Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

... thus my question and doubts about using the reset button ...
It seems you did not yet reset your Barricade router. I understand your doubts about loosing the configuration parameters. But the only unique ones, as far as I see, are the user name and password given from your DSL provider. All the others parameters should be standard and you should be able to set them correctly.
So you should ask your provider about DSL user name and password, if you don't know them. Afterwards you can reset the Barricade and configure it correctly.

Other option: If you have access to an other router, you may experiment with it and let the Barricade at it is ...

And how about setting the FB to AnnexA? Are you really shure that it doesn't work? If it does, you don't need any other modem/router. And it must work, if you setted your FB correctly to AnnexA and if the ADSL signal strength is strong enough.
Perhaps you should go back and put some more effort into this option. Try again to connect the FB directly to the DSL line. Use the aids at the "Internet" menue of the FB to see the progress of connection trials. And carefully look to what imagomundi told you about the ATM-parameters VPI and VCI in Belgium. Does the FB show "Annex A" in internet connection?

Let me know about your progress ...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
# 688 doesn't say anything about what you tried - I had read all your comments before and am still not convinced that your box really realized an annex change from B to A. el_valiente seems to share this doubt.
My 7270 doesn't show any annex information on the "dsl information" page of the menue where and how all the other boxes do. (3270 basically is the same box as the 7270)

So you should first make sure that your annex change was successful - the easiest way is a support data archive. You can produce this typing into your browser "". ONLY connect the 3270 to your PC - no barricade or another equipment. You can open this "txt"- document using wordpad or notepad - on line 5 or 6 you will find "kernel_args annex = A" (in case the change was done) or B (in case the box still is on B)". Without being doubtless sure that your box has done the annex change all the following conclusions basing on this fact remain in doubt either.

My latest experience concerning this: I have tried since several weeks to connect a friend with a FRITZ directly to DSL. No success with no box (5050, 7050, 7170, 7150) - it was just yesterday that I tried a 7270 and to my BIG surprise this one connected! I had believed that poor dsl line quality was the reason that all the other ones could not get connected and thus never thought that it would just be the 7270 that would connect.
After this I connected all the boxes of my collection to my own line and again it was by far just the 7270 that managed to register the best data that indicate signal quality (Signal/Rauschabstand and Leitungsdämpfung). My conclusion: The modem of the 7270 is far better than the modems used by AVM in the other models. I would draw this conclusion also for the 3270. So give us first a reliable information (support data) that your box really changed annex to A and working on this mode cannot connect to DSL. Also register manually VPI and VCI data.
... I tried a 7270 and to my BIG surprise this one connected!
Very interesting! As soon as possible I will try to check if the better connectivity of the 7270 (3270) is due to a better modem or to an improved DSL firmware.

I agree with imagomundi's comments: Check carefully if your 3270 was correctly setted to AnnexA. Add a screenshot of the error info, if the connection to DSL still fails.

Good luck
I answer both el_valiente and imagomundi
So you should first make sure that your annex change was successful - the easiest way is a support data archive. You can produce this typing into your browser "". ONLY connect the 3270 to your PC - no barricade or another equipment."

Check carefully if your 3270 was correctly settled to Annex A. Add a screenshot of the error info, if the connection to DSL still fails."
Well, thinking about it, I wonder if I tried in the correct conditions.
Shall I do it with the DSL connected, or not ?
Once I have the answer, I shall repeat the Annex A correction, try and get the support data archive, and report.
But, if this Annex A correction is not successful, "ONLY connect the 3270 to your PC - no barricade or another equipment" won't work, I guess
... "". ONLY connect the 3270 to your PC - no barricade or another equipment

What imagomundi means, is: Typing "" into your browser you will obtain a file called "support.txt" which contains the information if your FB3270 is settled to Annex A. To obtain this file you need only the PC and the FB - no more equipment. Post the support file here at the forum.

Shall I do it with the DSL connected, or not ?

Obviously, to check the synchronisation with DSL, the FB must be connected to DSL! Connect the FB AnnexA directly to the DSL Line (no Barricade in between!), using either the Fritz Y-cable or a standard LAN / Ethernet cable.
Correct configuration of FB AnnexA:
- set FB to "Internetzugang über DSL"
- set FB to "Internetverbindung selbst aufbauen (NAT-Router mit PPPoE oder IP)"
- set FB to "Zugangsdaten werden benötigt (PPPoE)"
- type in "user name" and "password" as given by your DSL-provider
- manually set VPI = 8 and VCI = 35

Try it - it should work! In case of error: post the error message.
"To obtain this file you need only the PC and the FB"

Well, I tried, but as the FB does not connect, it failed...

The connexion failed, but I just saw that I missed one detail:
manually set VPI = 8 and VCI = 35
Where do I find these parameters?
I just did what I recommended to you: ONLY connect FRITZ ( in my case a 5050 in my office) to PC - no dsl or anything else - I typed into the browser adress line "", and entered in the opening window "support daten erstellen" - opened this "support.txt" file with wordpad and here is the result:

Support Data
Sat Jan 1 00:02:00 UTC 2000
HWRevision 72
ProductID Fritz_Box_FON_2
SerialNumber 0000000000000000
annex B
autoload yes
bootloaderVersion 1.203
bootserport tty0
bluetooth 00:04:0E:FF:FF:07
cpufrequency 150000000
firstfreeaddress 0x946B1D78
firmware_version avm
firmware_info 12.04.31
flashsize 0x00400000
kernel_args annex=A

So I really don't understand what you are doing. For VPI / VCI go to "Einstellungen-System-Internet-Zugangsdaten-Verbindungsdaten" (you understand German) "Expert mode" in "system" must be on as well as on the INTERNET "internet über dsl"
Got it !!!! Sorry, slow brain !!!
Well, the result is
Mon Sep 15 20:42:50 CEST 2008
HWRevision 137
ProductID Fritz_Box_3270
SerialNumber 0000000000000000
annex B
autoload yes
bootloaderVersion 1.467
bootserport tty0
cpufrequency 360000000
firstfreeaddress 0x946BD71C
firmware_version avm
firmware_info 67.04.57
flashsize 0x01000000
jffs2_size 132
kernel_args annex=A

Need the following data?
With this we can be sure that your box modem has done the switch to annex a. Now try to register VPI and VCI data as proposed, make a screenshot of the box's interface menu "internet" and show it here.
I have finally found and modified VPI / VCI (they are hidden behind "Experten etwas", I have lost the exact wording ...).
So everything should be OK.
However, one detail is wrong: when I add the address of the Internet Access Provider, I also have to write my password, a seven digits code.
But after "Übernehmen", the FB automatically reduces it to four digits.
And I am still without DSL, line or wifi.
Zum verrückt werden !
The secret is on "internet einstellungen". As far as I could find information BELGACOM uses PPPoA protocol for encapsulation. So mark below the VPI/VCI data "PPPoA/vcmux" and try again.
I have done it, but the password remains at 4 digits ...
no dsl-sync?
Even if you are unable to logon the router should be able to show you at what speed your are able to connect to your ADSL.

If not - you are having the wrong values for VCI/VPI.

Does the compaly deliver a "standard" router, where you are able to see what values is correct for VCI/VPI ?
Plug in the standard router and copy the VCI/VPI values to the AVM - after that you should be able to see the AVM recognize the type of ADSL and possible speed og it.

It is first and only when you are able to see this in the AVM, you are able to login in with the PPOA infoirmation.

(How would you be able to login, if the router isn't able to recognize the type and speed of the line ?)
I'm rather sure that 8/35 is correct for VPI/VCI. Try "PPPoE" as encapsulation setting or "PPPoA/LLC".
Thanks Larsson.
I can't use a "standard router", but there is an adsl forum in Belgium where I can ask this info.
To Imagomundi
I have tried all three settings, the password allways remains at 4 digits.
olnejean - do you know for sure if it's an PPOA or PPOE connection ?

You have 2 (well 3) informations you need to know.

PPOA/PPOE [what kind of sync you have to use (located at the bottom of the "internet" page")]

VCI/VPI - with a litte luck you can get this info from your ISP.

I'm using CC (in DK) and with PPOA VCI/VPI is 0/101 and sync is the lower option (sorry i'm in not at home, so i cant tell the precise name)
I have tried all three settings, the password allways remains at 4 digits.
This is ok! For security reasons, the FB allways truncates the password to 4 digits (asteriscs), no matter how long it is.
Now you are close to success! Find out VCI/VPI and encapsulation and you will connect to internet, hopefully.
Sorry folks, I dropped asleep !!
It was very easy to find the requested info, I just put the question on Google, and the answer (several of them) came immediately:
Belgium :
Belgacom (PPPoA vcmux) VPI 8, VCI 35
Belgium Belgacom 8 35 PPPoA VCmux
Somewhere, I read
PPPoE = Ethernet
On another forum, somebody writes "Belcacom/Skynet works with both".
But that does not explain why my FB refuses to sing !
Could it be a problem with the DSL cable? When I received the FB, it included a cable with 2 x RJ45 connectors. In order to connect it to the splitter, I needed an RJ11 end, so I have cut the original able a replaced one RJ45 by an RJ11 end, with matching positions.
I very much doubt it .. but !
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