AVM-Dienste anhalten, Teil 1 (prepare_fwupgrade start) ...
cat: can't open '/var/run/delayed_reboot.pid': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '/var/run/delayed_reboot.pid': No such file or directory
rmmod: rfcntl: No such file or directory
killall: flashd: no process killed
killall: minid: no process killed
disable watchdog
rmmod: userman: No such file or directory
rmmod: isdn_fbox_fon3: No such file or directory
rmmod: kdsldmod: Resource temporarily unavailable
killall: checkservices: no process killed
Firmware-Archiv extrahieren ...
AVM-Dienste anhalten, Teil 2 (prepare_fwupgrade end) ...
cat: can't open '/var/run/delayed_reboot.pid': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '/var/run/delayed_reboot.pid': No such file or directory
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
rmmod: tiap: No such file or directory
disable watchdog
Ausführen des Firmware-Installationsskripts /var/install ...
install: have Kernel 2.6
install: check and install new firmware ...
sed: /var/post_install: No such file or directory
cat: can't open '/var/post_install': No such file or directory
testing acceptance for device ...
HWRevision: 101
curr: 29.04.80 new: xx.04.82
debug: curr: 29.04.80
debug: new: "XX.04.82"
Force: Accept Firmware Version: xx.04.82
Force: factorysettings ...
Force: factorysettings done.
install: 26 check files...
File already contains the checksum, verifying
Calculated checksum is 183EFA64
Saved checksum is 183EFA64
Checksum validation successful!
chksum for file /var/tmp/kernel.image ok
install: 26 getting mtd to install...
install: -----------------------------------------------------
bootloader_size 0x00010000
jffs2_size 0x000e0000
Kernel_without_jffs2_size 6881280
kernel_image_size 7590664
kernel_mtd_size 7798784
install: Image would overlap - jffs2 will be deleted ...
install: -----------------------------------------------------
install: kernel_size=7798784
install: kernel_update_start=268500992
install: kernel_update_len=7798784
install: 26 setting files to install...
install: /var/tmp/kernel.image to start(268500992) size(7798784)
install: check for old settings ...
set INFO led to blink (modul=7, state=4)
ERLEDIGT - Rückgabewert des Installationsskripts = 1 (INSTALL_SUCCESS_REBOOT)
Von /var/post_install generierter Inhalt:
#! /bin/sh
echo $0: start
sleep 1
killall run_clock
if ps | grep -v grep | grep -q telefon ; then killall telefon ; fi
if ps | grep -v grep | grep -q telnetd ; then killall telnetd ; fi
echo skip deleting language from env
echo MODE=update > /dev/avm_power
echo "disable" > /dev/watchdog
echo still running:
sleep 1
insmod /var/flash_update.ko $update_parameter
exit 0
Das Nach-Installationsskript läuft beim Neutart (reboot) und führt die
darin definiterten Aktionen aus, z.B. das tatsächliche Flashen der Firmware.
Sie können immer noch entscheiden, diesen Vorgang abzubrechen, indem Sie
das Skript und den Rest der extrahierten Firmware-Komponenten löschen.