Why does the phone ring when I dial by fixed line??


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4 Jan 2006
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I've connected an analog phone into fon1, to the box it's connected also the analog line, but whenever I try to open another fixed phone(not directly conencted to the box) just to dial a number, the phone connected to the 7050 starts ringing(about twice)... Why? Is it trying to inform me that the fixed line is in use? Is it a bug? Can I solve the problem?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
You should not connect any device to your analog line exept your Fritzbox. All other devices should be connected to the Fritzbox!

As I understand your cabeling is incorrect.
But, why does it ring?? What's the "routine" making it ringing?
I would suggest, you get your cabeling done first.

It makes no sence to discuss an issue before that point.
I can't change my cabeling, btw it's weird that the analog port can be used ONLY as first in the local line, and ONLY if every other phone of the local line is attacked just to the 7050... It's not written anywhere...
If you are using the old pulse dialing (instead of DTMF) the Fritzbox recognizes multiple low frequency, high voltage changes on the phone-line and interprets this as a ringing (which is also low frequency AC-Voltage).
The ringing detection in the Fritzbox is not very sophisticated and does not fulfill all the requirements which "normal" phones have to.

I have the same problem with my FB7050, using a 2-phone electronic switch (AMS1/2 together with a corded phone) before the Fritzbox to have an "emergency-phone"-function. Touching the hook switch on the "emergency phone" two times is sufficient and all phones connected to the Fritzbox start ringing.

If you are using pulse dialing try changing to DTMF-dialing..

Knuffi schrieb:
If you are using the old pulse dialing (instead of DTMF) the Fritzbox recognizes multiple low frequency, high voltage changes on the phone-line and interprets this as a ringing (which is also low frequency AC-Voltage).
The ringing detection in the Fritzbox is not very sophisticated and does not fulfill all the requirements which "normal" phones have to.

I have the same problem with my FB7050, using a 2-phone electronic switch (AMS1/2 together with a corded phone) before the Fritzbox to have an "emergency-phone"-function. Touching the hook switch on the "emergency phone" two times is sufficient and all phones connected to the Fritzbox start ringing.

If you are using pulse dialing try changing to DTMF-dialing..

No, Im using tone dialing... :(
I think that in this box there is still some kind of bug to be fixed...

Knuffi is right, and even if you are NOT using Pulse-Dialing, it's enough for the box if you just pick up the phone connected directly to the line. This is because of the current running through the phone, and this changing in voltage is enough for the box to missdetect a "incoming call".
IMHO there's no way to change it, 'cause it all hardcoded in silicon. AVM could delay the "ringing" by software, but I think they didn't so far.
So no luck sorry

I don't have this problem in my configuration, except when touching the hook switch multiple times within 1 second (but this doesn't happen in "normal" use ;-))

So maybe the electronic line switch (Type "AMS 1/2", produced by several manufacturers, I payed 19Euro) makes the difference. It completely switches off the phone not in use by a relay (it "clicks" when Fritz-box or emergency phone occupies the line).

Direct parallel connection of two phone terminals is not recommended by phone professionals anyway (even if it often works somehow).

zooster schrieb:
I can't change my cabeling, btw it's weird that the analog port can be used ONLY as first in the local line, and ONLY if every other phone of the local line is attacked just to the 7050... It's not written anywhere...

I don't get the point, why you need this kind of cabeling. In most cases you have at least a four core cable. In this case you can easy place the Fritz!box wherever you want and an use your phone plugged into the box. You will find no other configuration in your manual.

zooster schrieb:
It's not written anywhere...

It is not written either, that your Fritzbox should not be cooked with potatoes...
Well, I don't think that it was soo obvious. And anyway I don't want at all to bother to select in every phone *11# just to make a normal call on the fixed line...
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