Bruteforceattacken auf Dropbear-SSH Server verhindern?

I try today morning and not work. Now work, voila.. Thx.

Hint me: how i modify/copy files in /var/flash? Via SCP not work? Any other way? (no nvi:-(
I try today morning and not work. Now work, voila.. Thx.
... well, I had introduced a bug during the changes :rolleyes:

Editing files in /var/flash:
- nvi is the best option
- alternative is to ( example with debug.cfg ):
1) cat /var/flash/debug.cfg > /var/debug.cfg
2) use whatever editor you prefer to modify /var/debug.cfg ( e.g. e3c under /usr/lib/common/bin with asterisk installation )
3) cat /var/debug.cfg > /var/flash/debug.cfg

btw. new Version of cfg_dropbear now comes with "config2flash" and "flash2config" Options, which allows to save and restore changes to /etc/dropbear/* Files to the non-volatile Flash ( for RAM-Installations, not required for USB-Installations )
Thx, 1) 2) 3) i know, but not like, very heavy typing.

I like F4 in WinSCP only :))

I must examine config2flash for knowledge about flash in FBF works :)

Please: Any scp-nci (like nvi for WinSCP) not exist?
... btw. the more recent asterisk on FBF installations come with "e3c" and "ne3c" editors ( equal to vi and nvi ).

They are more "windows user friendly" if you like :)
and better scp in dropbear distribution is possible? WinSCP works only with "scp" command, if i understand.
and better scp in dropbear distribution is possible? WinSCP works only with "scp" command, if i understand.
Don't understand what you mean. dropbear does support the SCP File Protocol.
You need to set:
- Session -> User Name: root
- Session -> Private key file: point to your PPK
- Session -> Protocol: SCP
- Environment SCP/Shell -> Other Options: disable "Lookup user groups"

and then you can connect via WinSCP to your dropbear Server on the FBF.

u meaN: wINscp UTILIZE SCP COMMAND (OR NOT?) AND THIS SCP COMMAND NOT WORK with /var/flash/* files.

If i understand...
As already the name lets assume, WinSCP does support SCP.

Files under "/var/flash/" are accessed through block devices. This is important, as some FW versions don't support a regular "cp" command with such files. The problem you may be facing has nothing to do with WinSCP.

Therefore the safest way to copy files from /var/flash ( e.g. ar7.cfg ) is to "cat" them to a temporary location and then copy them from there:
cat /var/flash/ar7.cfg > /var/ar7.cfg


# ./cfg_dropbear start
dropbear/bin/dropbear: can't load library ''

any ideas?

i try beta and release version too, try on 7170, where is prob. please? I have USB Installl.

Maybe is problem with LABOR firmware?


i found here, but maybe problem with linking?

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Nov 7 14:13 -> /var/dropbear_usb/usr/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Nov 7 14:13 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Nov 7 14:13 ->

-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3982 Nov 7 13:57

then link /var/dropbear/usr/lib/ found OK

why not work OK ./cfg_dropbear start ?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
There is no need to remind via a separate PM, if you have posted a question and not received an answer within 15 minutes ... :rolleyes:

- What version of cfg_dropbear are you using ( which version and where did you download it from ) ?
- What is your current uClibc-Version ?
ls -l /lib/libuClibc*
i use image version in my Sig...

i previously load:

cd /var
wget [url][/url]
chmod +x ./cfg_asterisk16
./cfg_asterisk16 -v usb_install
./cfg_asterisk16 -v start

and maybe not work :-/

then i must load some different, like from this ?

I try to:

cd /var
wget [url][/url]
chmod +x ./cfg_asterisk16
./cfg_asterisk16 -v usb_install
./cfg_asterisk16 -v start

wget [url][/url]
chmod +x ./cfg_dropbear
./cfg_dropbear -v usb_install
./cfg_dropbear -v start

here is otput and dropbear not work :-((

Connecting to (

cfg_asterisk16       100% |**************************************************************************************************************************************************************| 24215  --:--:-- ETA
# chmod +x ./cfg_asterisk16
# ./cfg_asterisk16 -v usb_install
Connecting to (
cfg.common           100% |**************************************************************************************************************************************************************| 46767  --:--:-- ETA
INFORMATION: cfg.common: current v2.352 >= required v2.352 -> OK
INFORMATION: asterisk16 Version:
INFORMATION: Install-Script Version: 1.241
EXECUTING:   _fct cfgctl@cfg_asterisk16:check:app_status
              total         used         free       shared      buffers
  Mem:        30260        29164         1096            0         1036
 Swap:            0            0            0
Total:        30260        29164         1096
EXECUTING:   _fct instdir@/var/media/ftp:addons/asterisk16:inst_dir:inst_fs_type
INFORMATION: Installing asterisk16 ([url][/url]) to /var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons ...
EXECUTING:   _fct mkdr@/var:log:run:spool:log/asterisk:spool/asterisk
EXECUTING:   _fct [email]wgetx@[/email]
Connecting to (
freeramdisk          100% |**************************************************************************************************************************************************************| 13515  --:--:-- ETA
Connecting to (
rd.ko                100% |**************************************************************************************************************************************************************|  9287  --:--:-- ETA
EXECUTING:   _fct [email]wgetx@[/email]omize
Connecting to (
cfg.customize        100% |**************************************************************************************************************************************************************|  1386  --:--:-- ETA
EXECUTING:   _fct rdsk@start
Connecting to (
rd.ko                100% |**************************************************************************************************************************************************************|  9287  --:--:-- ETA
EXECUTING:   _fct rdsk@new:ramdev
asterisk16.sqf -> /var/ram0:
EXECUTING:   _fct [email]wgetx@[/email]
Connecting to (
ram0                 100% |**************************************************************************************************************************************************************|  1760k 00:00:00 ETA
INFORMATION: Installing asterisk16 on usb device (SanDisk-CruzerMini-01)
Start extracting files ... please wait!
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/asterisk16/bin/rasterisk': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/asterisk16/usr/lib/asterisk/sounds/de/digits/minutes.gsm': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/asterisk16/usr/lib/asterisk/sounds/digits/minutes.gsm': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/asterisk16/usr/lib/': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/asterisk16/usr/lib/': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/asterisk16/usr/lib/': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/asterisk16/usr/lib/': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/asterisk16/usr/lib/': Operation not permitted
EXECUTING:   _fct rdsk@free:/var/ram0:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons
EXECUTING:   _fct lnsf@/var/log/asterisk:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/asterisk16/log/asterisk
EXECUTING:   _fct lnsf@/var/spool/asterisk:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/asterisk16/spool/asterisk
COMPLETED:   asterisk16 has been successfully installed to usb device SanDisk-CruzerMini-01
Performing root install ... This may take a couple minutes.
Aborting during this period will render your system inoperable!!!
EXECUTING:   _fct cfgctl@cfg_asterisk16:disable:SILENT
INFORMATION: asterisk16 start disabled during ROOT overlaying phase ...
EXECUTING:   _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/bin:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/asterisk16/bin
 -> /bin -  ADDED SOFTLINKS: 44
 -> /bin/cp NOT REPLACED with SYMLINK to file /var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/asterisk16/bin/cp, as RO parm was set.
 -> /bin -  ADDED SOFTLINKS: 18
INFORMATION: _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/bin:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/asterisk16/bin: Total 62 softlinks added to /bin/...
EXECUTING:   _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/etc:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/asterisk16/etc
 -> /etc -  ADDED SOFTLINKS: 29
 -> /etc -  ADDED SOFTLINKS: 3
INFORMATION: _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/etc:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/asterisk16/etc: Total 32 softlinks added to /etc/...
EXECUTING:   _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/usr:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/asterisk16/usr
 -> /usr -  ADDED SOFTLINKS: 4
 -> /usr -  ADDED SOFTLINKS: 1
INFORMATION: _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/usr:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/asterisk16/usr: Total 5 softlinks added to /usr/...
EXECUTING:   _fct mntif@-o:bind:/var/_RO_/usr/www:/usr/www
EXECUTING:   _fct mntif@-o:bind:/var:/var/_RO_/var

EXECUTING:   _fct cfgctl@cfg_asterisk16:enable:SILENT
INFORMATION: ROOT overlaying phase finished. asterisk16 starting enabled!
              total         used         free       shared      buffers
  Mem:        30260        27492         2768            0          396
 Swap:            0            0            0
Total:        30260        27492         2768
to use asterisk16 type ./cfg_asterisk16 start
(or /var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/cfg_asterisk16 start)

After a reboot you may reinstall asterisk16 from usb with
/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/cfg_asterisk16 usb_install
Found addons customization script cfg.customize in /var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons. Will check & run customizations for asterisk16 now.
# ./cfg_asterisk16 -v start
INFORMATION: cfg.common: current v2.352 >= required v2.352 -> OK
INFORMATION: asterisk16 Version:
INFORMATION: Install-Script Version: 1.241
EXECUTING:   _fct cfgctl@cfg_asterisk16:check:app_status
asterisk: can't load library ''
asterisk daemon has been started (to open a console use: cfg_asterisk16 start r)
# wget [url][/url]
Connecting to (
cfg_dropbear         100% |**************************************************************************************************************************************************************| 13702  --:--:-- ETA
# chmod +x ./cfg_dropbear
# ./cfg_dropbear -v usb_install
cfg.common: current v2.352 >= required v2.351 -> OK
EXECUTING:   _fct cfgctl@cfg_dropbear:check:app_status
              total         used         free       shared      buffers
  Mem:        30260        28644         1616            0          620
 Swap:            0            0            0
Total:        30260        28644         1616
EXECUTING:   _fct instdir@/var/media/ftp:addons/dropbear:inst_dir:inst_fs_type
INFORMATION: Installing dropbear ([url][/url]) to /var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons ...
EXECUTING:   _fct [email]wgetx@[/email]
EXECUTING:   _fct [email]wgetx@[/email]omize
EXECUTING:   _fct rdsk@start
EXECUTING:   _fct rdsk@new:ramdev
dropbear.sqf -> /var/ram0:
EXECUTING:   _fct [email]wgetx@[/email]
Connecting to (
ram0                 100% |**************************************************************************************************************************************************************|   108k --:--:-- ETA
INFORMATION: Installing dropbear on usb device (SanDisk-CruzerMini-01)
Start extracting files ... please wait!
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin/dbclient': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin/dropbear': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin/dropbearconvert': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin/dropbearkey': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin/scp': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin/ssh': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/usr/lib/': Operation not permitted
EXECUTING:   _fct rdsk@free:/var/ram0:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons
EXECUTING:   _fct lnsf@/var/log/dropbear:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/log/dropbear
EXECUTING:   _fct lnsf@/var/spool/dropbear:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/spool/dropbear
dropbear has been successfully installed to usb device SanDisk-CruzerMini-01
Performing root install ... This may take a couple minutes.
Aborting during this period will render your system inoperable!!!
EXECUTING:   _fct cfgctl@cfg_dropbear:disable:SILENT
INFORMATION: dropbear start disabled during ROOT overlaying phase ...
EXECUTING:   _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/bin:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin
 -> /bin -  ADDED SOFTLINKS: 2
INFORMATION: _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/bin:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin: Total 2 softlinks added to /bin/...
EXECUTING:   _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/etc:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/etc
 -> /etc -  ADDED SOFTLINKS: 1
INFORMATION: _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/etc:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/etc: Total 1 softlinks added to /etc/...
EXECUTING:   _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/usr:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/usr
 -> /usr/lib -  ADDED SOFTLINKS: 4
 -> /usr/lib -  ADDED SOFTLINKS: 1
 -> /usr -  ADDED SOFTLINKS: 0
INFORMATION: _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/usr:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/usr: Total 5 softlinks added to /usr/...
EXECUTING:   _fct mntif@-o:bind:/var:/var/_RO_/var

EXECUTING:   _fct cfgctl@cfg_dropbear:enable:SILENT
INFORMATION: ROOT overlaying phase finished. dropbear starting enabled!
EXECUTING:   _fct ovrly@NL,USB:/dev/pts
INFORMATION: _fct ovrly@NL,USB:/dev/pts: Total 0 softlinks added to /dev/pts/...
EXECUTING:   _fct lnsf2@/bin:dropbear:dbclient:dropbearconvert:dropbearkey:scp:ssh:dropbearmulti
              total         used         free       shared      buffers
  Mem:        30260        28968         1292            0          684
 Swap:            0            0            0
Total:        30260        28968         1292
to use dropbear type ./cfg_dropbear start
(or /var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/cfg_dropbear start)

After a reboot you may reinstall dropbear from usb with
/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/cfg_dropbear usb_install
Found addons customization script cfg.customize in /var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons. Will check & run customizations for dropbear now.
# ./cfg_dropbear -v start
cfg.common: current v2.352 >= required v2.351 -> OK
EXECUTING:   _fct cfgctl@cfg_dropbear:check:app_status
/bin/dropbear: can't load library ''

then same problem: /bin/dropbear: can't load library '' :-((

Please. How instal script work in last labor versions? I test on my 7170 but have free 7270 too..

Many thanx.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
PLEASE, read my previous post, on top i wrote exact script!

is correct?

cd /var
chmod +x ./cfg_asterisk16
./cfg_asterisk16 -v usb_install
./cfg_asterisk16 -v start

chmod +x ./cfg_dropbear
./cfg_dropbear -v usb_install
./cfg_dropbear -v start

Then, where is problem?

Maybe script is very old: 17-Aug-2008 18:22 and buggy?

And asterissk for 0.9.29 - many errors on output, is this normal situation?

Really you tested with 12661 ? ??
I see ... the problem is with the "cp" command which does not support dereferencing of symlinks, when copying recursivey ( known bug with the labor FW ).

I'll upload a new script-version and adjusted sqf-file, when I have time later-on this evening.

Until then you can try to copy the symlinks ( that are reported with errors ) over manually, if you want to give it a try - or you just wait until later!

okay, i watch this thread

and you use build No.... without problem?
same result:

# cd /var
# wget

Connecting to (
cfg_dropbear         100% |************************************************************************************************************| 14590  --:--:-- ETA
# chmod +x ./cfg_dropbear
# ./cfg_dropbear -v usb_install
Connecting to (
cfg.common           100% |************************************************************************************************************| 46767  --:--:-- ETA
INFORMATION: cfg.common: current v2.352 >= required v2.352 -> OK
INFORMATION: dropbear Version: 0.51
INFORMATION: Install-Script Version: 1.241
EXECUTING:   _fct cfgctl@cfg_dropbear:check:app_status
              total         used         free       shared      buffers
  Mem:        30260        29168         1092            0         1844
 Swap:            0            0            0
Total:        30260        29168         1092
EXECUTING:   _fct instdir@/var/media/ftp:addons/dropbear:inst_dir:inst_fs_type
INFORMATION: Installing dropbear ( to /var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons ...
EXECUTING:   _fct mkdr@/var:log:run:spool:log/asterisk:spool/asterisk
EXECUTING:   _fct wgetx@
Connecting to (
freeramdisk          100% |************************************************************************************************************| 13515  --:--:-- ETA
Connecting to (
rd.ko                100% |************************************************************************************************************|  9287  --:--:-- ETA
EXECUTING:   _fct wgetx@
Connecting to (
cfg.customize        100% |************************************************************************************************************|  1386  --:--:-- ETA
EXECUTING:   _fct rdsk@start
Connecting to (
rd.ko                100% |************************************************************************************************************|  9287  --:--:-- ETA
EXECUTING:   _fct rdsk@new:ramdev
dropbear.sqf -> /var/ram0:
EXECUTING:   _fct wgetx@
Connecting to (
ram0                 100% |************************************************************************************************************|   112k --:--:-- ETA
INFORMATION: Installing dropbear on usb device (SanDisk-CruzerMini-01)
Start extracting files ... please wait!
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin/dbclient': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin/dropbear': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin/dropbearconvert': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin/dropbearkey': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin/scp': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin/ssh': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symlink '/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/usr/lib/': Operation not permitted
EXECUTING:   _fct rdsk@free:/var/ram0:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons
EXECUTING:   _fct lnsf@/var/log/dropbear:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/log/dropbear
EXECUTING:   _fct lnsf@/var/spool/dropbear:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/spool/dropbear
COMPLETED:   dropbear has been successfully installed to usb device SanDisk-CruzerMini-01
Performing root install ... This may take a couple minutes.
Aborting during this period will render your system inoperable!!!
EXECUTING:   _fct cfgctl@cfg_dropbear:disable:SILENT
INFORMATION: dropbear start disabled during ROOT overlaying phase ...
EXECUTING:   _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/bin:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin
 -> /bin -  ADDED SOFTLINKS: 44
 -> /bin/cp NOT REPLACED with SYMLINK to file /var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin/cp, as RO parm was set.
 -> /bin -  ADDED SOFTLINKS: 3
INFORMATION: _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/bin:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin: Total 47 softlinks added to /bin/...
EXECUTING:   _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/etc:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/etc
 -> /etc -  ADDED SOFTLINKS: 29
 -> /etc -  ADDED SOFTLINKS: 1
INFORMATION: _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/etc:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/etc: Total 30 softlinks added to /etc/...
EXECUTING:   _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/usr:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/usr
 -> /usr -  ADDED SOFTLINKS: 4
 -> /usr -  ADDED SOFTLINKS: 1
INFORMATION: _fct ovrly@RO,USB:/usr:/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/usr: Total 5 softlinks added to /usr/...
EXECUTING:   _fct mntif@-o:bind:/var/_RO_/usr/www:/usr/www
EXECUTING:   _fct mntif@-o:bind:/var:/var/_RO_/var

EXECUTING:   _fct cfgctl@cfg_dropbear:enable:SILENT
INFORMATION: ROOT overlaying phase finished. dropbear starting enabled!
EXECUTING:   _fct ovrly@NL,USB:/dev/pts
INFORMATION: _fct ovrly@NL,USB:/dev/pts: Total 0 softlinks added to /dev/pts/...
EXECUTING:   _fct lnsf2@/bin:dropbear:dbclient:dropbearconvert:dropbearkey:scp:ssh:dropbearmulti
              total         used         free       shared      buffers
  Mem:        30260        29040         1220            0         1284
 Swap:            0            0            0
Total:        30260        29040         1220
to use dropbear type ./cfg_dropbear start
(or /var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/cfg_dropbear start)

After a reboot you may reinstall dropbear from usb with
/var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/cfg_dropbear usb_install
Found addons customization script cfg.customize in /var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons. Will check & run customizations for dropbear now.
# ./cfg_dropbear -v start
INFORMATION: cfg.common: current v2.352 >= required v2.352 -> OK
INFORMATION: dropbear Version: 0.51
INFORMATION: Install-Script Version: 1.241
EXECUTING:   _fct cfgctl@cfg_dropbear:check:app_status
/bin/dropbear: can't load library ''

but install into ram works fine, then problem is in symlink, i think
I do assume, that you are using a FAT32 Filesystem on your USB, right ?
Then try following manual steps, after installation of cfg_dropbear and prior to starting it:
[COLOR=Black]cd /var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/bin
cp dropbearmulti scp
cp dropbearmulti ssh
cp dropbearmulti dbclient
cp dropbearmulti dropbear
cp dropbearmulti dropbearconvert
cp dropbearmulti dropbearkey
cd /var/media/ftp/SanDisk-CruzerMini-01/addons/dropbear/usr/lib
Normally the CP command ought dereference symlinks during recursive copying but that still seems not to work, for whatever reason.

oh, i look, many thanx...

then in next script version you make test and if FAT, then copy files, if linuxFS, then make symlinks...
Is this good idea?

1) Please how you automatically get variabile like "SanDisk-CruzerMini-01" in your script?

2) My idea is utilize FBF with Portech LAN SIP GSM GW (like MV372 ), if know any link for tutorial (in en or de lang), pls link me
(specially config extensions.conf and sip.conf, i newer run Asterisk and have only theoretical knowledge and TFOT :).

3) please have any link to script Asterisk v1.6.0.1 auf FBF 7270 ?

4) how i send out syslog debug to external server (standard syslog server like Kiwi Syslog)

5) how i send out callog to any extern syslog like 4)?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
vpe schrieb:
then in next script version you make test and if FAT, then copy files, if linuxFS, then make symlinks...
Is this good idea?
Actually this functionality is already integrated ... I would need to be able to access the FW to fix the problem, but I am not going to install it on my FBF though.
Can you please post the output of "mount" once your USB is mounted - maybe one can see some anomalities there already.

Regarding your other questions.
This thread is for the dropbear. I suggest not to mix questions on Asterisk and Dropbear into one and the same thread. Open a separate one for asterisk in the respective sub-forum.

1) check the "instdir" function in cfg.common
2-5) not a question for this thread

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