Telnet consol switched status (aufgebaut <-> umgelenkt


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18 Aug 2005
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Hi :wink: .
Is there a better way to switch between different states of Telnet consol
...Console Ausgaben auf dieses Terminal umgelenkt (1)
... weitere telnet verbindung afgebaut (2)
and reverse ?

Stupid me :x , right now for at get back to state (1) I must reset debug.cfg and install/update the firmware with the script - telnet-ar7login-reset-debug.tar -, and I don't think it is a good solution. Thanks for your reply.
Re: Telnet consol switched status (aufgebaut <-> umgel

voipmustbe schrieb:
Hi :wink: .
Is there a better way to switch between different states of Telnet consol
sure: always leave your telnet session with the "exit" command. and if you only get telnet sessions without "console ausgabe" then simply wait a few minutes (maybe 10?), until the box realises that connection number 1 doesn't exist anymore and you can open a "new connection number 1"
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