* @author Christian Bartsch <cb AT dreinulldrei DOT de>, bt43a
* @copyright (c) Christian Bartsch, bt43a
* @license GPL v2
* @date 2013-12-18
* Installation:
* 1. Copy all files from "fritzco" into a folder on your server
* 2. Creater weather subfolder, then create folders: font, wallpaper and icons.
* 2. Extract OpenWeatherMap API to /lib folder (=place cmfcmf folder in /lib folder)
* 3. Copy true type fonts arial.ttf and arialbd.ttf (Windows/Fonts) to weather/font
* 4. Change line 56 in /lib/cmfcmf/OpenWeatherMap/Util/Unit.php to:
$this->value = round((float)$value, 1);
* 5. Edit config file in /weather
require_once 'weather.config.inc.php';
require_once 'weather.locale.german.inc.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/lib/cipxml/cipxml.php';
use cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap;
use cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap\Exception as OWMException;
use cipxml\CiscoIPPhoneImageFile;
use cipxml\SoftKeyItem;
if (isset($_GET["loc"])) {
$location = $_GET["loc"];
$location_id = $location;
$location = $weather_city;
$location_id = $weather_id;
if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
$location_id = $_GET["id"];
if (isset($_GET["lang"])) {
$lang = $_GET["lang"];
if (isset($_GET["units"])) {
$units = $_GET["units"];
if (isset($_GET["pos"])) {
$position = intval($_GET["pos"]);
} else {
$position = 0;
if (isset($_GET["target"])) {
$target = $_GET["target"];
if (isset($_GET["appid"])) {
$appid = $_GET["appid"];
$appid = $appid;
$appid = $weather_appid;
$appid = $appid;
switch ($target) {
case '7941' :
$display_x = 298;
$display_y = 144;
$display_scale = 0.55;
$symbol_scale = 1;
$display_offset_x = -15;
$display_offset_y = -13;
$display_font = 'weather/font/arial.ttf';
$display_color = false;
case '7945' :
$display_x = 298;
$display_y = 156;
$display_scale = 0.59;
$symbol_scale = 1;
$display_offset_x = -15;
$display_offset_y = -15;
$display_font = 'weather/font/arialbd.ttf';
$display_color = true;
case '7971' :
$display_x = 298;
$display_y = 168;
$display_scale = 0.59;
$symbol_scale = 1;
$display_offset_x = -15;
$display_offset_y = -5;
$display_font = 'weather/font/arialbd.ttf';
$display_color = true;
default : // 9971
$display_x = 498;
$display_y = 289;
$display_scale = 1;
$symbol_scale = 2;
$display_offset_x = -5;
$display_offset_y = -10;
$display_font = 'weather/font/arial.ttf';
$display_color = true;
$display_background = $wallpaper_path . $display_x . 'x' .$display_y . '_' . $wallpaper_file;
$owm = new OpenWeatherMap();
//Werte auslesen
if ($position == 0) {
try {
$weather = $owm->getWeather($location_id, $units, $lang, $appid);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$error_abort = $e->getMessage();
} else{
try {
$forecast = $owm->getWeatherForecast($location_id, $units, $lang, $appid, 3);
$forecast_size = count($forecast);
$i = 0;
foreach($forecast as $weather) {
if ($i == $position) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$error_abort = $e->getMessage();
if (isset($_GET["png"])) {
// start PNG output
header('Content-Type: image/png');
if ($display_color) {
//Farbe für Schrift & Rahmen festlegen
$white = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255);
$grey1 = imagecolorallocate($img, 220, 220, 220);
$grey2 = imagecolorallocate($img, 150, 150, 150);
$black = imagecolorallocate($img, 50, 50, 50);
$img_tmp = imagecreatefrompng($display_background);
imagecopyresampled($img,$img_tmp,0,0,0,0, $display_x,$display_y,$display_x,$display_y);
} else {
//Farbe für Schrift & Rahmen festlegen
$white = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0);
$grey1 = imagecolorallocate($img, 35, 35, 35);
$grey2 = imagecolorallocate($img, 150, 150, 150);
$black = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255);
imagefill ($img, 0, 0, $black);
if (!isset($error_abort)) {
$symbol = imagecreatefrompng("http://openweathermap.org/img/w/". $weather->weather->icon .".png"); //Symbol aus Internet verwenden
// $symbol = imagecreatefrompng("weather/icons/".$weather->weather->icon . ".png"); //eigene Symbole verwenden
$symbol_x = (imagesx($symbol) * $symbol_scale);
$symbol_y = (imagesy($symbol) * $symbol_scale);
//Wetter Symbol einfügen
if (!$display_color) {
imagefilter($symbol, IMG_FILTER_NEGATE);
imagefilter($symbol, IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE);
imagecopyresampled($img, $symbol, (335 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x), (35 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y), 0, 0, $symbol_x, $symbol_y, imagesx($symbol), imagesy($symbol));
//Werte in background schreiben
ImageTTFText ($img, (33 * $display_scale + 1), 0, (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x +1), (85 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y +1), $black, $display_font, $weather->temperature->now);
ImageTTFText ($img, (33 * $display_scale + 1), 0, (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x), (85 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y), $white, $display_font, $weather->temperature->now);
ImageTTFText ($img, (13 * $display_scale + 1), 0, (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x +1), (110 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y +1), $black, $display_font, WEATHER_TEMP_MIN . ' ' . $weather->temperature->min . ' / ' . WEATHER_TEMP_MAX . ' ' . $weather->temperature->max);
ImageTTFText ($img, (13 * $display_scale + 1), 0, (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x), (110 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y), $white, $display_font, WEATHER_TEMP_MIN . ' ' . $weather->temperature->min . ' / ' . WEATHER_TEMP_MAX . ' ' . $weather->temperature->max);
ImageTTFText ($img, (13 * $display_scale + 1), 0, (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x +1), (155 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y+1), $black, $display_font, WEATHER_COLUMN_PRESSURE . ' ' . $weather->pressure);
ImageTTFText ($img, (13 * $display_scale + 1), 0, (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x), (155 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y), $white, $display_font, WEATHER_COLUMN_PRESSURE . ' ' . $weather->pressure);
ImageTTFText ($img, (13 * $display_scale + 1), 0, (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x +1), (180 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y +1), $black, $display_font, WEATHER_COLUMN_HUMIDITY . ' ' . $weather->humidity);
ImageTTFText ($img, (13 * $display_scale + 1), 0, (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x), (180 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y), $white, $display_font, WEATHER_COLUMN_HUMIDITY . ' ' . $weather->humidity);
ImageTTFText ($img, (13 * $display_scale + 1), 0, (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x +1), (205 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y +1), $black, $display_font, WEATHER_COLUMN_WIND . ' ' . $weather->wind->speed ." @ ". $weather->wind->direction);
ImageTTFText ($img, (13 * $display_scale + 1), 0, (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x), (205 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y), $white, $display_font, WEATHER_COLUMN_WIND . ' ' . $weather->wind->speed ." @ ". $weather->wind->direction);
//richtige Position für die weatherdescription berechnen
$xpos_tmp = imageftbbox((13 * $display_scale + 1), 0, $display_font, $weather->weather->description, array("linespacing" => 1));
$xpos_tmp = round (($display_x - $xpos_tmp[4])-15);
if ($xpos_tmp > (330 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x)) {
$xpos_tmp = 330 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x;
ImageTTFText ($img, (13 * $display_scale + 1), 0, ($xpos_tmp +1), (140 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y +1), $black, $display_font, $weather->weather->description);
ImageTTFText ($img, (13 * $display_scale + 1), 0, $xpos_tmp, (140 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y), $white, $display_font, $weather->weather->description);
if ($position == 0) {
ImageTTFText ($img, (13 * $display_scale + 1), 0, (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x +1), (255 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y +1), $black, $display_font, WEATHER_COLUMN_SUNRISE . ' ' . ($weather->sun->rise->format('H')+ $gmt_offset) . ":". $weather->sun->rise->format('i') . ' ' . WEATHER_COLUMN_SUNSET . ' '. ($weather->sun->set->format('H')+ $gmt_offset) .":" . $weather->sun->set->format('i'));
ImageTTFText ($img, (13 * $display_scale + 1), 0, (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x), (255 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y), $white, $display_font, WEATHER_COLUMN_SUNRISE . ' ' . ($weather->sun->rise->format('H')+ $gmt_offset) . ":". $weather->sun->rise->format('i') . ' ' . WEATHER_COLUMN_SUNSET . ' '. ($weather->sun->set->format('H')+ $gmt_offset) .":" . $weather->sun->set->format('i'));
} else{
ImageTTFText ($img, (13 * $display_scale + 1), 0, (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x +1), (255 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y +1), $black, $display_font, WEATHER_COLUMN_FORECAST_FROM . ' ' . $weather->time->from->format('H:i') . ' ' . WEATHER_COLUMN_FORECAST_TO . ' ' . $weather->time->to->format('H:i') . ' ' . WEATHER_SYMBOL_TIME);
ImageTTFText ($img, (13 * $display_scale + 1), 0, (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x), (255 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y), $white, $display_font, WEATHER_COLUMN_FORECAST_FROM . ' ' . $weather->time->from->format('H:i') . ' ' . WEATHER_COLUMN_FORECAST_TO . ' ' . $weather->time->to->format('H:i') . ' ' . WEATHER_SYMBOL_TIME);
$xpos_tmp = imageftbbox((8 * $display_scale + 1), 0, $display_font, date("H:i:s"), array("linespacing" => 1));
$xpos_tmp = round (($display_x - $xpos_tmp[4])-5);
ImageTTFText ($img, (8 * $display_scale + 1), 0, $xpos_tmp, (280 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y), $white, $display_font, date("H:i:s"));
} else {
ImageTTFText ($img, (13 * $display_scale + 1), 0, (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x +1), (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y +1), $black, $display_font, wordwrap($error_abort, 35, "\n", true));
ImageTTFText ($img, (13 * $display_scale + 1), 0, (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_x), (50 * $display_scale + $display_offset_y), $white, $display_font, wordwrap($error_abort, 35, "\n", true));
imagerectangle($img, 0, 0, $display_x-2, $display_y-2, $grey1);
imagerectangle($img, 1, 1, $display_x-1, $display_y-1, $grey2);
if (!$display_color) {
imagetruecolortopalette($img, true, 4);
} else {
// show XML output
if (!isset($error_abort)) {
if ($position == 0) {
$menu = new CiscoIpPhoneImageFile(WEATHER_TITLE, $location . ' ' . WEATHER_TEXT_NOW, "http://". $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?png&loc=" . $location ."&id=" . $location_id . "&lang=" . $lang . "&appid=" . $appid . "&units=" . $units . "&target=" . $targetv . "&pos=" . $position );
$menu->addSoftKeyItem(new SoftKeyItem(WEATHER_BUTTON_REFRESH, 1, 'SoftKey:Update'));
} else {
$menu = new CiscoIpPhoneImageFile(WEATHER_TITLE, $location . ' ' . WEATHER_TEXT_AT . ' ' . $weather->time->day->format('d.m.Y'), "http://". $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?png&loc=" . $location . "&id=" . $location_id . "&lang=" . $lang . "&appid=" . $appid . "&units=" . $units . "&target=" . $target . "&pos=" . $position);
$menu->addSoftKeyItem(new SoftKeyItem(WEATHER_BUTTON_BACK, 1, "http://". $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?loc=" . $location . "&id=" . $location_id . "&lang=" . $lang . "&appid=" . $appid . "&units=" . $units . "&target=" . $target . "&pos=" . ($position-1)));
if ($position < 41) {
if ($position == 0) {
} else {
$button_temp = WEATHER_BUTTON_NEXT;
$menu->addSoftKeyItem(new SoftKeyItem($button_temp, 2, "http://". $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?loc=" . $location . "&id=" . $location_id . "&lang=" . $lang . "&appid=" . $appid . "&units=" . $units . "&target=" . $target . "&pos=" . ($position+1)));
} else {
$menu = new CiscoIpPhoneImageFile(WEATHER_TITLE, 'ERROR' , "http://". $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?png&loc=" . $location ."&id=" . $location_id . "&lang=" . $lang . "&appid=" . $appid . "&units=" . $units . "&target=" . $target . "&pos=" . $position);
$menu->addSoftKeyItem(new SoftKeyItem(WEATHER_BUTTON_EXIT, 3, 'Init:Services'));
header("Content-type: text/xml");
header("Refresh: $weather_refresh;");
echo $menu;