Two webservers on one Fritz


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16 Mrz 2006
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Hi, it's possible to have two instance of websrv running on the Fritz (of course on two different ports).
I'd like to have the standard web server on port 80 and another instance of websrv on port, let's say, 81 that will post files taken from another dir....

is it possible?

The AVM websrv is not suitable for this. You should have a look at dsmod.
There is another version of busybox shipped in this archive with a httpd-applett.
In near future there will be a version for English firmware, too.
With "make toolchain" you can build your own mipsel-linux-toolchain. Then you can cross-compile your C-Code. C++ is a bit difficult because of the size of libstdc++. (solution: uclibc++)

Greets, Oliver
olistudent schrieb:
C++ is a bit difficult because of the size of libstdc++. (solution: uclibc++)
I'm currently trying to integrate uclibc++, but having problems with compiling g++ without large file support. libstdc++-v3 is always configured with LFS (regardless of uclibc configuration), but complains about non existing LFS-Macros during compilation. This appears to be a known bug, but I haven't found a working solution yet.

olistudent schrieb:
The AVM websrv is not suitable for this. You should have a look at dsmod.
There is another version of busybox shipped in this archive with a httpd-applett.
In near future there will be a version for English firmware, too.
With "make toolchain" you can build your own mipsel-linux-toolchain. Then you can cross-compile your C-Code. C++ is a bit difficult because of the size of libstdc++. (solution: uclibc++)

Greets, Oliver

Hi, many thanks... i'm compling the toolchain right now!

Thanks again
olistudent schrieb:
The AVM websrv is not suitable for this. You should have a look at dsmod.
There is another version of busybox shipped in this archive with a httpd-applett.
In near future there will be a version for English firmware, too.
With "make toolchain" you can build your own mipsel-linux-toolchain. Then you can cross-compile your C-Code. C++ is a bit difficult because of the size of libstdc++. (solution: uclibc++)

Greets, Oliver

Hi, and thanks for your reply...
I created the ds-mod firmware image and i have some question (unfortunately i cannot speak german so it's not easy to understand all the thread you pointed me at).
1. There is something i MUST select in the "menu makeconfig" page in order to have a working Fritz?
2. I was thinking to extract the busybox with httpd, telnet... etc etc functionalities and and replace the one in the (english) avm's firmware image...
If i'll extract the squashfs image, replace busybox and re-build the image it will work?
3. If answer to (2) it's yes.. ;) You know any unsquashfs utility able to work on 2.1 version of squash fs? Or i will have to mount the image and copy all the files out of it?

1. You only have to select your Box and the packages that you want.
2. Theoretically yes. But it depends on your Box how to do this. There are some Boxes that have hidden_root (e.g. 7170). This means that the filesystem is stored in the same file like the kernel. (kernel.image)
3. Have a look at dsmod. (ds-0.2.2/tools)
There you can find dumpsquashfs and findsquashfs.
Last but not least you have to add a checksum to the filesystem.image. (tichksum)

Greets, Oliver
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