I've been trying to configure a DNS tunnel between my work pc which runs Win7 and my home fritz (7140), and here is what i've did till now:
0- Setup a subdomain with NS record to point to home ip:
this is done by adding a subdomain record of type NS that points to another A-type record on the same domain, which point to my home ip address
1- Include iodine in the freetz firmware
2- I added a forward rule to the fritz from UDP port 53 outsite to the (as port 53 is already in use by the fritz itself).
3- run iodined as follow:
result is:
4- Install latest OpenVPN RC build on my windows machine (needed only because it's the official source for a signed driver for tun/tap, on XP you can put any other tap driver), and after installing it goto the Networks section and rename the openvpn virtual adapter to "dns" (needed by iodine).
5- Download and extract the iodine package for windows.
6- instead of using the unxtools shell sh script, i executed the commands manually:
where [current system dns] [current system gateway] are those currently assigned to your computer from the NAT, in my case, being behind an IP Cop machine both where, which is the address of the IPcop itself.
7- run the iodine client:
here i was able to ping the fritz ip address [in my case:], and even open the freetz GUI on, but i was unable to access external internet...
for now i launched also on my freetz the Polipo-Proxy, and set my browser to use the polity proxy on the and i can navigate through the DNS tunnel (whatsmyip.org gives the home ip)
so is this the right method to make it work or i should be able to access without an http polipo proxy?
on the local machine, when i do "ping www.google.com" i get the resolved correct ip address but the result is that the destination is unreachable....
0- Setup a subdomain with NS record to point to home ip:
this is done by adding a subdomain record of type NS that points to another A-type record on the same domain, which point to my home ip address
tunnel1host IN A
nssub IN NS tunnel1host.mydomain.com.
1- Include iodine in the freetz firmware
2- I added a forward rule to the fritz from UDP port 53 outsite to the (as port 53 is already in use by the fritz itself).
3- run iodined as follow:
iodined -P mypassword -c -p 10053 nssub.mydomain.com
ALERT! Other dns servers expect you to run on port 53.
You must manually forward port 53 to port 10053 for things to work.
Opened dns0
Setting IP of dns0 to
Setting MTU of dns0 to 1200
Opened UDP socket
Listening to dns for domain nssub.mydomain.com
Detaching from terminal...
4- Install latest OpenVPN RC build on my windows machine (needed only because it's the official source for a signed driver for tun/tap, on XP you can put any other tap driver), and after installing it goto the Networks section and rename the openvpn virtual adapter to "dns" (needed by iodine).
5- Download and extract the iodine package for windows.
6- instead of using the unxtools shell sh script, i executed the commands manually:
route delete
route add [current system dns] [current system gateway]
7- run the iodine client:
C:\Folder>iodine.exe -f nssub.domain.com
Enter password: [type password]
Opening device \\.\Global\{763305AF-47E5-4A6D-8BF1-0A87FB3BCC16}.tap
Opened UDP socket
Opened UDP socket
Opened UDP socket
Version ok, both using protocol v 0x00000500. You are user #0
Enabling interface 'dns'
Setting IP of interface 'dns' to (can take a few seconds)...
Switching to Base64 codec
Server switched to codec Base64
Autoprobing max downstream fragment size... (skip with -m fragsize)
768 ok.. no query or answer in reply packet
.no query or answer in reply packet
.no query or answer in reply packet
.1152 not ok.. 960 ok.. no query or answer in reply packet
.no query or answer in reply packet
.no query or answer in reply packet
.1056 not ok.. no query or answer in reply packet
.no query or answer in reply packet
.no query or answer in reply packet
.1008 not ok.. 984 ok.. no query or answer in reply packet
.no query or answer in reply packet
.no query or answer in reply packet
.996 not ok.. will use 984
Setting downstream fragment size to max 984...
Sending queries for nssub.domain.com to
here i was able to ping the fritz ip address [in my case:], and even open the freetz GUI on, but i was unable to access external internet...
for now i launched also on my freetz the Polipo-Proxy, and set my browser to use the polity proxy on the and i can navigate through the DNS tunnel (whatsmyip.org gives the home ip)
so is this the right method to make it work or i should be able to access without an http polipo proxy?
on the local machine, when i do "ping www.google.com" i get the resolved correct ip address but the result is that the destination is unreachable....