Fritzbox 7490 recovery funktioniert nicht


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6 Mrz 2018
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Hi everybody,

Sorry I speak to you in English, since I'm not from Germany I can't speak the language. I'm living in Belgium and speak Dutch. Related language so, more or less I understand.

Recently I bought a Fritzbox 7490 (German) and changed the frimware to the international one. Everything worked fine untill, during the weekend, I switched from internet provider. Since then I can't reach the Fritzbox over IP.

The revovery tool always stops at the line "Refreshing mtd1 -> windowserror 13"
I'fe asked for help at AVM but they pointed me to this forum.

I still can reach the fritzbox in adam2. But the PUT commando in FTP doesn't work. The guys from AVM told me that they bloked ftp commands in the 7490. So I'm blocked now.

How can I still get this thing to work? Can anybody help?

Hallo alle zusammen,

Entschuldigung, ich spreche mit dir auf Englisch, da ich nicht aus Deutschland komme kann ich die Sprache nicht sprechen. Ich lebe in Belgien und spreche Niederländisch. Verwandte Sprache so, mehr oder weniger verstehe ich.

Kürzlich habe ich eine Fritzbox 7490 gekauft und die Frimware auf die internationale umgestellt. Alles hat gut funktioniert, bis ich am Wochenende vom Internetanbieter gewechselt bin. Seitdem kann ich die Fritzbox nicht über IP erreichen.

Das revovery-Tool stoppt immer an der Zeile "Refreshing mtd1 -> windowserror 13"
Ich habe bei AVM um Hilfe gebeten, aber sie haben mich auf dieses Forum hingewiesen.

Ich kann immer noch die Fritzbox in Adam2 erreichen. Aber das PUT-Kommando in FTP funktioniert nicht. Die Jungs von AVM haben mir gesagt, dass sie im 7490 keine FTP-Befehle haben. Also bin ich jetzt blockiert.

Wie kann ich das Ding noch zum Laufen bringen? Kann jemand helfen?
Are You sure, using the right recovery.exe for Your avme-branded international FB7490? The Windowserror 13 may indicate wrong data. So first check the branding of the box and decide, which recovery-version should be used.
Switching via adam2 to a working linux_fs_start 0 or 1 maybe also a good try.
Thx for your reply! Yes I've tried like every recovery version I've found. Nothing worked.
What do you mean with "Switching via adam2 to a working linux_fs_start 0 or 1 maybe also a good try"?
How do i do this?
Take a Look here for some ftp-Commands in adam2 switching to the inactive partitionsset, if the Box got in history a Firmware-Update.
Well I've de-branded the FB and tried the recovery with reply:

FRITZ!Box 7490 suchen an:
Eine Anlage gefunden! - Ermitteln der aktuellen Version.
Version erfolgreich ermittelt!
Hardware: FRITZ!Box 7490
Urlader: 2964
Firmware: recovered=2
Flashbereich (mtd3)
Lösche Flashbereich (mtd3)
Restauriere Flashbereich (mtd3)
Flashbereich (mtd4)
Lösche Flashbereich (mtd4)
Restauriere Flashbereich (mtd4)
Restauriere Flashbereich (mtd1)
Recover der Partition mtd1 fehlgeschlagen! WinError 13

So, still the same problem.

I'll try with the suggestion like you told me. let's see if there's some solution there.
Yes I did.

Should I've tried to connect directly?
You have to set the right

You have to give your network card a static IP
then use a Commandline > cmd.exe in Windows
Verbindung mit wurde hergestellt.
220 ADAM2 FTP Server ready
Benutzer ( adam2
331 Password required for adam2
Kennwort: adam2
230 User adam2 successfully logged in
ftp> quote GETENV my_ipaddress
200 GETENV command successful

ftp> quote SETENV my_ipaddress
200 SETENV command successful

ftp> quote GETENV firmware_info
firmware_info recovered=2
200 GETENV command successful

ftp> quote SETENV firmware_info 113.06.92,recovered=2
200 SETENV command successful

You have to give your network card this static IP
and see if the box starts up, if not try again with the recovery tool (your IP is still
I did exactly what you proposed and still I have the same problem:

FRITZ!Box 7490 suchen an:
Eine Anlage gefunden! - Ermitteln der aktuellen Version.
Version erfolgreich ermittelt!
    Hardware:   FRITZ!Box 7490
    Urlader:   2964
    Firmware:   113.06.92,recoverd=2
Flashbereich (mtd3)
    Lösche   Flashbereich (mtd3)
    Restauriere   Flashbereich (mtd3)
Flashbereich (mtd4)
    Lösche   Flashbereich (mtd4)
    Restauriere   Flashbereich (mtd4)
    Restauriere   Flashbereich (mtd1)
Recover der Partition mtd1 fehlgeschlagen! WinError 13

The red info led is still blinking... :-(

The linux_start_variable is 0. But the german in your link to an other post is a bit to complex to follow up exactly what has been asked from me and I wonder if it also doable for a 7490
I suggest, RuKernelTool in the official version, is still not supporting FB7490 for flashing/recovering.
So first read the commands for receiving infos about firmware_version avm/avme? and then using NOT RuKernelTool for recovery. Better the Original recovery.exe from AVM-Server.
Edit: I suggest 113.06.92 should be a German-Firmware and following this, the branding is 1und1 or avm (German) and not avme for international FW.

So please post the result of
 quote GETENV firmware_version
in adam2.

Edit2.: Or just try quick+dirt the "7490-recovery".
Screen Shot 03-06-18 at 06.12 PM.PNG
If Your FB7490 is very young, it may be not as easy, to switch the branding to avme, because of the new bootloader


  • Screen Shot 03-06-18 at 06.12 PM.PNG
    Screen Shot 03-06-18 at 06.12 PM.PNG
    38.7 KB · Aufrufe: 59
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You should use my PowerShell script (from the YourFritz-GitHub-Repo) to retrieve a complete environment file from the box. Or even better, you should use a Linux system and the Linux versions of the scripts ... then you may use the "image2ram" script to create a loadable image from an "original firmware file" from AVM (if you want to use my script(s) to write the firmware to your device).

After checking the content of your environment (especially "memsize", the "mtd" entries and "kernel_args"), you may use one of my scripts to write the new firmware, too. This could circumvent the (unknown) problem with the original recovery program or - at least - show the response(s) from the device to understand the problem better.

I'm (personally) a little bit confused ... where does the (wrongly spelled) entry
Firmware: 113.06.92,recoverd=2
come from?

The correct value would be "recovered" (at least all later tests in the firmware use this value) and I can't believe, that AVM's recovery program uses the wrong spelling.
Thanks a lot for all your responses! I really appreciate it.
@PeterPawn: The piece of code I posted is the exact response from the recovery program. "Recovered" somehow got wrongly spelled in my copy paste. o_O
I guess you're talking about this
I'm not familiar with powershell scripts so could you help me a hand on how to use it?

My response on the GETENV firmware:

Connected to
220 ADAM2 FTP Server ready
530 not logged in
User ( adam2
331 Password required for adam2
230 User adam2 successfully logged in
ftp> quote GETENV firmware_version
firmware_version      avm

200 GETENV command successful

@Micha0815 I've changed the firmware version with the SETENV command already a from AVM to AVME to push the international firmware on it (was without a problem)
and now I tried it back from AVME to AVM in the hope that the German recovery program would help me out. Unfortunately it didn't.
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I'm sure, that somewhere here on IPPF is already an explanation in English, how to use my scripts - at least the Linux versions.

Try to seek on Google with "eva_discover" and "eva_to_memory" a bit (limit your searches to this site and - maybe - my nickname) and look-out for posts in English to read them.

I've found this thread this way in a few seconds.

Please try - in the first step - to answer additional questions yourself by reading further posts (and perhaps you should give "Google Translator" from German to Dutch a try), so you're later able to ask concrete questions.

But do me a favor and stop asking: "How should I do or use it?" ... maybe, others are willing to read and answer such questions, but I'm only willing to help you to solve your problem - nevertheless it remains your own and it still needs your own efforts.
... I've changed the firmware version with the SETENV command already a from AVM to AVME to push the international firmware on it (was without a problem)...

That may indicate, that Your Bootloader-Version is elder and/or < 1.3179.

...and now I tried it back from AVME to AVM in the hope that the German recovery program would help me out. Unfortunately it didn't.

You should follow the advices in #11 and #13 and using the scripts. It is not really easy to understand (for me), what really happened
#1 ... I switched from internet provider...

If You have created, before changing the Branding, a support-file or better extended support-file, the scripts may create from this sources a new TFFS.image, if something went wrong with RukernelTool. Otherwise did You give adam2 a chance to switch
 quote SETENV linux_fs_start 1

You should first set the right Branding-Variable in adam2 and sometimes it may be helpfull to set or better first to get the annex, if "played with" in RuKernelTool.

 quote GETENV annex
The "bootloaderversion" value was mentioned already, above in #5 and #9 - this may be excluded as cause of the problem. My own 7490 has the same loader version and I may change the "firmware_version" value as often as I want.

The basic problem here is the vagueness of the "WinError 13" message for this issue ... if it's a Windows System Error, this code means "ERROR_INVALID_DATA" - no further hint, which function was called and raised this error.

Maybe it's a conversion error while trying to handle a "firmware_info" entry without a numeric value ... or something completely different.

Due to the "exotic nature" of some FTP commands, which have to be used after MTD3 and MTD4 were written successfully, it's even possible, that a "security suite" monitors each FTP connection (and finds no threat in the first connections), but it blocks such "unusual commands" or the number of consecutive FTP connections is suspicious, because each write process uses a new connection here. The recovery program would not receive data anymore in such a case and this could also leads to such an error, if the (un-)received data are not checked thoroughly.

The advantage using an own script to install the firmware, is the ability to get a log file with responses from the FTP server and to get an idea, where the problem occurs.

The alternative way could be a packet dump of communications between the recovery program and the box ... but it will only report, at which point the upload fails and it's (more or less obviously) the point, where data will be written to RAM.

But to ensure, that not an invalid value for "memsize" leads to an invalid calculation of remaining memory and addresses for the "mtdram1" device, the values from environment have to be checked first. A difference for "memsize" between a result of "RETR env" and a "GETENV memsize" value could exist, but any value should be greater than 128 MB and aligned on a 128 MB boundary, too.
I`ve just readed here Urlader 2964. The same Urlader but nothing obout the Bootloader-Version and still with Problems there to change the Branding?
The values of "urlader-version" and "bootloaderVersion" aren't independent - please read this article:

My own 7490 contains:
root@FB7490:~ $ grep "urlader\|bootloader" /proc/sys/urlader/environment
bootloaderVersion       1.1964
urlader-version 2964
root@FB7490:~ $
Maybe there's really some bootloader code "in the wild", where changes - even well-done ones - for some additional(!) variables are reset to factory settings at next start of EVA ... but then this value (the loader version) isn't the right manner to distinguish between different behaviors. It's well-known meanwhile, that some values will be reset always ... the "maca" and "memsize" values are examples for this behavior, as far as I know or recall.

The reported problems in the other post (linked in #16) are not detailed enough to judge a completely new handling of these settings ... some settings are even reported in this post as "changeable".

One - often underrated - hurdle is the exact spelling for commands to change such a setting ... the names "Annex" and "annex" have different meanings and there're really people, who neglect to read the answer for an issued command thoroughly.

The approach used to change a value has an impact, too - writing (with "echo" to "/proc/sys/urlader/environment") from the running system uses different interpretation of the entered name and value than a command to the FTP server with "SETENV".

If the bootloader tends to restore some settings, it has to use a template, hasn't it? There's only one region (in a 7490 with SPI flash) in the bootloader (starting at offset 0x600), where such individual settings for a box are stored - plus another region with some "fallback values", if there's no other TFFS content. The bootloader can only restore values from this regions ... have a look yourself, which values may be involved here and therefore may be unchangeable "birth values".
Hi all,

@PeterPawn You're correct. It's a hassle to retype always the same stuff. So far I got the scripts working in PowerShell. Now I'm figuring out how to use the image2ram. I've a linux computer and a windows pc, so it should make things easy.
I've alreade chaged the firmware back to AVM and the linux_fs_start to 1 in the hope that the recovery would work, but it didn't. So the only option that I have is to manually upload the firmware.
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Don't forget to read the environment first from the device ... sometimes an invalid value here is the cause for later problems.
I guess you mean that I should double check the environment before pushing the new image, correct?

I'm still a bit struggling with the Image2ram tool. Searches on 'image2ram' and/or 'STDIN' didn't really gave a positive response. Am I correct If I have to make a folder called STDIN and place the image.tar file in there? And then run the image2ram file again? Or am I seeing it wrong?
I'm executing the .sh file with my linux computer (true command line)

EDIT: I found some tread here,15700022,15700105,15700124,15700149,15700168,15700201&usg=ALkJrhi0-v1ePq89a-KLTmi1lEBdprpJ1g

There they speak of the code
image2ram <fb7490.image>
since my file was called image.tar I changed the command line to
sh image2ram <image.tar>
I know find a file in my temp folder called "". Is this the file that i need?
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