Thermometer via RS232/USB?


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24 Feb 2006
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Thermometers (or any other home automations) via RS232/USB?

Is possible connect Thermometer (like Dallas or other) via RS232/USB and manage by fritz box?

Like this implementation in ASUS WL 500 and ipkg:

1) schematic:

2) vizualization from Asus WL 500 soho router (libgd, php-gd, sqlite, insmod pl2303, ipkg install digitemp):

... please link me, if any german threads for this solution exist here, thx
THere's no easy going solution for freetz right now.

Things like ipkg won't work at this time, cause dynamically loaded biaries are not supported by the firmwware.


Thermometers (or any other home automations) via RS232/USB?


first of all: search for "RS232", "serial", "seriell", "com-port" ...

Secondly: If you´ve a Fritz!Box with USB-Port - the simple way is to use a proper USB-to-serial-adapter. My recommandation is allways an adapter with Prolific-chipset. Search for "prolific".

Thirdly: Use the AVM USB-Fernanschluss. Load adapter driver on your lokal PC and thats it.

Cheap & simple!
i have a running solution with digitemp 3.6.0.
- FBF 7170
- Keyspan USB2Serial
- digitem_ds9097
- Dallas 18B20 Sensor
- rrdtool

This solution is running very sable at my home and monitores the temperature and give me access over the internet.

BR Jörg
me again,

after i finisched my tests i will add to the trunk of the freetz project.

i have pluged a ds1621 i2c temperature sensor on my firtzbox. I used a Atmega 16 as a uart<->i2c bridge. I have implemented a protocol with only ascii chars. If you want I can sent you the atmega code. But the dokumentation is in german.



Could you please provide any further documentation (regardless if in German or English) and code, if available?
Since I am very much interested in this topic myself, I will gladly put everything together in our Freetz-Wiki. Thank you very much!
Those who would like to try this alternatively on an NSLU2, may have a look here.

Könntet Ihr bitte Dokumentationen (egal ob in Deutsch oder Englisch) und Code zur Verfügung stellen?
Da ich selbst stark am Thema interessiert bin, würde ich das auch gerne ins Freetz-Wiki packen. Vielen Dank!
Wer das Ganze alternativ auf einer NSLU2 betreiben will, kann mal hier reinschauen.

further interesting links / weitere interessante Links:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

anbei der Code. Es läuft aber die Dokumentation ist grausam. Da zur Zeit auch nur für mich gedacht, also nicht meckern. Dieses Projekt ist bei mir etwas ins stocken geraten, da ich erst meinen 3870 mit einem hohen WAF-Faktor ins Inet bringen muss. (Der soll später die Temp anzeigen und Funk-Steckdosen schalten).

Der Atmega-Code kann Funksteckdosen schalten, einen DS1621 Temp-Sensor auslesen und mit I2C Bausteinen kommunizieren.




  • YY103332.pdf
    47.2 KB · Aufrufe: 71
  • YY103332.doc
    373 KB · Aufrufe: 31
    124.5 KB · Aufrufe: 30
i have a running solution with digitemp 3.6.0.
- FBF 7170
- Keyspan USB2Serial
- digitem_ds9097
- Dallas 18B20 Sensor
- rrdtool

This solution is running very sable at my home and monitores the temperature and give me access over the internet.

BR Jörg

@ BR Jörg
Can you tell us a little bit more about your solution?
Do you use normaly AVM firmware on your FBF?
Where is the RRD tool running
a) on AVM FBF
b) on an PC, which is connectet via LAN to the USB Bridge (Keyspan USB2Serial)?
Where is running the web browser ("access over the internet") that you can monitor the temperature?

all is running on the FBF 7170 - Firmware-Version 29.04.59freetz-devel-2740M.
My target is to let the FBF control my heating. To have special programms and let the heating be controled over the internet. But i want this without having a PC running in the background. The Router is active 24 hours, so he should do the work.

Ok, what i did is:
1) generate kernel modules for the keyspan adapters.
2) compile digitemp for FBF
3) use this hardware:
4) generate a new Freetz firmware with included Keyspan driver and rrdtool
5) write some cgi-scripts and start a httpd to see the results

for now i thing the package for digitemp is ready to deliver. Additionaly i will write some scripts to get webaccess.

BR Jörg
Just a short note for the sake of completeness:

digitemp is officially available in Freetz trunk since changeset 2777.
(with a minor bugfix in changeset 2778, adding a missing external hook)

There is further discussion on digitemp in this thread (in German).
An entry in Freetz Wiki/packages/digitemp is also available.

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