Windows 10 basierte App


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11 Mai 2022
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Does anyone know of a Windows 10 based app for my PC that I can use to connect to the Unify system? I have my desk phone in front of me but I'm trying to install a PC based system.

Any ideas please?
For which purpose do you want to install an app? What do you want to reach? Do you want to use voice over ip features (use a headset on the computer)? Which unify system do you use (OpenScape Business, OpenScape 4000, OpenScape Voice)?
Sorry, yes a headset is required - I use hearing aids so would like to be able to take calls through the PC.

I know the handset I'm using (CP400) can accept a regular headset but I would prefer to connect via the PC etc.

I am using Openscape Business x1 with osbiz_v2_R7.1.0_018
With an additional UC License you can use myportal@work directly with this system. You can also download the software directy from the software center.
Ah I see

Thanks, I didn't know if there was something like Zoiper to connect to our system.

Our sales team is looking for a way to click a phone link on their PC and the desk phone rings - do you even know of a way to do this?

I know I used such a system about 10 years ago, but it was specific to a VoIP system.
Your OpenScape Business is a very small system, I guess it would be to expesive to use a professional 3rd party software like
- XPhone Connect
- Estos Procall

But these kind of CTI application do exactly what your sales team decribed.

Hello, do you know of any softphone installations that would work with the HFA system as they seem to be mostly SIP based. I spoke to the company that supplied us with the system and they told me that a single license for the UC system costs £70GBP. So I'm just looking for alternatives?
Kennt jemand eine Voip-Software/Softphone, die sich direkt mit der Anlage verbinden würde? Ich habe gesucht und mehrere lehnen die Verbindung ab, also vermute ich, dass es ein Problem mit den Ports usw. gibt?
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