Unitymedia Voip + Asterisk

To register a VoIP-Device other than the UM-cablebox is difficult and not supported via UM.
Nobody knows how long your configuration works, everytime its possible that unitymedia changes something.
The easiest way is really is to crete for every number one LAN-Phone at the Fritzbox and to connect asterisk to this fritzbox.

I use the same configuration without any problems.

Can you give more info for the configuration? Also anybody tested fax ?

Or in other words...
...as a asterisk extension.

This works with every box that can register internet numbers.
In my case: Every Box can do register their numbers at a local raspberry pi asterisk server.
...and the asterisk context/extension decides whats gonna do with a dialed number from these knowed peers.
So everything was working smoothly till today..

From today we have an issue..

== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Executing [01756xxxxxx@outgoing:1] Set("SIP/7001-00000018", "CALLTIME=15.10.15 22:24") in new stack
-- Executing [01756xxxxxx@outgoing:2] Dial("SIP/7001-00000018", "SIP/01756xxxxxx@4921xxxxxxxxx,50") in new stack
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Called SIP/01756xxxxxx@4921xxxxxxxxx
-- No one is available to answer at this time (1:0/0/0)
-- Executing [01756xxxxxx@outgoing:3] Hangup("SIP/7001-00000018", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (outgoing, 01756xxxxxx, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/7001-00000018'

My calls are redirected as busy..
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