- Mitglied seit
- 4 Feb 2008
- Beiträge
- 10
- Punkte für Reaktionen
- 0
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- 0
Hy, sorry if you have just spoken about this problem.
After a long time I tried to re-use freetz.
I'm using Ubuntu 10 -
By terminal I've sent
$ svn co http://svn.freetz.org/trunk freetz-devel_r7843 -r 7843
then I tried to send make menuconfig this is the error
mkdir -p /home/andrea/trunk_7800/source/host-tools/kconfig-3.1-rc9/scripts
tar -C /home/andrea/trunk_7800/source/host-tools/kconfig-3.1-rc9/scripts --wildcards --strip-components=1 \
-xzf dl/kconfig-3.1-rc9.tar.gz */basic */kconfig */Makefile.{build,host,lib} */Kbuild.include
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
make: *** [/home/andrea/trunk_7800/source/host-tools/kconfig-3.1-rc9/.unpacked] Errore 2
I think the problem is to unpacked kconfig-3.1-rc9.tar.gz
Just to see i tried do unpacked the file using other software (es 7zip) and every time I've got an error signal.
I tried to use old trunk but all versions with kconfig-3.1-rc9 have the same problem and the older one(with different kconfig) does not find the file in the internet link.
Thanks for your answer
After a long time I tried to re-use freetz.
I'm using Ubuntu 10 -
By terminal I've sent
$ svn co http://svn.freetz.org/trunk freetz-devel_r7843 -r 7843
then I tried to send make menuconfig this is the error
mkdir -p /home/andrea/trunk_7800/source/host-tools/kconfig-3.1-rc9/scripts
tar -C /home/andrea/trunk_7800/source/host-tools/kconfig-3.1-rc9/scripts --wildcards --strip-components=1 \
-xzf dl/kconfig-3.1-rc9.tar.gz */basic */kconfig */Makefile.{build,host,lib} */Kbuild.include
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
make: *** [/home/andrea/trunk_7800/source/host-tools/kconfig-3.1-rc9/.unpacked] Errore 2
I think the problem is to unpacked kconfig-3.1-rc9.tar.gz
Just to see i tried do unpacked the file using other software (es 7zip) and every time I've got an error signal.
I tried to use old trunk but all versions with kconfig-3.1-rc9 have the same problem and the older one(with different kconfig) does not find the file in the internet link.
Thanks for your answer