Skype For Linux: Aktuelle Version (14.02.2005)


Aktives Mitglied
Mitglied seit
1 Apr 2004
Punkte für Reaktionen
Ein paar Bugfixes für die aktuelle Linux Version:

14.02.2005 Skype for Linux version

* change: Call tab no longer closes if remote does not accept call because of won't close, if you have privacy problems
* change: prank call prevention suggestion
* change: new Options layout
* change: addressbar behaviour should depend on General option (start chat / start call)
* bugfix: limit field lengths in profile editor
* bugfix: voicemail sending crashfixes
* bugfix: icon fix when adding a blocked contact to contact list
* bugfix: Hold button on toolbar should be disabled until call is picked up.
* bugfix: crash when context menu remains open in call
* bugfix: call holding and resuming - context menu and toolbar button sync
* bugfix: "hang up call" sound works
* bugfix: crash when context menu remains open in call
* bugfix: e-mail and full name locations changed in profile editor
* bugfix: search results order fix when doing several searches after one another
* bugfix: "away" and "not available" should allow 3 digits
* bugfix: search someone who is already in Contact list - can't add twice
* bugfix: tab order in advanced search form
* bugfix: icons have names for non-taskbar window managers
* bugfix: tray alert does not blink any more when there are no missed events/chats

01.02.2005 Skype for Linux version

* feature: unread chat alerts and menus for tray icon
* bugfix: chat history settings and "Delete history" work now

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