Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

If you don't need or are not interested in all the very useful telephone and VoIP features offered by the FRITZ boxes, i.e. if you are looking only for a modem plus router the DLink might be the right choice for you - as there are also many others.

I agree I do not need those extra features. I do want an English interface and something reliable. I am very displeased with the reliability of my Speedport 502V W from the Telkom.

I could not find a Linksys Modem/Wifi Router Combo that was Annex B. Is there a Linksys version like this?
All DSL-enabled devices sold in Germany are Annex B, since Germany is the only country in the world, that uses Annex B for analogue phone lines, too. For a comprehensive list of devices inlcuding lowest price go to

Original FritzBoxes are very reliable - if your Speedport is unreliable, then this must be caused by Telekom's firmware changes.
Btw FritzBoxes have the ability of changing the Annex, so you could use abroad, too.
All DSL-enabled devices sold in Germany are Annex B, since Germany is the only country in the world, that uses Annex B for analogue phone lines, too. For a comprehensive list of devices including lowest price go to

Original FritzBoxes are very reliable - if your Speedport is unreliable, then this must be caused by Telekom's firmware changes.
Btw FritzBoxes have the ability of changing the Annex, so you could use abroad, too.

I was told the 502V W is a Siemens model. The 501 is a Fritz re-brand though. Thanks for the link. I will look at these and then check which ones can have English interface.
Problems with chaning Annex B to A for Fritz!Box 7140

Greetings from Sweden,
I originally posted this message on another thread but I am not sure if everyone reads all the different threads and as this particular thread seems to be a very popular one so I am re-posting it here. I am in the process of making my Fritz!Box 7140:

1. Change from Annex B -to- Annex A
2. Change the web interface from German to English.

1. I have read and looked through various threads in this Forum site but still have not been able to find the correct instructions a for Fritz!Box 7140. My Fritz!Box is on the latest firmware 30.04.33. I have had quite few sleepless nights to understand how to fix the above two steps. I have not achieved them yet :(. Can anyone please explain to me how to get "the bootloader with one from an old firmware" for my Fritz!Box 7140. Currently my bootloader of my Fritz!Box is "mtd3 block".

I am a little unclear about that step. In the meanwhile I have already performed:
# echo "annex A" > /proc/sys/urlader/environment
# echo "kernel_args annex=A" > /proc/sys/urlader/environment
# echo "firmware_version avm" > /proc/sys/urlader/environment

and when I do "set |env" afterwards then it shows me that my Fritz!Box is on Annex A. However as soon as I do a reboot then it goes back to Annex B in "set |env" and also in the /proc/sys/urlader/environment file. Moreover my Fritz!Box's firmware_version was changed from aol -to- avm.

I shall be ever so grateful if some one can assist me with this please :confused:
No need to change bootloader - is easier than you might imagine. Don't have time right now. Will give you details later if not anyone else did meanwhile
Problems with chaning Annex B to A for Fritz!Box 7140

I shall be ever so grateful imagomundi if you can kindly shed some light soon. I have spent many sleepless nights and i can put my mind to rest until i can get this Fritz!Box 7140 get working :silly:

So far i have updated:

echo "firmware_version avm" > /proc/sys/urlader/environment (before it was aol)
echo "annex=A" > /proc/sys/urlader/environment
echo "kernel_args annex=A" > /proc/sys/urlader/environment

But when I do set |env i can still see references to Annex B eventhough in the German web interface it says Annex A:confused::confused: But i know something is not right because it doesn't work here after executing the above commands.

I live in Sweden. The broadband standards here are same at the UK where i come from. I however can not get it working even with the German interface after using the above commands. when i reboot the router then Power/DSL line keep on flashing and never goes steady.
So for me the two task that i would like to accomplish are first make a successful change from Annex B to Annex A so that the router can work in Sweden.
Secondly to convert the German interface to English.

I shall be ever so grateful if you can help me soon as you can or if anyone else can. Becuase my mind cant stop thinking about this..... :confused::confused::confused:
Your box modem is already working on annex A. It will always say "Annex B" as it is ORIGINALLY an annex B box. If on DSL information of teh interface it states "Annex A" than it is definitely working on A. You can do another proof of this typing into your web browser "". This will generate a "txt"-archive containing all tecnical data of your box. Open it with a text editor (i.e. wordpad or notepad) and you can read these data. Under "annex" you will see "B" but under "kernel args" you will see "A".

I propose you go back to "B": take TELEFONICUS archive ""fritz_as_annex_b_kernel_args.newer.tar" and upload it to your box just like a firmware upgrade - disregard AVM warning "this fw is not authorized by AVM" - upload anyway. Finally you get message "Fehler: kein Fehler" what means it's all o.k.

Now you should change your interface to English and finally use English RECOVER-firmware "B English 04.56" which you can find on AVM's ftp server under "". Download this RECOVER for "B"-boxes with English interface to your PC first.

Then start opening your box's own ftp server this way:

Connect box via LAN 1 to your PC - do NOT connect box yet to power. Write into your PC's "execute" window "ftp." (but NOT ENTER yet) - now connect box to power -disregard flashing of ALL LEDs but when "power" LED starts to flash ALONE for the first time press "ENTER". Now you get a "black window" where you will be asked for a user name. Type "adam2" and ENTER this. You will now be asked for a password. Type again "adam2" (this time you will not receive echo) and ENTER this.

Now you will see "ftp"

Type there "quote SETENV firmware_version avme" and press ENTER

Box will give you back "command successful"

leave ftp server typing "bye" and press ENTER

The box will now "believe" that it is an English "speaking" box.

DO NOT REBOOT the box!!

Now you will have to upload the before described RECOVER image ENGLISH 04.56. Make yourself familiar with the recover procedure. You find several threads about this in this forum. I prefer not to extend too much this answer.

If you feel you might have problems with the recovery procedure comment it here and I would give you some information.
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Just adding some thoughts on your "AOL -AVM" and Annex probs: You NEED TO HAVE AVM to do changes - it would not have worked on AOL interface. But this is done already as far as I understand.
If the box is now really working on annex a as I suppose there has to be another prob if it does not work in Sweden even with GERMAN interface. Probably this is a question of your Swedish provider's "ATM" data that are surely different to those from England. How did you configure these data (automatically or manually registering VCI and VPI)? It might also be a problem of (poor dsl) line quality.
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Können wir gerne zusammenlegen - sollten wir auch. Den anderen Thread kannte ich bis heute nicht - hab ihn eben erst gelesen. Am sinnvollsten schiene mir ein ganz neuer Thread, der sich nur mit der Anglifizierung einer B-7140 beschäftigt (so wie ANDILAO einen eigenen für die FBF und FBFWLan aufgemacht hatte). DIESER Thread hier ist einfach sehr umfangreich und neben der FBF und der FBFWLan scheinen mir die 7170 und eben die 7140 die bedeutendsten Kandidaten für eine solche Annex- und interface-Umstellung zu sein, so daß es für jemand, der eine Umstellung für eine 7140 sucht, am leichtesten in einem eigenen Thread zu finden sein dürfte. Falls kein eigener Thread einverstanden mit dem Zusammenlegen mit dem 7141er - immer noch weniger schlecht als ihn in dem großen Meer der Beiträge in diesem Thread hier untergehen zu lassen.

Sorry rikrok321, we are discussing to merge the two Threads you opened for the sake of all!
@ rikrok321: I feel it would be the best -also for other and future users who might have the same problem_ that you open a new Thread and call it "converting a 7140 Annex B with German interface to English Annex A" and the mods put all the answers to this in the two different Threads together into this new one.

As for the problem itself: We all agree that you have to do 2 steps: Changing firmware version from avm to avme and after that upload the recovery English B 04.56. There are different methods to change avm to avme: The "telnet"-method (inquisitor) - the pseudo-image (with "TELEFONICUS archives - I feel this one is good and normally reliable) - and finally the "ftp"-method which is apparently the most difficult one (in fact it is not that much difficult) but in my opinion the most reliable. For recovery there are no different methods. Good luck! Let us know
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Problems with chaning Annex B to A for Fritz!Box 7140

Dear friends,
I hope i have not mislead or hasseled all the helpful folks by submitting my miseries with my Fritz!Box 7140 on 2-different threads. Its just that i have been digging around for quite many days to get some concrete information for my Fritz!Box 7140. There are so many different bits and pieces and various versions of info present on this forum and a lot of it is in German so i have felt very helpless. These were the two different threads that i felt closest to challenges that i was facing with my Fritz!Box 7140. And i must say that different people have replied with different speed to reply to my request. Nonetheless I must still say that i still get a couple of different solutions suggested from these two threads shows that there are a number of knowledgeable folks out there for the great Fritz!Box which is still now working for me here in Sweden :(
Dear telefonicus, dear inquisitor,

time works now (My wife told me that the time was wrong, I did'nt realize it).
But I still can't get it to work. Two small questions:

1. Does it make sense to do a factory reset?
2. How long should I wait when it does "training"?

By the way, Fritz just said I don't have the newest firmware and presents the A/CH firmware. Should I update?


I've just checked your screenshot of the "DSL-Informationen", which says "ADSL 2 (ITU G.992.3)", so your box obviously detects some signal and also the screenshots in the PDF show, that a line capacity is being measured. Apparently there's some communication on the ADSL-line.
Have you checked the VPI/VCI settings of your provider and entered these under "Einstellungen", "Internet", "Zugangsdaten", "DSL-ATM-Einstellungen" (at the bottom of the "Zugangsdaten"-page)?
There you should mark "ATM-Einstellungen manuell festlegen" and enter the following data (only for Optus DSL direct):
VCI 35
Kapselung PPPoA/LLC

If providing those details doesn't help, try to recover the firmware with the AVM recovery tool. Remeber, that after recovery your box will be set back to its' original Annex, so may have to switch it back after the recovery procedure.
Normally training should be completeted with 1-2 minutes, but sometimes it can take even 30 minutes.
You could contact your ISP and ask for an upgrade to ADSL2+ or a downgrade to ADSL in order to rule out a compatibility issue with ADSL2, which is apparently running on your line (ADSL2 was never introduced in Germany and so the box may have not be evaluated very intensely by AVM, as all ISPs went directly for ADSL2+).
Have you also tried another ADSL-filter or connecting the FBF directly without filter to your line (that'll work unless the analogue line is in use).
The recovery erases and rewrites partitions, that are not affected by a regular update. So faulty data in those partitions can only be corrected by the recovery tool.
very interesting read...
I have bought myself a 7170 for germany as well and converted it succesfully to an Annex A (non isdn) and english interface...
Just one thing i don't get working is the regular phone. i'm wondering if anyone else got this to working...
To clarify myself: VOIP is working just fine but i don't succeed in receiving calls on my regular landline... is this expected?
very interesting read...
I have bought myself a 7170 for germany as well and converted it succesfully to an Annex A (non isdn) and english interface...
Just one thing i don't get working is the regular phone. i'm wondering if anyone else got this to working...
To clarify myself: VOIP is working just fine but i don't succeed in receiving calls on my regular landline... is this expected?

I converted a WLAN 7140 Annex B German to Annex A English. It to would take 20-40 minutes to acheive ADSL Annex A connection.

Because of that I purchased a WLAN 7170 Annex A German (Austria edition) and converted it to Annex A English. It only takes 1 minute to achieve ADSL Annex A connection now.

I couldn't get the analog line to work without the Y-kabel. I was able to get VOIP and fixed line working. For the analog line, make sure you are using a splitter and the Y-KABEL.

I am looking to convert my WLAN 7140 back to Annex B German via the FTP/ADAM2 method, but do not have a copy of the Annex B mtd2.bin file. Can anyone provide the file?
problem is my Y-cable is a 8pins to 8 pins cable... so i can't connect it to our socket (which is 4 pins only)
make me wonder what the Y cable is doing internally

maybe i should read the manual once upon a time on how to actually connect that Y cable... might even help :eek:

/update... just did... now i get it :) i always thought the splitted part of the Y cable had to go into the fritz (so 2 times that cable in fritz and 1 time in socket)... but it's the other way around :p i'll prolly get it working now... (manuals are such boring literature... now what if tolkien would write those.... that could help, or not?
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@rondunaway: Upload the TELEFONICUS archive for annex b you can find here ( The box should be converted back to B.

@rondunayway and EL_Angelo: Only have to connect the right cable to the right pin:

FRITZ Pin 4 and 5 (the middle ones of the eight) transmit the DSL signal. These contacts run in the Y cable "straight" to the same middle Pins of the DSL part of that Y cable. This is the reason why you can connect to Internet and thus have VoIP.

Same reason why your fixed anlogue line (POTS) do NOT work:

PIN 3 and 6 (the two "neighbours" to 4 and 5) of the FRITZ socket transmit the analogue telephone signal to PIN 1 and 8 of the Y cables telephone connector. So the analoge signal does not arrive on the correct PINS of your splitter/filter. Your splitter connection needs these signals also on PIN 4 and 5, i.e. also "in the middle".

I do always do the necessary changes rewiring the Y cable's telephone connector according to these needs.
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