chan-sccp-b release für asterisk 1.2 und 1.4

hallo zusammen,

sorry das wir es nicht gleich hier gepostet haben.
Wir machen z.Z. eine grössere Umstellung der Konfig um eine besseres Handling der "Line-Buttons" und Softkeys zu bewerkstelligen

Ziel ist es, das jeder Button beliebeig belegt werden kann und nicht alle lines die ersten buttons belegen.
Die aktuelle Trunk-Version sollte voll funktionsfähig sein.
Eine Vorlage der neuen Konfiguration werde ich hier noch posten, und im svn veröffentlichen.

Wenn Ihr uns bzgl. Bugreport unterstützen könnte wäre super.

Kein Problem gerne:D

Ich wollte mir ein neues Cisco Telefon kaufen, habe bis jetzt ein 7940, kannst du mikr eins empfehlen?
; SCCPv3 -- An implementation of Skinny Client Control Protocol
; chan_sccp <[email protected]>
; See for more information about
; the SCCPv3 project. Please do not directly contact
; any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
; the project provides a web site, tracker, and mailing list
; for your use.
; This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
; the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
; at the top of the source tree.
servername=SCCPv3				; name showed on the device after registration
allowguest=no					; Allow or reject guest device registration
								; this feature allow unknown devices to not be rejected on
								; register but not linking any line so as CCM behaviour
keepalive=60					; global phone keep-alive timeout
;verbose=3						; Console Log Level
;debug=3						; Console Debug Level
context=sccp					; Asterisk default extension's context
dateformat=D.M.Y				; M-D-Y in any order. Use M/D/YA (for 12h format)

bindport=5060                   ; TCP Port to bind to (SCCP standard port is 2000)
bindaddr=                ; IP address to bind UDP listen socket to ( binds to all)
                                ; You can specify port here too, like

; See qos.tex or Quality of Service section of asterisk.pdf for a description of these parameters.
tos_sccp=cs3                   	; Sets TOS for SCCP packets.
tos_audio=ef                   	; Sets TOS for RTP audio packets.
;tos_video=af41                 ; Sets TOS for RTP video packets. (not yet implemented)

cos_sccp=3						; Sets 802.1p priority for SCCP packets.
cos_audio=5                    	; Sets 802.1p priority for RTP audio packets.
;cos_video=4                    ; Sets 802.1p priority for RTP video packets. (not yet implemented)

;disallow=all                   ; First disallow all codecs
;allow=alaw                     ; Allow codecs in order of preference
;allow=ulaw						; see Asterisk doc/rtp-packetization for framing options
;allow=g729                     ; Most phones supports only alaw/ulaw/g729
; This option specifies a preference for which music on hold class this channel
; should listen to when put on hold if the music class has not been set on the
; channel with Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=whatever) in the dialplan, and the
; channel putting this one on hold did not suggest a music class.
; This option may be specified globally, or on a per-user or per-peer basis.
; This option specifies which music on hold class to suggest to the peer channel
; when this channel places the peer on hold. It may be specified globally or on
; a per-device or per-line basis.

firstdigittimeout = 16			; dialing timeout for the 1st digit
digittimeout = 8				; dialing timeout between digits
;digittimeoutchar = #			; you can force the channel to dial with this char in the dialing state

autoanswer_ring_time = 0		; ringing time in seconds for the autoanswer, the default is 0
autoanswer_tone = 0x32			; autoanswer confirmation tone. For a complete list of tones: grep SKINNY_TONE sccp_protocol.h
								; not all the tones can be played in a connected state, so you have to try.

remotehangup_tone = 0x32		; passive hangup notification. 0 for none

transfer_tone = 0				; confirmation tone on transfer. Works only between SCCP devices
callwaiting_tone = 0x2d			; sets to 0 to disable the callwaiting tone

language=en						; Default language setting
;callevents=no                  ; generate manager events when phone 
                                ; performs events (e.g. hold)
;accountcode=sccp				; accountcode to ease billing
deny=			; Deny every address except for the only one allowed. 
permit=	; Accept class C
								; You may have multiple rules for masking traffic.
								; Rules are processed from the first to the last.
								; This General rule is valid for all incoming connections. It's the 1st filter.
;localnet = ; All RFC 1918 addresses are local networks
;externip =				; IP Address that we're going to notify in RTP media stream
;externhost =	; Hostname (if dynamic) that we're going to notify in RTP media stream
;externrefresh = 60				; expire time in seconds for the hostname (dns resolution)
dnd = on						; turn on the dnd softkey for all devices. Valid values are "off", "on" (busy signal), "reject" (busy signal), "silent" (ringer = silent)
rtptos = 184					; sets the default rtp packets TOS
echocancel = on					; sets the phone echocancel for all devices
silencesuppression = off		; sets the silence suppression for all devices
;callgroup=1,3-4				; We are in caller groups 1,3,4. Valid for all lines
;pickupgroup=1,3-5				; We can do call pick-p for call group 1,3,4,5. Valid for all lines
;amaflags = 					; Sets the default AMA flag code stored in the CDR record
trustphoneip = no				; The phone has a ip address. It could be private, so if the phone is behind NAT 
								; we don't have to trust the phone ip address, but the ip address of the connection
tos = 0x68						; call control packets tos (0x68 Assured forwarding)
;earlyrtp = none				; valid options: none, offhook, dial, ringout. default is none.
								; The audio strem will be open in the progress and connected state.
private = on					; permit the private function softkey
privacy = full					; full = disable hints notification on devices, on = hints showed depending on private key, off = hints always showed
;mwilamp = on					; Set the MWI lamp style when MWI active to on, off, wink, flash or blink
;mwioncall = off				; Set the MWI on call.
;blindtransferindication = ring	; moh or ring. the blind transfer should ring the caller or just play music on hold
;protocolversion = 3			; skinny version protocol. Just for testing. 0 to 11
;cfwdall = off					; activate the callforward ALL stuff and softkeys
;cfwdbusy = off					; activate the callforward BUSY stuff and softkeys
;cfwdnoanswer = off				; activate the callforward NOANSWER stuff and softkeys
;SCCP Realtime Support
; you should specify both tables to get realtime support working
rt-devices = sccpdevices	; datebasetable for devices
rt-lines	= sccplines		; datebasetable for lines

; this is for custom softkey template
onhook		= redial,newcall,cfwdall,dnd
connected	= hold,endcall,park,select,cfwdall,cfwdbusy,idivert
onhold		= resume,newcall,endcall,transfer,confrn,select,dirtrfr,idivert
ringin		= answer,endcall,idivert
offhook		= redial,endcall,private,cfwdall,cfwdbusy,pickup,gpickup,meetme,barge
conntrans	= hold,endcall,transfer,confrn,park,select,dirtrfr,cfwdall,cfwdbusy
digitsfoll	= backspace,endcall
connconf	= hold,endcall,join
ringout		= endcall,transfer,cfwdall,idivert
offhookfeat	= redial,endcall
onhint		= pickup,barge

; This is a CP7965 device with a 7915 addon
type 			= 7965						; device type (see below)
imageversion 	= SCCP65.8-4-1SR2			; useful to upgrade old firmwares (the ones that do not load *.xml from the tftp server)
;keepalive 		= 60                		; set 0 to disable the keepalive check.
;tzoffset  		= +2						; 
addon 			= 7915						; first addon. Allowed value are 7914, 7915, 7916. Please check your device for addons compatibility.
;addon			= 7915						; second addon.

button 			= line,79651,default		; this is default line
button 			= line,79652				; this is second line
button 			= empty						; this is an empty button
button 			= speeddial,1000,Dial1000	; this is a speeddial button
;button 		= speeddial,1001,Dial1001,default	; this is an hotline button
button 			= empty						; this is an empty button
button 			= serviceurl,,GoGoogle	; this is a service url
button 			= feature,Displayname,ID	; this is a feature button
button= feature,forward all calls to mobile,CFWD_ALL,016012345678

transfer = on					; enable or disable the transfer capability. It does remove the transfer softkey
conference = on					; enable or disable the conference capability. It does remove the conference softkey
park = on						; take a look to the compile howto. Park stuff is not compiled by default
cfwdall = off					; activate the callforward stuff and softkeys
cfwdbusy = off
cfwdnoanswer = off
pickupexten = off				; enable Pickup function to direct pickup an extension
;pickupcontext = sccp			; context where direct pickup search for extensions. if not set it will be ignored.
pickupmodeanswer = on			; on  = asterisk way, the call has been answered when picked up
								; off = call manager way, the phone who picked up the call rings the call
private = on					; permit the private function softkey for this device
privacy = full					; full = disable hints notification on devices, on = hints showed depending on private key, off = hints always showed
dnd = on						; turn on the dnd softkey for this device. Valid values are "off", "on" (busy signal), "reject" (busy signal), "silent" (ringer = silent) or user to toggle on phone
;mwilamp = on					; Set the MWI lamp style when MWI active to on, off, wink, flash or blink
;mwioncall = off				; Set the MWI on call.

mohinterpret=default			; Sets the default music on hold class
mohsuggest=default				; Suggested music on hold when other channels put on hold

dtmfmode = inband				; inband or outofband. outofband is the native cisco dtmf tone play.
								; Some phone model does not play dtmf tones while connected (bug?), so the default is inband

;disallow=all                   ; First disallow all codecs
;allow=alaw                     ; Allow codecs in order of preference
;allow=g729                     ; see Asterisk doc/rtp-packetization for framing options
deny=			; Same as general
permit=	; This device can register only using this ip address
trustphoneip = no				; The phone has a ip address. It could be private, so if the phone is behind NAT 
								; we don't have to trust the phone ip address, but the ip address of the connection
;earlyrtp = none				; valid options: none, offhook, dial, ringout. default is none.
								; The audio strem will be open in the progress and connected state.
;setvar=testvar=value			; This is a device test variable

; This is a sample line
label       = 79651				; button line label (7960, 7970, 7940, 7920)
description = Line 79651		; top diplay description
echocancel = on					; sets the phone echocancel for this line
silencesuppression = off		; sets the silence suppression for this line
incominglimit = 2				; more than 1 incoming call = call waiting.
perdevicelimit = 2
secondary_dialtone_digits = 9	; digits for the secondary dialtone (max 9 digits)
secondary_dialtone_tone = 0x22	; outside dialtone

cid_name = 79652 CID			; caller id name
cid_num = 79651					; caller id number
transfer = on					; per line transfer capability. on, off, 1, 0
conference = on					; per line conference capability.
trnsfvm = 1000					; extension to redirect the caller (e.g for voicemail)
mailbox = 1001					; voicemail.conf (syntax: vmbox[@context][:folder])
vmnum = 600						; speeddial for voicemail administration, just a number to dial
meetmenum = 700					; this extension will receive meetme requests, SCCP_MEETME_ROOM channel variable will
								; contain the room number dialed into simpleswitch.

mohinterpret=default			; Sets the default music on hold class
mohsuggest=default				; Suggested music on hold when other channels put on hold
language=en						; Default language setting
accountcode=79651				; accountcode to ease billing
rtptos = 184					; sets the the rtp packets TOS for this line
;callgroup=1,3-4				; We are in caller groups 1,3,4. Valid for this line
;pickupgroup=1,3-5				; We can do call pick-p for call group 1,3,4,5. Valid for this line
;amaflags = 					; Sets the default AMA flag code stored in the CDR record for this line
;setvar=testvar2=value			; this is a line test variable

label       = 79652				; button line label (7960, 7970, 7940, 7920)
description = Line 79652		; top diplay description
echocancel = on					; sets the phone echocancel for this line
silencesuppression = off		; sets the silence suppression for this line
incominglimit = 2				; more than 1 incoming call = call waiting.
perdevicelimit = 2
secondary_dialtone_digits = 9	; digits for the secondary dialtone (max 9 digits)
secondary_dialtone_tone = 0x22	; outside dialtone

cid_name = 79652 CID			; caller id name
cid_num = 79652					; caller id number
transfer = on					; per line transfer capability. on, off, 1, 0
conference = on					; per line conferece capability.
trnsfvm = 1000					; extension to redirect the caller (e.g for voicemail)
mailbox = 1001					; voicemail.conf (syntax: vmbox[@context][:folder])
vmnum = 600						; speeddial for voicemail administration, just a number to dial
meetmenum = 700					; this extension will receive meetme requests, SCCP_MEETME_ROOM channel variable will
								; contain the room number dialed into simpleswitch.
mohinterpret=default			; Sets the default music on hold class
mohsuggest=default				; Suggested music on hold when other channels put on hold

language=en						; Default language setting
accountcode=79652				; accountcode to ease billing
rtptos = 184					; sets the the rtp packets TOS for this line
;callgroup=1,3-4				; We are in caller groups 1,3,4. Valid for this line
;pickupgroup=1,3-5				; We can do call pick-p for call group 1,3,4,5. Valid for this line
;amaflags = 					; Sets the default AMA flag code stored in the CDR record for this line
;setvar=testvar3=value			; this is another line test variable

; phone types
;    12 -- Cisco IP Phone 12SP+ (or other 12 variants)
;    30 -- Cisco IP Phone 30VIP (or other 30 variants)
;  7902 -- Cisco IP Phone 7902G
;  7905 -- Cisco IP Phone 7905G
;  7910 -- Cisco IP Phone 7910
;  7912 -- Cisco IP Phone 7912G
;  7935 -- Cisco IP Conference Station 7935
;  7936 -- Cisco IP Conference Station 7936
;  7920 -- Cisco IP Wireless Phone 7920
;  7940 -- Cisco IP Phone 7940
;  7960 -- Cisco IP Phone 7960
;  7970 -- Cisco IP Phone 7970
;  7914 -- Cisco IP Phone 7960 with a 7914 addon
;   ata -- Cisco ATA-186 or Cisco ATA-188
;  kirk -- Kirk telecom ip phones
;  nokia-icc -- Nokias ICC Cisco Client
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

was willst du den machen. Empfehlen kann ich auf jeden Fall das 7970
Heisst die Datei, deren Inhalt du gepostet hast wieder sccp.conf und soll diese Datei wieder in das Verzeichnis /etc/asterisk?

Hauptsächlich Einsatz im Homeoffice, Feisprechen und Konferenzschaltung würde mir da so auf Schlag einfallen...
/etc/asterisk/sccp_v3.conf ist die neue konfig.
Sharded lines ist noch nicht implementiert, kommt aber in nachfolgenden Versionen

Ich hoffe Ihr könnt verstehen das wir einen radikalen Schnitt in der Konfiguration gemacht haben, diese bringt uns aber eine erhebliche Erleichterung im Handling
Wow, hier hat sich ja eine Menge getan!

Ich hatte leider wenig Zeit, und unser System läuft ja auch super (Uptime > 3 Monate), nämlich Asterisk 1.4.17-bristuffed mit chan-sccp-b SVN rev. 302.

Nun musste ich was an der SCCP-Konfig ändern, und bei der Gelegenheit habe ich mal die aktuelle v2 eingebaut. Das einzige Problem: Man hört keine Wähltöne mehr, also kein tuuuut, tuuuut. Man kann aber prima telefonieren.

Aus lauter Verzweiflung habe ich dann protocolversion von 3 auf 6 geändert, und dann ging es wieder. (Früher hörten die Telefone bei protocolversion=5 gar nicht mehr auf zu klingeln, da war was los).

Wenn diese Kombination stabil ist, werde ich auch mal eine aktuelle Asterisk-Version ausprobieren.

Weiß jemand, was es genau mit den verschiedenen protocolversions auf sich hat? Man kann ja jetzt von 2 bis 11 einstellen.

Viele Grüße,
protocolversion bei v2 und v3 ist mittlerweile 17.
Branche V3 ist nunmehr auch abwärtskompatibel
Hallo zusammen :)

ich habe gleich ein paar Fragen, erste und interessanteste Frage, gibt es eine Übersicht an features die SCCP unterstützt?

Im sccp_v3.conf steht zwar einiges, aber wohl nicht alles, z.B. nicht mit was man die Buttons alles belegen kann (habe ein 7960)

Dann wäre interessant, was es im extensions.conf im zusammenhang mit sccp alles gibt, ich habe hier z.b. in einem anderen Thread folgendes gefunden:

" exten => 620,1,SetCalledParty("Couch" <620>) "

was aber überhaupt keine Auswirkungen hat, vielleicht kann mir einer sagen, was man an SCCP alles übergeben kann ...

und die dritte und wichtigste Frage wäre, wie bekomm ich eine BusyLampIndication zum laufen, es gibt unglaublich viele ansätze, aber mit keinem bekomm ich es ans laufen ...

Aktuell hab ich vor jeder SCCP Nebenstelle folgendes in der extensions.conf stehen:

exten => 616,hint,SCCP/616

in der sccp_v3.conf hab ich dann noch folgendes
button = speeddial,Patrick,616,from-sip

wenn ich das jetzt richtig verstanden habe, müsste ich sehen wenn der teilnehmer telefoniert, in der CLI ergibt das kommando core show hints folgende Ausgabe:

616@from-sip : SCCP/616 State:Idle Watchers 0

hat jemand einen Tip wie ich vorallem die Besetztanzeige hinbekomme?

Vielen dank und einen schönen Sonntag!

Gruß Robert
SetCalledParty - setzt den Namen und die Telefonnummer in Deinem Telefon.
Das gilt aber nur wenn Du den Channel initialisiert hast.

zu hints:
Die Konfiguration dafür müsste wie folgt aussehen:
button = speeddial,Patrick,616,616@from-sip
hmmm nein, hat leider immer noch nicht funktioniert, hier nochmal etwas mehr aus den configs:



exten => 616,hint,SCCP/616
exten => 616,1,agi(get_callername.php,${CALLERID(num)})
exten => 616,2,Dial(SCCP/616)


private = off                                   ; permit the private function softkey
privacy = off                                   ; full = disable hints notification on devices, on = hints showed depending on private key, off = hints always showed
;mwilamp = on                                   ; Set the MWI lamp style when MWI active to on, off, wink, flash or blink
;mwioncall = off                                ; Set the MWI on call.
;blindtransferindication = ring ; moh or ring. the blind transfer should ring the caller or just play music on hold
;protocolversion = 3                    ; skinny version protocol. Just for testing. 0 to 11
;cfwdall = off                                  ; activate the callforward ALL stuff and softkeys
;cfwdbusy = off                                 ; activate the callforward BUSY stuff and softkeys
;cfwdnoanswer = off                             ; activate the callforward NOANSWER stuff and softkeys

type                    = 7960                                          ; device type (see below)
;imageversion           = SCCP65.8-4-1SR2                       ; useful to upgrade old firmwares (the ones that do not load *.xml from the tftp server)
description = Robert Tausend
;keepalive              = 60                            ; set 0 to disable the keepalive check.
;tzoffset               = +2                                            ;
;addon                  = 7915                                          ; first addon. Allowed value are 7914, 7915, 7916. Please check your device for addons compatibility.
;addon                  = 7915                                          ; second addon.

button                  = line,615,default              ; this is default line
button                  = line,617                              ; this is second line
button                  = speeddial,Patrick,616,616@from-sip    ; this is a speeddial button
button                  = feature,DND
button                  = feature,Private
button                  = feature,FWD to mailbox,CFWD_ALL,411

transfer = on                                   ; enable or disable the transfer capability. It does remove the transfer softkey
conference = on                                 ; enable or disable the conference capability. It does remove the conference softkey
park = on                                               ; take a look to the compile howto. Park stuff is not compiled by default
cfwdall = off                                   ; activate the callforward stuff and softkeys
cfwdbusy = off
cfwdnoanswer = off
pickupexten = on                                ; enable Pickup function to direct pickup an extension
;pickupcontext = from-sip                       ; context where direct pickup search for extensions. if not set it will be ignored.
pickupgroup = 1
pickupmodeanswer = on                   ; on  = asterisk way, the call has been answered when picked up
                                                                ; off = call manager way, the phone who picked up the call rings the call
private = off                                   ; permit the private function softkey for this device
privacy = off                                   ; full = disable hints notification on devices, on = hints showed depending on private key, off = hints always showed
dnd = on                                                ; turn on the dnd softkey for this device. Valid values are "off", "on" (busy signal), "reject" (busy signal), "silent" (ringer = silent) or user to toggle on phone
;mwilamp = on                                   ; Set the MWI lamp style when MWI active to on, off, wink, flash or blink
;mwioncall = off                                ; Set the MWI on call.

mohinterpret=default                    ; Sets the default music on hold class
mohsuggest=default                              ; Suggested music on hold when other channels put on hold

dtmfmode = inband                               ; inband or outofband. outofband is the native cisco dtmf tone play.
                                                                ; Some phone model does not play dtmf tones while connected (bug?), so the default is inband

;disallow=all                   ; First disallow all codecs
;allow=alaw                     ; Allow codecs in order of preference
;allow=g729                     ; see Asterisk doc/rtp-packetization for framing options

deny=                    ; Same as general
permit=   ; This device can register only using this ip address
trustphoneip = no                               ; The phone has a ip address. It could be private, so if the phone is behind NAT
                                                                ; we don't have to trust the phone ip address, but the ip address of the connection
;earlyrtp = none                                ; valid options: none, offhook, dial, ringout. default is none.
                                                                ; The audio strem will be open in the progress and connected state.
;setvar=testvar=value                   ; This is a device test variable

; This is a CP7965 device with a 7915 addon
type                    = 7960                                          ; device type (see below)
;imageversion           = SCCP65.8-4-1SR2                       ; useful to upgrade old firmwares (the ones that do not load *.xml from the tftp server)
description = Patrick Maier
;keepalive              = 60                            ; set 0 to disable the keepalive check.
;tzoffset               = +2                                            ;
;addon                  = 7915                                          ; first addon. Allowed value are 7914, 7915, 7916. Please check your device for addons compatibility.
;addon                  = 7915                                          ; second addon.

button                  = line,616,default              ; this is default line
;button                  = line,617                              ; this is second line
button                         = empty                                         ; this is an empty button
button                  = speeddial,1000,Dial1000       ; this is a speeddial button
;button                 = speeddial,1001,Dial1001,default       ; this is an hotline button
button                  = serviceurl,,GoGoogle      ; this is a service url
button                  = feature,Displayname,ID        ; this is a feature button
button                  = feature,forward all calls to mobile,CFWD_ALL,016012345678

transfer = on                                   ; enable or disable the transfer capability. It does remove the transfer softkey
conference = on                                 ; enable or disable the conference capability. It does remove the conference softkey
park = on                                               ; take a look to the compile howto. Park stuff is not compiled by default
cfwdall = off                                   ; activate the callforward stuff and softkeys
cfwdbusy = off
cfwdnoanswer = off
pickupexten = on                               ; enable Pickup function to direct pickup an extension
;pickupcontext = from-sip                   ; context where direct pickup search for extensions. if not set it will be ignored.
pickupgroup = 1
pickupmodeanswer = on                   ; on  = asterisk way, the call has been answered when picked up
                                                                ; off = call manager way, the phone who picked up the call rings the call
private = off                                    ; permit the private function softkey for this device
privacy = off                                  ; full = disable hints notification on devices, on = hints showed depending on private key, off = hints always showed
dnd = on                                                ; turn on the dnd softkey for this device. Valid values are "off", "on" (busy signal), "reject" (busy signal), "silent" (ringer = silent) or user to toggle on phone
;mwilamp = on                                   ; Set the MWI lamp style when MWI active to on, off, wink, flash or blink
;mwioncall = off                                ; Set the MWI on call.

mohinterpret=default                    ; Sets the default music on hold class
mohsuggest=default                              ; Suggested music on hold when other channels put on hold

dtmfmode = inband                               ; inband or outofband. outofband is the native cisco dtmf tone play.
                                                                ; Some phone model does not play dtmf tones while connected (bug?), so the default is inband

;disallow=all                   ; First disallow all codecs
;allow=alaw                     ; Allow codecs in order of preference
;allow=g729                     ; see Asterisk doc/rtp-packetization for framing options

deny=                    ; Same as general
permit=   ; This device can register only using this ip address
trustphoneip = no                               ; The phone has a ip address. It could be private, so if the phone is behind NAT
                                                                ; we don't have to trust the phone ip address, but the ip address of the connection
;earlyrtp = none                                ; valid options: none, offhook, dial, ringout. default is none.
                                                                ; The audio strem will be open in the progress and connected state.
;setvar=testvar=value                   ; This is a device test variable

Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, müsste es doch so sein, das ich an der NST 615 über den speeddial Button jetzt sehen müsste, wann 616 abgehoben hat, oder ein Gespräch bekommt, aber ich sehe nichts, auch die ausgabe von "core show hints" bringt wieder

    -= Registered Asterisk Dial Plan Hints =-
                    616@from-sip            : SCCP/616              State:Idle            Watchers  0
                    617@from-sip            : SCCP/617              State:Unavailable     Watchers  0
                    615@from-sip            : SCCP/615              State:Unavailable     Watchers  0

Hast Du vielleicht noch eine idee, was ich falsch mache?


p.s. hast Du denn eine Idee, wo ich eine übersicht bekomme, was man alles auf die Buttons noch für Funktionen legen kann?

p.p.s. Ich würde auch gerne die gPickup Funktion nutzen, das scheint aber auch nicht zu gehen, mach ich da auch noch was falsch? :(

Sorry für die vielen Fragen, aber über andere Foren hab ich bis jetzt nichts finden können ...
müsste ich morgen erst mal analysieren.
Kannst Du mir vielleicht mal die debugausgabe der Konsole senden - am besten mit sccp debug 99

Wenn wir eine vernünftige Dokumentation hätten - wäre ich sehr happy.
Leider fehlt mir dazu die Zeit das noch mit zu machen.

Vielleicht findet sich aber jemand in der Community, der Lust hätte und dabei zu unterstützen.
So, hier die Ausgabe:

Duesentrieb*CLI> sccp debug 99
SCCP debug level was 3 now 99
    -- Registered SIP '611' at port 5060 expires 60
    -- Saved useragent "E71-1 RM-346 200.21.118" for peer 611
[Jan 25 22:07:53] NOTICE[10702]: chan_sip.c:12669 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '611' is now Reachable. (73ms / 2000ms)
    -- Executing [616@from-sip:1] AGI("SIP/611-08208e90", "get_callername.php|611") in new stack
    -- Launched AGI Script /usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/get_callername.php
    -- AGI Script get_callername.php completed, returning 0
    -- Executing [616@from-sip:2] Dial("SIP/611-08208e90", "SCCP/616") in new stack
    -- SCCP: Asterisk asked to create a channel type=SCCP, format=4, data=616, options=
    -- SCCP: Looking for line 616
[Jan 25 22:08:06] WARNING[10853]: sccp_utils.c:479 sccp_line_find_byname: SEP001B54CA8C67: found line 616
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: New channel number: 3 on line 616
    -- SCCP:     cid_num: "616"
    -- SCCP:    cid_name: "Patrick Maier"
    -- SCCP: accountcode: ""
    -- SCCP:       exten: ""
    -- SCCP:     context: "from-sip"
    -- SCCP:    amaflags: "3"
    -- SCCP:   chan/call: "616-00000003"
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Global Capabilities: 268
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Channel SCCP/616-00000003, capabilities: DEVICE 0x10c (ulaw|alaw|g729)(268) PREFERRED 0x4 (ulaw)(4) USED ulaw(4)
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Allocated asterisk channel 616-00000003
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Asterisk request to call SCCP/616-00000003
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Set callingParty Name Kein Name on channel 3
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Set callingParty Number 611 on channel 3
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Set calledParty Name Patrick Maier on channel 3
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Set calledParty Number 616 on channel 3
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Getting the active channel on device.
 SCCP: [INDICATE] mode 'LOCK' in file 'sccp_pbx.c', on line 338 (sccp_pbx_call)
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Indicate SCCP state (Ringing) on call 616-00000003
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Clear the display notify message
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Clear the status prompt on line 0 and callid 0
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Send and Set the call state Ringing(4) on call 3
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Send callinfo for Inbound channel 3
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Send lamp mode LampBlink(5) on line 1
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Send ringer mode Outside(3) on device
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Send softkeyset to Ringin(3) on line 1  and call 3
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Set asterisk state Ringing (5) for call 3
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Finish to indicate state SCCP (Ringing), SKINNY (Ringing) on call 616-00000003
    -- Called 616
    -- SCCP/616-00000003 is ringing
    -- SCCP: Looking for line 616-00000003
    -- SCCP: Looking for line 616-00000003 in realtime. Look at table: sccpline
    -- SCCP: Realtime-Line 616-00000003 not found
[Jan 25 22:08:16] WARNING[10691]: sccp_utils.c:488 sccp_line_find_byname: SCCP: Line not found.
    -- SCCP: Asterisk asked for the state (4) of the line 616-00000003
    -- SCCP: Looking for line 616
[Jan 25 22:08:16] WARNING[10691]: sccp_utils.c:479 sccp_line_find_byname: SEP001B54CA8C67: found line 616
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Found channel (3) with state "Ringing" (4) on line 616
    -- SCCP: Asterisk asked for the state (6) of the line 616
    -- SCCP: Looking for line 616
[Jan 25 22:08:16] WARNING[10691]: sccp_utils.c:479 sccp_line_find_byname: SEP001B54CA8C67: found line 616
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Found channel (3) with state "Ringing" (4) on line 616
    -- SCCP: Asterisk asked for the state (6) of the line 616
    -- SCCP: Asterisk request to hangup channel SCCP/616-00000003
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Current channel 616-00000003 state Ringing(4)
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Send callinfo for Inbound channel 3
 SCCP: [INDICATE] mode 'UNLOCK' in file 'sccp_pbx.c', on line 415 (sccp_pbx_hangup)
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Indicate SCCP state (OnHook) on call 616-00000003
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Send and Set the call state OnHook(2) on call 3
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Clear the status prompt on line 1 and callid 3
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Send softkeyset to OnHook(0) on line 1  and call 3
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Send ringer mode RingOff(1) on device
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Stop tone on device
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Send lamp mode LampOff(1) on line 1
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Finish to indicate state SCCP (OnHook), SKINNY (OnHook) on call 616-00000003
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Deleting channel 3 from line 616
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Deleted channel 3 from line 616
  == Spawn extension (from-sip, 616, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/611-08208e90'
    -- SCCP: Looking for line 616-00000003
    -- SCCP: Looking for line 616-00000003 in realtime. Look at table: sccpline
    -- SCCP: Realtime-Line 616-00000003 not found
[Jan 25 22:08:16] WARNING[10691]: sccp_utils.c:488 sccp_line_find_byname: SCCP: Line not found.
    -- SCCP: Asterisk asked for the state (4) of the line 616-00000003
    -- SCCP: Looking for line 616
[Jan 25 22:08:16] WARNING[10691]: sccp_utils.c:479 sccp_line_find_byname: SEP001B54CA8C67: found line 616
    -- SCCP: Asterisk asked for the state (1) of the line 616
    -- SCCP: Looking for line 616
[Jan 25 22:08:16] WARNING[10691]: sccp_utils.c:479 sccp_line_find_byname: SEP001B54CA8C67: found line 616
    -- SCCP: Asterisk asked for the state (1) of the line 616
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Clear the status prompt on line 0 and callid 0
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Display prompt on line 0, callid 0, timeout 0
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Send softkeyset to OnHook(0) on line 0  and call 0

Hmmm und wo bekommt man dann die möglichen Features raus für die Buttons? die müssen ja irgendwo stehen, ich bekomms ja nichtmal hin ein DND auf so nen Button zu legen :(

sorry, hatte ich vergessen zu sagen - die debug bitte beim anmelden
ich hoffe mal du meinst das dann hier :

    -- SCCP: Accepted connection from
    -- SCCP: Using ip
    -- SCCP: >> Got message AlarmMessage
    -- SCCP: Alarm Message: Severity: Warning (1), 6: Name=SEP001B54CA8C67 Load=8.0(10.0)File Not Found [2112/1366272192]
    -- SCCP: >> Got message AlarmMessage
    -- SCCP: Alarm Message: Severity: Informational (2), 22: Name=SEP001B54CA8C67 Load=8.0(10.0) Last=Reset-Reset [2112/1366272192]
    -- SCCP: >> Got message RegisterMessage
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: is registering, Instance: 1, Type: Cisco7960 (7), Version: 11
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Allocating device to session (24)
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Building button template Cisco7960(7), user config 7960
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Phone available lines 6
[Jan 25 22:58:17] WARNING[12708]: sccp_actions.c:176 sccp_handle_register: SEP001B54CA8C67: Found buttontype: line
    -- SCCP: Looking for line 616
[Jan 25 22:58:17] WARNING[12708]: sccp_utils.c:483 sccp_line_find_byname: SCCP: Found line 616
[Jan 25 22:58:17] WARNING[12708]: sccp_actions.c:194 sccp_handle_register: SEP001B54CA8C67: Attaching line 616 with instance 1 to this device
    -- SEP001BD40B696A: (sccp_hint_notify_linestate) HINT notify state 0 of the line '616'
    -- SEP001BD40B696A: Send lamp mode LampOff(1) on line 3
    -- SEP001BD40B696A: Send and Set the call state OnHook(2) on call 0
    -- SEP001BD40B696A: Send softkeyset to OnHook(0) on line 3  and call 0
    -- SEP001BD40B696A: (sccp_hint_notify_linestate) HINT notify state 0 of the line '616'
    -- SEP001BD40B696A: Send lamp mode LampOff(1) on line 3
    -- SEP001BD40B696A: Send and Set the call state OnHook(2) on call 0
    -- SEP001BD40B696A: Send softkeyset to OnHook(0) on line 3  and call 0
[Jan 25 22:58:17] WARNING[12708]: sccp_actions.c:176 sccp_handle_register: SEP001B54CA8C67: Found buttontype: speeddial
[Jan 25 22:58:17] WARNING[12708]: sccp_actions.c:176 sccp_handle_register: SEP001B54CA8C67: Found buttontype: empty
[Jan 25 22:58:17] WARNING[12708]: sccp_actions.c:176 sccp_handle_register: SEP001B54CA8C67: Found buttontype: empty
[Jan 25 22:58:17] WARNING[12708]: sccp_actions.c:176 sccp_handle_register: SEP001B54CA8C67: Found buttontype: empty
[Jan 25 22:58:17] WARNING[12708]: sccp_actions.c:176 sccp_handle_register: SEP001B54CA8C67: Found buttontype: empty
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Ask the phone to send keepalive message every 60 seconds
 00000000 - 53 45 50 30 30 31 42 35 34 43 41 38 43 36 37 00 SEP001B54CA8C67.
 00000010 - 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 C0 A8 6F 51 07 00 00 00 ..........oQ....
 00000020 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0B 00 60 85 00 00 00 00 ................
 00000030 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
 00000040 - 00 00 00 00                                     ....
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: asked for protocol version (11): our capability is (3).
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Display notify with timeout 5
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Send speaker mode 2
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Clear the status prompt on line 0 and callid 0
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Restoring device status (dnd, cfwd*) from the asterisk db
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: dnd status is: OFF
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: >> Got message HeadsetStatusMessage
    -- handle headset
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: >> Got message CapabilitiesResMessage
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Device has 8 Capabilities
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: CISCO:    25 Wideband 256k             AST:     0 unknown
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: CISCO:     4 G.711 u-law 64k           AST:     4 G.711 u-law
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: CISCO:     2 G.711 A-law 64k           AST:     8 G.711 A-law
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: CISCO:    15 G.729 Annex B             AST:     0 unknown
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: CISCO:    16 G.729 Annex A + B         AST:     0 unknown
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: CISCO:    11 G.729                     AST:     0 unknown
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: CISCO:    12 G.729 Annex A             AST:   256 G.729A
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: CISCO:     1 Non-standard codec        AST:     0 unknown
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: >> Got message HeadsetStatusMessage
    -- handle headset
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: >> Got message ButtonTemplateReqMessage
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Building button template Cisco7960(7), user config 7960
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button 1 type: line
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: button instance 1
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: line instance 1
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Configured Phone Button [01] = LINE (616), temporary instance (1)
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button 2 type: speeddial
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button 3 type: empty
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Configured Phone Button [03] = empty
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button 4 type: empty
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Configured Phone Button [04] = empty
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button 5 type: empty
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Configured Phone Button [05] = empty
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button 6 type: empty
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Configured Phone Button [06] = empty
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button Template [01] = Line (9), instance 1
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button Template [02] = Line (9), instance 2
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button Template [03] = Undefined (255), instance 0
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button Template [04] = Undefined (255), instance 0
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button Template [05] = Undefined (255), instance 0
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button Template [06] = Undefined (255), instance 0
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: >> Got message SoftKeyTemplateReqMessage
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(0)[ 1] = Redial
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(1)[ 2] = NewCall
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(2)[ 3] = Hold
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(3)[ 4] = Transfer
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(4)[ 5] = CFwdALL
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(5)[ 6] = CFwdBusy
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(6)[ 7] = CFwdNoAnswer
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(7)[ 8] = &lt;&lt;
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(8)[ 9] = EndCall
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(9)[10] = Resume
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(10)[11] = Answer
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(11)[12] = Info
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(12)[13] = Confrn
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(13)[14] = Park
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(14)[15] = Join
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(15)[16] = MeetMe
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(16)[17] = PickUp
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(17)[18] = GPickUp
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(18)[19] = RmLstC
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(19)[20] = CallBack
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(20)[21] = Barge
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(21)[22] = DND
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(22)[23] = No Park Number Available
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(23)[24] = CallPark Reversion
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(24)[25] = Service is not Active
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(25)[26] = Empty
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(26)[27] = ConfList
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(27)[28] = Select
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(28)[29] = Private
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(29)[30] = TrnsfVM
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(30)[31] = DirTrfr
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Button(31)[32] = iDivert
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: >> Got message SoftKeySetReqMessage
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: TRANSFER        is enabled
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: DND             is Reject
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: PRIVATE         is disabled
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: PARK            is  enabled
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: CFWDALL         is  enabled
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: CFWDBUSY        is  enabled
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: CFWDNOANSWER    is  enabled
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: TRNSFVM/IDIVERT is  enabled
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: MEETME          is  enabled
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: PICKUPGROUP     is  enabled
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: PICKUPEXTEN     is  enabled
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Set[0 ]= 0 :Redial     1 :NewCall    2 :CFwdALL    3 :GPickUp    4 :DND
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Set[1 ]= 0 :Hold       1 :EndCall    2 :Park       3 :Select     4 :CFwdALL    5 :CFwdBusy   6 :iDivert
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Set[2 ]= 0 :Resume     1 :NewCall    2 :EndCall    3 :Transfer   4 :Confrn     5 :Select     6 :DirTrfr    7 :iDivert
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Set[3 ]= 0 :Answer     1 :EndCall    2 :TrnsfVM    3 :iDivert
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Set[4 ]= 0 :Redial     1 :EndCall    3 :CFwdALL    4 :CFwdBusy   5 :GPickUp    6 :MeetMe
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Set[5 ]= 0 :Hold       1 :EndCall    2 :Transfer   3 :Confrn     4 :Park       5 :Select     6 :DirTrfr    7 :CFwdALL    8 :CFwdBusy
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Set[6 ]= 0 :&lt;&lt;   1 :EndCall
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Set[7 ]= 0 :Hold       1 :EndCall    2 :Join
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Set[8 ]= 0 :EndCall    1 :Transfer   2 :CFwdALL    3 :iDivert
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Set[9 ]= 0 :Redial     1 :EndCall
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Set[10]= 0 :NewCall    1 :EndCall    2 :PickUp
    -- There are 11 SoftKeySets.
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Send softkeyset to OnHook(0) on line 0  and call 0
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: >> Got message LineStatReqMessage
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Configuring line number 2
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Looking for line by instance 2
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67 searching for speeddial: 2
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: line is hint for 615@from-sip
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: activate hint for Button 2
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Parsing speedial hint 615@from-sip for speedial: 615,Robert
    -- SCCP: Looking for line 615
[Jan 25 22:58:17] WARNING[12708]: sccp_utils.c:479 sccp_line_find_byname: SEP001BD40B696A: found line 615
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Added hint (SCCP) on line 615, extension 615, context: from-sip
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: >> Got message LineStatReqMessage
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Configuring line number 1
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Looking for line by instance 1
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Found line 616
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Send Forward Status.  Line: 616
    -- SEP001BD40B696A: (sccp_hint_notify_linestate) HINT notify state 0 of the line '616'
    -- SEP001BD40B696A: Send lamp mode LampOff(1) on line 3
    -- SEP001BD40B696A: Send and Set the call state OnHook(2) on call 0
    -- SEP001BD40B696A: (sccp_hint_notify_linestate) HINT notify state 0 of the line '616'
    -- SEP001BD40B696A: Send lamp mode LampOff(1) on line 3
    -- SEP001BD40B696A: Send and Set the call state OnHook(2) on call 0
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: >> Got message ServerReqMessage
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Sending servers message
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: >> Got message RegisterAvailableLinesMessage
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: >> Got message TimeDateReqMessage
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Send date/time
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Post registration process
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Clear the status prompt on line 0 and callid 0
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Display prompt on line 0, callid 0, timeout 0
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Send softkeyset to OnHook(0) on line 0  and call 0
    -- SEP001B54CA8C67: Post registration process... done!

Problem mit 7971 und protocolversion 9

Mit protocolversion 9 oder 12 kommen die 7971er nicht klar:

[Jan 26 09:01:13] WARNING[12374] sccp_actions.c: Unhandled SCCP Message: unknown(0x004A) 12 bytes length
[Jan 26 09:01:47] WARNING[12374] sccp_actions.c: Unhandled SCCP Message: unknown(0x004A) 12 bytes length
[Jan 26 09:02:21] WARNING[12374] sccp_actions.c: Unhandled SCCP Message: unknown(0x004A) 12 bytes length
[Jan 26 09:02:45] WARNING[12374] sccp_actions.c: Unhandled SCCP Message: unknown(0x004A) 12 bytes length

Danach resetten die Phones sofort.
hi fsiggi,

kann ich mir kaum vorstellen - habe selbst 7971er mit protocol version 17!!
Die Warnings kannst du ignorieren, dass heisst nur das die Message noch nicht implementiert ist.
Welche Firmware verwendest Du?
Vielleicht liegt es an der alten Firmware, das könnte sein. 8.2.5 bietet aber protocolversion 9 an und 8.3.5 12.

An dem Phone hängt ein 7914

Wenn dann ein Anruf hereinkommt und man hebt ab, resettet das Phone sofort. mit protocolversion=6 gibt es kein Problem.

Es gab sogar einen segfault:
Core was generated by `/usr/sbin/asterisk -f -vvvg -c'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  0xb5cb7426 in sccp_handle_message (r=0x8aaa820, s=0x8373968) at chan_sccp.c:703
703               if(s->sin.sin_addr.s_addr != s->device->session->sin.sin_addr.s_addr){
(gdb) bt
#0  0xb5cb7426 in sccp_handle_message (r=0x8aaa820, s=0x8373968) at chan_sccp.c:703
#1  0xb5cdb139 in sccp_socket_thread (ignore=0x0) at sccp_socket.c:333
#2  0x080ff18b in dummy_start (data=0x83efe00) at utils.c:852
#3  0xb7f634c0 in start_thread () from /lib/i686/cmov/
#4  0xb7e7561e in sysctl () from /lib/i686/cmov/
(gdb) bt full
#0  0xb5cb7426 in sccp_handle_message (r=0x8aaa820, s=0x8373968) at chan_sccp.c:703
        mid = 73
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sccp_handle_message"
#1  0xb5cdb139 in sccp_socket_thread (ignore=0x0) at sccp_socket.c:333
        fset = {fds_bits = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33554432, 0 <repeats 25 times>}}
        res = 1241622720
        maxfd = 217
        now = 1232956092
        s = (sccp_session_t *) 0x8373968
        tv = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 500000}
        sigs = {__val = {138432515, 0 <repeats 31 times>}}
        attr = {__size = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\020", '\0' <repeats 21 times>, __align = 0}
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sccp_socket_thread"
#2  0x080ff18b in dummy_start (data=0x83efe00) at utils.c:852
        __cancel_buf = {__cancel_jmp_buf = {{__cancel_jmp_buf = {136351088, 0, 0, -1243016248, -970530667, 199420398}, __mask_was_saved = 0}}, __pad = {0xb5e91490, 0x0,
    0xb5e913c4, 0xb7eebff4}}
        not_first_call = <value optimized out>
        ret = <value optimized out>
#3  0xb7f634c0 in start_thread () from /lib/i686/cmov/
No symbol table info available.
#4  0xb7e7561e in sysctl () from /lib/i686/cmov/
No symbol table info available.
probleme mit hinting


habe ebenfalls wie rtausend probleme mit dem hinting system.

die hints werden in richting asterisk signalisiert, die telefone selber bekommen aber auf dem button nix mit.

-- SEP0021A084E6CB: Configuring line number 4
    -- SEP0021A084E6CB: Looking for line by instance 4
    -- SEP0021A084E6CB searching for speeddial: 4
    -- SEP0021A084E6CB: line is hint for 110@hint
    -- SEP0021A084E6CB: activate hint for Button 4
    -- SEP0021A084E6CB: Parsing speedial hint 110@hint for speedial: 110,Sofaru 110
    -- SCCP: Looking for line 110
[Jan 27 22:04:11] WARNING[25483]: sccp_utils.c:479 sccp_line_find_byname: SEP0021A084E4D1: found line 110
    -- SEP0021A084E6CB: Added hint (SCCP) on line 110, extension 110, context: hint

show hints sagt aber:

fozzie*CLI> show hints
    -= Registered Asterisk Dial Plan Hints =-
                    111@hint                : SCCP/111              State:Unavailable     Watchers  0
                    110@hint                : SCCP/110              State:Unavailable     Watchers  0
- 2 hints registered

interessanterweise steht da im state auch noch unavailable. das geht erst weg, wenn da das erste mal ne signalisierung auf das geraet stattfindet.

sind hier 2x 7975 an einem debian asterisk 1.4 mit chan-sccp-b aus dem svn.

was laeuft da schief?

viele gruesse

bitte verwendet nicht die trunk version, sondern branche/v3. Da funktioniert hinting.
Ich werde in den nächsten Tagen die tunk-version bereinigen.

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