Kurzwahl mit SIP-URI nicht funktioniert. Wer kann helfen?


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24 Apr 2006
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Ich versuche eine Rufumleitung einzurichten, die ein Parallelruf auf einen sipgate Nummer machen soll. Alles eingerichtet wie in der Einleitung
steht. Leider funktioniert die Kurzwahl im Form [email protected] nicht.
Im Log steht 404 NotFound über sipgate.de, obwohl mein Softfon läuft und ich kann FBF selbst anrufen. **701# produziert gleichen Fehler. Auf der Box ist ein anderen sipgate Nummer registriert. Was mach ich falsch? Hab schon *122#[email protected] (122 für bei der Box registrierte sipgate Nummer) auch probiert - gleiche Fehlermeldung.

Jetzt doch ein Hinweis gefunden: sipgate funktioniert nur ab Kurzwahl Nummer 10 (-99).
Kann das jemand bestätigen?
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Also bezüglich Kurzwahl Nummer, bei mir sind 3 sipgate numer bis 08 gespeichert und die funzen ohne Probleme.
Also, Kombination *122#**701# funktionier, leider darf ich keine nicht numerische Zeichen bei der Rufumleitung eingeben...
Ich komme nicht weiter, wie kann ich bei der Rufumleitung eingeben, daß es über sipgate (*122#) gewählt werden soll???
Fehlermeldung die ich kriege: Internettelefonie mit 19xxxxx8 über sipgate.de war nicht erfolgreich. Ursache: Not Found (404).
Wenn ich über *122#**701# gehe - es klingelt und wenn ich auflege kommt: Internettelefonie mit 19xxxxx8 über sipgate.de war nicht erfolgreich. Ursache: Request cancelled (487).

Hurra!!! Es hat geklapt! :D
Das war aber schwere Geburt... Es geht, wenn ich die komplette Nummer im Kurzwahl habe (wie 01801xxxxxxxxx8) und dann über die Wahlregel diese Nummer über sipgate Leitung schalte.

Hier habe ich gefunden (Der interne Wählplan der Fritz!Box Fon)
Erst ab dreistelligen Umleitungsnummer werden diese direkt auf dem 1. an dieser Nebenstelle zugewiesenen Weg gewählt.
Also, beim Kurzwahl wohl auch....
Wenn ich sipgate an der erste Stelle setze, klappt es auch mit dem SIP-URI im Kurzwahl.
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adubrovsky schrieb:
Hurra!!! Es hat geklapt! ... Es geht, wenn ich die komplette Nummer im Kurzwahl habe (wie 01801xxxxxxxxx8) und dann über die Wahlregel diese Nummer über sipgate Leitung schalte.

If I understand this correctly, then one can use Kurzwhal to define a moblie/handy number, and use Wahlregeln to tell that this handy number should be connected via sipgate (or in my case draytel.org).

That's fine, but now I'd like to know how to tell my FB7050 to forward incoming (analog) landline calls (incoming on FON1) to my [email protected] sip-number.

Any corrections welcome,
Make a new entry in the "Telefonbuch" and use the SIP-URI [email protected] as "Rufnummmer" to create a Kurzwahl for that URI.

After that you create a Rufumleitung with these Options:
Alle Anrufe an: Fon1 (or Festnetz:xxxxxx if you only want to forward landline calls )
Zielrufnummer: 7xx (that is the Kurzwahl you created for the SIP-URI without **)
Art der Umleitung: (whatever you need)

BTW: If the URI you posted above is your real SIP-Number, you should edit your posting. Otherwise you will get some calls you probably don't want.
martien schrieb:
If I understand this correctly, then one can use Kurzwhal to define a moblie/handy number, and use Wahlregeln to tell that this handy number should be connected via sipgate (or in my case draytel.org).

That's fine, but now I'd like to know how to tell my FB7050 to forward incoming (analog) landline calls (incoming on FON1) to my [email protected] sip-number.

Any corrections welcome,

1. Define Kurzwahl for your sip-number (for **701#).
2. Activate forwarding for your incoming calls to **701#.
3. Check that your FON2 has at FIRST place (you can set more as one sip-number for FON2-Line) your (outgoing) second sip-number at draytel.org (for intern call to [email protected]). Note: For this scenario you must have two sip-number (they can be from different provider, but if you want calling free, better you have both sip-number from one provider)....
Guys! Muchos gracias, vielend Dank. It seems to look fine, will try when at home. Will send you the screen shots, as I think here is where the FB manual disappoints, and screen shots will tell it all.

Zielrufnummer: 7xx (that is the Kurzwahl you created for the SIP-URI without **)
That was exactly the one that I was looking for: how to let FB dial these starred codes, if that works then I'm done.

  • Ultimately what I want is to transfer incoming landline calls (incoming on FON1, analog) to my Handy, either directly, or via Draytel's call forwarding feature.
  • I use Draytel because it can forward calls to mobiles, landlines, and SIP-URI's, but (an this is kinda nasty) ... only if my my Draytel account is off-line.
  • If I'm right then in the UK we have only numbers starting with 01, 02 (Ort), 07 (Handy), 08 (low fees), 09 (porn-fees), 00 (international). I may use Kurzwahl number 703 (or 03) to make FB dial quicker.
  • I also have two sipgate numbers, and a sipphone number.
  • Please bear in mind that the UK version of FB7050 (the Annex A or Annex B) has no updated firmware. I use version 14.03.91 ... so no phone book (grrrr!). But that is probably a minor issue.
  • AVM's support for international FB's is a bit bare. PC magazines rave about FB, ... unfortunately, I'm not sure what to think, I find it a travesty that we are starved from firmware updates.
  • My draytel.org number is not the one mentioned, thanks for the reminder.

Thanks, will keep you posted,
It works! I decided not to post screen shots, hope this helps.

Step 1: under the Fritz!box user interface go to Telephony->Internet Telephony.

Make sure the outgoing "Internet Number" (e.g. [email protected]) is active.

Step 2: under the Fritz!box user interface go to Telephony->Extensions.

I linked FON1 to my Fixed-line network.

Step 3: under the Fritz!box user interface go to Telephony->Extensions.

I linked FON2 to the active Internet Number from step 1.

Step 4: under the Fritz!box user interface go to Telephony->Quick-dial Numbers.

I added a Quick-dial Number (03) linking to the target SIP-VOIP number. This is a second SIP-VOIP number [not active in Telephony->Internet Telephony (e.g. [email protected])]. This SIP-VOIP number will forward all calls to my handy.

Step 5: under the Fritz!box user interface go to Telephony->Call diversion.

Under the panel: "List of Call Diversions Defined", let extension FON1 Divert to Number 03, immediately.

Step 6: let someone call your landline, see what happens.

Thanks guys, it works!
Call diversion to mobile using UK (annex A) Fritzfon 7050

I now made it easier to divert calls to my mobile.

Step 1: under the Fritz!box user interface go to Telephony->Internet Telephony.

Make sure the outgoing "Internet Number" (e.g. [email protected]) is active. Also make sure you payed the SIP phone provider (drayel.org) sufficient money to pay for the outgoing calls.

Step 2: under the Fritz!box user interface go to Telephony->Extensions.

I linked FON1 to my Fixed-line network.

Step 3: under the Fritz!box user interface go to Telephony->Extensions.

I linked FON3 to the active Internet Number from step 1.

Step 4: under the Fritz!box user interface go to Telephony->Quick-dial Numbers.

I added a Quick-dial Number (04) linking to the target (UK based) mobile phone number: 07712345678. Note that you follow the SIP provider's instructions for the right number format. Draytel wants the full UK number, or the number including the country code.

Step 5: under the Fritz!box user interface go to Telephony->Call diversion.

Under the panel: "List of Call Diversions Defined", let extension FON1 Divert to Number 04, immediately.

Step 6: under the Fritz!box user interface go to Telephony->Dialing Rules.

Here I added a rule telling FB to use my Draytel connection (internet number 822222), defined in step 1, for any calls to the number 07712345678.

Step 7: let someone call your landline, see what happens.

* If one applies logic, then step 4 may be skipped, and in step 5 one could divert to 07712345678 (instead of 04). Will try later.
* Note sure if Step 6 is really required, however I have 6 SIP VOIP numbers, and only one has funding to really make calls to landlines or mobiles. So to make life easy for my FB, I tell him explicitly to use my 822222 draytel line for outgoing calls to my mobile. This means probably also that calls to my mobile using the real phone attached to FON1 will be directed by my 822222 draytel line. But I don't mind, the cost differential is trivial.

Hope this helps out those of you who live outside Germany,
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