Patton 4960 : FreeSWITCH :Aastra Telefon - kein Frei- oder Besetztzeichen bei Wahl


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Mitglied seit
29 Sep 2007
Punkte für Reaktionen
Hallo zusammen,

gute Frage, ob ich hier im Pattonforum richtig bin. Ich schildere mal mein Fehlerbild. Da ich noch nicht weiss, wo ich suchen muss, habe ich auch noch keine configs oder logs angehangen.

Hörer abheben, Freizeichen ist vorhanden. Nach der Wahl bekomme ich aber weder ein Besetzt- oder ein Freizeichen. Kommt eine Verbindung zustande ist jedoch alles ok.

Ist das ein Problem der FreeSWITCH oder eine Konfiguration an dem Patton (FW noch 4.2) ?

Allerdings erwarte ich die SIgnalisierung vom Carrier und nicht von dem Patton. Folgende Erweiterung habe ich im Patton jedoch versucht.

profile call-progress-tone defaultDialtone
  play 1 1000 420 -6

profile call-progress-tone defaultAlertingtone
  play 1 1000 420 -13
  pause 2 5000

profile call-progress-tone defaultBusytone
  play 1 400 420 -7
  pause 2 400

profile call-progress-tone defaultReleasetone
  play 1 200 420 -7
  pause 2 200

profile call-progress-tone defaultCongestiontone
  play 1 200 420 -7
  pause 2 200

profile tone-set default
  map call-progress-tone dial-tone defaultDialtone
  map call-progress-tone ringback-tone defaultAlertingtone
  map call-progress-tone busy-tone defaultBusytone
  map call-progress-tone release-tone defaultReleasetone
  map call-progress-tone congestion-tone defaultCongestiontone

Wo soll ich weiter suchen oder hat jemand sogar eine Idee?

Hallo Jörg
Könntest Du bitte noch einige Informationen zum Lösungsaufbau sowie die show version und show running-config hinzufügen.
Dazu ist eine Aufzeichnung des Anrufaufbaus hilfreich.
debug context sip-gateway transport
debug call-control detail 5
debug cc isdn signaling (wenn es sich um einen ISDN Gateway handelt)
debug fxs oder fxo (wenn es sich um einen analogen Gateway handelt)
debug ccfxs oder ccfxo (wenn es sich um einen analogen Gateway handelt)

Hallo Kusi,

danke für die Meldung. Ich werde morgen versuchen alle Infos zu bekommen.
Bin heute nicht vor Ort. Bis dahin ...

Hallo Kusi,

anbei ein paar configs:



#                                                                #

# SN4960/4E60V                                                   #

# R4.2 2008-05-15 H323 RBS SIP                                   #

# 2010-05-19T04:29:30                                            #

# SN/00A0BA044323                                                #

# Generated configuration file                                   #

#                                                                #


cli version 3.20

administrator administrator password <meinpassword> encrypted


webserver port 80 language en


sntp-client server primary port 123 version 4


  ic voice 0

  low-bitrate-codec g729

profile napt NAPT_WAN

profile ppp default

profile tone-set default

profile voip default

  codec 1 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 

  codec 2 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 

  rtp traffic-class local-default

  fax transmission 1 relay t38-udp

profile pstn default

profile sip default

profile aaa default

  method 1 local

  method 2 none

context ip router

  interface WAN

    ipaddress dhcp

    use profile napt NAPT_WAN

    tcp adjust-mss rx mtu

    tcp adjust-mss tx mtu

  interface LAN

    ipaddress <Gateway-IP>

    tcp adjust-mss rx mtu

    tcp adjust-mss tx mtu

context ip router

  route 0

context cs switch

  digit-collection timeout 2

  national-prefix 00

  international-prefix 00

  routing-table called-e164 RT_TO_SIP

    route .T dest-interface IF-FreeSWITCH

  routing-table called-e164 RT_ISDN_OUT

    route default dest-service SER_HG_ISDN_OUT

  interface isdn IF-PBX

    route call dest-table RT_TO_SIP

  interface isdn IF-PBX-2

    route call dest-table RT_TO_SIP

  interface sip IF-FreeSWITCH

    bind gateway FreeSWITCH

    service default

    route call dest-table RT_ISDN_OUT



  service hunt-group SER_HG_ISDN_OUT

    drop-cause normal-unspecified

    drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available

    drop-cause network-out-of-order

    drop-cause temporary-failure

    drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion

    drop-cause access-info-discarded

    drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available

    drop-cause resources-unavailable

    route call 1 dest-interface IF-PBX

    route call 2 dest-interface IF-PBX-2

context cs switch

  no shutdown

gateway sip FreeSWITCH

  bind interface LAN router

  service default

    domain <Server-IP>

    realm <Server-IP>

    defaultserver manual <Server-IP> 5060 loose-router

    registration manual <Server-IP> 5060 use-default-server

    user 4961 authenticate password mypassword encrypted register

gateway sip FreeSWITCH

  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 0

  medium auto

  encapsulation ip

  bind interface WAN router

  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 1

  medium auto

  encapsulation ip

  bind interface LAN router

  no shutdown

port e1t1 0 0

  port-type e1

  clock slave

  framing crc4

  encapsulation q921


    uni-side user

    encapsulation q931


      protocol dss1

      uni-side user

      bchan-number-order ascending

      encapsulation cc-isdn

      bind interface IF-PBX switch

port e1t1 0 0

  no shutdown

port e1t1 0 1

  port-type e1

  clock slave

  framing crc4

  encapsulation q921


    uni-side user

    encapsulation q931


      protocol dss1

      uni-side user

      bchan-number-order ascending

      encapsulation cc-isdn

      bind interface IF-PBX-2 switch

port e1t1 0 1

  no shutdown

port e1t1 0 2

  port-type e1

  clock slave

  framing crc4

  encapsulation q921


    uni-side user

    encapsulation q931


      protocol dss1

      uni-side user

      bchan-number-order ascending

      encapsulation cc-isdn

      bind interface IF-PBX switch

port e1t1 0 2

  no shutdown

port e1t1 0 3

  port-type e1

  clock master

  framing crc4


Der Anrufmitschnitt - hoffentlich komplett - es ist zuviel auf der Leitung los ;)

<Gateway_IP>#18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: Network -> FreeSWITCH
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: E164-Number -> <Abgehende_Rufnummer>
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: URI -> sip:<Abgehende_Rufnummer>@<serverIP>
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> Unknown
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: Presentation-Indicator -> Presentation allowed
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: Name -> 1000
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: Screening-Indicator -> User provided, not screened
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: Supports Overlap-Sending -> true
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: Supported Codecs -> Voice: G.711 u-law[20/20], G.711 A-law[20/20]
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: Unique Identifier -> b141635b-d0c4-122e-fb84-4df0b4e4c361
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: IP-Address -> <serverIP>
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x0150c070
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: State -> CONNECTED
18:57:35  CC    > [Call 0150d6c8] Set call property: Context -> 0x00000007
18:57:35  CC    > [Call 0150d6c8] Set call property: Information-Transfer-Capability -> 3.1kHz Audio
18:57:35  CC    > [Call 0150d6c8] Set call property: Hops -> 0x00000010
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Dial to provider router (IF-FreeSWITCH-precall-service) using call 0150d6c8
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/incoming] Accept call 0150d6c8
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/incoming] Set call-leg property: E164-Number -> <Kundenrufnummer>
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/incoming] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/incoming] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> Unknown
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/incoming] Set call-leg property: Name -> 
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/incoming] Set call-leg property: URI -> sip:'<Kundenrufnummer>'@<Gateway_IP>
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/incoming] Set call-leg property: Network -> router
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/incoming] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x0150e088
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> TRYING
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568] Start route-lookup
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568] Route found; immediately place call
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568] Route to provider 'SER_HG_ISDN_OUT'
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Set call-leg property: E164-Number -> <Abgehende_Rufnummer>
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Set call-leg property: URI -> sip:<Abgehende_Rufnummer>@<serverIP>
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> Unknown
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Presentation-Indicator -> Presentation allowed
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Name -> 1000
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Screening-Indicator -> User provided, not screened
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Supports Overlap-Sending -> true
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Supported Codecs -> Voice: G.711 u-law[20/20], G.711 A-law[20/20]
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Unique Identifier -> b141635b-d0c4-122e-fb84-4df0b4e4c361
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Set call-leg property: IP-Address -> <serverIP>
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Network -> router
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x01691ea0
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Set call-leg property: State -> CONNECTED
18:57:35  CC    > [Call 01691d88] Set call property: Context -> 0x00000007
18:57:35  CC    > [Call 01691d88] Set call property: Information-Transfer-Capability -> 3.1kHz Audio
18:57:35  CC    > [Call 01691d88] Set call property: Hops -> 0x0000000f
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Dial to provider SER_HG_ISDN_OUT () using call 01691d88
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Accept call 01691d88
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Set call-leg property: E164-Number -> <Kundenrufnummer>
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> Unknown
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Set call-leg property: Name -> 
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Set call-leg property: URI -> sip:'<Kundenrufnummer>'@<Gateway_IP>
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Set call-leg property: Network -> SER_HG_ISDN_OUT
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x01693650
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> TRYING
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268] Hunt to IF-PBX ()
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Set call-leg property: Allows Push-Back -> false
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: E164-Number -> <Abgehende_Rufnummer>
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: URI -> sip:<Abgehende_Rufnummer>@<serverIP>
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> Unknown
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Presentation-Indicator -> Presentation allowed
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Name -> 1000
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Screening-Indicator -> User provided, not screened
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Supports Overlap-Sending -> true
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Supported Codecs -> Voice: G.711 u-law[20/20], G.711 A-law[20/20]
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Unique Identifier -> b141635b-d0c4-122e-fb84-4df0b4e4c361
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: IP-Address -> <serverIP>
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Allows Push-Back -> false
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Network -> SER_HG_ISDN_OUT
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x014d2e80
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: State -> CONNECTED
18:57:35  CC    > [Call 014d2bf8] Set call property: Context -> 0x00000007
18:57:35  CC    > [Call 014d2bf8] Set call property: Information-Transfer-Capability -> 3.1kHz Audio
18:57:35  CC    > [Call 014d2bf8] Set call property: Hops -> 0x0000000e
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Dial to provider IF-PBX () using call 014d2bf8
18:57:35  ICC   > [IF-PBX] Added endpoint IF-PBX-014d4168
18:57:35  ICC   > [IF-PBX] NEW CALL. Allocated Endpoint IF-PBX-014d4168
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Accept call 014d2bf8
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: E164-Number -> <Kundenrufnummer>
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> Unknown
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: Name -> 
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: URI -> sip:'<Kundenrufnummer>'@<Gateway_IP>
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: Network -> IF-PBX
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x014d6290
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: State -> TRYING
18:57:35  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] do not reroute because: service invoked
18:57:35  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] AOC-S User << Call Setup
18:57:35  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] AOC-D User << Call Setup
18:57:35  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] AOC-E User << Call Setup
18:57:35  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] >> [080005]
  Bearer capability : 3.1kHz Audio - CCITT
    circuit mode - 64kBit/s - G.711 A-law
  Progress indicator : origination address is non-ISDN
    private network serving remote user - CCITT
  Calling party number : <Abgehende_Rufnummer>
    unknown number - unknown numbering plan
    presentation allowed - user provided not screened
  Called party number : <Kundenrufnummer>
    unknown number - unknown numbering plan

18:57:35  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] Set state to CALL INITIATED
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: Endpoint-Is-Isdn -> true
18:57:35  CC    > [Call 0150d6c8] Set call property: Hops -> 0x0000000f
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/incoming] Set call-leg property: Allows Push-Back -> false
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Network -> router
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x01691ea0
18:57:35  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] State: CALL INITIATED, Event: PEER CONNECTED
18:57:35  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] Hold State: IDLE, Hold Event: PEER CONNECTED
18:57:35  ICC   > [IF-PBX] << Message: primitive=38
18:57:35  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] << [08000D]
  Channel id : 3 - exclusive
    other interface - is not d-channel - CCITT - b-channel units

18:57:35  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] State: CALL INITIATED, Event: TERMINAL MORE INFO IND
18:57:35  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] Set state to OVERLAP SENDING
18:57:35  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: State -> ADDRESS-INCOMPLETE
18:57:35  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] Sending additional user info '' 
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268] Hunting tentatively succeeded
18:57:35  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> ADDRESS-INCOMPLETE
18:57:35  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> ADDRESS-INCOMPLETE
18:57:39  ICC   > [IF-PBX] << Message: primitive=43
18:57:39  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] << [080002]

18:57:39  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] Set state to OUTGOING PROCEEDING
18:57:39  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: State -> PROCEEDING
18:57:39  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> PROCEEDING
18:57:39  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> PROCEEDING
18:57:39  ICC   > [IF-PBX] << Message: primitive=31
18:57:39  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] << [080001]

18:57:39  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] Set state to CALL DELIVERED
18:57:39  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: State -> ALERTING
18:57:39  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> ALERTING
18:57:39  CC    > [EP router-0150d568] Routing succeeded
18:57:39  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/incoming] Transfer call 01691d88 to 0150d6c8 ==> conference
18:57:39  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/incoming] Drop call 0150d6c8
18:57:39  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/incoming] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing
18:57:39  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED
18:57:39  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Drop call 01691d88
18:57:39  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing
18:57:39  CC    > [EP router-0150d568/outgoing] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED
18:57:39  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Network -> FreeSWITCH
18:57:39  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x0150c070
18:57:43  ICC   > [IF-PBX] << Message: primitive=62
18:57:43  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] << [080007]
  Date and time : 24.03.11 15:21

18:57:43  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] State: CALL DELIVERED, Event: TERMINAL SETUP CONF
18:57:43  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] Set state to ACTIVE
18:57:43  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: State -> CONNECTED
18:57:43  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> true
18:57:43  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> true
18:57:43  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268] Hunting definitely succeeded
18:57:43  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Transfer call 014d2bf8 to 0150d6c8 ==> conference
18:57:43  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Drop call 0150d6c8
18:57:43  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> false
18:57:43  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing
18:57:43  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED
18:57:43  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Drop call 014d2bf8
18:57:43  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing
18:57:43  CC    > [EP SER_HG_ISDN_OUT-01693268/outgoing] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED
18:57:43  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> true
18:57:43  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] State: ACTIVE, Event: PEER INBAND INFO
18:57:43  ICC   > [IF-PBX-2] << Message: primitive=34
18:57:43  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528] << [080045]
  Cause : normal call clearing
    network beyond interworking point - CCITT - Q.931
  Progress indicator : inband information available
    public network serving local user - CCITT

18:57:43  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528] State: ACTIVE, Event: TERMINAL DISCONNECT IND
18:57:43  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528/active] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing
18:57:43  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528] Set state to DISCONNECT INDICATION
18:57:43  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528/active] Set call-leg property: State -> DISCONNECTING
18:57:43  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-014d0d70/active] Drop call 015208a8
18:57:43  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-014d0d70/active] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> false
18:57:43  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-014d0d70/active] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing
18:57:43  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-014d0d70/active] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED
18:57:43  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528] Hold State: IDLE, Hold Event: PEER RELEASED
18:57:43  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528] State: DISCONNECT INDICATION, Event: PEER RELEASED
18:57:43  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528] Set state to RELEASE REQUEST
18:57:43  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528/active] Drop call 015208a8
18:57:43  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528/active] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> false
18:57:43  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528/active] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED
18:57:43  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528] AOC-S User << Call Clearing
18:57:43  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528] AOC-D User << Call Clearing
18:57:43  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528] AOC-E User << Call Clearing
18:57:43  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528] >> [08004D]

18:57:43  ICC   > [IF-PBX-2] << Message: primitive=48
18:57:43  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528] << [08005A]

18:57:43  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528] State: RELEASE REQUEST, Event: TERMINAL RELEASE CONF
18:57:43  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-2-00c22528] Set state to NULL
18:57:43  ICC   > [IF-PBX-2] CLEARING CALL IF-PBX-2-00c22528
18:57:43  ICC   > [IF-PBX-2] Removed endpoint IF-PBX-2-00c22528
18:57:43  ICC   > [IF-PBX-2] Destroying finished calls.
18:57:43  ICC   > [IF-PBX-2] Destroyed endpoint IF-PBX-2-00c22528
18:57:45  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Drop call 0150d6c8
18:57:45  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> false
18:57:45  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing
18:57:45  CC    > [EP IF-FreeSWITCH-00c23a10/active] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED
18:57:45  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] Hold State: IDLE, Hold Event: PEER RELEASED
18:57:45  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] State: ACTIVE, Event: PEER RELEASED
18:57:45  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] Set state to DISCONNECT REQUEST
18:57:45  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing
18:57:45  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] AOC-S User << Call Clearing
18:57:45  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] AOC-D User << Call Clearing
18:57:45  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] AOC-E User << Call Clearing
18:57:45  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] >> [080045]
  Cause : normal call clearing
    private network serving remote user - CCITT - Q.931

18:57:45  ICC   > [IF-PBX] << Message: primitive=50
18:57:45  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] << [08004D]
  Facility : Invoke : invokeid: 000029da
invoke {
      present = 10714
      local = 36
      argumentaOCEChargingUnitInfo {
        specificChargingUnits {
          recordedUnitsList {
              recordedNumberOfUnits = 1

18:57:45  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] AOC-E User << AOCE Invoke
18:57:45  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] AOC-E User >> AOCE Charge Indication
18:57:45  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: Charge -> 1 units (subTotal)
18:57:45  ICC   > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168] Set state to NULL
18:57:45  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Drop call 0150d6c8
18:57:45  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> false
18:57:45  CC    > [EP IF-PBX-014d4168/active] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED
18:57:45  ICC   > [IF-PBX] CLEARING CALL IF-PBX-014d4168
18:57:45  ICC   > [IF-PBX] Removed endpoint IF-PBX-014d4168
18:57:45  ICC   > [IF-PBX] Destroying finished calls.
18:57:45  ICC   > [IF-PBX] Destroyed endpoint IF-PBX-014d4168

Weitere Fragen kann ich leider erst später wieder beantworten...
Änderungen am Gateway kann ich nur nachts machen, falls erforderlich.

Danke und viele Grüsse

Hast du in deinem dial plan
<action application="set" data="ignore_early_media=true"/>
vor deinem bridge statement ?
Könnte helfen.
Hallo cypromis,

Sorry, für die späte Rückmeldung.
Mit ignore_early_media hatte ich schon getestet, weil das für mich die sinnvollste Fehlerquelle war.
Es hat geholfen, jedoch erst nach dem ich das answer() davor gelassen habe.
Das habe ich scheinbar vorher immer übersehen.
Jetzt geht es aus dem dialplan heraus und auch über javascript.
Besten Dank!


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