Purpose of CAPI channel 5 (FBF 7390)


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29 Jul 2012
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Does anyone know the exact purpose of the 5th CAPI controller on the Fritzbox 7390?

When I do not have it specified in my capi.conf, I have only one way audio to my ISDN phone (which is connected to the S0 bus on controller 3). The audio only works from the phone to Asterisk, not from Asterisk to the phone.

When I do have it specified, my ISDN phone works perfectly, but then my analog phone on port 1 (which is registered with Asterisk through SIP), stops working.

(Ich kann auch auf Deutsch schreiben, aber mein Englisch ist viel besser. Was ist besser?)

I can use controller 5 to accept calls from my analog phone when I specify immediate=yes in capi.conf (without going through SIP first!!), but now I wonder whether I can dial my analog phones through CAPI somhow....
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
It seems I answered my own question. Controller 5 is meant for the analog and DECT phones. I can make calls directly to Asterisk from both my analog ports and a DECT phone that is associated with the Fritzbox and it will come in over contr5.

I'm still in search of figuring out how to make my analog or DECT phone ring from Asterisk. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm very interested!
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