With me it seems to work.
what i did is to update the whole freetz trunk, then downgrade (or what do they call it in svn world) the make/samba folder to trunk r1820, then do the build.
I have correct menu items, config page is in english, and it starts correctly.
Note0: I installed RapidSVN on my build machine (a self made debian base installation), which is a nice GUI for svn.
Note1: only problem is that my windows vista doesn't seem to like the fritz samba share, just not visible, while it sees correctly the shares of stinky and debian linux from vmware.
Note2: now if you want ask why do i need it if it doesn't work? it's because while connected remotely with openvpn i open the share on the usb drive and make the development of the rrdtool scripts and/or webui script with a normal text editor instead of uploading with ftp.