Think my fritz 7170 is dead :(

Not really, but you could compare settings with FTP or TELNET and adjust your dead Box and then recover again.
With the other boxes just recover 29.04.01, then update with the annexA_kernel_args tar-file then [after checking the webinterface saying it is Annex A] update to any German version 29.xx.xx you like
well I think I giveup on converting this box to annex a
the settings via ftp seem fine i think only difrence that I found was this
ftp> quote GETENV firmware_version
firmware_version avme

I think I have the box workig and alive just cant make it to annex a cuz as soon as I put the recovery to 29.04.01 all I have axses to is ftp then I can only update it with a recent version in recovery mode also I have Firmware Version 29.04.40 on it at the moment.
Is it possible to get the origanal version it came with wich is firmware_info 29.04.34 it was in english to. Or even copy it from another fritz box the and the put it back on the box that is in german at the monent ?
ftp> quote GETENV firmware_version
firmware_version avme
I think if you put:
quote SETENV firmware_version avm you websurface is reachable again because the 29.04.01-recover you had is for the German box
Then you should be able to see whether it is Annex A or B

Unless you bought the box as "International" I think there is no known firmware in English [other than the 58.04.xx for Annex A and 29.04.33 for Annex B]

Rereading the thread I just saw that you have the international Annex B box
Forget everything that has been written above [and pls make a signature like I did to avoid confustion in the future]
Lately there have been quit a number of boxes on the market for various countries, however I have not heard of anyone so far who has been able to either change the Annex or the language without running into serious trouble.

This is, to the best of my knowledge, the list sofar:
7170 Deutsch V1 mit Annex-B-Hardware [2000 2332] - Firmware 29.04.40 in German (latest FW!)
7170 Deutsch mit Annex-B-Hardware [2000 2361] - Firmware 29.04.40 in German (latest FW!)
7170 International mit Annex-A-Hardware [2000 2387[ - Firmware 58.04.34 in Englisch (.34 t.i. 4th from last!)
7170 International mit Annex-B-Hardware [2000 2388] - Firmware 29.04.33 Englisch
7170 A/CH mit Annex-A-Hardware [2000 2400] - Firmware 58.04.34 in German (.43 latest FW)
7170 A/CH mit Annex-B-Hardware [2000 2353]- Firmware ???

How did you end up with an Intern. Annex B box in an Annex A country anyway ?

I do have the recover for the FBF 7170 International Annex A, [AVM 2000 2387] Firmware 58.04.34 if you would like to have a shot at it, but I must warn you that the international Annex A box reports a different hardware-id

There is someone with exactly the opposit problem; owning an Intern. 7170 Annex A and is moving to an Annex B country. May be you can do a swap ? please read here:
Get in touch: Telefonicus reads and writes English
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Well here we have both annex A and B but annex A is the most used at the moment since ADSL got here most annex were swaped for A.
I got the Fritz boxes annex B from one of my computer suplyers
since then I have have asked him for an annex A seeing it is almost imposible to convert it at the moment.
Thank you for all your help I realy did apreciate it :)
You are most welcome.
Hope it will work out for you
@Flashink: have you found a solution? I mean, a copy of 29.04.34 English?

Best regards,

No not yet :(
If there was a way to get an english firmware out of a good fritz
with some instuctions I would try as I have 2 more annex b here .
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