Asterisk 1.6 + mISDN V2 + chan_lcr

Hehe nee da ist nix. woher soll die kommen bzw. wie bekomme ich die dahin?

dann wundert mich nix mehr ;-) das sollte der 'make install' beim LCR Build erledigen. Den 'install' hast du wirklich gemacht, wie angegeben?

Also langsam sollte ich mir was für deine Hilfe überlegen ;)

ja - wenn alles laeuft ein HOWTO schreiben und hier reinstellen :)

- sparkie
lcradmin state
Bildschirmfoto 2011-07-13 um 13.56.06.png

lcradmin portinfo
	 port = 0 "hfc-pci.1"
	 extension = no
	 status = unblocked
	 mode = TE-mode ptmp
	 l1 link = up
	 l2 link = unknown
	 usage = 0

bei asterisk -rx...... komt
  -= Info about application 'lcr_config' =- 


Sets LCR opts. and optargs

The available options are:
    d - Send display text on called phone, text is the optarg.
    n - Don't detect dtmf tones on called channel.
    h - Force data call (HDLC).
    t - Disable mISDN_dsp features (required for fax application).
    q - Add queue to make fax stream seamless (required for fax app).
        Use queue size in miliseconds for optarg. (try 250)
    f - Adding fax detection. It it timeouts, mISDN_dsp is used.
        Use time to detect for optarg.
    c - Make crypted outgoing call, optarg is keyindex.
    e - Perform echo cancelation on this channel.
        Takes mISDN pipeline option as optarg.
    s - Send Non Inband DTMF as inband.
    r - re-buffer packets (160 bytes). Required for some SIP-phones and fax applications.
   vr - rxgain control
   vt - txgain control
        Volume changes at factor 2 ^ optarg.
    k - use keypad to dial this call.

set LCR_TRANSFERCAPABILITY to the numerical bearer capabilty in order to alter caller's capability
 -> use 16 for fax (3.1k audio)

To send a fax, you need to set LCR_TRANSFERCAPABILITY environment to 16, also you need to set
options: "n:t:q250" for seamless audio transmission.

Not available

Not available

[See Also]
Not available

Beim start von asterisk -vvvvvvvvvncT

kann ich dann auch kein eingendes gespräch sehen.

in der extension.conf ist noch nichts angelegt. Wollte ich dann machen wenn ich etwas auf der asterisk konsole entdecke.
der lcr process ist aber gestartet? Was wird denn in diesem Log angezeigt, wenn ein Ruf getaetigt wird:

Ja der ist gestartet allerdings leider passiert nichts wenn ein Anruf eingeht.
13.07.11 14:42:37.094 --: LCR 1.7 started, waiting for calls...
13.07.11 14:42:37.095 CH: PH_ACTIVATE INDICATION U<-N  port 0
13.07.11 14:42:38.447 --: REMOTE APP registers  app name=asterisk
Sollte aber 2m Leitung und nur 1 Geräte ja eigentlich nicht rumzicken oder?
da habe ich schon die tollsten Effekte erlebt. Selbst bei kurzen Kabeln. Buchsen mit Terminierung sollte man immer ein paar auf Vorrat haben :) Es muss mindestens irgendwo eine Terminierung da sein. Am besten natuerlich an den beiden Busenden wie es sich gehoert.

es sieht derzeit schon nach einem Hardwareproblem aus.

- sparkie
Ja ich habe gerade ein Ersatzboard bestellt von ISDN Karte und MainBoard. Ich gebe Rückmeldung sobald ich wieder dran bin. Danke dir bis hierhin ;)
Hallo habe glaube misdn installiert bekommen

mein log aus den callrouter 1.7 monitor
14.07.11 16:09:10.487 --: LCR terminated  signal 15
14.07.11 16:09:10.488 CH: PORT (close)  port 0
14.07.11 16:10:32.639 CH: PORT (open)  port 0  mode terminal  channels 2
14.07.11 16:10:32.782 --: LCR 1.7 started, waiting for calls...
14.07.11 16:19:48.055 CH: PH_ACTIVATE INDICATION U<-N  port 0
14.07.11 16:19:48.591 CH(1): MT_NEW_L3ID INDICATION  port 0  callref new=0x1003a
14.07.11 16:19:48.591 CH(1): MT_SETUP INDICATION U<-N  port 0  calling_pn type=0 plan=0 present=1 screen=3 number=  called_pn type=4 plan=1 number=9577791  complete   channel_id exclusive=1 channel=1  hlc coding=0 interpreta=4 presentati=1 hlc=1  bearer coding=0 capability=0 mode=0 rate=16 multi=-1 user=3
14.07.11 16:19:48.591 CH(1): CHANNEL SELECTION (setup)  port 0  channel request='1 (forced)' reserved=0  conclusion 'channel available'  connect channel=1
14.07.11 16:19:48.592 EP(1): SETUP  from CH(1)  caller id number= present=restricted  dialing 9577791  complete true
14.07.11 16:19:48.592 EP(1): TONE  to CH(1)  directory default  name dialing
14.07.11 16:19:48.592 EP(1): ACTION (match)  action goto  line 9
14.07.11 16:19:48.592 EP(1): ACTION goto/menu (change to)  ruleset extern  dialing 9577791
14.07.11 16:19:48.592 EP(1): ACTION (match)  action disconnect  line 22
14.07.11 16:19:48.592 EP(1): ACTION disconnect  cause value=1 location=1  sample cause_01
14.07.11 16:19:48.592 EP(1): TONE  to CH(1)  directory default  name cause_01
14.07.11 16:19:48.592 EP(1): DISCONNECT  to CH(1)  cause value=1 location=1-Local-PBX
14.07.11 16:19:48.594 CH(1): MT_PROCEEDING REQUEST U->N  port 0  channel_id exclusive=1 channel=1
14.07.11 16:19:48.594 CH(1): MT_DISCONNECT REQUEST U->N  port 0  cause location=5 value=1
14.07.11 16:19:48.660 CH: DL_ESTABLISH INDICATION U<-N  port 0  tei 64
14.07.11 16:19:48.741 CH(1): MT_RELEASE INDICATION U<-N  port 0  cause location=5 value=0
14.07.11 16:19:48.742 CH(1): MT_RELEASE_L3ID INDICATION  port 0  callref 0x1003a
14.07.11 16:19:48.742 EP(1): RELEASE  from CH(1)  cause value=0 location=5-Remote-PBX
14.07.11 16:19:58.786 CH: DL_RELEASE INDICATION U<-N  port 0  tei 64
14.07.11 16:20:00.365 CH: PH_DEACTIVATE INDICATION U<-N  port 0

Wie komme ich nun nach asterisk und zurück

beste Grüsse
So nun halte ich das neue Board in Händen. Leider kein Erfolg. Mist :(
So nun halte ich das neue Board in Händen. Leider kein Erfolg. Mist :(

sind eigentlich ueberhaupt irgendwelche Abschlusswiderstaende aktiv? Das ist selbst auf 2m Laenge bereits entscheident. Kann man das in der TA evtl. jumpern? Am besten mit Ohmmeter nachmessen.

- sparkie
28.07.11 03:15:06.585 EP(5): CHANNEL SELECTION (found given interface)  interface Ext
28.07.11 03:15:06.585 EP(5): CHANNEL SELECTION (using 'any' channel)  port 0  position 0
28.07.11 03:15:06.585 EP(5): SETUP  to CH(5)  caller id number= present=allowed  dialing 00170........
28.07.11 03:15:06.586 CH(5): MT_NEW_L3ID REQUEST  port 0  callref new=0xff008005
28.07.11 03:15:06.586 CH(5): MT_SETUP REQUEST U->N  port 0  calling_pn type=0 plan=1 present=0 screen=0 number=  called_pn type=0 plan=1 numb*
28.07.11 03:15:09.585 CH: DL_RELEASE INDICATION U<-N  port 0  tei 127
28.07.11 03:15:13.585 CH: DL_RELEASE INDICATION U<-N  port 0  tei 127
28.07.11 03:15:14.585 CH(5): MT_TIMEOUT INDICATION U<-N  port 0  timer 303
28.07.11 03:15:14.585 CH(5): MT_RELEASE_L3ID INDICATION  port 0  callref 0xff008005
28.07.11 03:15:14.586 EP(5): RELEASE  from CH(5)  cause value=18 location=1-Local-PBX
28.07.11 03:15:17.593 CH: DL_RELEASE INDICATION U<-N  port 0  tei 127
So nun kann ich folgendes in der lcr log verzeichnen. Anschlusswiederstände hänge ich mal morgen in die dose. Allerdings glaube ich nicht dass dies was hilft. Karte ist im TE ptmp konfiguriert und die TK Anlage stellt einen internen S0 wie ein NTBA mit einem Mehrgeräteanschluss zur verfügung.
Karte ist im TE ptmp konfiguriert und die TK Anlage stellt einen internen S0 wie ein NTBA mit einem Mehrgeräteanschluss zur verfügung.

ok, aber das besagt bzgl. Abschlusswiderstaende leider nichts.

Die Karte im Originalzustand hat keine und die TK Anlage (so wie den NTBA) kann man wahrscheinlich jumpern. Wir muessen halt alle Fehlerquellen nach und nach ausschliessen. Bei 2m Kabel ist die Position der Widerstaende nicht so wichtig aber ein Paar muss mindestens vorhanden sein. Besser sogar 2 Paar.

- sparkie
So leider immer noch keinen Erfolg. Gibts doch nicht. Ich kapier das nicht entweder bin ich zu dumm oder ein Alix board geht mit diese ISDN Karten nicht. Warum ist diese blöde HFC so störisch. :(
So leider immer noch keinen Erfolg

was geht denn eigentlich nicht? Das Log Fragment oben sieht gar nicht schlecht aus. "RELEASE from CH(5) cause value=18" bedeutet "No user responding". Also wie ist der Asterisk ueberhaupt konfiguriert? Laeuft der mit debug? Wuerde man sehen wenn dem Extensions fehlen?

- sparkie
Also nun habe ich eine neue Karte von QuirinTec mit HFC-4S Chipsatz. Nachdem ich die SUBDEVICE ID hinzugefügt hatte konnte ich mISDN und mISDN-User, dass ich von dir sparkie bekommen habe kompilieren und sehe nun mit misdn_info auch die Karte. Bei misdn_log passiert auch was wenn ich auf dem S0 anrufe etc.

Nun aber folgendes Problem, ich bekomme schon wieder lcr nicht kompiliert. Weder Version 1.6 noch 1.7 von der LCR Websiten, noch die git Version oder die von dir Sparkie. echt komisch. Welche funktioniert denn nun? Hast du einen Tipp oder jmd anderes? Danke.
Inzwischen läuft mISDN, mISDNUser, lcr.

Jetzt versuche ich noch die Verbindung zwischen asterisk und lcr. Wenn das alles klappt schreibe ich hier mein Vorgehen.
Juhu ich kann Telefonate empfangen und machen. Leider ist die Soundquali dermaßen schlecht. Desweiteren habe ich oben in Post #42 gelesen dass für Fax beim lcr was konfiguriert werden sollte. Wie genau geh ich vor? Bin schon am Tutorial schreiben. Soll ich es dann hier extra posten?

Ich versuche auch gerade, Gemeinschaft auf Debian 6 zum laufen zu kriegen, hab zwei HFC Karten drin, und scheitere leider schon an LCR :(

Ich hab mir mISDN, mISDNuser und lcr von der lcr seite besorgt,


und installiere es nach sparkies Anleitung auf Seite 2 dieses threads, allerdings schmeisst er bei LCR Fehler, mit denen ich als Laie nichts anzufangen weiß :(

mISDN klappt scheinbar wunderbar, bei mISDNuser kommt nach dem make install # -> /user/local am Ende soetwas:

make[2]: Für das Ziel »install-data-am« ist nichts zu tun.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/AST/MISDNUSER/mISDNuser/l1oip'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/AST/MISDNUSER/mISDNuser/l1oip'
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/AST/MISDNUSER/mISDNuser'
make[2]: Entering directory `/root/AST/MISDNUSER/mISDNuser'
make[2]: Für das Ziel »install-exec-am« ist nichts zu tun.
make[2]: Für das Ziel »install-data-am« ist nichts zu tun.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/AST/MISDNUSER/mISDNuser'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/AST/MISDNUSER/mISDNuser'

bei LCR gehts dann ganz rund (ein bisschen viel, ich weiß :( )

root@telefon:~/AST/LCR/lcr# ./configure
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables... 
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /bin/grep
checking for egrep... /bin/grep -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking minix/config.h usability... no
checking minix/config.h presence... no
checking for minix/config.h... no
checking whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__... yes
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking for style of include used by make... GNU
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for g++... g++
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
checking dependency style of g++... gcc3
checking for gcc... (cached) gcc
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... (cached) yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... (cached) yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... (cached) none needed
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... (cached) yes
checking asterisk/compiler.h usability... no
checking asterisk/compiler.h presence... no
checking for asterisk/compiler.h... no
checking openssl/rsa.h usability... no
checking openssl/rsa.h presence... no
checking for openssl/rsa.h... no
checking for main in -lcrypto... no
checking for openbsc/include/openbsc/gsm_data.h... no
checking for layer23/include/osmocom/osmocom_data.h... no
checking for main in -lm... yes
checking for main in -lncurses... no
checking for main in -lpthread... yes
checking for dirent.h that defines DIR... yes
checking for library containing opendir... none required
checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes
checking for sys/wait.h that is POSIX.1 compatible... yes
checking fcntl.h usability... yes
checking fcntl.h presence... yes
checking for fcntl.h... yes
checking netinet/in.h usability... yes
checking netinet/in.h presence... yes
checking for netinet/in.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes
checking for string.h... (cached) yes
checking sys/file.h usability... yes
checking sys/file.h presence... yes
checking for sys/file.h... yes
checking sys/ioctl.h usability... yes
checking sys/ioctl.h presence... yes
checking for sys/ioctl.h... yes
checking sys/socket.h usability... yes
checking sys/socket.h presence... yes
checking for sys/socket.h... yes
checking sys/time.h usability... yes
checking sys/time.h presence... yes
checking for sys/time.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
checking ctype.h usability... yes
checking ctype.h presence... yes
checking for ctype.h... yes
checking assert.h usability... yes
checking assert.h presence... yes
checking for assert.h... yes
checking mISDNuser/mbuffer.h usability... no
checking mISDNuser/mbuffer.h presence... no
checking for mISDNuser/mbuffer.h... no
checking for assert.h... (cached) yes
checking for stdbool.h that conforms to C99... yes
checking for _Bool... yes
checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... yes
checking for inline... inline
checking for pid_t... yes
checking whether time.h and sys/time.h may both be included... yes
checking whether struct tm is in sys/time.h or time.h... time.h
checking vfork.h usability... no
checking vfork.h presence... no
checking for vfork.h... no
checking for fork... yes
checking for vfork... yes
checking for working fork... yes
checking for working vfork... (cached) yes
checking whether gcc needs -traditional... no
checking whether lstat dereferences a symlink specified with a trailing slash... yes
checking whether lstat accepts an empty string... no
checking whether lstat dereferences a symlink specified with a trailing slash... (cached) yes
checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes
checking for GNU libc compatible malloc... yes
checking for working memcmp... yes
checking return type of signal handlers... void
checking for working strnlen... yes
checking for working strtod... yes
checking for vprintf... yes
checking for _doprnt... no
checking for gettimeofday... yes
checking for memmove... yes
checking for memset... yes
checking for mkdir... yes
checking for socket... yes
checking for strcasecmp... yes
checking for strchr... yes
checking for strerror... yes
checking for strncasecmp... yes
checking for strstr... yes
checking for strtol... yes
checking for strtoul... yes
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: executing depfiles commands
root@telefon:~/AST/LCR/lcr# make -j2
make  all-am
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/AST/LCR/lcr'
if g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.      -Wall -DCONFIG_DATA="\"/usr/local/lcr\"" -DSHARE_DATA="\"/usr/local/lcr\"" -DLOG_DIR="\"/usr/local/lcr\"" -DEXTENSION_DATA="\"/usr/local/lcr/extensions\""    -g -O2 -MT lcradmin.o -MD -MP -MF ".deps/lcradmin.Tpo" -c -o lcradmin.o lcradmin.c; \
	then mv -f ".deps/lcradmin.Tpo" ".deps/lcradmin.Po"; else rm -f ".deps/lcradmin.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
if g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.      -Wall -DCONFIG_DATA="\"/usr/local/lcr\"" -DSHARE_DATA="\"/usr/local/lcr\"" -DLOG_DIR="\"/usr/local/lcr\"" -DEXTENSION_DATA="\"/usr/local/lcr/extensions\""    -g -O2 -MT cause.o -MD -MP -MF ".deps/cause.Tpo" -c -o cause.o cause.c; \
	then mv -f ".deps/cause.Tpo" ".deps/cause.Po"; else rm -f ".deps/cause.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
lcradmin.c:24:20: error: curses.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
In file included from lcradmin.c:25:
macro.h: In function ‘void sprint(char*, unsigned int, const char*, ...)’:
macro.h:51: error: ‘va_start’ was not declared in this scope
macro.h:54: error: ‘va_end’ was not declared in this scope
macro.h: In function ‘void fatal(const char*, int, const char*, ...)’:
macro.h:73: error: ‘va_start’ was not declared in this scope
macro.h:75: error: ‘va_end’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c: In function ‘void init_curses()’:
lcradmin.c:92: error: ‘initscr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:92: error: ‘cbreak’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:92: error: ‘noecho’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:93: error: ‘start_color’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:94: error: ‘stdscr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:94: error: ‘TRUE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:94: error: ‘nodelay’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:95: error: ‘COLOR_PAIRS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:95: error: ‘COLORS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:97: error: ‘init_pair’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:105: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:106: error: ‘COLS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c: In function ‘void cleanup_curses()’:
lcradmin.c:111: error: ‘endwin’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c: In function ‘void color(int)’:
lcradmin.c:116: error: ‘COLOR_PAIRS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:116: error: ‘COLORS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:117: error: ‘COLOR_PAIR’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:117: error: ‘attrset’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c: In function ‘int debug_port(admin_message*, admin_message*, int, int, int)’:
lcradmin.c:128: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c: In function ‘int debug_epoint(admin_message*, admin_message*, int, int, int)’:
lcradmin.c:223: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:358: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:360: error: ‘ACS_VLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:360: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:364: error: ‘ACS_LTEE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:364: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:364: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:367: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:369: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:375: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:376: error: ‘ACS_LLCORNER’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:376: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:376: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c: In function ‘int debug_join(admin_message*, admin_message*, int, int)’:
lcradmin.c:389: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:419: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:422: error: ‘ACS_LTEE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:422: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:422: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:424: error: ‘ACS_LLCORNER’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:424: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:424: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:426: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:428: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c: In function ‘const char* admin_state(int, char**)’:
lcradmin.c:555: error: ‘erase’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:622: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:629: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:634: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:694: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:705: error: ‘COLS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:709: error: ‘ACS_LTEE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:709: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:709: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:768: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:772: error: ‘ACS_LLCORNER’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:772: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:772: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:782: error: ‘ACS_LLCORNER’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:782: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:782: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:784: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:789: error: ‘ACS_LLCORNER’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:789: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:789: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:800: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:810: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:813: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:818: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:828: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:831: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:853: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:862: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:865: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:893: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:898: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:908: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:909: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:911: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:918: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:926: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:927: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:929: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:936: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:943: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:944: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:946: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:952: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:958: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:959: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:961: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:961: error: ‘COLS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:961: error: ‘hline’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:976: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:978: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:981: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:993: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:997: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:998: error: ‘COLS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:1008: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:1008: error: ‘COLS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:1008: error: ‘hline’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:1022: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:1034: error: ‘refresh’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:1045: error: ‘getch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:1113: error: ‘getch’ was not declared in this scope
make[1]: *** [lcradmin.o] Fehler 1
make[1]: *** Warte auf noch nicht beendete Prozesse...
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/AST/LCR/lcr'
make: *** [all] Fehler 2
root@telefon:~/AST/LCR/lcr# make install
if g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.      -Wall -DCONFIG_DATA="\"/usr/local/lcr\"" -DSHARE_DATA="\"/usr/local/lcr\"" -DLOG_DIR="\"/usr/local/lcr\"" -DEXTENSION_DATA="\"/usr/local/lcr/extensions\""    -g -O2 -MT lcradmin.o -MD -MP -MF ".deps/lcradmin.Tpo" -c -o lcradmin.o lcradmin.c; \
	then mv -f ".deps/lcradmin.Tpo" ".deps/lcradmin.Po"; else rm -f ".deps/lcradmin.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
lcradmin.c:24:20: error: curses.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
In file included from lcradmin.c:25:
macro.h: In function ‘void sprint(char*, unsigned int, const char*, ...)’:
macro.h:51: error: ‘va_start’ was not declared in this scope
macro.h:54: error: ‘va_end’ was not declared in this scope
macro.h: In function ‘void fatal(const char*, int, const char*, ...)’:
macro.h:73: error: ‘va_start’ was not declared in this scope
macro.h:75: error: ‘va_end’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c: In function ‘void init_curses()’:
lcradmin.c:92: error: ‘initscr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:92: error: ‘cbreak’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:92: error: ‘noecho’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:93: error: ‘start_color’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:94: error: ‘stdscr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:94: error: ‘TRUE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:94: error: ‘nodelay’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:95: error: ‘COLOR_PAIRS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:95: error: ‘COLORS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:97: error: ‘init_pair’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:105: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:106: error: ‘COLS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c: In function ‘void cleanup_curses()’:
lcradmin.c:111: error: ‘endwin’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c: In function ‘void color(int)’:
lcradmin.c:116: error: ‘COLOR_PAIRS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:116: error: ‘COLORS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:117: error: ‘COLOR_PAIR’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:117: error: ‘attrset’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c: In function ‘int debug_port(admin_message*, admin_message*, int, int, int)’:
lcradmin.c:128: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c: In function ‘int debug_epoint(admin_message*, admin_message*, int, int, int)’:
lcradmin.c:223: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:358: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:360: error: ‘ACS_VLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:360: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:364: error: ‘ACS_LTEE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:364: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:364: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:367: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:369: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:375: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:376: error: ‘ACS_LLCORNER’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:376: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:376: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c: In function ‘int debug_join(admin_message*, admin_message*, int, int)’:
lcradmin.c:389: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:419: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:422: error: ‘ACS_LTEE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:422: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:422: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:424: error: ‘ACS_LLCORNER’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:424: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:424: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:426: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:428: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c: In function ‘const char* admin_state(int, char**)’:
lcradmin.c:555: error: ‘erase’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:622: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:629: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:634: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:694: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:705: error: ‘COLS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:709: error: ‘ACS_LTEE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:709: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:709: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:768: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:772: error: ‘ACS_LLCORNER’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:772: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:772: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:782: error: ‘ACS_LLCORNER’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:782: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:782: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:784: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:789: error: ‘ACS_LLCORNER’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:789: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:789: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:800: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:810: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:813: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:818: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:828: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:831: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:853: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:862: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:865: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:893: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:898: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:908: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:909: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:911: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:918: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:926: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:927: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:929: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:936: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:943: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:944: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:946: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:952: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:958: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:959: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:961: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:961: error: ‘COLS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:961: error: ‘hline’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:976: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:978: error: ‘addch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:981: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:993: error: ‘move’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:997: error: ‘addstr’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:998: error: ‘COLS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:1008: error: ‘ACS_HLINE’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:1008: error: ‘COLS’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:1008: error: ‘hline’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:1022: error: ‘LINES’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:1034: error: ‘refresh’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:1045: error: ‘getch’ was not declared in this scope
lcradmin.c:1113: error: ‘getch’ was not declared in this scope
make: *** [lcradmin.o] Fehler 1

Und jetzt stehe ich auf dem Schlauch :( Benutze ich die falsche Version? hab die Installationsanleitung auf Seite genau so runter gearbeitet, mit vorherigem Löschen der entsprechenden Ordner und so weiter :(

Könnt ihr mir helfen?

Liebe Grüße, Rico
Juhu, hab das Paket mit apt-get installiert, und schon geht die Installation von LCR einwandfrei :) Danke für den Tipp :)
Irgendwo hatte ich mal ein Tutorial, das hab ich iwie verlegt :( Wie gehts denn jetzt weiter? :D Gibts da ein schönes Tutorial, ich hab noch keine Ahnung, welche Karte jetzt in welchem Modus laufen muss, und was ich bei gemeinschaft einstellen muss, dass man die Anlage mal anrufen kann :(

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