[ -r /mod/etc/conf/mod.cfg ] && . /mod/etc/conf/mod.cfg
# Global result
helpmsg() {
cat << EOF
get_ip - determine external IP address
Usage: $0 [option]
-a, --all - use all methods (order: stun, route, dsld, webcm) [recommended]
-d, --dsld - use showdsldstat (since firmware 04.86)
-r, --route - use routing table
-s, --stun - use STUN server (stun.1und1.de)
-w, --webcm - use webcm CGI handler / ctlmgr_ctl
-?, --help - print this help message
Current default method: $MOD_GET_IP_METHOD
Note: If environment variable IPADDR is set and contains a public IP (not from
a private or link-local network), its value will be returned.
# Detect private (RFC 1918) or link-local (RFC 5735) IPs
# Returns 0 for public IP, 1 for private IP, 2 if IP == ""
[ "$1" ] || return 2
local ip=$1
# (private), (private), (link-local)
[ "$ip" != "${ip#10.}" ] ||
[ "$ip" != "${ip#192.168.}" ] ||
[ "$ip" != "${ip#169.254.}" ]
) && return 1
# (private)
[ "$ip" == "${ip#172.}" ] && return 0
ip=$(echo $ip | cut -d '.' -f 2)
[ $ip -ge 16 ] && [ $ip -le 31 ] && return 1 || return 0
via_dsld() {
# Firmware ca. 04.68 and newer should be safe, but some boxes had it since 04.31
IP="$(/sbin/showdsldstat 2>/dev/null | sed -nr 's/0: ip ([0-9.]+).*/\1/p')"
ip_public "$IP" || return 1
# AVM's home-brew NAT does not expose the external IP on network interface
# "dsl", but sets a route to it. This method should work on most DSL boxes,
# with two known exceptions:
# a) DNS servers are configured manually to hosts with public IP address.
# In this case multiple candidate IPs would be found. Thus we return an
# error rather than trying to guess which IP might be correct.
# b) If the box does not connect to DSL via PPPoE but uses the DSL modem as a
# bridge to e.g. a public /21 network, the external IP is not listed in
# the routing table at all, but the /21 network instead.
# There might be more exceptions in case of routing table manipulation (maybe
# for VPNs or if for any reason a single external host IP is explicitly added
# to the routing table).
via_route() {
local candidate_count=0
for ip in $(route -n | sed -nr 's/^([1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]+){3}) +0(\.0){3} +255(\.255){3} +.* dsl$/\1/p'); do
ip_public "$ip" && IP="$ip" && candidate_count=$((candidate_count + 1))
[ $candidate_count -eq 1 ] && return 0
unset IP
return 1
# On IP clients or UMTS, we are mostly behind a NAT and the only way to
# determine the external IP is to get the information from an external
# server. The most efficient method is STUN (stun-ip applet will try 3x).
via_stun() {
IP=$(stun-ip stun.1und1.de)
[ $? -eq 0 ] && [ "$IP" ] && return 0
return 1
via_webcm() {
local queryfile="/usr/www/all/html/query.txt"
local querystring=""
if which ctlmgr_ctl >/dev/null; then
# Firmware ca. 04.76 and newer
IP=$(ctlmgr_ctl r connection0 pppoe:status/ip)
if [ "$(sed -n '/var:n\[/p' $queryfile)" ]; then
# Firmware ca. 04.84 and newer (should never be used, see above)
# Older firmware
IP="$(/usr/www/html/cgi-bin/webcm "getpage=${queryfile}&${querystring}")"
# ctlmgr_ctl return values [box=val]: 7170=176, 7270=177, 7141=172
# Caveat: must use "-o" instead of "||", otherwise "$?" would be reset
[ $? -eq 0 -o $? -ge 170 ] && ip_public "$IP" && return 0 || return 1
# If multid (or whoever) has already determined the external IP, use it
ip_public "$IPADDR" && echo "$IPADDR" && exit 0
# Set user-defined method (e.g. via web UI) if no argument is given
[ $# -eq 0 ] && method="$MOD_GET_IP_METHOD" || method="$1"
case $method in
# for compatibility reason only, may be removed later
[ "$method" ] && [ "$method" != "-a" ] && [ "$method" != "--all" ] &&
echo "warning: method $method is obsolete, using --all instead" >&2
# Why this order?
# 1.) STUN should always work and is fast
# 2.) route is fast, works in all firmwares, problematic routing configs are rare
# 3.) dsld is faster than ctlmgr/webcm, but not always available
# 4.) ctlmgr/webcm is slow, but should work in all firmwares on DSL boxes
for mode in stun route dsld webcm; do
[ $? -eq 0 ] && break
exit 0
helpmsg >&2
exit 1
[ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "get_ip error" >&2 && exit 1
echo "$IP"