Scanner an Fritzbox läuft!

  • Unsere Website ist morgen von 07:00 bis 12:00 UTC aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten nicht verfügbar. Wir entschuldigen uns für etwaige Unannehmlichkeiten.
Hm. Ich habs natürlich nur mit der 1.9.1er vom aktuellen Freetz ausprobiert. Asche auf mein Haupt.
Hab jetzt alles auf /var/mod gemountet, den weiteren LD_LIBRABRY_PATH bekannt gemacht.
  # sane-find-scanner will now attempt to detect your scanner. If the
  # result is different from what you expected, first make sure your
  # scanner is powered up and properly connected to your computer.

  # No SCSI scanners found. If you expected something different, make sure that
  # you have loaded a kernel SCSI driver for your SCSI adapter.
  # Also you need support for SCSI Generic (sg) in your operating system.
  # If using Linux, try "modprobe sg".

found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0 [hp], product=0x3b11 [psc 1300 series]) at libusb:001:004
  # Your USB scanner was (probably) detected. It may or may not be supported by
  # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.

  # Not checking for parallel port scanners.

  # Most Scanners connected to the parallel port or other proprietary ports
  # can't be detected by this program.
Soweit, so gut
# ./scanimage -L

No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different,
check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the
sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation
which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).
# cd sbin
# ./saned
Mar 18 21:39:59 saned[2531]: saned from sane-backends 1.0.18 ready

Mar 18 21:39:59 saned[2531]: check_host: getpeername failed: Socket operation on non-socket

Mar 18 21:39:59 saned[2531]: init: access by host [error] denied

Mar 18 21:39:59 saned[2531]: quit: exiting
# ./saned -d
[saned] main: starting debug mode (level 2)
[saned] main: could not find `sane' service (Input/output error)
[saned] main: using default port 6566
Bin für alle Schandtaten bereit ;)

# ./sane-find-scanner -vv
This is sane-find-scanner from sane-backends 1.0.18

  # sane-find-scanner will now attempt to detect your scanner. If the
  # result is different from what you expected, first make sure your
  # scanner is powered up and properly connected to your computer.
searching for USB scanners:
checking /dev/usb/scanner... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usb/scanner0... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usb/scanner1... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usb/scanner2... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usb/scanner3... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usb/scanner4... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usb/scanner5... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usb/scanner5... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usb/scanner7... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usb/scanner8... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usb/scanner9... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usb/scanner10... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usb/scanner11... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usb/scanner12... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usb/scanner13... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usb/scanner14... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usb/scanner15... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner0... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner1... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner2... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner3... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner4... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner5... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner6... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner7... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner8... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner9... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner10... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner11... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner12... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner13... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner14... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner15... failed to open (Invalid argument)
found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0 [hp], product=0x3b11 [psc 1300 series]) at libusb:001:004
  # Your USB scanner was (probably) detected. It may or may not be supported by
  # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.

  # Not checking for parallel port scanners.

  # Most Scanners connected to the parallel port or other proprietary ports
  # can't be detected by this program.
Da fehlt das Scanner-Device. Kann man das irgendwie anlegen? mknod auf /dev bringt nix (read only) und wie bei OpenVPN (/var/tmp/tun) würde nix bringen...hmm...
Sorry, Denkfehler. Die Kommunikation läuft über libusb. Ich übergebe an die Sane Profis :)

Hier noch die erweiterten Debug-Meldungen.
# ./saned -d256
[saned] main: starting debug mode (level 256)
[saned] main: trying to get port for service `sane' (getservbyname)
[saned] main: could not find `sane' service (Input/output error)
[saned] main: using default port 6566
[saned] main: socket ()
[saned] main: setsockopt ()
[saned] main: bind ()
[saned] main: listen ()
[saned] main: waiting for control connection
Jetzt per telnet den Port angesprochen
[saned] saned from sane-backends 1.0.18 ready
[saned] check_host: access by remote host:
[saned] check_host: remote host is not IN_LOOPBACK
[saned] check_host: local hostname:
[saned] check_host: local hostname (from DNS):
[saned] check_host: local host address (from DNS):
[saned] check_host: remote host doesn't have same addr as local
[saned] check_host: opening config file: /etc/hosts.equiv
[saned] check_host: can't open config file: /etc/hosts.equiv (No such file or directory)
[saned] check_host: opening config file: saned.conf
[saned] check_host: config file line: `'
[saned] check_host: subnet with base IP =, CIDR netmask = 24
[saned] check_host: access granted from IP address (in subnet
[saned] init: access granted
Sieht schon ganz witzig aus... Das größte Problem für mich ist immer noch, dass scanimage -L keinen Scanner findet. Ich teste mal Spasseshalber einen Client
Und ich schau mal was mit strace bei scanimage so passiert...

EDIT 3 oder mehr:
Es Läuft!!!
Mir haben (warum auch immer) die Symlinks für die Libs gefehlt!
# /var/mod/bin/scanimage -L
device `hpaio:/usb/psc_1300_series?serial=MY3CABD0P39F' is a Hewlett-Packard psc_1300_series all-in-one
Sehr toll, mit dem Windows Client auf kann ich den Scanner ansprechen.


  • strace.log.txt
    6.6 KB · Aufrufe: 12
ich hab mir mit strace aus dem Freetz Paket (hab mir schnell das Binary rausgezogen)
/var/tmp/strace -o /var/tmp/strace.log /var/mod/bin/scanimage -L
ein Log erstellt. Dort standen alle drin, es müssen folgende Symlinks da sein, evtl. erstellt werden:

lt. meiner Logdatei.
Im Paket sind die drin, nur warum die nicht mit auf meiner Box erstellt wurden, entzieht sich meiner Kenntnis
Hallo, auf die Gefahr hin, dasihr mich für etwas hirntot haltet, aber ich würde es auch gern so haben, dass mein Scanner (DX 3850) auch über die Fritzbox (7170) funzt, aber ich versteh kein einziges Wort, von dem, was ihr hier so schreibt. Gibts da auch ne Anleitung für so Dumpfdödel wie mich?
@taddeus: Das Problem an sane ist, dass mit den Binarys nicht alles getan ist. Man benötigt noch einen Treiber für den Scanner, der speziell für die Fritzbox kompiliert sein muss. Da gibt es momentan noch keine einfache Anleitung (ich kanns auch nicht, hab den Treiber bereits vorkompiliert bekommen (thx@tehron dafür!)

Danke, das wars. Es hat der symlink für die scanner lib gefehlt.
Ich habe sane in freetz eingebaut, mit der freetz libusb und libjpeg.


schau als aller erstes mal, ob dein Scanner unterstützt wird, in der stable oder CVS Version.

Wenn ja, dann ist er Treiber in sane bereits enthalten.
Der weitere Weg wäre dann, sane für die Fritzbox zu kompilieren, unnötigen Balast rausschmeißen und die für deinen Scanner nötigen Dateien in Freetz als Addon hinzuzufügen.

Wenn ich bei mir alles fertig habe, kommt event. eine Anleitung dazu.
@ the_freestyler:

Das wäre ja mal konkret, werd dann mal nochn bisserl warten...
Vielen Dank schonmal für die prompten Antworten!
wie startet ihr den sane Dienst ?

Optimal wäre ihn bei Multifunktionsgeräten mit dem Skript für den Start des Printservers hinzuzufügen.

Das hierfür zuständige Skript ist /etc/hotplug/printer.

Füge ich da den sane Dienst ein, zB hinter

# Starting printserver...
		if ! $BIN -d $USB_DEVICE -p $PORT -c $CONSOLE; then
		eventadd 153 &
und kompiliere es fest ein (ändern geht nicht, da read only) startet der Printserver nicht mehr.
Wenn ich das gleiche Skript aber in /tmp kopiere und darauf einen symlink setze funktioniert der Printserver und saned einwandfrei, wenn ich das Multigerät anstecke.
Weiß jemand, woran das liegen kann ?

besten Dank
Da Du ja freetz nutzt, könntest Du den inetd dafür nutzen.

Ich hab folgende Zeile in meiner inetd.conf:
6566    stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/saned     saned

Beste Grüße,
So, ich komm jetzt allmählich mal dazu das ganze mal auszuprobieren.
ich kann sane starten, mich mit SaneTwain verbinden.
Sobald ich auf Preview klicke, kommen folgende Meldungen:
# /var/mod/sbin/saned -d256
[saned] main: starting debug mode (level 256)
[saned] main: trying to get port for service `sane' (getservbyname)
[saned] main: could not find `sane' service (Input/output error)
[saned] main: using default port 6566
[saned] main: socket ()
[saned] main: setsockopt ()
[saned] main: bind ()
[saned] main: listen ()
[saned] main: waiting for control connection
[saned] saned from sane-backends 1.0.18 ready
[saned] check_host: access by remote host:
[saned] check_host: remote host is not IN_LOOPBACK
[saned] check_host: local hostname:
[saned] check_host: local hostname (from DNS):
[saned] check_host: local host address (from DNS):
[saned] check_host: remote host doesn't have same addr as local
[saned] check_host: opening config file: /etc/hosts.equiv
[saned] check_host: can't open config file: /etc/hosts.equiv (No such file or directory)
[saned] check_host: opening config file: saned.conf
[saned] check_host: config file line: `'
[saned] check_host: subnet with base IP =, CIDR netmask = 24
[saned] check_host: access granted from IP address (in subnet
[saned] init: access granted
[saned] init: access granted to [email protected]
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 1
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 2
[saned] process_request: access to resource `hpaio' granted
[saned] process_request: sane_open returned: Success
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 4
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 7
[saned] start_scan: using port 2893 for data
Mar 22 13:55:29 saned[6245]: io/hpmud/mlc.c 519: invalid MlcReverseData size: size=33661, buf=8192

Mar 22 13:55:29 saned[6245]: invalid SclInquire(cmd=2a86,param=505) exp(len=7)/act(len=6): scan/sane/scl.c 258

Mar 22 13:55:29 saned[6245]: exp:

Mar 22 13:55:29 saned[6245]: [0000]   1B 2A 73 35 30 35 64                                .*s505d

Mar 22 13:55:29 saned[6245]: act:

Mar 22 13:55:29 saned[6245]: [0000]   83 83 83 83 83 83                                   ......

Mar 22 13:55:30 saned[6245]: io/hpmud/mlc.c 92: invalid data packet credit=0

Mar 22 13:55:31 saned[6245]: scan/sane/io.c 57: unable to connect hpssd socket 2207: Connection refused

[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
So, ich komm jetzt allmählich mal dazu das ganze mal auszuprobieren.
ich kann sane starten, mich mit SaneTwain verbinden.
Sobald ich auf Preview klicke, kommen folgende Meldungen:
Dazu fällt mir spontan auch nix ein. Trenn mal bitte die Ausgaben, die entstehen, wenn Du Dich verbindest, von denen, wenn Du Preview machst.

Mach auf der Box vor dem saned-Start
Evtl. hilft das, den Fehler zu finden.

Teste das Scannen mit dem Gerät doch mal auf nem PC mit Linux und HPLIP. Wenns da auch nicht geht, dann ists wohl ein Bug in HPLIP.
Wenn's geht, kann's trotzdem ein Bug in HPLIP sein, weil ich denk, daß es nicht viele auf Nicht-x86-Architekturen testen werden.

Mar 22 13:55:31 saned[6245]: scan/sane/io.c 57: unable to connect hpssd socket 2207: Connection refused
Diese Fehlermeldung kann man denk ich ignorieren. Soweit ich gesehen hab, is das nur der Versuch, den eigentlichen Fehler an den hpssd-Dienst zu melden, der dann loggt und ne Email "Fehler!" verschickt. Außerdem überwacht er das Gerät und empfängt z.B. Tintenstands- und Statusevents. Zum Scannen brauchts den aber nicht.
Hallo theron,
jetzt die Ausgaben nach Aktion getrennt.
# /var/mod/bin/sane-find-scanner

  # sane-find-scanner will now attempt to detect your scanner. If the
  # result is different from what you expected, first make sure your
  # scanner is powered up and properly connected to your computer.

  # No SCSI scanners found. If you expected something different, make sure that
  # you have loaded a kernel SCSI driver for your SCSI adapter.
  # Also you need support for SCSI Generic (sg) in your operating system.
  # If using Linux, try "modprobe sg".

found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0 [hp], product=0x3b11 [psc 1300 series]) at libusb:001:004
  # Your USB scanner was (probably) detected. It may or may not be supported by
  # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.

  # Not checking for parallel port scanners.

  # Most Scanners connected to the parallel port or other proprietary ports
  # can't be detected by this program.
# /var/mod/bin/scanimage -L
device `hpaio:/usb/psc_1300_series?serial=MY3CABD0P39F' is a Hewlett-Packard psc_1300_series all-in-one
Soweit bekannt.
Das ist der Start von saned
# /var/mod/sbin/saned -d128
[saned] main: starting debug mode (level 128)
[saned] main: trying to get port for service `sane' (getservbyname)
[saned] main: could not find `sane' service (Input/output error)
[saned] main: using default port 6566
[saned] main: socket ()
[saned] main: setsockopt ()
[saned] main: bind ()
[saned] main: listen ()
[saned] main: waiting for control connection
jetzt starte ich SaneTwain (ich mach das gerad per SSH Tunnel auf 6566) und er holt sich die Geräteliste
[saned] saned from sane-backends 1.0.18 ready
[saned] check_host: access by remote host:
[saned] check_host: remote host is not IN_LOOPBACK
[saned] check_host: local hostname:
[saned] check_host: local hostname (from DNS):
[saned] check_host: local host address (from DNS):
[saned] check_host: remote host has same addr as local: access accepted
[saned] init: access granted
[saned] init: access granted to [email protected]
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 1
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 2
[saned] process_request: access to resource `hpaio' granted
[saned] process_request: sane_open returned: Success
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 4
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
und folgendes kommt, sobald ich auf Aquire Preview klicke
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 7
[saned] start_scan: using port 1127 for data
Mar 27 09:29:08 saned[2493]: io/hpmud/mlc.c 519: invalid MlcReverseData size: size=33661, buf=8192

Mar 27 09:29:08 saned[2493]: invalid SclInquire(cmd=2a86,param=505) exp(len=7)/act(len=6): scan/sane/scl.c 258

Mar 27 09:29:08 saned[2493]: exp:

Mar 27 09:29:08 saned[2493]: [0000]   1B 2A 73 35 30 35 64                                .*s505d

Mar 27 09:29:08 saned[2493]: act:

Mar 27 09:29:08 saned[2493]: [0000]   83 83 83 83 83 83                                   ......

Mar 27 09:29:09 saned[2493]: io/hpmud/mlc.c 92: invalid data packet credit=0

Mar 27 09:29:10 saned[2493]: scan/sane/io.c 57: unable to connect hpssd socket 2207: Connection refused

[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
Ein Linux PC ist etwas aufwendiger für mich - bin ein Windows Kind - , da komme ich frühstens am Wochenende zu.
Ich werd jetzt nochmal mit export SANE_DEBUG_HPAIO=8 testen und melden

EDIT: Hier die Ausgaben beim Start von SaneTwain mit Debug
[saned] saned from sane-backends 1.0.18 ready
[saned] check_host: access by remote host:
[saned] check_host: remote host is not IN_LOOPBACK
[saned] check_host: local hostname:
[saned] check_host: local hostname (from DNS):
[saned] check_host: local host address (from DNS):
[saned] check_host: remote host has same addr as local: access accepted
[saned] init: access granted
[saned] init: access granted to [email protected]
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 1
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of hpaio to 8.
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_init(): scan/sane/hpaio.c 1457
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_devices(local=1): scan/sane/hpaio.c 1476
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 2
[saned] process_request: access to resource `hpaio' granted
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_open(/usb/psc_1300_series?serial=MY3CABD0P39F): scan/sane/hpaio.c 1505
[hpaio] device ID string=<MFG:hp;MDL:psc 1300 series;CMD:LDL,MLC,PML,DYN;CLS:PRINTER;1284.4DL:4d,4e,1;SN:MY3CABD0P39F;S:0380008000020020002c14e1000c2501014;Z:007;>: scan/sane/hpaio.c 1554
[hpaio] Model = psc_1300_series: scan/sane/hpaio.c 1562
[hpaio] Scanner type=SCL: scan/sane/hpaio.c 1644
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=2 bytes_wrote=2: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 45                                               .E
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=4 bytes_wrote=4: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 6F 45                                         .*oE
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=6 bytes_wrote=6: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 38 45                                   .*s18E
[hpaio] SclChannelRead: len=7: scan/sane/scl.c 251
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 38 64 4E                                .*s18dN
[hpaio] SclInquire null response. scan/sane/scl.c 271
[hpaio] scl.compat1150=<>: scan/sane/hpaio.c 1680
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=6 bytes_wrote=6: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 39 45                                   .*s19E
[hpaio] SclChannelRead: len=13: scan/sane/scl.c 251
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 39 64 35 57 35 39 30 30 41              .*s19d5W5900A
[hpaio] scl.compatPost1150=<5900A>: scan/sane/hpaio.c 1697
[hpaio] scl.compat=0x2040: scan/sane/hpaio.c 1742
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=8 bytes_wrote=8: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 30 32 38 45                             .*s1028E
[hpaio] SclChannelRead: len=12: scan/sane/scl.c 251
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 30 32 38 64 33 30 30 56                 .*s1028d300V
[hpaio] decipixelChar='f', decipixelsPerInch=300: scan/sane/hpaio.c 1763
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=4 bytes_wrote=4: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 6F 45                                         .*oE
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=5 bytes_wrote=5: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 6D 32 53                                      .*m2S
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=7 bytes_wrote=7: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 32 35 39 45                                .*s259E
[hpaio] SclChannelRead: len=8: scan/sane/scl.c 251
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 32 35 39 64 4E                             .*s259dN
[hpaio] SclInquire null response. scan/sane/scl.c 271
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=4 bytes_wrote=4: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 6F 45                                         .*oE
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=5 bytes_wrote=5: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 61 32 43                                      .*a2C
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=7 bytes_wrote=7: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 32 35 39 45                                .*s259E
[hpaio] SclChannelRead: len=8: scan/sane/scl.c 251
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 32 35 39 64 4E                             .*s259dN
[hpaio] SclInquire null response. scan/sane/scl.c 271
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=9 bytes_wrote=9: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 30 33 32 33 4C                          .*s10323L
[hpaio] SclChannelRead: len=12: scan/sane/scl.c 251
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 30 33 32 33 6B 37 35 56                 .*s10323k75V
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=9 bytes_wrote=9: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 30 33 32 34 4C                          .*s10324L
[hpaio] SclChannelRead: len=12: scan/sane/scl.c 251
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 30 33 32 34 6B 37 35 56                 .*s10324k75V
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=9 bytes_wrote=9: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 30 33 32 33 48                          .*s10323H
[hpaio] SclChannelRead: len=13: scan/sane/scl.c 251
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 30 33 32 33 67 36 30 30 56              .*s10323g600V
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=9 bytes_wrote=9: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 30 33 32 34 48                          .*s10324H
[hpaio] SclChannelRead: len=14: scan/sane/scl.c 251
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 30 33 32 34 67 32 34 30 30 56           .*s10324g2400V
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=9 bytes_wrote=9: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 31 33 32 34 48                          .*s11324H
[hpaio] SclChannelRead: len=14: scan/sane/scl.c 251
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 31 33 32 34 67 32 34 30 30 56           .*s11324g2400V
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=6 bytes_wrote=6: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 32 34 45                                   .*s24E
[hpaio] SclChannelRead: len=8: scan/sane/scl.c 251
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 32 34 64 30 56                             .*s24d0V
[hpaio] ADF capability=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 1865
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=9 bytes_wrote=9: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 30 34 38 31 48                          .*s10481H
[hpaio] SclChannelRead: len=14: scan/sane/scl.c 251
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 30 34 38 31 67 32 35 35 30 56           .*s10481g2550V
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=9 bytes_wrote=9: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 30 34 38 32 48                          .*s10482H
[hpaio] SclChannelRead: len=14: scan/sane/scl.c 251
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 31 30 34 38 32 67 33 35 30 37 56           .*s10482g3507V
[hpaio] Maximum extents: x=2550, y=3507 scan/sane/hpaio.c 1915
[saned] process_request: sane_open returned: Success
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_parameters(prescan): format=1, last_frame=1, lines=876, depth=8, pixels_per_line=637, bytes_per_line=1911 scan/sane/hpaio.c 2610
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 4
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option= action=get value=16): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_option_descriptor(option=): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2201
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_option_descriptor(option=(null)): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2201
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_option_descriptor(option=mode): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2201
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_option_descriptor(option=resolution): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2201
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_option_descriptor(option=(null)): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2201
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_option_descriptor(option=contrast): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2201
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_option_descriptor(option=compression): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2201
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_option_descriptor(option=jpeg-quality): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2201
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_option_descriptor(option=batch-scan): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2201
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_option_descriptor(option=source): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2201
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_option_descriptor(option=(null)): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2201
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_option_descriptor(option=length-measurement): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2201
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_option_descriptor(option=tl-x): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2201
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_option_descriptor(option=tl-y): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2201
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_option_descriptor(option=br-x): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2201
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_option_descriptor(option=br-y): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2201
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=mode action=get value=Color): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=mode action=get value=Color): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=resolution action=get value=75): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=compression action=get value=JPEG): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=compression action=get value=JPEG): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=jpeg-quality action=get value=10): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=batch-scan action=get value=0): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=source action=get value=Flatbed): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=source action=get value=Flatbed): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=length-measurement action=get value=Padded): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=length-measurement action=get value=Padded): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
Und der Klick auf PreView
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=resolution action=set value=75): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_parameters(prescan): format=1, last_frame=1, lines=876, depth=8, pixels_per_line=637, bytes_per_line=1911 scan/sane/hpaio.c 2610
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=tl-x action=set value=0): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_parameters(prescan): format=1, last_frame=1, lines=876, depth=8, pixels_per_line=637, bytes_per_line=1911 scan/sane/hpaio.c 2610
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=br-x action=set value=14090240): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_parameters(prescan): format=1, last_frame=1, lines=876, depth=8, pixels_per_line=634, bytes_per_line=1902 scan/sane/hpaio.c 2610
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=br-y action=set value=19398656): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_parameters(prescan): format=1, last_frame=1, lines=874, depth=8, pixels_per_line=634, bytes_per_line=1902 scan/sane/hpaio.c 2610
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=tl-y action=set value=0): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_parameters(prescan): format=1, last_frame=1, lines=874, depth=8, pixels_per_line=634, bytes_per_line=1902 scan/sane/hpaio.c 2610
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 7
[saned] start_scan: using port 2860 for data
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_start(): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2626
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=2 bytes_wrote=2: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 45                                               .E
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=5 bytes_wrote=5: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 66 31 48                                      .*f1H
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=5 bytes_wrote=5: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 66 30 49                                      .*f0I
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=7 bytes_wrote=7: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 35 30 35 45                                .*s505E
Mar 27 09:44:20 saned[2583]: io/hpmud/mlc.c 519: invalid MlcReverseData size: size=33661, buf=8192

[hpaio] SclChannelRead: len=6: scan/sane/scl.c 251
[hpaio] [0000]   83 83 83 83 83 83                                   ......
Mar 27 09:44:20 saned[2583]: invalid SclInquire(cmd=2a86,param=505) exp(len=7)/act(len=6): scan/sane/scl.c 258

[hpaio] invalid SclInquire(cmd=2a86,param=505) exp(len=7)/act(len=6): scan/sane/scl.c 258
Mar 27 09:44:20 saned[2583]: exp:

[hpaio] exp:
Mar 27 09:44:20 saned[2583]: [0000]   1B 2A 73 35 30 35 64                                .*s505d

[hpaio] [0000]   1B 2A 73 35 30 35 64                                .*s505d
Mar 27 09:44:20 saned[2583]: act:

[hpaio] act:
Mar 27 09:44:20 saned[2583]: [0000]   83 83 83 83 83 83                                   ......

[hpaio] [0000]   83 83 83 83 83 83                                   ......
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_cancel(): scan/sane/hpaio.c 3121
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=2 bytes_wrote=2: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 45                                               .E
Mar 27 09:44:21 saned[2583]: io/hpmud/mlc.c 92: invalid data packet credit=0

Mar 27 09:44:23 saned[2583]: scan/sane/io.c 57: unable to connect hpssd socket 2207: Connection refused

[hpaio] scan/sane/io.c 57: unable to connect hpssd socket 2207: Connection refused
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=resolution action=set value=75): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2587
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_parameters(prescan): format=1, last_frame=1, lines=874, depth=8, pixels_per_line=634, bytes_per_line=1902 scan/sane/hpaio.c 2610
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
Hab ich momentan keine Idee, was da schiefgeht. Ohne Sourcecode-Fummeln wird man da wohl nicht rauskriegen, wo' hapert. Das is mir aber zu aufwendig.
Würd wie gesagt erst mal Scannen mit HPLIP unter Linux testen (evtl. nur Knoppix reinschmeißen?).
Außerdem würd ich mal versuchen, den Scanner direkt an die Box zu hängen, falls Du nen USB-Hub dazwischen hast. Du kannst auch mal versuchen, printserv zu killen und das printer-Modul zu entladen. Das sollte es tun:
lsusb -s (BUS und DEV vom Gerät merken)
/etc/hotplug/usb.pandu remove /proc/bus/usb/$BUS/$DEV
Ein-/Ausschalten, An-/Abstecken und Neustarten der Box wirkt manchmal auch Wunder *gg*

ich hab mir jetzt ein Ubuntu System per Wibu aufgesetzt.
Ich korrigiere meine vorherige Aussage: es läuft unter "echtem" Linux. Das sind so viele Statusmeldungen, die hab ich garnicht alle abgefangen, hier der Scanvorgang:
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=8188 length=8188 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 8188 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 8192 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 8188 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc590ac maxLength=8188 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc590ac outputUsed=2806 length=2806 status=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 2806 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 2810 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 2810 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: trying to read 5378 bytes from scanner
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read called handle=0x80a9058 data=0xbfc59ba6 maxLength=5378 length=0: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3087
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_read returned output=0xbfc59ba6 outputUsed=0 length=0 status=5: scan/sane/hpaio.c 3216
[saned] do_scan: read 0 bytes from scanner
[saned] do_scan: status = `End of file reached'
[saned] do_scan: statuscode `End of file reached' was added to buffer
[saned] do_scan: trying to write 9 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: wrote 9 bytes to client
[saned] do_scan: done, status=End of file reached
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 8
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_cancel(): scan/sane/hpaio.c 3230
[hpaio] SclSendCommand: size=2 bytes_wrote=2: scan/sane/scl.c 199
[hpaio] [0000]   1B 45                                               .E
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 5
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_control_option (option=resolution action=set value=75): scan/sane/hpaio.c 2696
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 6
[hpaio] sane_hpaio_get_parameters(prescan): format=1, last_frame=1, lines=874, depth=8, pixels_per_line=634, bytes_per_line=1902 scan/sane/hpaio.c 2719
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
Es scheint also ein Problem der Binarys oder - meine Vermutung - der HPLIP zu sein
ich hab mir jetzt (ubuntu sei dank) ein Freetz Image auf meine 7270 geflasht und sane integriert.
sane-find-scanner und scanimage -L funktionieren auch nach ein paar Symlinks.
Der PSC hängt jetzt direkt an der Box, kein Hub dazwischen.
Saned liefert allerdings immer noch dieselben Meldungen an SaneTwain (Device busy during I/O). Ich hab jetzt allerdings keine genaueren Infos von den Konsolenmeldungen, die folgen.
Warum nicht den USB-Fernanschluss nutzen?

@taddeus: Das Problem an sane ist, dass mit den Binarys nicht alles getan ist. Man benötigt noch einen Treiber für den Scanner, der speziell für die Fritzbox kompiliert sein muss.

Ich dachte, dass mittels des USB-Fernanschlusses, der AFAIK auf jeder FB mit Host-USB installiert/installierbar ist eben das Kompilieren und installieren der Sanetreiber für/auf die FB nicht notwendig ist. Beim USB-Fernanschluss reicht es doch AFAIK dass der Scannertreiber auf dem PC installiert ist. Oder habe ich das ganze missverstanden?
Der USB Fernanschluss verfolgt ja auch einen ganz anderen Sinn als Sane.
Der Fernanschluss bildet den USB Anschluss an den PC ab, saned ist ein Dienst, der einen Scanner als Netzwerkgerät verfügbar macht. Das macht bei Kombigeräten Sinn. Um z.B. meinen PSC 1350 mit Scanfunktion nutzen zu können, müsste ich Drucker, Scanner und Speicher als Fernanschluss freigeben - damit aber den ebenfalls angeschlossenen Stick als Netzwerkspeicher, etc verlieren.
So habe ich meinen Stick,einen Printserver und einen Scanner. Wenn es denn mal läuft - aber da sitz ich noch dran
Anleitung sane (Multifunktionsgeräte - stable/cvs)

Anleitung sane (Multifunktionsgeräte - stable/cvs) am Beispiel eines Canon MP520 mit Druck- und Scanfunktion.

Mein Dank geht an TheSneaker und tehron, nach derer Anleitung ich es bei mir hinbekommen habe und somit diese Anleitung schreiben konnte.


  1. Euer Geräte wird von sane stable oder sane-cvs unterstützt.

  2. Geeignete Build-Umgebung zum Bauen von Freetz, zB StinkyLinux ('libusb-dev' nachinstallieren mit apt-get install libusb-dev.)

  3. Etwas Zeit, Geduld und Erfahrung mit dem Bau von Freetz, da ich nicht garantieren kann, dass dies in allen möglichen Fällen funktioniert.

1. Wir besorgen uns ein aktuelles Freetz (nicht als root ausführen)
svn co freetz-trunk
cd freetz-trunk/
make menuconfig

Wir wählen aus:
Advanced options  ---> 
       Shared libraries  ---> 
                 [*] libusb (

und sonst noch die Dinge, die wir brauchen.
Dann raus, Config speichern und


2. Wir besorgen sane:

für sane-stable
cd ..
wget # für die sane stable
tar xfz sane-backends-1.0.19.tar.gz # entpacken
mv sane-backends-1.0.19 sane-backends # umbenennen

Oder sane-cvs:
cd ..
  cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/sane login # für die sane-cvs zum einloggen (mit Enter bestätigen)
  cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/sane co sane-backends # download der sane-cvs

3. Wir setzen ein paar Pfade und Variablen:
export HOME="euer home, wo die Ordner freetz-trunk und sane-backends"


export CFLAGS="-Os -W -Wall -pipe -march=4kc -Wa,--trap"
export LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/sane-backends/lib -Wl,-rpath,$PREFIX/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I$HOME/sane-backends/include"
export PATH="$GCC/bin:$PATH"

4. Wir bauen sane:
cd $HOME/sane-backends
./configure --build=i386-linux-gnu --target=mipsel-linux --host=mipsel-linux --prefix="$PREFIX" --disable-ipv6
make install prefix="$HOME/sane-backends"

5. Ordner einrichten, Dateien kopieren und Symlinks erstellen:

An dieser Stelle müsst ihr herausfinden, welche library für euer Gerät die richtige ist. In meinem Fall (für die Canon pixma Serie ist es die Eine gute Anlaufstelle ist wieder die sane Seite.

mkdir -p $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/bin/
mkdir -p $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/etc/sane.d/
mkdir -p $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/etc/hotplug/
mkdir -p $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/lib/sane/

cp $HOME/sane-backends/frontend/.libs/* $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/bin/
cp $HOME/sane-backends/tools/sane-config $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/bin/
cp $HOME/sane-backends/tools/sane-find-scanner $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/bin/
cp $HOME/sane-backends/tools/gamma4scanimage $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/bin/

cp $HOME/sane-backends/backend/.libs/ $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/lib/
cp $HOME/sane-backends/backend/.libs/ $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/lib/ # ggf. andere library auswählen

cd $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/lib
ln -s
ln -s
ln -s # libsane-pixma ersetzt ihr durch eure library
ln -s # libsane-pixma ersetzt ihr durch eure library

cd $HOME/sane-backends
cp backend/.libs/ $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/lib/sane/
cd $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/lib/sane/
ln -s
ln -s

cd $HOME/sane-backends

vim $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/bin/saned_wrapper
(while true; do /bin/saned -d; done) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &[/I]

chmod 755 $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/bin/saned_wrapper

vim $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/etc/sane.d/dll.conf
[I]pixma [/I]# anstelle von pixma hier euer Modul eintragen (zB. plustek, epson oder gt68xx)

echo "" > "$HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/etc/sane.d/saned.conf" # Netzwerk, das auf sane zugreifen darf

cp $HOME/freetz-trunk/build/original/filesystem/etc/hotplug/printer $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/etc/hotplug/printer

6. Bearbeiten der Printer Hotplug Datei.
Hiermit wird saned gestartet. Das ist bei Multifunktionsgeräten sehr praktisch, denn sobald der Drucker angesteckt ist, wird der printserver und sane gestartet. Wird der Drucker abgesteckt, wird der sane Dienst beendet.
Für standalone Scanner muss hier eine andere Lösung gefunden werden.

vim $HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/sane-backends/root/etc/hotplug/printer
# Starting printserver...
if ! $BIN -d $USB_DEVICE -p $PORT -c $CONSOLE; then

eventadd 153

echo "1" > $HANDLE

eventadd 150 9100 & # `echo ar7cfg.brinterfaces.ipaddr | ar7cfgctl -s`
/bin/saned_wrapper # (start saned)

eventadd 152
echo "0" > $HANDLE

remove) if test $4 -eq 1; then

# Stop it all...
killall ${BIN##*/}
sleep 1;
rmmod $MODULE
eventadd 151
killall saned_wrapper
killall saned


*) ;;



7. Sane Backends als Addon hinzufügen und Freetz bauen

echo "sane-backends" > "$HOME/freetz-trunk/addon/static.pkg"

cd $HOME/freetz-trunk

8. Testen

ist das Image gebaut und auf die Box geflashed, kann per Telnet oder SSH auf der Konsole getestet werden, ob alles läuft.

/$ scanimage -L
device `pixma:04A9xxxx_139xxx is a CANON Canon PIXMA MP520 multi-function peripheral

Nun kann zB. genommen werden, um von Windows aus zu scannen.

Viel Spaß beim Ausprobieren
Ich muss sagen, ich würde eine Integration von sane ins Freetz schon begrüssen. Beim Aufnehmen einer neuen Version könnte man automatisch per Script eine für die vorhandenen Libraries für unterschiedliche Scanner erstellen, aus denen der Benutzer sich dann einzelne auswählen kann.
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