
  1. Z

    How to dial a sip address wiht the 7050?

    Boh, now it works... I'll leave this working config atm :p
  2. Z

    Suggestions for cordless and 7050?

    Hmmm, I have an analog line, but if I put an ISDN cordless in S0 will it work if my line is analog? Shouldn't the box deliver the call anyway to S0, whatever is the incoming line??
  3. Z

    7050 and Incoming calls by soft client not working

    I can't establish a conversation when called by a contact using x-lite or gizmo or other softphone. If instead I try not with 7050 but with pc and a soft client and the contact uses still the same soft phone, we can talk, otherwise I get only the phone ringing and after no sounds...
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