Dead End ... or dead box!


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19 Jul 2006
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As I predicted, the downgrade process back from 14.04.31 didn't go well at
all, and I am facing a very critical situation.

Following several attempts, recovery program returned the message:

"Die Wiederherstellung ist gescheitert. Starten sie das wieder
Wiederherstellungprogramm erneut"

I thought it would be wise to reset the FB before starting again. Which caused
the box to go wild and to start rebooting by itself repeatedely. "Power" led
flashes 4 times between continuous rebooting cycles. As a consequence, LAN
Connection is unplugged at all times.

I was wondering if some cure could be applied here? Given that I am NOT
using any analog or POTS telephony, the VoIP used to be active before the
crash. And now whenever I pick to phone, I no longer get a tone!

In other words: no interface, no telnet, no ftp, no possible recover.exe, ...
strange enough: ping works!

Any help to bring the box back to life would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks +.


(Fritz!Box 7050Wlan, 1&1, former FW 14.04.25 w/Annex A patch, Win98,
Wlan Stick 128Mb/s, Voip: IPness, SIPphone, InternetCalls).

P.S. This 14.04.31 FW was a true nightmare
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
You use the win98….you must make the recovery-image.exe 04.14.15 with windows XP.

Right: somehow I must have anticipated your post as tried a recovery under XP.

The attempt wasn't very succesful as I can only recover the latest installed
FW which is *.04.31 - NO possible way to recover an early version such as *.04.15 or *.14.25

Back on my tracks and still nowhere with the (unwanted) 14.31 and its useless features (Annex B),
not to mention that all my account details and registration data is lost.
Obviously no more Telnet!

Can't seem to figure out where/how to find the appropriate mtd2.bin file to perform a valid downgrade.

Any suggestions please???

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