I have a TC 300 (s/w version D910.0.3.63) and I can not connect to different wirelles broadband routers (Micronet, SMC, Digitus) for using it like a SIP phone? I need a new firmware?
Can anybody help me?
with the Firmware on your TC300 you can connect only to T-COM Voip.
To use other Voip Account you need to change the Firmware.
Flash the original Pirelli Firmware and you can use any Voip Account.
Thank you for your reply!
I am in doubt now: which utility I have to use for upgrade: TC300 Utility (it can not load pirelli firmware ) or DMT Utility (can not detect the phone)?
That is not entirely true. It _is_ possible to connect to other VoIP providers, this has been shown many times even in this forums.
True is: the T-Com firmware version is the oldest compared to the other versions available (ARCOR, PIRELLI) and the T-One product line behind has been abandoned by T-Com, hence there is no further firmware expectable in future. So you'll probably have to face a lot of interop problems, which might prevent you from connecting to other providers, than T-Com, for which this version was optimized to, but (as I said) not built exclusively.
Finally it is not such a bad idea to upgrade the phone with the latest firmware revision. Hints ant tricks may be found here (searching for "Twintel", "Pirelli", "TC300" or simply asking a question).
sinus tc 300 works with the analog PSTN ports of my touchstone arris cable modem as it should with every ITU compatible telephone network, at least in western europe.
uhm sorry, misunderstanding.
well the GPL sources are availlable on the T-Com supportsite, except for WLan driver and maybe other ADMtek proprietary parts. The ADM8668 core has ethernet ports build in, but not connected. adding driver circuits will be hard on that PCB and You need the full databook for the chip to add extra features to the firmware. And theres no real use for such a project, since the tc-300 can connect to every wlan/modem extended inet router.
I am thinking at something like m0n0wall or dd-wrt for using basestation like router in PSTN networks (simillary to speedtouch ADSL routers).
In my network (ROMTELECOM) ADSL is PPPoE type (VPI/VCI=0.35).