Which freetz version is suitable with my 7390 ?


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4 Okt 2012
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I wish to upgrade my firmware.
When i last installed freetz, only trunk version worked ok.
has anything changed till now?
I see there's freetz 2.0, is it supposed to work on 7390 model?
freetz 2.0 will work on 7390 international.

Do you know the differences between trunk and freetz-stable (freetz-2.0) ? ;)
I belive I made you laugh a bit, didn't I? :rolleyes:
My fritzbox is on trunk version 9445, and i want to add some packages so I got curious.
But I couldn't find any proper documentation about 2.0.
Maybe you could add some information about the differences with trunk?
I only remember that when I last time built my firmware, the box would only work with trunk.
Trunk is everytime beta status. Every changes will be tested in trunk and if it works it will be build in in the stable-version.
freetz-stable-1.2 is today the stable version and the next step will be freetz-stable-2.0. freetz-2.0 ist the version between both i think.

I will hope that all I have now written is right. I`m only a user like you, but that was i have ritten is that was i have heard here between the lines .......
I see.
Well, i installed trunk version successfully with external package and everything seems to be working fine
However. I tried to autostart or stop some services.
I tried using cron but maybe since packages are external it's too early
I tried with rc . external or custom but it works for only some of the packages
Any idea of how to continue testing?
There are external logs available. Perhaps you can find some information there.
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