Scanner an Fritzbox läuft!

Nimm bitte 5580, falls es noch nicht zu spät ist...

MfG Oliver
Jupp, ging grade noch ;)
Okay, ich muß mich korrigieren. Der Eintrag in inetd.conf nach dem Booten sieht bei mir so aus (also auch falsch):
/var/mod/root # grep saned /etc/inetd.conf
#:sane-backends: saned SANE server
6566    stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/saned saned -i

Nachdem man im WebIF bei SANE einmal einfach "Übernehmen" oder "Standard" gedrückt hat, sieht er aus wie oben. Nach nem Reboot ists wieder falsch.

Edit: ah
Ich habs in r5580 behoben. Ist wohl bis jetzt keinem aufgefallen.

MfG Oliver

also zumindest sehen jetzt die Nachrichten im Syslog schonmal gut aus ;)
Aug 19 20:31:57 fritz daemon.debug saned[3902]: saned from sane-backends 1.0.21 ready
Aug 19 20:31:57 fritz daemon.debug saned[3902]: check_host: access by remote host:
Aug 19 20:31:57 fritz daemon.debug saned[3902]: init: access granted to [email protected]
Aug 19 20:31:58 fritz daemon.debug saned[3902]: saned exiting

Merkwürdigerweise klappt eine Suche nach dem Scanner nur genau einmal - danach erst wieder nach einem erneuten Neustart des Scanners :confused:
Bei Xsane kommt keine Meldung mehr, daß kein Gerät verfügbar, jetzt behauptet xsane, Fehler beim I/O ...

Lokal lief xsane mit dem Epson MFP einwandfrei ...

Gruß, Christoph

[edit] ich habe jetzt mal ein anderes USB-Kabel zum Hub genommen - jetzt scheint es zu funktionieren ... allerdings scheint es immer noch das Problem zu geben, daß ein Druck den Scanner oder umgekehrt ein Scan den Drucker bis zum Neustart des Epson blockiert ... dieses Problem hatte ich mit der lokal angeschlossenen Variante nicht (Ubuntu 10.4), wenn der Druck beendet war, konnte ich xsane starten, und nach dem Schließen von xsane ging der Drucker wieder ...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

für einen AGFA snapscan e20 ist notwendig ein Firmware-File vor dem make ins Verzeichnis root/usr/share zu kopieren. Weiterhin müssen 2 Datein in den sources angepasst werden.
Siehe dazuäten

Nun meine Frage dazu:

Ist dies nur bei diesem Scanner notwendig oder sind auch andere Scanner "betroffen"? Wenn dies der Fall wäre, würde ich mich mal ransetzen und das etwas automatisieren.

Bezugnehmend auf meinen Post etwas weiter oben:

Wenn die Box mal ohne eingeschaltetem Scanner neu startet, und danach irgendwann der Scanner nachgestartet wird, wird die erste Partition meiner USB-Festplatte (mit Debian Etch) auf read only umgemountet, sobald ich xsane auf meinem PC starte. Xsane findet dann aber den Scanner anscheinend zunächst (es erscheint eine Auswahlmaske, da mehere Backends installiert habe), aber bei Auswahl des Scanners kommt nach einiger Zeit nur der Hinweis, kein Scanner gefunden.

Starte ich jetzt die Box neu (Scanner weiter an), dann kann ich scannen, und auch die Festplatte bleibt benutzbar.

Gruß, Christoph

gibt es was Neues in Sachen Scanner und USB (s.o.)?

Ich habe derzeit Sane erstmal von der Box runter geschmissen, da es unter den o.g. Problemen "leidet" und für mich so leider nicht wirklich zu gebrauchen war...

Gruß, Christoph
Da Du dieses spezielle Problem hast, kannst Du nur selbst forschen und probieren. Du hast ja auch noch nicht mal geschrieben, welchen Scanner/MFP Du hast, von der Festplatte und Deinem Setup mal ganz zu schweigen...

Ich kann Dir mal folgendes empfehlen: lesen (glaub es handelt sich um dieses Backend), Debugausgaben einschalten, dmesg, strace, ... Halt schauen, was wann passiert. Wenn Du was Interessantes gefunden hast und nicht weiter kommst, kannst Du hier ja mal konkret nachfragen.
Ich hab auch gesehen, daß die Backends epson und epson2 viel gemeinsam haben und man versuchen kann bei Problemen einfach mal das andere zu nehmen.
Du kannst auch mal versuchen von sane-backends ne andere Version zu testen. Oder wenn was weiß ich das Teil nen Cardreader oder sowas hat und das der Grund ist, ob man das deaktivieren kann im Backend oder beim Kompilieren.

ja, es handelt sich um das Epson2-Backend, mit einem Epson Stylus DX3850 - der übrigens am PC ohne Probleme arbeitet ;) - auch zu der Zeit, als die Festplatte (Freecom) mit an diesem PC hing.

An der FB ist es egal, ob ich versuche, via Netz auf den Scanner zuzugreifen, oder ob ich mich per Telnet und scanimage -L bzw. scanimage direkt auf den Scanner zu hängen versuche.

Da ich im Moment sane nicht mit auf der FB habe, kann ich im Augenblick auch nicht mit irgentwelchen Logs dienen - werde ich nachholen, sobald ich zeit dazu finde ;)

Gruß, Christoph

zur Config:

aktiviert sind für sane das Net- und epson2-Backend. Zugriff ist für mein lokales Netz freigegeben und funzt auch - gelegentlich ;)

ich habe jetzt mal den Sane-Daemon (saned) via inetd deaktiviert und mittels Telnet im Debugmode gestartet:
Erster Versuch: Es erscheint noch die Scanner-Auswahlmaske von Xsane (ich habe das Epson und Epson2-Backend eingebunden im Image) -> Epson2 ausgewählt -> nach einer "halben Ewigkeit" kommt xsane-Fehler "Fehler bei I/O ..."
Beim zweiten Mal erkennt xsane keinerlei Scanner mehr
root@fritz:/var/mod/root# SANE_DEBUG_EPSON2=128 saned -d128
[saned] main: starting debug mode (level 128)
[saned] read_config: searching for config file
[saned] read_config: done reading config
[saned] saned (AF-indep+IPv6) from sane-backends 1.0.21 starting up
[saned] do_bindings: trying to get port for service "sane-port" (getaddrinfo)
[saned] do_bindings: " sane-port " service unknown on your host; you should add
[saned] do_bindings:      sane-port 6566/tcp saned # SANE network scanner daemon
[saned] do_bindings: to your /etc/services file (or equivalent). Proceeding anyway.
[saned] do_bindings: [0] socket () using IPv6
[saned] do_bindings: [0] setsockopt ()
[saned] do_bindings: [0] bind () to port 6566
[saned] do_bindings: [0] listen ()
[saned] do_bindings: [1] socket () using IPv4
[saned] do_bindings: [1] setsockopt ()
[saned] do_bindings: [1] bind () to port 6566
[saned] do_bindings: [1] bind failed: Address already in use
[saned] run_standalone: waiting for control connection
[saned] handle_connection: processing client connection
[saned] check_host: detected an IPv4-mapped address
[saned] check_host: access by remote host: ::ffff:
[saned] check_host: remote host is not IN_LOOPBACK nor IN6_LOOPBACK
[saned] check_host: local hostname:
[saned] check_host: local hostname(s) (from DNS):
[saned] check_host: local hostname(s) (from DNS):
[saned] check_host: local hostname(s) (from DNS):
[saned] check_host: remote host doesn't have same addr as local
[saned] check_host: opening config file: /etc/hosts.equiv
[saned] check_host: can't open config file: /etc/hosts.equiv (No such file or directory)
[saned] check_host: opening config file: saned.conf
[saned] check_host: config file line: `'
[saned] check_host: subnet with base IP =, CIDR netmask = 24
[saned] check_host: access granted from IP address (in subnet
[saned] init: access granted
[saned] init: access granted to saned-user@::ffff:
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 1
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of epson2 to 128.
[epson2] sane_epson2_init: sane-backends 1.0.21
[epson2] epson2 backend, version 1.0.124
[epson2] sane_epson2_get_devices
[epson2] probe_devices
[epson2] free_devices
[epson2] attach_one_config: len = 10, line = scsi EPSON
[epson2] attach_one_config: len = 3, line = usb
[epson2] attach_one_usb: dev = libusb:001:010
[epson2] attach: devname = libusb:001:010, type = 3
[epson2] e2_dev_init
[epson2] open_scanner: libusb:001:010
[epson2] scanner opened
[epson2] found valid Epson scanner: 0x4b8/0x818 (vendorID/productID)
[epson2] e2_set_model: model is 'generic'
[epson2] esci_reset
[epson2] e2_cmd_simple: size = 2
[epson2] e2_send: size = 2, reply = 1
[epson2] e2_send: ESC @
[epson2] buf[0] 1b .
[epson2] buf[1] 40 @
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 0, w = 1
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 1, buf = 0x7fa473c0
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 1, w = 1
[epson2] buf[0] 06 .
[epson2] e2_discover_capabilities
[epson2] esci_request_identity
[epson2] e2_cmd_info_block, params len = 2, reply len = 0, buf = 0x7fa47388
[epson2] e2_send: size = 2, reply = 0
[epson2] e2_send: ESC I
[epson2] buf[0] 1b .
[epson2] buf[1] 49 I
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 1, w = 2
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 4, buf = 0x7fa472c4
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 2, w = 2
[epson2] buf[0] 02 .
[epson2] buf[1] 02 .
[epson2] buf[2] 13 .
[epson2] buf[3] 00 .
[epson2] e2_recv_info_block: payload length: 19
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 19, buf = 0x421628
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 3, w = 2
[epson2] buf[0] 44 D
[epson2] buf[1] 37 7
[epson2] buf[2] 52 R
[epson2] buf[3] 4b K
[epson2] buf[4] 00 .
[epson2] buf[5] 52 R
[epson2] buf[6] 96 .
[epson2] buf[7] 00 .
[epson2] buf[8] 52 R
[epson2] buf[9] 2c ,
[epson2] buf[10] 01 .
[epson2] buf[11] 52 R
[epson2] buf[12] 58 X
[epson2] buf[13] 02 .
[epson2] buf[14] 41 A
[epson2] buf[15] ec .
[epson2] buf[16] 13 .
[epson2] buf[17] 6c l
[epson2] buf[18] 1b .
[epson2] e2_set_cmd_level: D7
[epson2] e2_add_resolution: add (dpi): 75
[epson2] e2_add_resolution: add (dpi): 150
[epson2] e2_add_resolution: add (dpi): 300
[epson2] e2_add_resolution: add (dpi): 600
[epson2] maximum scan area: 5100x7020
[epson2] e2_set_fbf_area: 0.000000,0.000000 215.899994,297.179993 600 [mm]
[epson2] esci_request_status
[epson2] e2_send: size = 2, reply = 4
[epson2] e2_send: ESC F
[epson2] buf[0] 1b .
[epson2] buf[1] 46 F
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 3, w = 3
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 4, buf = 0x7fa4730c
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 4, w = 3
[epson2] buf[0] 02 .
[epson2] buf[1] 02 .
[epson2] buf[2] 00 .
[epson2] buf[3] 00 .
[epson2] status: 02
[epson2]  ready
[epson2]  no option equipment installed
[epson2]  support extended commands
[epson2] detection with request_extended_status
[epson2] esci_request_extended_status
[epson2] e2_cmd_info_block, params len = 2, reply len = 42, buf = 0x7fa47344
[epson2] e2_send: size = 2, reply = 46
[epson2] e2_send: ESC f
[epson2] buf[0] 1b .
[epson2] buf[1] 66 f
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 4, w = 4
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 4, buf = 0x7fa472b4
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 5, w = 4
[epson2] buf[0] 02 .
[epson2] buf[1] 02 .
[epson2] buf[2] 2a *
[epson2] buf[3] 00 .
[epson2] e2_recv_info_block: payload length: 42
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 42, buf = 0x421a00
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 6, w = 4
[epson2] buf[0] 00 .
[epson2] buf[1] 00 .
[epson2] buf[2] 00 .
[epson2] buf[3] 00 .
[epson2] buf[4] 00 .
[epson2] buf[5] 00 .
[epson2] buf[6] 00 .
[epson2] buf[7] 00 .
[epson2] buf[8] 00 .
[epson2] buf[9] 00 .
[epson2] buf[10] 00 .
[epson2] buf[11] c0 .
[epson2] buf[12] ec .
[epson2] buf[13] 13 .
[epson2] buf[14] 6c l
[epson2] buf[15] 1b .
[epson2] buf[16] 00 .
[epson2] buf[17] 00 .
[epson2] buf[18] 00 .
[epson2] buf[19] 00 .
[epson2] buf[20] 00 .
[epson2] buf[21] 00 .
[epson2] buf[22] 00 .
[epson2] buf[23] 00 .
[epson2] buf[24] 00 .
[epson2] buf[25] 00 .
[epson2] buf[26] 43 C
[epson2] buf[27] 58 X
[epson2] buf[28] 33 3
[epson2] buf[29] 38 8
[epson2] buf[30] 30 0
[epson2] buf[31] 30 0
[epson2] buf[32] 20  
[epson2] buf[33] 20  
[epson2] buf[34] 20  
[epson2] buf[35] 20  
[epson2] buf[36] 20  
[epson2] buf[37] 20  
[epson2] buf[38] 20  
[epson2] buf[39] 20  
[epson2] buf[40] 20  
[epson2] buf[41] 20  
[epson2] main = 00, ADF = 00, TPU = 00, main 2 = c0
[epson2] e2_set_model: model is 'CX3800'
[epson2] e2_set_fbf_area: 0.000000,0.000000 215.899994,297.179993 600 [mm]
[epson2] no command available to detect capabilities
[epson2] esci_request_identity2
[epson2] e2_cmd_info_block, params len = 2, reply len = 0, buf = 0x7fa47388
[epson2] e2_send: size = 2, reply = 0
[epson2] e2_send: ESC i
[epson2] buf[0] 1b .
[epson2] buf[1] 69 i
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 6, w = 5
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 4, buf = 0x7fa472c4
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 7, w = 5
[epson2] buf[0] 02 .
[epson2] buf[1] 02 .
[epson2] buf[2] 36 6
[epson2] buf[3] 00 .
[epson2] e2_recv_info_block: payload length: 54
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 54, buf = 0x421a30
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 8, w = 5
[epson2] buf[0] 58 X
[epson2] buf[1] 02 .
[epson2] buf[2] 55 U
[epson2] buf[3] 00 .
[epson2] buf[4] 00 .
[epson2] buf[5] 00 .
[epson2] buf[6] 00 .
[epson2] buf[7] 00 .
[epson2] buf[8] 00 .
[epson2] buf[9] 00 .
[epson2] buf[10] 00 .
[epson2] buf[11] 00 .
[epson2] buf[12] 00 .
[epson2] buf[13] 00 .
[epson2] buf[14] 32 2
[epson2] buf[15] 00 .
[epson2] buf[16] 4b K
[epson2] buf[17] 00 .
[epson2] buf[18] 64 d
[epson2] buf[19] 00 .
[epson2] buf[20] 96 .
[epson2] buf[21] 00 .
[epson2] buf[22] c8 .
[epson2] buf[23] 00 .
[epson2] buf[24] 2c ,
[epson2] buf[25] 01 .
[epson2] buf[26] 90 .
[epson2] buf[27] 01 .
[epson2] buf[28] 58 X
[epson2] buf[29] 02 .
[epson2] buf[30] 00 .
[epson2] buf[31] 00 .
[epson2] buf[32] 32 2
[epson2] buf[33] 00 .
[epson2] buf[34] 4b K
[epson2] buf[35] 00 .
[epson2] buf[36] 64 d
[epson2] buf[37] 00 .
[epson2] buf[38] 96 .
[epson2] buf[39] 00 .
[epson2] buf[40] c8 .
[epson2] buf[41] 00 .
[epson2] buf[42] 2c ,
[epson2] buf[43] 01 .
[epson2] buf[44] 90 .
[epson2] buf[45] 01 .
[epson2] buf[46] 58 X
[epson2] buf[47] 02 .
[epson2] buf[48] 20  
[epson2] buf[49] 03 .
[epson2] buf[50] b0 .
[epson2] buf[51] 04 .
[epson2] buf[52] 00 .
[epson2] buf[53] 00 .
[epson2] discovering max depth, NAKs are expected
[epson2] e2_esc_cmd: cmd = 0x44, val = 16
[epson2] e2_cmd_simple: size = 2
[epson2] e2_send: size = 2, reply = 1
[epson2] e2_send: ESC D
[epson2] buf[0] 1b .
[epson2] buf[1] 44 D
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 8, w = 6
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 1, buf = 0x7fa47308
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 9, w = 6
[epson2] buf[0] 06 .
[epson2] e2_cmd_simple: size = 1
[epson2] e2_send: size = 1, reply = 1
[epson2] buf[0] 10 .
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 9, w = 7
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 1, buf = 0x7fa47308
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 10, w = 7
[epson2] buf[0] 15 .
[epson2] e2_cmd_simple: NAK
[epson2] e2_esc_cmd: cmd = 0x44, val = 14
[epson2] e2_cmd_simple: size = 2
[epson2] e2_send: size = 2, reply = 1
[epson2] e2_send: ESC D
[epson2] buf[0] 1b .
[epson2] buf[1] 44 D
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 10, w = 8
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 1, buf = 0x7fa47308
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 11, w = 8
[epson2] buf[0] 06 .
[epson2] e2_cmd_simple: size = 1
[epson2] e2_send: size = 1, reply = 1
[epson2] buf[0] 0e .
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 11, w = 9
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 1, buf = 0x7fa47308
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 12, w = 9
[epson2] buf[0] 15 .
[epson2] e2_cmd_simple: NAK
[epson2] e2_esc_cmd: cmd = 0x44, val = 12
[epson2] e2_cmd_simple: size = 2
[epson2] e2_send: size = 2, reply = 1
[epson2] e2_send: ESC D
[epson2] buf[0] 1b .
[epson2] buf[1] 44 D
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 12, w = 10
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 1, buf = 0x7fa47308
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 13, w = 10
[epson2] buf[0] 06 .
[epson2] e2_cmd_simple: size = 1
[epson2] e2_send: size = 1, reply = 1
[epson2] buf[0] 0c .
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 13, w = 11
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 1, buf = 0x7fa47308
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 14, w = 11
[epson2] buf[0] 15 .
[epson2] e2_cmd_simple: NAK
[epson2] maximum supported color depth: 8
[epson2] esci_request_focus_position
[epson2] setting focus is not supported
[epson2] esci_request_scanner_status
[epson2] e2_send: size = 2, reply = 16
[epson2] e2_send: FS F
[epson2] buf[0] 1c .
[epson2] buf[1] 46 F
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 14, w = 12
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 16, buf = 0x7fa4738c
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 15, w = 12
[epson2] buf[0] 01 .
[epson2] buf[1] 00 .
[epson2] buf[2] 00 .
[epson2] buf[3] c0 .
[epson2] buf[4] 00 .
[epson2] buf[5] 00 .
[epson2] buf[6] 00 .
[epson2] buf[7] 00 .
[epson2] buf[8] 00 .
[epson2] buf[9] 00 .
[epson2] buf[10] 00 .
[epson2] buf[11] 00 .
[epson2] buf[12] 00 .
[epson2] buf[13] 00 .
[epson2] buf[14] 00 .
[epson2] buf[15] 00 .
[epson2] global status   : 0x01
[epson2]  warmup can be cancelled
[epson2] adf status      : 0x00
[epson2]  not installed
[epson2]  not enabled
[epson2] tpu status      : 0x00
[epson2]  not installed
[epson2]  not enabled
[epson2] device type     : 0xc0
[epson2] main body status: 0x00
[epson2] e2_dev_post_init
[epson2] CCT model id is 0x57, profile offset 39
[epson2] esci_reset
[epson2] e2_cmd_simple: size = 2
[epson2] e2_send: size = 2, reply = 1
[epson2] e2_send: ESC @
[epson2] buf[0] 1b .
[epson2] buf[1] 40 @
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 15, w = 13
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 1, buf = 0x7fa473c0
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 16, w = 13
[epson2] buf[0] 06 .
[epson2] scanner model: CX3800
[epson2] close_scanner: fd = 0
[epson2] esci_request_extended_status
[epson2] e2_cmd_info_block, params len = 2, reply len = 42, buf = 0x7fa47434
[epson2] e2_send: size = 2, reply = 46
[epson2] e2_send: ESC f
[epson2] buf[0] 1b .
[epson2] buf[1] 66 f
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 16, w = 14
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 4, buf = 0x7fa473a4
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 17, w = 14
[epson2] buf[0] 02 .
[epson2] buf[1] 02 .
[epson2] buf[2] 2a *
[epson2] buf[3] 00 .
[epson2] e2_recv_info_block: payload length: 42
[epson2] e2_recv: size = 42, buf = 0x421a00
[epson2] e2_recv: cmd count, r = 18, w = 14
[epson2] buf[0] 00 .
[epson2] buf[1] 00 .
[epson2] buf[2] 00 .
[epson2] buf[3] 00 .
[epson2] buf[4] 00 .
[epson2] buf[5] 00 .
[epson2] buf[6] 00 .
[epson2] buf[7] 00 .
[epson2] buf[8] 00 .
[epson2] buf[9] 00 .
[epson2] buf[10] 00 .
[epson2] buf[11] c0 .
[epson2] buf[12] ec .
[epson2] buf[13] 13 .
[epson2] buf[14] 6c l
[epson2] buf[15] 1b .
[epson2] buf[16] 00 .
[epson2] buf[17] 00 .
[epson2] buf[18] 00 .
[epson2] buf[19] 00 .
[epson2] buf[20] 00 .
[epson2] buf[21] 00 .
[epson2] buf[22] 00 .
[epson2] buf[23] 00 .
[epson2] buf[24] 00 .
[epson2] buf[25] 00 .
[epson2] buf[26] 43 C
[epson2] buf[27] 58 X
[epson2] buf[28] 33 3
[epson2] buf[29] 38 8
[epson2] buf[30] 30 0
[epson2] buf[31] 30 0
[epson2] buf[32] 20  
[epson2] buf[33] 20  
[epson2] buf[34] 20  
[epson2] buf[35] 20  
[epson2] buf[36] 20  
[epson2] buf[37] 20  
[epson2] buf[38] 20  
[epson2] buf[39] 20  
[epson2] buf[40] 20  
[epson2] buf[41] 20  
[epson2] main = 00, ADF = 00, TPU = 00, main 2 = c0
[epson2] attach_one_config: len = 17, line = net autodiscovery
[epson2] e2_network_discovery, sent discovery packet
[epson2] e2_network_discovery, end
[epson2] sane_epson2_get_devices - results:
[epson2]  0 (3): CX3800
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 2
[saned] process_request: access to resource `epson2' granted
[epson2] sane_epson2_open: name = libusb:001:010
[epson2] handle obtained
[epson2] open_scanner: libusb:001:010
[epson2] scanner opened
[epson2] esci_reset
[epson2] e2_cmd_simple: size = 2
[epson2] e2_send: size = 2, reply = 1
[epson2] e2_send: ESC @
[epson2] buf[0] 1b .
[epson2] buf[1] 40 @
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 18, w = 15
[epson2] e2_txrx: tx err, Error during device I/O
[epson2] e2_cmd_simple: failed, Error during device I/O
[epson2] close_scanner: fd = 0
[epson2] esci_request_extended_status
[epson2] e2_cmd_info_block, params len = 2, reply len = 42, buf = 0x7fa4863c
[epson2] e2_send: size = 2, reply = 46
[epson2] e2_send: ESC f
[epson2] buf[0] 1b .
[epson2] buf[1] 66 f
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 18, w = 16
[epson2] e2_cmd_info_block: failed, Error during device I/O
[saned] process_request: sane_open returned: Error during device I/O
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 10
[saned] bailing out, waiting for children...
[saned] bail_out: all children exited
root@fritz:/var/mod/root# SANE_DEBUG_EPSON2=128 saned -d128
[saned] main: starting debug mode (level 128)
[saned] read_config: searching for config file
[saned] read_config: done reading config
[saned] saned (AF-indep+IPv6) from sane-backends 1.0.21 starting up
[saned] do_bindings: trying to get port for service "sane-port" (getaddrinfo)
[saned] do_bindings: " sane-port " service unknown on your host; you should add
[saned] do_bindings:      sane-port 6566/tcp saned # SANE network scanner daemon
[saned] do_bindings: to your /etc/services file (or equivalent). Proceeding anyway.
[saned] do_bindings: [0] socket () using IPv6
[saned] do_bindings: [0] setsockopt ()
[saned] do_bindings: [0] bind () to port 6566
[saned] do_bindings: [0] listen ()
[saned] do_bindings: [1] socket () using IPv4
[saned] do_bindings: [1] setsockopt ()
[saned] do_bindings: [1] bind () to port 6566
[saned] do_bindings: [1] bind failed: Address already in use
[saned] run_standalone: waiting for control connection
[saned] handle_connection: processing client connection
[saned] check_host: detected an IPv4-mapped address
[saned] check_host: access by remote host: ::ffff:
[saned] check_host: remote host is not IN_LOOPBACK nor IN6_LOOPBACK
[saned] check_host: local hostname:
[saned] check_host: local hostname(s) (from DNS):
[saned] check_host: local hostname(s) (from DNS):
[saned] check_host: local hostname(s) (from DNS):
[saned] check_host: remote host doesn't have same addr as local
[saned] check_host: opening config file: /etc/hosts.equiv
[saned] check_host: can't open config file: /etc/hosts.equiv (No such file or directory)
[saned] check_host: opening config file: saned.conf
[saned] check_host: config file line: `'
[saned] check_host: subnet with base IP =, CIDR netmask = 24
[saned] check_host: access granted from IP address (in subnet
[saned] init: access granted
[saned] init: access granted to saned-user@::ffff:
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 1
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of epson2 to 128.
[epson2] sane_epson2_init: sane-backends 1.0.21
[epson2] epson2 backend, version 1.0.124
[epson2] sane_epson2_get_devices
[epson2] probe_devices
[epson2] free_devices
[epson2] attach_one_config: len = 10, line = scsi EPSON
[epson2] attach_one_config: len = 3, line = usb
[epson2] attach_one_usb: dev = libusb:001:010
[epson2] attach: devname = libusb:001:010, type = 3
[epson2] e2_dev_init
[epson2] open_scanner: libusb:001:010
[epson2] scanner opened
[epson2] found valid Epson scanner: 0x4b8/0x818 (vendorID/productID)
[epson2] e2_set_model: model is 'generic'
[epson2] esci_reset
[epson2] e2_cmd_simple: size = 2
[epson2] e2_send: size = 2, reply = 1
[epson2] e2_send: ESC @
[epson2] buf[0] 1b .
[epson2] buf[1] 40 @
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 0, w = 1
[epson2] e2_txrx: tx err, Error during device I/O
[epson2] e2_cmd_simple: failed, Error during device I/O
[epson2] close_scanner: fd = 0
[epson2] esci_request_extended_status
[epson2] e2_cmd_info_block, params len = 2, reply len = 42, buf = 0x7faf23c4
[epson2] e2_send: size = 2, reply = 46
[epson2] e2_send: ESC f
[epson2] buf[0] 1b .
[epson2] buf[1] 66 f
[epson2] e2_send: cmd count, r = 0, w = 2
[epson2] e2_cmd_info_block: failed, Error during device I/O
[epson2] attach_one_config: len = 17, line = net autodiscovery
[epson2] e2_network_discovery, sent discovery packet
[epson2] e2_network_discovery, end
[epson2] sane_epson2_get_devices - results:
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 10
[saned] bailing out, waiting for children...
[saned] bail_out: all children exited

Gruß, Christoph

(PS: ich werde es auch auf der Sane-Liste versuchen und ggf. hier berichten)
Sieht nach nem USB-Problem aus. Hast Du den Scanner an nem Hub und den Hub an der Fritzbox angeschlossen? Falls ja, hast Du's schon mal ohne den Hub dazwischen versucht?

ja, habe ich eben versucht, dabei auch mal USB-Debugausgaben mitgeschnitten (Tip aus der sane-Liste):

root@fritz:/var/mod/root# SANE_DEBUG_SANEI_USB=128 saned -d128
[saned] main: starting debug mode (level 128)
[saned] read_config: searching for config file
[saned] read_config: done reading config
[saned] saned (AF-indep+IPv6) from sane-backends 1.0.21 starting up
[saned] do_bindings: trying to get port for service "sane-port" (getaddrinfo)
[saned] do_bindings: " sane-port " service unknown on your host; you should add
[saned] do_bindings:      sane-port 6566/tcp saned # SANE network scanner daemon
[saned] do_bindings: to your /etc/services file (or equivalent). Proceeding anyway.
[saned] do_bindings: [0] socket () using IPv6
[saned] do_bindings: [0] setsockopt ()
[saned] do_bindings: [0] bind () to port 6566
[saned] do_bindings: [0] listen ()
[saned] do_bindings: [1] socket () using IPv4
[saned] do_bindings: [1] setsockopt ()
[saned] do_bindings: [1] bind () to port 6566
[saned] do_bindings: [1] bind failed: Address already in use
[saned] run_standalone: waiting for control connection
[saned] handle_connection: processing client connection
[saned] check_host: detected an IPv4-mapped address
[saned] check_host: access by remote host: ::ffff:
[saned] check_host: remote host is not IN_LOOPBACK nor IN6_LOOPBACK
[saned] check_host: local hostname:
[saned] check_host: local hostname(s) (from DNS):
[saned] check_host: local hostname(s) (from DNS):
[saned] check_host: local hostname(s) (from DNS):
[saned] check_host: remote host doesn't have same addr as local
[saned] check_host: opening config file: /etc/hosts.equiv
[saned] check_host: can't open config file: /etc/hosts.equiv (No such file or directory)
[saned] check_host: opening config file: saned.conf
[saned] check_host: config file line: `'
[saned] check_host: subnet with base IP =, CIDR netmask = 24
[saned] check_host: access granted from IP address (in subnet
[saned] init: access granted
[saned] init: access granted to saned-user@::ffff:
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 1
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of sanei_usb to 128.
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_init: marking existing devices
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_init: Looking for kernel scanner devices
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_init: can't stat /dev/usb/: No such file or directory
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_init: Looking for libusb devices
usb_set_debug: Setting debugging level to 255 (on)
usb_os_find_busses: Found 001
usb_os_find_busses: Skipping non bus directory devices
usb_os_find_devices: Found 011 on 001
usb_os_find_devices: Found 001 on 001
error obtaining child information: Inappropriate ioctl for device
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_init: found libusb device (0x04b8/0x0818) interface 0  at libusb:001:011
[sanei_usb] store_device: add dn 0 with libusb:001:011
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_init: device 0x0000/0x0000 looks like a root hub
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_init: found 1 devices
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_init: device 00 is libusb:001:011
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0101
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0103
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0104
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0105
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0106
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0107
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0109
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x010a
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x010b
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x010c
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x010e
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0110
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0112
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x011b
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x011c
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x011e
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0126
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0128
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0129
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x012a
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x012b
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x012c
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0135
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0801
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0802
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0805
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0806
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0807
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0808
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x080d
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x080e
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x080f
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0810
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0811
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0813
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0814
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0815
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0817
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0818
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: trying to open device `libusb:001:011'
USB error: could not set config 1: Device or resource busy
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: libusb complained: could not set config 1: Device or resource busy
[sanei_usb] Maybe the kernel scanner driver or usblp claims the interface? Ignoring this error...
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: configuration nr: 0
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open:     interface nr: 0
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open:   alt_setting nr: 0
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: endpoint nr: 0
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: direction: 128
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: address: 1 transfertype: 2
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: found bulk-in endpoint (address 0x01)
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: endpoint nr: 1
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: direction: 0
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: address: 2 transfertype: 2
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: found bulk-out endpoint (address 0x02)
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: configuration nr: 0
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open:     interface nr: 1
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open:   alt_setting nr: 0
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: interface 1 not detected as a scanner by sanei_usb_init, ignoring.
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: opened usb device `libusb:001:011' (*dn=0)
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: device 0: vendorID: 0x04b8, productID: 0x0818
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_write_bulk: trying to write 2 bytes
[sanei_usb] 000 1B 40                                           .@              
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_write_bulk: write failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_write_bulk: trying to write 2 bytes
[sanei_usb] 000 1B 66                                           .f              
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_write_bulk: write failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_close: closing device 0
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0819
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x081a
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x081c
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x081d
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x081f
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0820
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0827
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0828
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0829
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x082a
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x082b
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x082e
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x082f
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0830
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0833
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0834
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0835
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0836
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0837
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0838
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0839
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x083a
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x083c
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0841
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0843
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0844
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0846
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0847
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0848
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0849
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x084a
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x084c
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0000
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of sanei_usb to 128.
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_init: marking existing devices
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_init: Looking for kernel scanner devices
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_init: can't stat /dev/usb/: No such file or directory
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_init: Looking for libusb devices
usb_os_init: Found USB VFS at /proc/bus/usb
usb_set_debug: Setting debugging level to 255 (on)
usb_os_find_busses: Found 001
usb_os_find_busses: Skipping non bus directory devices
usb_os_find_devices: Found 011 on 001
usb_os_find_devices: Found 001 on 001
error obtaining child information: Inappropriate ioctl for device
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_init: found libusb device (0x04b8/0x0818) interface 0  at libusb:001:011
[sanei_usb] store_device: add dn 0 with libusb:001:011
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_init: device 0x0000/0x0000 looks like a root hub
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_init: found 1 devices
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_init: device 00 is libusb:001:011
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0101
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0103
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0104
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0105
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0106
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0107
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0109
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x010a
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x010b
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x010c
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x010e
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0110
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0112
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x011b
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x011c
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x011e
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0126
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0128
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0129
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x012a
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x012b
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x012c
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0135
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0801
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0802
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0805
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0806
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0807
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0808
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x080d
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x080e
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x080f
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0810
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0811
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0813
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0814
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0815
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0817
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0818
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: trying to open device `libusb:001:011'
USB error: could not set config 1: Device or resource busy
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: libusb complained: could not set config 1: Device or resource busy
[sanei_usb] Maybe the kernel scanner driver or usblp claims the interface? Ignoring this error...
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: configuration nr: 0
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open:     interface nr: 0
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open:   alt_setting nr: 0
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: endpoint nr: 0
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: direction: 128
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: address: 1 transfertype: 2
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: found bulk-in endpoint (address 0x01)
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: endpoint nr: 1
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: direction: 0
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: address: 2 transfertype: 2
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: found bulk-out endpoint (address 0x02)
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: configuration nr: 0
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open:     interface nr: 1
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open:   alt_setting nr: 0
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: interface 1 not detected as a scanner by sanei_usb_init, ignoring.
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: opened usb device `libusb:001:011' (*dn=0)
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: device 0: vendorID: 0x04b8, productID: 0x0818
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_write_bulk: trying to write 2 bytes
[sanei_usb] 000 1B 40                                           .@              
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_write_bulk: write failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_read_bulk: trying to read 1 bytes
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_read_bulk: read failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_write_bulk: trying to write 2 bytes
[sanei_usb] 000 1B 49                                           .I              
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_write_bulk: write failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_write_bulk: trying to write 2 bytes
[sanei_usb] 000 1B 49                                           .I              
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_write_bulk: write failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0819
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x081a
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x081c
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x081d
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x081f
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0820
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0827
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0828
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0829
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x082a
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x082b
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x082e
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x082f
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0830
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0833
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0834
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0835
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0836
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0837
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0838
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0839
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x083a
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x083c
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0841
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0843
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0844
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0846
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0847
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0848
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0849
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x084a
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x084c
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0000
[saned] process_request: waiting for request
[saned] process_request: got request 10
[saned] bailing out, waiting for children...
[saned] bail_out: all children exited

Gruß, Christoph

aus der Sane-Liste kommt diese Idee:

I would try a current sane git snapshot on a 'full-sized' linux box first. If that works, figure out how to get that version of linux on your little box.

Das übersteigt meine bescheidenen Fähigkeiten dann insoweit, als daß ich es momentan nicht hier ins Freetz bekomme, denke ich :( Das wird dann eher etwas langfristiges bei mir - evtl. mag sich ja zwischendurch jemand darin veruschen?

Gruß, Christoph
Ich hab jetzt den Rest des Threads nicht gelesen. Aber hast du mal saned auf deiner (virtuellen) Linux-Maschine probiert? Du musst ja nicht gleich "from-source" anfangen...

Hallo Oliver,

wenn ich jetzt den MFP an einem Linux-PC anschließe (Kubuntu 10.10 32 bit), den saned richtig konfiguriere und von einem anderen PC darauf zugreife, so funktioniert das problemlos über das Netz - auch mehrfach ;)

An der FB7240 mit trunk 6444 geht es ja immer genau einmal - nach dem Neustart der Box ... danach kommt erst ein I/O-Fehler, und dann ein "kein Gerät gefunden" - bis zum nä. Box-Neustart

Gruß, Christoph

PS: Achja, die Druckerfunktionalität funzt ohne Probleme!

EDIT: wenn der MFP direkt angeschlossen wird, kommt mal die Scannoberfläche (xsane), mal "Gerät belegt", mal "kein Gerät gefunden", gelegentlich auch "Fehler bei I/O". Das erste Mal nach Neustart der Box funzt weiterhin :confused:

Unterm Strich kann man sagen, an der FB macht es keinen Unterschied, ob mit Hub oder direkt angeschlossen, es geht immer einmal nach dem Neustart - bis das Scanprogramm beendet wird. Kann es sein, das der saned auf der Fritzbox nicht sauber beendet wird?

EDIT2: Ich habe jetzt mal noch einen anderen Test gemacht: gestern Abend hatte ich etwas zu scannen, was ohne Probleme funktionierte. Danach habe ich xsane beendet, den Drucker / Scanner ausgeschaltet (Feierabend ;) ) Eben habe ich testweise den Drucker wieder eingeschaltet und nach dem Init xsane gestartet, und siehe da, ich konnte wieder scannen! :confused:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

ich habe jetzt ein Image gebaut mit den neuen sane-Backends, und jetzt scheint alles (fast) so zu laufen, wie ich's mir wünsche. Einzig nach Beenden von xsane kann ich erst wieder scannen, wenn ich den Scanner auch einmal neu starte. Sonst bekomme ich nach Klickim wieder geöffnete Vorschaufenster auf "Vorschauscan" nur einen Zugriffsfehler ...

Nach dem erneuten Einschalten meines MFP ist alles wieder ok!

Gruß, Christoph
Ich habe glaube ich ein größeres Problem.
Möchte auf einer Fritzbox 7390 einen Scanner anschließen, der von Sane nicht supportet wird.
Epson Perfection 3590 Photo.
Gibts noch Hoffnung?
Klar gibt es noch Hoffnung. Vielleicht unterstützt Sane den Scanner in einer fernen Zukunft doch mal.
Aber solange der Scanner nicht mit Sane auf einem normalen PC läuft, wird er auch nicht mit Sane auf der Box laufen.

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