ISDN calls with FBF 7050

dris_sip schrieb:
does anyone see a wrong parameter in the above config?

Honestly no. When I get home from work I will look at it again when I can also see my box set up.

I am concerned that you do not get a dial tone.

In the mean time do you have ISDN or an Analog telephone number? If you have ISDN then plug your phone in and check that it works with your telephone provider? You will then get the practice to reconfigure the ISDN telephone for that telephone number.

edit: What I mean here is forget the box just plug it into the wall like a normal telephone.
dris_sip schrieb:
does anyone see a wrong parameter in the above config?


Well, I'm not sure...
I never set up a box without any number in "Festnetznummern".

You could check the following:
Connect the box to your telephone line (ISDN or Analogue), enter at least one MSN for "Festnetz" and try to do a call with this MSN...
Be sure to set your outgoing MSN to this or dial *111# !

If this works, try your VoIP call again - but I assume this fails to, because you get no dial tone...
This sounds like an S0 connection problem - I had this when I set up my in-house cables. You do not have to have a working connection (line or VoIP) to get the dial tone from the Box. Did you plug the ISDN phone to the "S0" port?
You must use the Number from your VoIP-Provider as 'Internetrufnummer'.

Then you configure this Numer in your ISDN-Phone.
S0 Port

Yes, I have connected the ISDN telephone in S0 port...
I remember in the beginning I had a dial tone on S0 port and could have been deffected during installation (updates, config change) because I have never connected on analog or ISDN line.
I assume it wouldn't work either but what remains unclear is the busy tone when I dial out after first digits
S0 Port

In the meantime I will visit my box dealer :-o
dris_sip schrieb:
In the meantime I will visit my box dealer :-o

I would visit your telephone dealer. I cannot see anything wrong with what you have put into the above document.

Test your phone without the box. Check your settings in this phone. If you do not have an ISDN connection does a friend or someone you know have one where you can test it.

What do you mean by "defected during installation"?

In some old notes I got from AVM and connecting telephones it says, when you pick up the phone and hear no tone then contact AVM. In your case I think they will say there is a problem with your ISDN phone.

As I said before when you have:
connected the phone correctly
with the right connections and cables
you have set up the telephone correctly
then when you pick up the phone you will hear a tone.
In the screen of your ISDN phone you will see a VOIP number
When you dial a number it will show which VOIP provider the box has choosen in accordance with your dial rules.

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