Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

But I am absolutely "in the black" concerning the way to make a recovery...
Recovery has been described many times here in the forum. Use the search function!
- In principle you have to go to the home page from AVM, which is
- There go to "download" (at the left) and "FTP-Server" (at the right)
- Select "Fritz Box", your model (3270) and "x_misc"
- Download the recovery file and the instructions how to use it !
- The correct recovery file is "fritz.box_wlan_3270.04.57.recover-image.exe"
- Find the instructions searching for "Ausführen des Wiederherstellungsprogramms" at
- Follow exactly the instructions - don't miss any step!

Done! You will have a "virgin" 3270 with the newest firmware.
Well, I am not accustomed with this forum ... thus my ignorance!
OK, both file end instructions downloaded.
I'll have a go this afternoon, after some urgent professional things!
Recovery apparently successful...
It is now time to decide whether using "fritz_as_annex_a_kernel_args_newer.tar" or going through the barricade.
I am obviously open to both solutions!
You know MY opinion: 3270 can do the job alone - so try first annex a again (you can always go back to b) and CHECK YOUR NETWORK SETTINGS!!!! - maybe they are fixed to your barricade data and you would have to change them. Set your 3270 WiFi data in the interface of the box to your own ones (nrtwork name and security mode and password)
May I suggest another approach?
Let us do everything from scratch ...
My laptop can be used as "main PC" for the operation.
I can modify anything that suits me, because the goal is to connect it eventually over WiFi.
As long as WiFi is not working, I can create a "special" network, and connect all other PCs later on, when it works with both LAN and WAN...
With this procedure, I do not change a thing of the existing (Barricade) network, this can be "killed" later on.
So, prior to changing over to Annex A, let's see the network, if you agree with my idea.
Network name is easy to create
Security mode: where do I find it?
Password: I never use any on my network (I am sole user...)
Looking for advice about security settings, I found in the manual:
In der FRITZ!Box ist werkseitig als Neztzwerkname (SSID) der Wert "FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270" eingestellt.
Could this be the reason why the damn thing never found DSL in spite of all our trials through Barricade?
When I installed the FB through Barricade, the LAN connexions worked perfectly as the command was (more or less) to take over the existing connexions.
As I have no WLAN on Barricade, this automatic takeover did not happen for WiFi, and the FB kept "FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270"as SSID...
This might be a trail to investigate if I am obliged to forget about using the FB alone.
But let's concentrate on this (more logical) solution.
What security settings do you suggest?
The name of the WLAN (=SSID) has absolutley nothing to do with the LAN or DSL connection.
Regarding security I strongly recommend to use WPA/WPA2, as WEP can be cracked easily.
"Regarding security I strongly recommend to use WPA/WPA2, as WEP can be cracked easily".
Thank you Inquisitor.
But my main problem is to access WLAN (WiFi DSL) with my FRITZ!Box; access security to my DSL connexion is not important, I live without neighbours, and I know how to change this protection.
1. Could this (SSID) be the reason why the damn thing never found DSL in spite of all our trials through Barricade?
2. What security settings do you suggest?

1. SSID: No! SSID can't be the reason for DSL trouble! As already said by inquisitor, SSID is absolutely harmless. SSID is just the (arbitrary) name of your local network!

2. Security: Finally, with the equipment working, you will use WPA encryption, which is safe. But at the moment, for test purposes only, you should inactivate the encryption, in order to reduce the sources of failure.
¡Hola el_valiente!
¿Y como prosigo?
¡Hola el_valiente!
¿Y como prosigo?
Tienes que activar algo como "show local networks" en tu portatil. Despues marca tu red local y activa "connect to this network".
Esto es todo (en principio).
Had no time yesterday, big "fiesta" in my house. On Fritz WLan settings give it a short name as you will have to write it several times in future. I suggest "3270" instead of the avm default "fritzbox....". After that for setup and trial disable security as proposed by el_valiente. After this connect 3270 to power ONLY - no other connection by cable, not even your pc/laptop - no other equipment turned on except your laptop (or PC) that has WiFi network card or WiFi USB stick installed and enable there "show all networks" or "search for network" or something like that. This is only to prove that the box is sending a WiFi signal that can be received by your PC. Device should give message "WiFi found, name: 3270". If your pc/laptop does not receive such signal setup the same configuration with someoneelse's pc/laptop that can receive WiFi signals.
If your pc/laptop does not receive a signal from your 3270 but another pc can do so you got the proof that the cause is to be found in your pc (WiFi network settings - this is what I suppose since long - or the WiFi card not working for hardware reason, for driver reason or.., or....)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I had yet another go at installing the FB, still without success.
It won't connect to the DSl.
In my opinion, the last possibility is to connect it through Barricade.
This would suit me perfectly, provided the WiFi connects to DSL, rhis is what I need!
In my opinion, the last possibility is to connect it through Barricade ...
Does your local network finally work? Including WiFi? What was the error?

If so, connect the 3270 via LAN1 to the Barricade. I suggest to do it first with the Barricade settled to "transparent" or "bridged". If this configuration works, and you need more LAN connections, you may later try the Barricade configured as router and the 3270 with the DHCP-server inactivated. I already described both configurations.
Just a comment: The question is not, if "the WiFi connects to DSL". With the FB correctly connected to the Barricade and WiFi working, you will have access to DSL, no matter if via LAN or via WLAN.
My last trial did not connect the FB to DSL; however, WiFi was working, I connected my laptop without problem, only to find out that there was no access to the Web!
From the two configurations you propose, I would prefer Barricade configured as router and the 3270 with the DHCP-server inactivated. Provided WiFi gives access to the Web, this gives me the best results.
I'll have a go I the late afternoon, I am presently busy with domestic works!
... I would prefer Barricade configured as router and the 3270 with the DHCP-server inactivated ...

Even so, I suggest to configure first the Barricade in transparent mode and connect the FB being the "boss". I suggest this, because the configuration is "standard" and doesn't need any "fine tuning".
After having this configuration working, you may proceed to realize your preferred configuration with the Barricade being the boss (there, probably, you will need some individual adaptations).
My last trial did not connect the FB to DSL; however, WiFi was working, I connected my laptop without problem, only to find out that there was no access to the Web!

I suppose you did this after changing annex to A? And checked your network settings - which IP was registered for your gateway? Which IP for the first DNS server?
"which IP was registered for your gateway? Which IP for the first DNS server?"
That't too clever for me...
Where should I check for these registrations?
"which IP was registered for your gateway? Which IP for the first DNS server?"
That's too clever for me...

These questions about the "Internet protocol TCP/IP" came from imagomundi, not from me.

Anyway, here is my answer: In order to use the WiFi, you must first configure your local network. This must be done at the PC / laptop. There you must build your own local network.
The "Internet protocol TCP/IP" consists of
- local IP adress of your PC (192.168.178.x with x>2 for FB)
- subnet mask (
- IP of gateway ( for FB)
- IP of first DNS server ( for FB)

Usually, these data are automatically assigned by the DHCP-server. But you can assign them manually, too. Imagomundi asked for them, because if they are wrong, you will never connect to DSL (they are different for Barricade and FB).
To check this configuration, you must mouse-click on the "start"-icon at your PC and follow some simple steps, depending on the operating system you use. You can easily find these steps in a Google search.
OK, I see
Presently, the data are automatically assigned.
It is not a problem to assign them manually, at least if I work only with my laptop.
But how shell I assign them to the "real" network, once I use the FB as my router?
My network includes three LAN connected PCs, the DreamBox plus the laptop.
And If I disconnect the DreamBox, my wife will divorce me on the spot !!!

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