fritz vpn


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24 Jul 2009
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i am looking for a vpn solution between main office, remote sites and remote users.
apart from the remote users, all the others are running fritz 7140 and 7170.
is there a way to setup a vpn?
the remote users are having laptops running windows and i would like to authenticate them to the main office.

any ideas welcome
Hi. Thanks for the quick reply. i have seen that. This is a point to point vpn which is fine for 2 points.
in my case i do have more than 2 points. will the main's office fritz have the capability to have more than 2 connections?

yout can have more than 2 connections. In my case, i have 3 connections, fritzA to fritzB and fritzA to fritzC and a connection between my iphone und fritzA.
So you only have to configure more connections with the FritzVPN tool.

this is good news. what about the remote users running windows. what settings??
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