FBox @ 0,5Mb/s im Belgien (Englisch)


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19 Jul 2006
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Having carefully browsed all relevant information in selected forums, my reason for writing is to ask everyone for a little advice about this wonderful device that is the Fritz!Box.

Actually, I have been using my 7050 (Wlan, 1&1) for about a year with great pleasure and satisfaction. Since I am in Belgium, all this was only possible after an AnnexB ---> AnnexA conversion.

I recently switched to a different ISP (Mobistar) and found out that there was no longer synchronization. AVM support response to me was that a firmware update could resolve this problem. Because of the annex B/A conversion, my FBox rejected all newer firmwares. Which lead me to reverse the Annex operation (A -->B), do the firmware update, and back to Annex A again!

Once the operation was done and the '14.04.12' firmware successfully installed, I then realized how slow the speed was: much less than <0,5Mb/s!
Another mention being the error message that I get in the Fbox interface start page:

"FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7050, Firmware-Version 14.04.12

In Ihrer FRITZ!Box wurden vom Hersteller nicht unterstützte Änderungen durchgeführt. Weitere Informationen.FRITZ!Box Firmware (Anlagensoftware)
Die angegebene Datei enthält keine von
AVM für dieses Gerät freigegebene Firmware.

Wenn Sie nicht freigegebene Firmware in der FRITZ!Box installieren, kann dies zum kompletten Funktionsverlust der FRITZ!Box führen.
Weiterhin verlieren Sie alle Ansprüche auf Support, Garantie und Gewährleistung für Ihre FRITZ!Box.

Verwenden Sie ausschließlich Firmware, die von AVM für dieses Gerät freigegeben ist. Nur dafür kann AVM die volle Unterstützung der Funktionalität
Ihrer FRITZ!Box sicherstellen.

Freigegebene Firmware-Dateien für Ihre FRITZ!Box sind:

- von AVM erstellt und herausgegeben

- für Ihr FRITZ!Box-Modell erstellt

- mindestens so aktuell, wie die auf der FRITZ!Box installierte Firmware

May I ask you any recommendation about:

• How to improve my speed, if possible;

• Difference between the files provided on the forum:
fritz_als_avm_annex_A ?
fritz_als_avm_annex_A_new.tar ??(for your information, it's the file that I used for my conversion)
fritz_als_avme_annex_A_new.tar ???
fritz_als_avme_new.tar ????
fritz_als_avm_new.tar ????

• Should I un-brand the box?

• Should I activate telnet ?

I am not really keen on having a german to english converted box, all I wish is to be able to connext to the internet at a reasonable speed >3,3Mb/s and have the ability to take my box with me whenever I am on travel.

This was a long thread and in English, Sorry, but I would highly appreciate it if you would know something about my current trouble.

Thanking you all in advance.

I would recommend to ask your ISP first. He is able to determine your cable parameters (length, attenuation, noise margin, etc.). The ATM-rate can be chosen by the ISP.
I have had a similar experience with BELGACOM and they fixed the problem by changing the line. Please note that 3.3 Mbit/s and more is not available everywhere. Somtimes it's just 1 Mbit/s or less, e.g. in case of cable length of 5km.

@Scout: Thanks for your message, but sounds to me that's definitely a problem developed with the new firmware '14.04.12' and the Annex A/B/A/... conversion.

Connected with any other modem my speed is ±3,3Mb/s, which has been confirmed by Mobistar as the limit! Prior to that, I used to have 4,1Mb/s with Belgacom and firmware 14.03.62.

Any ideas?
> Once the operation was done and the '14.04.12' firmware successfully installed, I then realized how slow the speed was: much less than <0,5Mb/s!

Newer Firmware "Annex B" might not have proper settings for "Annex A".
For space reasons AVM might have removed Annex A support.
( Due to different Hardware anyway )

> Another mention being the error message that I get in the Fbox interface start page:
Just tells you: "unqualified modified" "recover all settings to official to get AVM support"

> � How to improve my speed, if possible;
Proper Annex A firmware is required.

> � Difference between the files provided on the forum:
Just written from "memory" might not be 100 % right...
> fritz_als_avm_annex_A ?
Set variable to Annex A
> fritz_als_avm_annex_A_new.tar ??(for your information, it's the file that I used for my conversion)
Set variable to Annex A, refuse to work if firmware does not contain proper AVM-web interface settings
> fritz_als_avme_annex_A_new.tar ???
Set variable to Annex A, refuse to work if firmware does not contain proper AVME-web interface settings ( english AVM version )

> fritz_als_avme_new.tar ????
Try to set to english, if firmware supports

> fritz_als_avm_new.tar ????
"Unbrand" to regular AVM- Web interface/settings

> � Should I un-brand the box?
required for Annex A. But Firmware might not contain proper Annex A DSL-firmware.

> � Should I activate telnet ?
Not required. But helps sometimes for analysis.

> I am not really keen on having a german to english converted box, all I wish is to be able to connext to the internet at a reasonable speed >3,3Mb/s and have the ability to take my box with me whenever I am on travel.

That might be difficult cause of "fix Annex B" Hardware. Only support Annex A with
reduced speed. Also the internal DSL-Firmware might not support Annex A.

Best regards,

haveaniceday schrieb:
> � How to improve my speed, if possible;
Proper Annex A firmware is required.

... Also the internal DSL-Firmware might not support Annex A.
Well, when installing the newest FW 14.04.15 you will probably see an improvement in your speed !
Guys from Switzerland have already regained their normal speed ...

So have a try and install the newest FW and use it with Annex A in Belgium :)

Well, I for my part already have slight problem with 04.15 and the download speed, but I can (at the moment) reproduce it only with my provider in Austria (inode.at).
Hope, you (oTTo_klein) will have more luck
Special Thanks to Haveaniceday & Mephisto for their contribution.

With no doubts, the latest 14.04.15 firmware rocks!
However, in order to install it and recover a decent speed -since 14.04.15 is a german 7050 Annex B firmware - I intend to use the Annex B patch (fritz_als_avm_annex_B.tar)
and am very confused here:

- My 1&1 Fbox 7050 interface rejects the Annex B conversion patch! Has anyone experienced this at all???
Needless to say that being currently on Annex A, a direct 14.04.15 firmware upgrade is completely impossible.

Would it be that the file I've used during my previous conversion "fritz_als_avm_annex_A_new.tar" causes this??
Can anyone provide me a different fritz_als_avm_annex_B.tar ???

With more thanks.
hmmm, I'm not sure about the problem your're facing, I haven't ever had a 1&1 FBF, only the original one from AVM.
Anyway you could be right ...

But as already mentioned I'm not really sure about the 1&1 box ... maybe there is someone else that is already more experienced with 1&1 boxes and Annex A ?!?
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