excuse my english but I am kind of desperate. I have an FBF (international version , annex A, firmware 06.04.49) not used as router nor modem. I have it running openvpn. In order to save memory I wanted to stop as many daemons as I could without interupting its working order. I stopped the dsld , the igdd and the ctlmng without any problem. Everything was fine until I saw the multid. I edited the /var/flash/debug.cfg file to stop the multid. Now I am left with no access to the web interface nor telnet !!!! The box replys to ping requests. Is there any way to start the multid again ??? or I am screwed .... :noidea:
excuse my english but I am kind of desperate. I have an FBF (international version , annex A, firmware 06.04.49) not used as router nor modem. I have it running openvpn. In order to save memory I wanted to stop as many daemons as I could without interupting its working order. I stopped the dsld , the igdd and the ctlmng without any problem. Everything was fine until I saw the multid. I edited the /var/flash/debug.cfg file to stop the multid. Now I am left with no access to the web interface nor telnet !!!! The box replys to ping requests. Is there any way to start the multid again ??? or I am screwed .... :noidea: