Hi zusammen!
Hoffentlich kann mir einer von euch helfen. Ich bin mittlerweile echt am Verzweifeln!
Nach langem hin und her habe ich es endlich geschafft, dass das 7970 via tftp die Daten hochlädt. Nun bootet das Cisco nach dem Factory Reset auch endlich wieder! Jedoch das wars auch schon!
Ich bekomme auf dem Cisco den Fehler "Unprovisioned" und an Telefonieren ist auch nicht zu denken. Was heisst unprovisioned? Seht ihr den Fehler in den conf dateien?!?!
Woran kann das liegen? Welche Infos benötigt ihr von mir?
Ich werde mich auch erkenntlich zeigen bei demjenigen der mir hilft das Ganze schnell ans Laufen zu bringen!!!
Mal vorneweg was ich mir als "wichtig" vorstellen kann:
Dateien im Ordner TFTP-ROOT:
Meine Datei SEP00137fed7cee.cnf.xml:
meine sccp.conf
Lieber Gruß und 1000 Dank
Hoffentlich kann mir einer von euch helfen. Ich bin mittlerweile echt am Verzweifeln!
Nach langem hin und her habe ich es endlich geschafft, dass das 7970 via tftp die Daten hochlädt. Nun bootet das Cisco nach dem Factory Reset auch endlich wieder! Jedoch das wars auch schon!
Ich bekomme auf dem Cisco den Fehler "Unprovisioned" und an Telefonieren ist auch nicht zu denken. Was heisst unprovisioned? Seht ihr den Fehler in den conf dateien?!?!
Woran kann das liegen? Welche Infos benötigt ihr von mir?
Ich werde mich auch erkenntlich zeigen bei demjenigen der mir hilft das Ganze schnell ans Laufen zu bringen!!!
Mal vorneweg was ich mir als "wichtig" vorstellen kann:
Dateien im Ordner TFTP-ROOT:
Meine Datei SEP00137fed7cee.cnf.xml:
<device xsi:type="axl:XIPPhone">
<timeZone>W. Europe Standard/Daylight Time</timeZone>
<member priority="0">
<processNodeName> </processNodeName>
<ipAddr1> </ipAddr1>
meine sccp.conf
; (SCCP*)
; An implementation of Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP)
; Sergio Chersovani ([email protected])
; http://chan-sccp.belios.de
servername = Asterisk ; show this name on the device registra$
keepalive = 60 ; phone keep alive message evey 60 secs$
debug = 1 ; console debug level. 1 => 10
context = sccp
dateFormat = D.M.Y ; M-D-Y in any order. Use M/D/YA (for 1$
bindaddr = ; replace with the ip address o$
port = 2000 ; listen on port 2000 (Skinny, $
disallow=all ; First disallow all codecs
allow=alaw ; Allow codecs in order of pref$
allow=ulaw ;
firstdigittimeout = 16 ; dialing timeout for the 1st digit
digittimeout = 8 ; more digits
;digittimeoutchar = # ; you can force the channel to dial wit$
autoanswer_ring_time = 1 ; ringing time in seconds for the autoa$
autoanswer_tone = 0x32 ; autoanswer confirmation tone. For a c$
; not all the tones can be play$
remotehangup_tone = 0x32 ; passive hangup notification. 0 for no$
transfer_tone = 0 ; confirmation tone on transfer$
callwaiting_tone = 0x2d ; sets to 0 to disable the callwaiting $
musicclass=default ; Sets the default music on hold class
language=en ; Default language setting
;accountcode=skinny ; accountcode to ease billing
deny= ; Deny every address except for the onl$
permit= ; Accept class C
; You may have multiple rules f$
; Rules are processed from the $
; This General rule is valid fo$
localnet = ; All RFC 1918 addresses are local networks
;externip = ; IP Address that we're going to notify$
externhost = koester-partner.dyndns.org ; Hostname (if dynamic) that we're go$
; externrefresh = 60 ; expire time in seconds for the hostna$
dnd = on ; turn on the dnd softkey for a$
rtptos = 184 ; sets the default rtp packets TOS
echocancel = on ; sets the phone echocancel for all dev$
silencesuppression = off ; sets the silence suppression for all $
;callgroup=1,3-4 ; We are in caller groups 1,3,4$
;pickupgroup=1,3-5 ; We can do call pick-p for call group $
;amaflags = ; Sets the default AMA flag code stored$
trustphoneip = no ; The phone has a ip address. I$
; we don't have to trust the ph$
tos = 0x68 ; call control packets tos (0x6$
;earlyrtp = none ; valid options: none, offhook,$
; The audio strem will be open $
private = on ; permit the private function softkey
;mwilamp = on ; Set the MWI lamp style when MWI activ$
;mwioncall = off ; Set the MWI on call.
;blindtransferindication = ring ; moh or ring. the blind transfer should ring t$
;protocolversion = 3 ; skinny version protocol. Just for tes$
;cfwdall = off ; activate the callforward ALL stuff an$
;cfwdbusy = off ; activate the callforward BUSY stuff a$
type = 7970 ; device type (see below)
autologin = 50 ;line79702,,line79702 ; lines list. Yo$
description = Phone7970 ; internal description. Not important
;keepalive = 60 ; set 0 to disable the keepalive check.
;tzoffset = +2
transfer = on ; enable or disable the transfer capabi$
park = on ; take a look to the compile ho$
speeddial = ; you can add an empty speedial if you $
speeddial = 50,name ; speeddial number and name
cfwdall = on ; activate the callforward stuff and so$
cfwdbusy = on
dtmfmode = inband ; inband or outofband. outofban$
; Some phone model does not pla$
;imageversion = P00405000700 ; useful to upgrade old firmwares (the $
;deny= ; Same as general
;permit= ; This device can register only using t$
dnd = on ; turn on the dnd softkey for t$
trustphoneip = no ; The phone has a ip address. I$
; we don't have to trust the ph$
;earlyrtp = none ; valid options: none, offhook,$
; The audio strem will be open $
private = on ; permit the private function softkey f$
mwilamp = on ; Set the MWI lamp style when MWI activ$
mwioncall = off ; Set the MWI on call.
device => SEP00137FED7CEE ; device name SEP<MAC>
id = 50 ; future use
pin = 1111 ; future use
label = [email protected] ; button line label (7960, 7970$
description = Line 79701 ; top diplay description
context = sccp
incominglimit = 2 ; more than 1 incoming call = c$
transfer = on ; per line transfer capability. on, off$
mailbox = 50 ; voicemail.conf (syntax: vmbox[@contex$
vmnum = 600 ; speeddial for voicemail admin$
cid_name = 7970 CID ; caller id name
cid_num = 79701
trnsfvm = 1000 ; extension to redirect the caller (e.g$
secondary_dialtone_digits = 9 ; digits for the secondary dialtone (ma$
secondary_dialtone_tone = 0x22 ; outside dialtone
musicclass=default ; Sets the default music on hold class
language=en ; Default language setting
;accountcode=79701 ; accountcode to ease billing
rtptos = 184 ; sets the the rtp packets TOS for this$
echocancel = on ; sets the phone echocancel for this li$
silencesuppression = off ; sets the silence suppression for this$
;callgroup=1,3-4 ; We are in caller groups 1,3,4$
;pickupgroup=1,3-5 ; We can do call pick-p for call group $
;amaflags = ; Sets the default AMA flag code stored$
line => 50 ;79701
; phone types
; 12 -- Cisco IP Phone 12SP+ (or other 12 variants)
; 30 -- Cisco IP Phone 30VIP (or other 30 variants)
; 7902 -- Cisco IP Phone 7902G
; 7905 -- Cisco IP Phone 7905G
; 7910 -- Cisco IP Phone 7910
; 7912 -- Cisco IP Phone 7912G
; 7935 -- Cisco IP Conference Station 7935
; 7936 -- Cisco IP Conference Station 7936
; 7920 -- Cisco IP Wireless Phone 7920
; 7940 -- Cisco IP Phone 7940
; 7960 -- Cisco IP Phone 7960
; 7970 -- Cisco IP Phone 7970
; 7914 -- Cisco IP Phone 7960 with a 7914 addon
; ata -- Cisco ATA-186 or Cisco ATA-188
; kirk -- Kirk telecom ip phones
Lieber Gruß und 1000 Dank