Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

Thats cool imagomundi, I will do exactly as you said, then I can enjoy my feature rich Fritzy, lol

Again, many thanks for the english thread ip-phone-forum. I will edit theis post when its complete if I can.

Ok the upgrade went OK, now all I am waiting for is for my change over from virgin Media cable to o2 copper, this will happen at the beginning of August, and I will be able to try my Fritzy!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Try to find in www the file:
and flash it. You will get Annex A :)

I have a problem with converting Fritz!Box Fon WLAN 7141 to Annex A.
[Edit frank_m24: Fullquote auf das Notwendige beschränkt. Lies noch mal die Forumregeln.]
@Majki: The box will ALWAYS remain (in environment) and thus say that it is ANNEX B as it is an ORIGINALLY B. Nevertheless it will work with its modem on Annex A if "kernel_args" is set to Annex A. So don't change anything more on your box as there is no need to do so. The box will work on A! I have changed about 15 different boxes from B to A and they always say in environment that they are annex B but work in my A-country without any problem as "kernel_args" is set to A.
A B box with "kernel_args=A" can even upload firmware updates for B without need to switch back and forth. Menue language off course will remain German.
Anyone know where to find 14.04.33 English firmware to 7050 ?
Have not found download place for this version, see someone has made a translation from the German version.
There is no 14.04.33 ENGLISH firm. Latest english fw is 14.04.26. There is some sort of translation for 04.33, look into #513 and other telefonicus comments in this thread. Many people waiting for an english 14.04.56 which is said to be released soon (?)
Fritz Box 7170 in Australia

Dear all,

I took my Fritz Box 7170 to Australia and was very sad as it did not work with my ADSL connection. Following this thread I managed to upload the file
to my box and it at least started to train, but it will not connect.
Please see attached picture. It tries to train but unconnects every 20 seconds and starts again.
Any hints?
I got a FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 with Firmware-Version 29.04.57

I have to use my Fritz Box, since it emulates an ISDN port for my Gigaset ISDN phone. There is no real ISDN in Australia...
So any help would be greatly appreciated.
If it's of any use, I now use the Siemens SpeedStream 4200 ADSL MOdem provided by my provider.

Maybe this link is of any help:

or this one:

Last question, is there an easy way to change the timezone, since the my ISDN handhelds are showing German time :-(( .

Thanks in advance and greetings from downunder



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You may try an older firmware version. Or stay with your Speedstream and connect only the analog phone input of the Fritzbox to the phone outlet of your splitter or filter box.

BTW, what is your current connection scheme? Are you using a splitter at all?

Regarding the timezone, use the FritzBoxEditor (FBEditor - google for it) to change time zone and country settings:

timezone_manual {
enabled = yes;
offset = -10;
dst_enabled = yes;
TZ_string = "XXX-11";

Good Luck!
Thanks a lot Telefonicus, timezone now works!! Great!!
Current setup is as follows:
Splitter directly connected to the plug in the wall.
In the PHONE exit of the splitter I've put in the cable I've got in the NTBA in Germany (after configuring analog phone in the settings). Works great (analog connection and ISDN phone), I just have a delay of about one ring before my ISDN phones start to ring.
In the MODEM exit of the splitter I got the Speedstream modem. I configured it to auto connect and connected the ethernet exit with ethernet 1 on the Fritz Box.

Since I really would like to get rid of the Siemens modem, why could an older firmware help? I thought the ADSL stuff got better in the new versions???

Which version would you recommend? Can I download the older firmwares from AVM?

Thanks again for your help!!

@telefonicus: offset -10 gibt (mit umgekehrtem Vorzeichen) Differenz zu UTC wieder - woher aber kommt TZ_string "XXX-11" ("XXX" ist Standard der Boxen)
@telefonicus: offset -10 gibt (mit umgekehrtem Vorzeichen) Differenz zu UTC wieder - woher aber kommt TZ_string "XXX-11" ("XXX" ist Standard der Boxen)

Nachdem ich vor einiger Zeit eine Menge zum Thema Zeitzoneneinstellung recherchiert hatte und wirklich immer verwirrter geworden war, habe ich einfach eine englische Fritzbox genommen (an das Modell erinnere ich mich nicht mehr), Aussie-Time eingestellt und mit FBedit nachgesehen, was dort gespeichert worden ist. Dann hab ich für einen Freund down under eine auf Annex-A gestellte deutsche 7050 mit FBedit genauso programmiert und sie ihm nach New South Wales geschickt. Er sagt, es funzt.

Ach so ja, falls es das ist, was dich wundert: dst ist Daylight Saving Time, also die Sommerzeit.
Regarding the timezone, use the FritzBoxEditor (FBEditor - google for it) to change time zone and country settings:

timezone_manual {
enabled = yes;
offset = -10;
dst_enabled = yes;
TZ_string = "XXX-11";
I think there's a mistake, as you disregard Australia being on the Southern hemisphere and so summer and winter to be interchanged. That results DST to begin in the Southern hemisphere, when it ends in the Northern one.

So these are Australian timezones during European summer:

and these are Australian timezones during European winter:

Since the FBF refers to the DST-period of the Northern hemisphere and so its' DST (TZ_string) is actually the wintertime of the Southern hemisphere, while "offset" is the DST of the Soutern hemisphere, the code for Sydney should be:

timezone_manual {
enabled = yes;
offset = -11;
dst_enabled = yes;
TZ_string = "XXX-10";

Practically "offset" must be the UTC-offset during Australian summer/European winter and "TZ_string" must provide the offset during Australian winter/European summer. So Telefonicus' values need to be interchanged like I did above, since he disregarded the geographical relation of the DST-settings.

If you live in Queensland, where no DST applies, your code should be like this:

timezone_manual {
enabled = yes;
offset = -10;
dst_enabled = no;
TZ_string = "";

Respectively the same code is required for the Nothern Territory, but with a offset of -9.5 instead of -10.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
...why could an older firmware help? I thought the ADSL stuff got better in the new versions???

Which version would you recommend? Can I download the older firmwares from AVM?

I was thinking of a version before Seamless Rate Adaption was introduced but frankly, I'm not so sure any more if that was a good idea. I've had a closer look at the 29.04.57 firmware and I learned it has some real cool innovations that may just adress your problem.

Can you provide more information about your DSL connection? Try to make a snapshot of the DSL tab of the DSL-Informationen page when the connection gets established for one of the short periodes you mentioned. Please make a clipping from your screenshot (showing just the table) and upload it in jpg format.

If you click on the rightmost tab on that same page to open the Einstellungen (settings) you'll see some kind of a slider which allows you to tune your DSL connection. It's some trade-off between performance and stability. So my first guess is that it could be a good idea to move that slider a bit left towards the Sicher (safe) side.

I hope my deep links into the Fritzbox will work (tested with IE). Let us know your results, e.g. screenshots before and after the change.

Good luck!
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Try to make a snapshot of the... when the connection gets established for one of the short periodes you mentioned.

Sorry, my mistake. Wrong wording. The box just does "training" as in the picture in my first posting. It always jumps between training and disconnected.
I tried it already with the slider but of course put it from right to the left in one go, but will try the different steps tonight.


During the training phase, can you open the DSL tab? Does it show any values? Please post. BTW, does your SpeedStream 4200 display any connection data? Please post.

Did you try to disconnect the splitter and to connect the Fritzbox alone directly to the phone line? Make sure that the phone cable doesn't have other outlets inside your house. If necessary try to connect directly to the demarcation point and disconnect all other lines from your phone line. Please post your results.

If your tests run positive you can safely skip the splitter by connecting the Fritzbox's DSL input directly to the phone cable in parallel to the splitter input via a twin telephone socket. The splitter is mainly a low-pass filter for the phone, it's not essential for the DSL connection. However, the splitter may add some overvoltage protection to the phone line. If your telco has installed some additional means of overvoltage protection (and if the DSL connection works with it) better use it.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
You're certainly right, the Fritzbox doesn't have a built-in GPS receiver :) It could, however, determine it's location (and thus the adequate TZ_string) via online-database lookups. I've read about such mechanism. I don't know if the Fritzbox developers have provided that kind of auto-time synchronisation but frankly, I doubt it. Otherwise you wouldn't have to set a timezone at all. I'm pretty sure they've somehow hard-coded the Berlin Sommerzeit dates.

If you want to dig deeper into TZ strings here's some points to start with:

If someone wants to develop an automatic timezone lookup scheme an online database IP2Location or hostIP is worth consideration. You enter your IP and you get back your location in a standardized format. It only takes another lookup in a timezone database (tz database aka Olson database) to determine your timezone. However, this can easily turn into a nightmare if you're with a multi-timezone ISP like those in Australia, USA, Russia... ;-)

EDIT2: RST IP Locator is a freeware program that performs both IP an TZ database lookups at once
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

I had a look at the speedstream modem, no details there. I also did a screenshot of the DSL details. The other tabs were empty. How long does this training normaly take? more than 5 minutes?




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If I buy a Fritzbox 7140 or 7170 Annex B from a German Retailer. Can I just run this Firmware upgrade to get the box to be in English. Or do I have to use script x, y and z and all that crazy stuff I read in this thread? I am an English speaker living in Germany with a T-Online DSL. Why would they make a firmware (Below) and still require people to hack it to make it work? I noticed the thread started in 2006 so maybe this was all before AVM made real English firmware???
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
You still need to do a few manual steps to get an English firmware on your FBF. However you can't call that "upgrading", as English firmwares are released later and further less frequent, so English firmwares will always lack features or bugfixes against German ones.
The change of language isn't supported by AVM, as they aim to prevent gray imports into other countries, where the FBF is sold way more expensive than in Germany, where millions of provider-subsidized FBFs are sold every year.
As you live in Germany and since settiung up the device is a one-off, try do come along with the German language - will help you!
I am considering buying this instead D-Link DSL-G684T. The DLink is Annex B and has both German and English choice on homepage. It would work out of the box...also is cheaper and I have had good experience with Dlink before.
If you don't need or are not interested in all the very useful telephone and VoIP features offered by the FRITZ boxes, i.e. if you are looking only for a modem plus router the DLink might be the right choice for you - as there are also many others.
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