ISDN Comfort Problems With FB7050


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16 Mai 2006
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I am having the following problems with the FB7050. I have T-ISDN Comfort
and the ISDN phones that can take advantage of it. One of the options is call
diverting. Usually all incomming calls are routed to the T-Net Box if not
answered in 5 rings. This can be changed (Via the phone) to any phone
number you want. When the phone is connected to the FB7050 all trys to
change ISDN line options fail. If the Phone is connected directly to the NTBA
then everything works.

It would seem that these fancy ISDN phones need to communcate directly to
Telekoms ISDN equipment and for some reason the FB7050 blocks this access.
I would like to start using SMS/MMS to landline phones (T-Sinus 702k) but if
there is no workaround for the "Direct access" then I won't be able to..
So is this a know problem? Are there any workarounds or fixes?
You have to change it via the Fritz!Box.
There is a menu point called Telefonie / Rufumleitung ( redirection )

Since I used the Fritz!Box, I can send SMS via ISDN-landline phone, but I can't get any displayed sms-messages. Instead of it, I get it as voicemail.

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