Hilfe: 7940 und Sipgate


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19 Feb 2006
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ich habe folgende Hardware:
- Cisco 7940G (SIP FW 7.4)
- DrayTek Vigor 2200V

Am DrayTek hängt das normale Telefon über Sipgate dran. Dieses funktioniert.
Jetzt möchte ich allerdings zusätzlich hinter diesem Router mein 7940 nutzen.
Also einen Sipgate-Account eingerichtet und die folgenden Ports im Router weitergeleitet: 5070 UDP, 16384-32766 auch UDP. (5070, weil ja auf dem Router VOIP mit port 5060 eingerihtet ist)
Wenn ich jetzt den Hörer abnehme, bekomme ich ein freizeichen. Neben dem Sipgatesymbol auf dem Telefondisplay sehe ich aber immer ein X. Wenn ich jetzt wähle, bekomme ich sofort ein Besetztzeichen.

Es scheint ein NAT-Problem zu sein, da ich mal ein wenig mit NAT am Router herumgespielt habe. Danach hatte es sehr lange gedauert, bis das Besetztzeichen zu hören war!

Hier mal meine sip"mac".cnf
# SIP Configuration Generic File (start)

# Line 1 Settings

line1_name: "S-Gate" ; Line 1 Extension\User ID

line1_displayname: "Sipgate" ; Line 1 Display Name

line1_authname: "17xxxxx" ; Line 1 Registration Authentication

line1_password: "xxxxxxx" ; Line 1 Registration Password

# Line 2 Settings

line3_name: "Dus.net" ; Line 2 Extension\User ID

line3_displayname: "Dus.net" ; Line 2 Display Name

line3_authname: "0003xxxxxxx" ; Line 2 Registration Authentication

line3_password: "xxxxxxx" ; Line 2 Registration Password

# Line 3 Settings

line3_name: "" ; Line 3 Extension\User ID

line3_displayname: "" ; Line 3 Display Name

line3_authname: "UNPROVISIONED" ; Line 3 Registration Authentication

line3_password: "UNPROVISIONED" ; Line 3 Registration Password

# Line 4 Settings

line4_name: "" ; Line 4 Extension\User ID

line4_displayname: "" ; Line 4 Display Name

line4_authname: "UNPROVISIONED" ; Line 4 Registration Authentication

line4_password: "UNPROVISIONED" ; Line 4 Registration Password

# Line 5 Settings

line5_name: "" ; Line 5 Extension\User ID

line5_displayname: "" ; Line 5 Display Name

line5_authname: "UNPROVISIONED" ; Line 5 Registration Authentication

line5_password: "UNPROVISIONED" ; Line 5 Registration Password

# Line 6 Settings

line6_name: "" ; Line 6 Extension\User ID

line6_displayname: "" ; Line 6 Display Name

line6_authname: "UNPROVISIONED" ; Line 6 Registration Authentication

line6_password: "UNPROVISIONED" ; Line 6 Registration Password

# Phone Label (Text desired to be displayed in upper right corner)

phone_label: "Holly " ; Has no effect on SIP messaging

# Emergency Proxy info

proxy_emergency: ""

proxy_emergency_port: ""

# Backup Proxy info

proxy_backup: ""

proxy_backup_port: ""

# Outbound Proxy info

outbound_proxy: proxy.de.sipgate.net

outbound_proxy_port: 5070

# NAT/Firewall Traversal

nat_enable: 1

nat_address: stun.sipgate.net:10000

voip_control_port: "5070"

start_media_port: "16384"

end_media_port: "32766"

nat_received_processing: 1

# Time Zone phone will reside in

time_zone: CET

# Phone prompt/password for telnet/console session

phone_prompt: "Cisco7940" ; Telnet/Console Prompt

phone_password: "xxxxxx" ; Telnet/Console Password

# SIP Configuration Generic File (stop)

und meine sipDefault.cnf
# Image Version

# image_version: "P0S3-07-4-00 "

# Proxy Server

proxy1_address: sipgate.de
proxy2_address: voip.dus.net

# Proxy Server Port (default - 5060)


# Emergency Proxy info

proxy_emergency: ""

proxy_emergency_port: "5070"

# Backup Proxy info


proxy_backup_port: "5070"

# Outbound Proxy info

outbound_proxy: proxy.de.sipgate.net

outbound_proxy_port: "5060"

# NAT/Firewall Traversal

nat_enable: 1

nat_address: stun.sipgate.net:10000

voip_control_port: "5070"

start_media_port: "16384"

end_media_port: "32766"

nat_received_processing: 1

# Proxy Registration (0-disable (default), 1-enable)

proxy_register: 1

# Phone Registration Expiration [1-3932100 sec] (Default - 3600)

timer_register_expires: "3600"

# Codec for media stream (g711ulaw (default), g711alaw, g729)

preferred_codec: "g711ulaw"

# TOS bits in media stream [0-5] (Default - 5)

tos_media: "5"

# Enable VAD (0-disable (default), 1-enable)

enable_vad: "0"

# Allow for the bridge on a 3way call to join remaining parties upon hangup

cnf_join_enable: "1" ; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default)

# Allow Transfer to be completed while target phone is still ringing

semi_attended_transfer: "0" ; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default)

# Telnet Level (enable or disable the ability to telnet into this phone

telnet_level: "2" ; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled, 2-Privileged

# Inband DTMF Settings (0-disable, 1-enable (default))

dtmf_inband: "1"

# Out of band DTMF Settings (none-disable, avt-avt enable (default), avt_always - always avt )

dtmf_outofband: "avt"

# DTMF dB Level Settings (1-6dB down, 2-3db down, 3-nominal (default), 4-3db up, 5-6dB up)

dtmf_db_level: "3"

# SIP Timers

timer_t1: "500" ; Default 500 msec

timer_t2: "4000" ; Default 4 sec

sip_retx: "10" ; Default 11

sip_invite_retx: "6" ; Default 7

timer_invite_expires: "180" ; Default 180 sec

# Setting for Message speeddial to UOne box

messages_uri: "50000"

# TFTP Phone Specific Configuration File Directory

tftp_cfg_dir: "./"

# Time Server

sntp_mode: unicast

sntp_server: ""

time_zone: "CET"

dst_offset: "1"

dst_start_month: "April"

dst_start_day: ""

dst_start_day_of_week: "Sun"

dst_start_week_of_month: "1"

dst_start_time: "02"

dst_stop_month: "Oct"

dst_stop_day: ""

dst_stop_day_of_week: "Sunday"

dst_stop_week_of_month: "8"

dst_stop_time: "2"

dst_auto_adjust: "1"

# Do Not Disturb Control (0-off, 1-on, 2-off with no user control, 3-on with no user control)

dnd_control: "0" ; Default 0 (Do Not Disturb feature is off)

# Caller ID Blocking (0-disabled, 1-enabled, 2-disabled no user control, 3-enabled no user control)

callerid_blocking: "0" ; Default 0 (Disable sending all calls as anonymous)

# Anonymous Call Blocking (0-disbaled, 1-enabled, 2-disabled no user control, 3-enabled no user control)

anonymous_call_block: "0" ; Default 0 (Disable blocking of anonymous calls)

# Call Waiting (0-disabled, 1-enabled, 2-disabled with no user control, 3-enabled with no user control)

call_waiting: "1" ; Default 1 (Call Waiting enabled)

# DTMF AVT Payload (Dynamic payload range for AVT tones - 96-127)

dtmf_avt_payload: "101" ; Default 100

# XML file that specifies the dialplan desired

dial_template: "dialplan"

# Network Media Type (auto, full100, full10, half100, half10)

network_media_type: "auto"

#Autocompletion During Dial (0-off, 1-on [default])

autocomplete: "1"

#Time Format (0-12hr, 1-24hr [default])

time_format_24hr: 1

# URL for branding logo

#logo_url: "http://www.sanifox.de/Pics/CTU_Logo.bmp"

# Remote Party ID

remote_party_id: 1 ; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled

Kann mir bitte jemand weiterhelfen? Weis nicht mehr weiter. Habe bereits die SuFu gequählt, bin aber zu keinem Ergebnis gekommen!

Danke, Holly
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
mmmh, habe gerade mal spasseshalber die Config ein wenig geändert und es ist keine Änderung im Telefon zu sehen. per TFTP wurden die Configs allerdings übertragen!!!:confused: :confused: Komisch
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
holly79 schrieb:
Der TFTP mledet übrigens, das er keine Dialplan.xml und die ringlist.datfindet! Zut das was zur Sache?

Nein, tut es nicht.
Hallo Holly,

versuche mal bitte per Edit Dein erstes Posting in Code-Tags zu fassen.

Ansonsten sollten line1_name: und line1_authname: immer gleich sein.

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