Petition For English Fritzbox Support


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21 Aug 2006
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It seems many users of this forum share the same problem:

Lack of English support for their Fritzbox and Lack of NEW English Firmware updates.

So far AVM isnt listening, I hope with support we can urge them to change their minds.

Please everyone to sign below with Fritzbox model, and required Annex.

The list will then be forwarded onto AVM.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Fritzbox 7170, Annex B. English Language.
English firmware 7170

I also would like to have English software for the 7170 Annex B. Also more up to date firmware for ALL International versions would be appreciated. The 7050 International (Annex A and B) is still on release 3.91!
Firmware 14.03.91 was build 18 November 2005, almost a year ago. I hope a 14.04.xx release will be released before November 18th 2006.

I expected my International 7050 Annex A to be shipped with at least 14.04.02. AVM acually advertises that TAPI support is now available on all VoIP-capable FRITZ!Boxes.

"The new driver is only available for Windows XP, and supports all
VoIP-capable FRITZ!Boxes (FRITZ!Box Fon, FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN) with current firmware."

"you must use a FRITZ!Box (like FRITZ!Box Fon or FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN) with a firmware version from May 2006 (xx.04.02. or higher)"

When I received my International 7050 I was dissapointed to discover that it did not ship with at least the 14.04.02 image, as AVM advertises. Also they have not been able to inform me when a 14.04.xx image will be available for my FRITZ!Box.
New firmware needed: 7050 annexB english...
New firmware needed: 7170 annexB english...
New model needed: 7170 annexA english..
The English version of 7050 Annex B, please.

Englisher Version vom 7050 annex B, bitte.
New UK firmware and support needed: 7050 annexB english
ACK woul be very usefull
german fritz box fon to be turned to english
7050 Support For ADSL2+ Annex A

I have a UK version of the 7050 and now have Sky Broadband which is ADSL2+

Most websites describe the 7050 as being ADSL2+ including the makers AVM

Guess what, the only Annex A firmware is not and this is my response from AVM

Thank you very much for your enquiry.

Currently, the international FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7050 cannot be operated at
ADSL2+ lines. This feature is planned for a (or the) next firmware release.
However, I am unable to predict its release. Please check our website
occaisionally, especially page where all
updates are announced.

Momentarily, the FRITZ!Box, FRITZ!Box Fon and the FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN with
their current firmwares already support ADSL2+.

See - Does it not say ADSL2+ ?

And on AVM's website
Integrated ADSL modem supports ADSL and ADSL 2+; FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7050 ready for ADSL 2+

I also paid £200.00 for this box!

Zuletzt bearbeitet:

It seems to me you paid rather much for your box. According to AVM Benelux the list price for the 7050 is ¤ 171,55 (VAT excluded). See

The AVM FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7050 is 'officially the VoipBuster Certified'. See

However I am unable to send DTMF tones to any automated voice response system with VoipBuster. Just about every Dutch company now uses an automated voice response system to redirect the call to the right place.

Apparently the (German) 14.04.xx firmware does work, but that does not solve my problem. I feel the certification is wrong and misleading!
Hi guys,

of course an english firmware for 7050 would be beneficial. How hard can it be? If AVM dont have enough english speaking employees i am sure that a lot of us would volunteer to translate the firmware user messages.

Actual FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7050 Annex A firmware please.


English software for:
Fritz!Box Fon - Annex A
Fritz!Box Fon Wlan - Annex A
Fritz!Box 7050 - Annex A
Fritz!Box 7050 International - Annex B
Fritz!Box 7170 - Annex B
I would also appreciate to have the new firmware for the FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7050 Annex A (english or german or even in french...)

thks for the idea

Now please can we have 7170 & 7140 in English :) should better send an e-mail to AVM... :blonk: :rolleyes:

Did you try to install it on your box?

Btw. i did not gave you anything...

We want english firmware for FritzBox Fon Wlan 7050 GERMAN EDITION.
this is only what YOU want. The word "we" is totally misplaced here...

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