
  1. oTTo_klein

    Dead End ... or dead box!

    Right: somehow I must have anticipated your post as tried a recovery under XP. The attempt wasn't very succesful as I can only recover the latest installed FW which is *.04.31 - NO possible way to recover an early version such as *.04.15 or *.14.25 Back on my tracks and still nowhere with...
  2. oTTo_klein

    Dead End ... or dead box!

    As I predicted, the downgrade process back from 14.04.31 didn't go well at all, and I am facing a very critical situation. Following several attempts, recovery program returned the message: "Die Wiederherstellung ist gescheitert. Starten sie das wieder Wiederherstellungprogramm erneut"...
  3. oTTo_klein

    Fritzbox (1&1) 7050 als Annex "A"

    Dearest FB Community , A simple but recurrent question to you all: - Is there an easy way to patch my FB with FW 14.04.31 to Annex A???? This is to avoid the complex and risky Adam2/downgrade process posted by our italian fellows on this forum. For your information, like most of us, I...
  4. oTTo_klein

    Problems connecting FB7050 with ipness

    This may be of interest for those of you that encounter problems using a Fritz!Box with their IPness account: • IPness platform incorporates two gateways, each one for in-and- outbound traffic; both gateways support a different codec sequence! (still priority is given to G.729...
  5. oTTo_klein

    Problems connecting FB7050 with ipness

    Since I can not place any calls, and make use of it, all my credit is still on the account. I can assure you there's no shortage of that kind ... My question goes to e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e on the forum (Gandalf, are u there?): would there be a particular setting in the Fbox interface that could...
  6. oTTo_klein

    Problems connecting FB7050 with ipness

    I applied the settings like you said, and same thing again: NO OUTCALL!!! I also made a screen shot of the "487" error messages, see below. For your information: there is a 20second time out on the outbound calls. In other words, connection is cut off and I get 487 after a 20sec delay -...
  7. oTTo_klein

    Problems connecting FB7050 with ipness

    Seems like everyone but me succeds in configuring the 7050 with an IPness account:mad: I still have the same problem: account is registered, incoming calls O.K. but NO DTMF signals on carrier; NO outgoing calls, except to IPness users! (Error code "487" for ALL other numbers ....)...
  8. oTTo_klein

    HELP: Unidentified VoIP call problem

    @Gandalf, and all others: If necessary I can provide you either with a Telnet SIP trace, or with an ethereal type *.eth file from the FBF capture option. I would like to have your inputs, feedback, and possible solutions:confused: . With more thanks. PS I am not looking for the...
  9. oTTo_klein

    HELP: Unidentified VoIP call problem

    Since my other thread never been answered, ANY help would be really appreciated. I saw a similar posts on the forum without an actual solution; turns out to be a problem in the firmware that prevents VoIP calls going through FBF7050 loaded with FW 14.04.15 In my case, I have NO Analog...
  10. oTTo_klein

    VoIP funktionert nicht mit 7050 ausgehende anrufe (englisch)

    Hi everyone, Perhaps someone can help; With my little german, I couldn't find any solution to my trouble in the Telephony sections. I have a german branded (1&1, Wlan) 7050 that was converted to Annex A for local use (I'm in Belgium). More specifically, the box is loaded with the most...
  11. oTTo_klein

    VoIP ausgehende anrufe mit 7050 (englisch)

    Hi everyone, Perhaps someone can help; With my little german, I couldn't find any solution to my trouble on the forum. I have a german branded (1&1, Wlan) 7050 that was converted to Annex A for local use (I'm in Belgium). More specifically, the box is loaded with the most recent FW...
  12. oTTo_klein

    FBox @ 0,5Mb/s im Belgien (Englisch)

    Special Thanks to Haveaniceday & Mephisto for their contribution. With no doubts, the latest 14.04.15 firmware rocks! However, in order to install it and recover a decent speed -since 14.04.15 is a german 7050 Annex B firmware - I intend to use the Annex B patch (fritz_als_avm_annex_B.tar)...
  13. oTTo_klein

    FBox @ 0,5Mb/s im Belgien (Englisch)

    @Scout: Thanks for your message, but sounds to me that's definitely a problem developed with the new firmware '14.04.12' and the Annex A/B/A/... conversion. Connected with any other modem my speed is ±3,3Mb/s, which has been confirmed by Mobistar as the limit! Prior to that, I used to have...
  14. oTTo_klein

    FBox @ 0,5Mb/s im Belgien (Englisch)

    Having carefully browsed all relevant information in selected forums, my reason for writing is to ask everyone for a little advice about this wonderful device that is the Fritz!Box. Actually, I have been using my 7050 (Wlan, 1&1) for about a year with great pleasure and satisfaction. Since I...
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