Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

if you can telnet, can't you change the firmware_info variable?

Or load and run this little script?

#! /bin/sh

# Sicherheitsabfrage
if [ -f /var/tmp/version ]
exit 6 # undefinierter Fehler

# downgrade mod
sed 's/\(FIRMWARE_VERSION=${CONFIG_VERSION_MAJOR}\)\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+/\1.01.01/' /etc/version > /var/tmp/version
chmod +x /var/tmp/version
mount -o bind /var/tmp/version /etc/version

# Fertig
exit 0 # kein Neustart!

(Thanks to H.A.N.D.!)

Or perform the change manually.
Telefonicus thank you so much! As a last resort, I managed to get an FTP connection using Total Commander - without any problem. I entered your firmware downgrade line (a comma should be added).
Now I still need to find a recovery firmware that will accept this setting. The English one will not (fritz.box_fon.annexa.en.04.01.recover-image)... still trying.
Stuck again..:confused:
The [fritz.box_fon.en.04.01.recover-image.exe] accepted my FBF (FW now "downgraded" to 06.04.15)
However during the FW recovery I got the error message:
Couldn't recover partition mtd2! Winerror 10060.
I stop for today, suggestions welcome.
Rebstart your PC and try again. And again and again. One fellow reported he had to try 12 times.

The recover.exe method (recover -f your_new_firmware.image) sometimes works better.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Thanks! got it working! :rock: The FBF is now on 6.04.20 english annex a. After the recovery I had to do the script fritz_als_annex_b before it would accept a FW upgrade, then I upgraded to the latest firmware and changed the annex to A using the famous script.
Now it's time to setup & try the device!
telefonicus schrieb:

220 ADAM2 FTP Server ready.

530 Please login with USER and PASS.
USER adam2
331 Password required for adam2.
PASS adam2
230 User adam2 successfully logged in.

Now enter the following commands:

quote SETENV annex,A
quote SETENV HWRevision,77
quote SETENV ProductID,Fritz_Box_7050_AnnexA
quote SETENV firmware_version,avme


Does anybody know the procedure for a Fritz!Box Fon WLAN, Which I want to convert to Annex A? When I read the text above, I guess that at least "HWRevision" and "ProductID" have to be other values than for a 7050...
quote SETENV annex,A
quote SETENV HWRevision,66
quote SETENV ProductID,Fritz_Box_WLAN
quote SETENV firmware_version,avme


recover -f fritz.box_fon_wlan.annexa.en.08.04.21.image
Thanks telefonicus!

When I tried to ftp the box, I couldn't get the login prompt. I disabled anti-virus and firewall, filled in the IP adresses at the "properties for Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)"- menu, connected with LAN, shut down Fritz!DSL start Center and tried at least 25 times to get the ADAM2 Loader. No response, only:

>ftp: verbinding maken met: onbekend foutnummer

Ok, it's Dutch ;-) it's means as much as:

>ftp: establish connection with: unknown fault number

Then, as Wortelsok wrote, I downloaded Total Commander, but I don't know how to connect in that case and to change the variables.

Am I doing something wrong?
Chris27 schrieb:
>ftp: verbinding maken met: onbekend foutnummer

arp -d might help.

set your LAN card to 10Mps half duplex

also, try

restart your computer and try again

or try another computer

Good luck!
Maybe it's because of the time (I'm already trying 10 hours right now) but I guess I mess up with the IP addresses. I see (I can reach the box with this IP, (?), (IP address of LAN adapter), (annex_ptest_host value (?)), (can also reach the box with this IP via telnet). At the properties screen from my LAN-adapter, I can see three fields in which I can fill in some addresses. First: IP adress: (I filled in
Second: Subnet mask: (I filled in
Third: Standard gateway: (I filled in and later

I changed the LAN card setting to 10 Mbps Half duplex. No succes till now. I think I'll try another PC. I do have an antique Windows 98SE PC. Will that work?
Your IP settings look OK. or is defined by the my_ipaddress variable.

If you try a recovery program the address is displayed. Did you try a recovery? In what state or condition is your box at all?
It's in a working condition, 2000 1666, now Annex A, firmware 08.04.15
I can only ping (not

I have tried Sirkubax' method (recovery file with English firmware), but it didn't work out. Also, your way of converting looks a little bit safer to me...

I haven't tried a recovery file with German firmware yet. I read the recover.exe file is sometimes better to use, but it is not on my CD...
How to do an FTP connection to the FB using Total Commander?

1. Click the URL button or choose "FTP new connection" from the menu
2. Type (or paste) the server address,; switch on the FB, wait until connect, Click OK.
3. You will be asked for user name and password: "adam2"
4. You are now connected to the FB

Paste the relevant Linux commands directly on the command line in Total Commander. You will see the reply from FB in a popup screen.

5. To terminate the connection, click on "Disconnect" in the FTP toolbar
6. You can save the connection, so you can use it later with the FTP button
Again I've tried to connect. No show anyway. Then I put al my hope on Total Commander, but I couldn't get a connection either... I've also started Windows XP in safe mode so there were no unuseful programs loaded, but nothing happened.

What should I do now? Recover to a (which?) German file and try again or do I have more choice to borrow an other pc or network adapter and try?

edit: just tried an other pc and an other network adapter in my own pc. Also this didn't work out...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hello Chris,

I had the same problem. It seems that the ethernet card has to be in a particular state. I succeded with an old PC with win2000. One way I managed to make it work was to first start the recover tool from AVM. This tool disables autosenssing on the card. Then as described above, put manually to 10MB half duplex.

Then try ftp. What I had to do is
write ftp command in a command shell (no return yet=
turn on fritz
press return
quickly, if you dont have the prompt, press control C, up arrow to find the last command and press return etc... until you get the prompt.

What you can also do is try the recover.exe app and/or the AVM recovery tool just to see if your PC sees the fritz box.
For curiosity, how dit Total Commander fail?
For me it is the only way I can at least start to setup an FTP session. I think you should define an FTP session first, but it will ask for a "root directory" and not continue the logon. Suggestion what to fill in there?


  • TC FTP.jpg
    TC FTP.jpg
    73.9 KB · Aufrufe: 66
I refuse to give up! But when I type:

c:\>recover -f fritz.box_fon_wlan.08.04.15.image

I get the messages:

recover: Firmware von fritz.box_fon_wlan.08.04.15.image geladen
recover: Suche Fritz!Box ...
recover: Keine Fritz!Box gefunden
recover: error = 1

PC does not see the box...
My FBF is running well. I have one remaining problem: the status window says:
The modifications to your FRITZ!Box are not supported by the manufacturer
I cannot recover the FBF using the "Annex-A" recovery tool, so I need to use the "Annex-B". Then I can only upgrade to the latest "Annex-B" firmware and then apply the "Fritz_als_annex_a_new.tar" script. With the above result, which is not really bad but I like to have a "real" annex-A box.

There is a procedure somewhere on the forum, using a telnet session and changing the settings in "debug.cfg" but that didn't work with my (english?) verison.
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