, with a real line and later I shall inform result.
On page "Overview" there is an information about changed firmware, which is not supported by the manufacturer how to clean this message I has not understood.

Thanx a lot!!! :p

And now text for russian-speak people with some technical feature.
Народ! Это просто круто! Покупается на устройство наподобие Fritz Box Fon WLAN 7050 и, если у вас дома есть ADSL, получаете всю прелесть этого комбайна, а именно:
- поддержка ADSL2+
- 1 порт FXO чтобы подключить телефонную линию
- 2(3?) FXS , чтобы подключить один или 2 телефонных аппарата
- встроенный SIP клиент
- 2 LAN порта, для компа и еще чего-нибудь
- 1 USB
- WLAN антенка для организации беспроводной сети по квартире с возможностью выхода в инет естественно.

Телефон программируется так, что можно звонить на определенные направления по обычной связи (например местные звонки) и через IP по протоколу SIP. Хотите или еще что-нить. Читал тут на форуме, что в International версии есть поддержка кодеков g.726 и g.729, когда раскопаю, напишу отдельно.
Основная сложность в том, что в Германии используется практически везде ISDN, для россиян может даже и незнакомая аббревиатура, для простоты можно назвать его уплотнением, когда по одной линии организовано 2 канала по 64кбит/сек. С АТС приходит домой такая линия, дальше ставится сетевое окончание, а к нему уже цепляеются ISDN-телефоны или модемы или мини-АТС, важно, что нельзя заставить работать обычный аналоговый телефон (с кнопками - тоже аналоговый) подключив его вместо сетевого окончания. В России ISDN не приобрел практически никакого распространения, в силу ряда причин, и как в остальной Европе мы имеем аналоговые линии, которые часто называют аббревиатурой POTS. Технология ADSL позволяет работать как на линиях ISDN, так и на POTS. Информации много по этой теме, на русском можно почитать, например, здесь Хочу отметить одну вещь, откуда все же в России появляется возможность иметь линию с Annex B, когда кругом простые аналоговые линии. Дело в том, что у нас распространены охранные системы, которые также работают поверх телефонной линии и, оказывается, их частотный диапазон соответствует ISDN, поэтому, если вам нужен "быстрый" интернет через ADSL, но у вас линия используется еще и для охраны, то провайдер может вам предложить купить модем с поддержкой Annex B и есть большая вероятность, что все это будет работать. В этом случае, купив, например, FBFW 7050 в Германии вам захочется всего-лишь поменять интерфейс на international

Пока все.
darbid schrieb:
I paid 60 euro for mine about 2 months ago plus sending costs. Yes you will get it to english. Yes it it possible that it will work with Annex A.

Yes this works too but for this you will not need to change the Annex.

ADSL works for me with Annex A. A new english firmware came out recently which gave the bbox better ability with ADSL2+ I could not get this firmware onto the box as yet. With out this firmware the box will still work with ADSL2+ but you might not get anything more than about 3meg downstream.

I will post a new thread shortly (prob this weekend for english people) which should have most of your questions answered.
Isn't one of the reasons to convert to Annex A to use the G729 codec too.

Researching the topic for a friend that is very interested in the features of:
(I must say that I get temped too the more I read around here)

FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7050

and / or
(which one of the "FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN" does it actually compare to featurewise?? )



PS: Great work you guys do with all the Annex A/B stuff :)
YEP schrieb:
Isn't one of the reasons to convert to Annex A to use the G729 codec too.

You are getting a few standards of the ITU mixed up here. There is a DSL standard for receiving the internet. Two additions to this standard or two variants are Annex A and Annex B. Many countries in the world use Annex A but Germany uses Annex B. I do not know why Germany is different but I think it has to do with the telephone lines that were laid in Germany but I really have no idea.

Another standard of the ITU is the method in which your speech is compressed, to be sent through the wires and then decompressed at the other end in order for the other person to hear you (G.729 is a codec). One of these standards is G.729, others are for example G.711 and 723.

So g.729 has nothing whatsoever to do with Annex A DSL. I could use G.729 to compress music or for a normal telephone as well, if Deutsche Telekom supported it.

YEP schrieb:
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7050
and / or
(which one of the "FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN" does it actually compare to featurewise?? ):)
Sorry I have no idea. BUt remember the main difference with these is that the 7050 is a box with modem, router, wlan and voip in it. You get to choose what kind of telephone device you add to the box The second is a DECT telephone as well so make sure that this type of telephone is suitable for your country.

Guys just one thing, would it be possible that threads like this one speak the internationally recognized language ENGLISH, so that everyone can understand and share. If you are not a native english speaker, have a go at English, or even have a go at German in the German threads.
Sorry if I mixed things up a little heavy above but digging/readin about the topic Annex A to Annex B all weekend

OK let me see if I get this right !!

The existance/option of using the G.729 codec is not a matter of hardware but "only" a question of firmware or a mix of both?? Does this apply for all of these 7050 / 7140 / 7141 & 7150 ??

As I understand from my searching online there's no similar process yet for the 7140/7141/7150 routers - is that correct (well looks like it's in late Beta stages elsewhere on this site at least - correct me if I'm wrong)

I look forward to your replies

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