Problems connecting FB7050 with ipness

Edward Velo

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31 Mai 2006
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I have an account, since this is one of the few VOIP providers that can give me a Belgian phone number.

This is working very well with my software phone X-Lite 3.0, but I can't get it to work with my Fritz!box 7050 :-(

BTW, I have many other SIP providers in my FB, all working perfectly well (VOIPbuster, VOIPcheap,, ...)

I entered the following settings in X-Lite:

- Display Name: (doesn't matter, if I change this, it still works)
- User Name: 32xxxxxxxx (works only with this (I changed to xxx here on this forum for anonimity)
- Password: my password, obviously
- Authorization user name: abcdef (works only with this (I changed my last name to this abcdef for anonimity on this forum)
- Domain: (only works like this)

Can someone please tell me how to get this working in my FB7050 ? And what is the difference between "user name" and "authorization user name" above? It only works when I enter these as I've shown above.

In my Fritz!box 7050:

- Internet Number: (is this important, except for MSN settings in my ISDN phone?) I tried with 32xxxxxxxx, didn't work
- User name: I tried 32xxxxxxxx and abcdef, nothing works
- Password: my password
- Registrar: I tried,, nothing works
- Proxy server: I left this empty, tried also with,, didn't work...

The error messages in the log are: 401, 403 or 503 (depending on which settings I use above)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

This is a provider with different user id and auth id as it seems. Try the following:

Internet Number: 32xxxxxx
User Name: abcdef
Password: your password, obviously
"Internetrufnummer für die Anmeldung verwenden" selected.

I can't verify that is a valid SIP registrar for IPNess. However, there's a SIP server on port 5060.

The problem is that in the FBF, you can't specify a remote port (to my knowledge), so you need to use a SIP registrar on port 5060. In addition, the handling of different user/auth ids in the FBF is not as flexible as in other devices and softphones.

Did you get your ipness account working? Mine works with these settings:

- check 'Use Internet number'
- specify your Internet number (Ipness calls this 'end point ID'): 32xxxxx
- specify your username
- specify your password
- registar:
- proxy:
- check use Internet number for registration

Also If you're using ISDN phones on the S0 bus please don't forget to program the new MSN (end point ID) on your phone.
gandalf94305 schrieb:
This is a provider with different user id and auth id as it seems.

What exactly does that mean?

gandalf94305 schrieb:
Try the following:

Gandalf94305, I tried this and was very happy to finally see a "Registered" OK status!!! However, when I tried to make a call, it still failed :-( Anyway, thanks for the good suggestion!
jdejong schrieb:
Did you get your ipness account working? Mine works with these settings:

Wow, thanks! It is finally working now! :)

Just a small question: did you also had to DEselect the "Use area code" and "Use country code" in order for the CLIP information to be correct? (for I had to enable them).

Thanks again.
I unchecked the the area code and country code and keep prefix boxes so the FBF leaves the dialed number unchanged.

On your FBF you can see how the number is reformatted under System|Event Log. All unsuccessfull calls will be logged there. If you have a leading '0' missing or the number is formated incorrectly in an other way you did not get the area/country code and prefix settings quite right.
[EDIT: Fullquote of Edward Velo deleted as there is no direct reference. Please do not quote more than absolutely necessary! Thanks --gandalf94305]

Ipness is only using G729, when you have a German FRITZ!Box FON WLAN 7050 It won´t work because this Codec is not in a German version. You need a international version of the FRITZ!Box FON WLAN 7050
evanuden schrieb:
Ipness is only using G729, when you have a German FRITZ!Box FON WLAN 7050 It won´t work because this Codec is not in a German version. You need a international version of the FRITZ!Box FON WLAN 7050
Interesting, but I do have an International version. Any idea why the German version doesn't support G729?

Is there somewhere a list of (codec) differences between the German and the International version?

(I always thought the German version was superior because it gets much more firmware updates)
As a test I just reconfigured my SIP phone NOT to use G.729. The configured codecs are now G.771a, G.711u and GSM.

My phone still works perfectly without the G.729 codec.

G.729 does not seem to be used exclusively or seem to be required.

I assume the German edition does not have the G.729 codec because it requires AVM to pay license fees. If you have plenty of bandwith you will prefer G.711 anyway.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hi, thanks to this thread I was able to configure my German 7050 with my ipness-account.
It works 100%.
Welcome to the forum! :)

It is good news that you managed ;-) Congratulations!

Seems like everyone but me succeds in configuring the 7050 with an IPness account:mad:

I still have the same problem:
account is registered,
incoming calls O.K.
NO DTMF signals on carrier;
NO outgoing calls, except to IPness users! (Error code "487" for ALL other numbers ....)

Check the screen shot and please tell me what shall I do, I am totally hopeless.



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Can you try to remove the checkmark 'Ortskennzahl-Prefix beibehalten'? So the telephone number does not get re-written at this time?

Now try to cal a telephonenumber in International format 0032......... See if you still get a 487 message. Please post the exact 487 error message.
I applied the settings like you said, and same thing again:

I also made a screen shot of the "487" error messages, see

For your information: there is a 20second time out on the outbound calls. In other words, connection is cut off and I get 487 after a 20sec delay - obviously, this only happens when calling a non-IPness number.

I truly hope those remarks will help and that we can solve all together the trouble I have.



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Strange! Does the Fritz work with other providers? IPness is pre-paid. Do you still have credits? Maybe ipness support can help you some more?
Since I can not place any calls, and make use of it, all my credit is still on the account. I can assure you there's no shortage of that kind ...

My question goes to e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e on the forum (Gandalf, are u there?):
would there be a particular setting in the Fbox interface that could prevent
all outgoing calls, especially with an account such as IPness - the other accounts work 100%

I can successfully dial and receive calls with IPness.

Incomming calls are for some reason prepended with an extra 00 (see call log). So i quickly figured out that when dialing a number I need to prepend and extra 00 too.

So IPness Technical Support: + 32 3 300 11 14 becomes 00003233001114.

Of course you can use the 'Use area code' and 'Use country code' to prepend the extra zero's.
This may be of interest for those of you that encounter problems using a
Fritz!Box with their IPness account:

• IPness platform incorporates two gateways, each one for in-and-
outbound traffic; both gateways support a different codec sequence!
(still priority is given to G.729 at all times)

Once the usual changes are done in the Fbox

- *G729*, *G726-32*, *iLBC*, *PCMA*, *PCMU.tar files
- Voip.cfg: use_audiocodecs = yes;
audiocodecs = "G729": "G726-32"; "iLBC"; "PCMA", "PCMU"
verbose = yes;
sip_prio = 0;
rtp_prio = 0;
dyn_codecs = no;
prio_low_codec = no;

You could be in a situation where you fail to either receive OR place calls to PSTN/Mobile (that was my case) even though your account is well registered.

Thanks to the IPness support team that was very persistant and successful
in finding this out, I can now receive and place calls with a *german* 7050.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:

I am using ipness since a while, and seems they are asking to recharge the credit with 15 EUR each 3 month, in order to keep your number. Is this soemthing that they changed recently, or they have this requirement already for a long time?

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