=== Verbose logging started: 02.11.2017 23:17:04 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 5.00.10011.00 Calling process: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msiexec.exe ===
MSI (c) (B0:88) [23:17:04:740]: Font created. Charset: Req=0, Ret=0, Font: Req=MS Shell Dlg, Ret=MS Shell Dlg
MSI (c) (B0:88) [23:17:04:740]: Font created. Charset: Req=0, Ret=0, Font: Req=MS Shell Dlg, Ret=MS Shell Dlg
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:771]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:771]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:771]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wise Installation Wizard\WISEB57978379C4461A9493B9F19EAA23B2_01_02_00.MSI
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:771]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:850]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: Verifying package --> 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wise Installation Wizard\WISEB57978379C4461A9493B9F19EAA23B2_01_02_00.MSI' against software restriction policy
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:850]: Note: 1: 2262 2: DigitalSignature 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:850]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wise Installation Wizard\WISEB57978379C4461A9493B9F19EAA23B2_01_02_00.MSI is not digitally signed
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:865]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wise Installation Wizard\WISEB57978379C4461A9493B9F19EAA23B2_01_02_00.MSI is permitted to run at the 'unrestricted' authorization level.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:865]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:865]: Attempting to enable all disabled privileges before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:881]: End dialog not enabled
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:881]: Original package ==> C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wise Installation Wizard\WISEB57978379C4461A9493B9F19EAA23B2_01_02_00.MSI
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:881]: Package we're running from ==> C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wise Installation Wizard\WISEB57978379C4461A9493B9F19EAA23B2_01_02_00.MSI
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:881]: APPCOMPAT: Compatibility mode property overrides found.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:881]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{EB579783-79C4-461A-9493-B9F19EAA23B2}'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:881]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: MSCOREE not loaded loading copy from system32
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Machine policy value 'TransformsSecure' is 0
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: User policy value 'TransformsAtSource' is 0
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Machine policy value 'DisablePatch' is 0
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownPatch' is 0
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Machine policy value 'DisableLUAPatching' is 0
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Machine policy value 'DisableFlyWeightPatching' is 0
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Enabling baseline caching for this transaction since all active patches are MSI 3.0 style MSPs or at least one MSI 3.0 minor update patch is active
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{EB579783-79C4-461A-9493-B9F19EAA23B2}'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Transforms are not secure.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiLogFileLocation property. Its value is 'C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI77c61.LOG'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Command Line: WISE_SETUP_EXE_PATH=C:\Daten\Install\AVM\FRITZ!Powerline_v1.02.00_DE.exe CURRENTDIRECTORY=C:\Daten\Install\AVM CLIENTUILEVEL=0 CLIENTPROCESSID=8112
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PackageCode property. Its value is '{34B2984C-74EC-43EF-9F4F-9B8467968732}'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Product Code passed to Engine.Initialize: ''
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Product Code from property table before transforms: '{EB579783-79C4-461A-9493-B9F19EAA23B2}'
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Product Code from property table after transforms: '{EB579783-79C4-461A-9493-B9F19EAA23B2}'
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Product not registered: beginning first-time install
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProductState property. Its value is '-1'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Entering CMsiConfigurationManager::SetLastUsedSource.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu'
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Adding new sources is allowed.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PackagecodeChanging property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Package name extracted from package path: 'WISEB57978379C4461A9493B9F19EAA23B2_01_02_00.MSI'
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Package to be registered: 'WISEB57978379C4461A9493B9F19EAA23B2_01_02_00.MSI'
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Note: 1: 2262 2: AdminProperties 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Machine policy value 'DisableMsi' is 0
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Machine policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: User policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Product installation will be elevated because user is admin and product is being installed per-machine.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: Running product '{EB579783-79C4-461A-9493-B9F19EAA23B2}' with elevated privileges: Product is assigned.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WISE_SETUP_EXE_PATH property. Its value is 'C:\Daten\Install\AVM\FRITZ!Powerline_v1.02.00_DE.exe'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CURRENTDIRECTORY property. Its value is 'C:\Daten\Install\AVM'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTUILEVEL property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTPROCESSID property. Its value is '8112'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiSystemRebootPending property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: TRANSFORMS property is now:
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding VersionDatabase property. Its value is '200'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\EBEL\Favorites
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\EBEL\Music\Documents
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:912]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:928]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Templates
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:928]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:928]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Local
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:928]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\EBEL\Pictures
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:928]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:928]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:928]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:928]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:928]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Public\Desktop
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:928]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:928]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:928]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:928]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:928]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\EBEL\Desktop
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:928]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:928]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\WINDOWS\Fonts
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:928]: Note: 1: 2898 2: MS Sans Serif 3: MS Sans Serif 4: 0 5: 16
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:943]: MSI_LUA: Setting AdminUser property to 1 because this is the client or the user has already permitted elevation
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:943]: MSI_LUA: Setting MsiRunningElevated property to 1 because the install is already running elevated.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:943]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiRunningElevated property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:943]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Privileged property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:943]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info 3: 2
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:943]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding USERNAME property. Its value is 'EBEL'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:943]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info 3: 2
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:943]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DATABASE property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wise Installation Wizard\WISEB57978379C4461A9493B9F19EAA23B2_01_02_00.MSI'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:943]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OriginalDatabase property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wise Installation Wizard\WISEB57978379C4461A9493B9F19EAA23B2_01_02_00.MSI'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:943]: Machine policy value 'MsiDisableEmbeddedUI' is 0
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:943]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SourceDir property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wise Installation Wizard\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:943]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SOURCEDIR property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wise Installation Wizard\'.
MSI (c) (B0:88) [23:17:04:959]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding VersionHandler property. Its value is '5.00'.
=== Protokoll gestartet: 02.11.2017 23:17:04 ===
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:959]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:975]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:975]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:975]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding UILevel property. Its value is '5'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:975]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Font 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:975]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:975]: APPCOMPAT: [DetectVersionLaunchCondition] Launch condition already passes.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:990]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ACTION property. Its value is 'INSTALL'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:990]: Doing action: INSTALL
Aktion 23:17:04: INSTALL.
Aktion gestartet 23:17:04: INSTALL.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:990]: UI Sequence table 'InstallUISequence' is present and populated.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:990]: Running UISequence
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:990]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding EXECUTEACTION property. Its value is 'INSTALL'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:990]: Doing action: WiseUpgradeCheck
Aktion 23:17:04: WiseUpgradeCheck.
Aktion gestartet 23:17:04: WiseUpgradeCheck.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:990]: Note: 1: 2235 2: 3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'WiseUpgradeCheck'
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:04:990]: Creating MSIHANDLE (1) of type 790542 for thread 7200
MSI (c) (B0:E0) [23:17:04:990]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI7D7B.tmp, Entrypoint: UpgradeCheck
MSI (c) (B0:40) [23:17:05:006]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (B0:40) [23:17:05:006]: Attempting to enable all disabled privileges before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (B0:40) [23:17:05:006]: Connected to service for CA interface.
MSI (c) (B0!04) [23:17:05:131]: Creating MSIHANDLE (2) of type 790541 for thread 772
MSI (c) (B0!04) [23:17:05:131]: Creating MSIHANDLE (3) of type 790540 for thread 772
MSI (c) (B0!04) [23:17:05:131]: Creating MSIHANDLE (4) of type 790531 for thread 772
MSI (c) (B0!04) [23:17:05:131]: Closing MSIHANDLE (4) of type 790531 for thread 772
MSI (c) (B0!04) [23:17:05:131]: Creating MSIHANDLE (5) of type 790531 for thread 772
MSI (c) (B0!04) [23:17:05:131]: Closing MSIHANDLE (5) of type 790531 for thread 772
MSI (c) (B0!04) [23:17:05:131]: Closing MSIHANDLE (3) of type 790540 for thread 772
MSI (c) (B0!04) [23:17:05:131]: Closing MSIHANDLE (2) of type 790541 for thread 772
MSI (c) (B0:E0) [23:17:05:131]: Closing MSIHANDLE (1) of type 790542 for thread 7200
Aktion beendet 23:17:05: WiseUpgradeCheck. Rückgabewert 1.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:131]: Doing action: LaunchConditions
Aktion 23:17:05: LaunchConditions. Auswerten von Startbedingungen...
Aktion gestartet 23:17:05: LaunchConditions.
Aktion beendet 23:17:05: LaunchConditions. Rückgabewert 1.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:131]: Doing action: WiseSetProfilesFolder
Aktion 23:17:05: WiseSetProfilesFolder.
Aktion gestartet 23:17:05: WiseSetProfilesFolder.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:146]: Note: 1: 2235 2: 3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'WiseSetProfilesFolder'
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:146]: Creating MSIHANDLE (6) of type 790542 for thread 7200
MSI (c) (B0:50) [23:17:05:146]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI7E18.tmp, Entrypoint: SetProfilesFolder
MSI (c) (B0!24) [23:17:05:162]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProfilesFolder property. Its value is 'C:\Users\'.
MSI (c) (B0:50) [23:17:05:162]: Closing MSIHANDLE (6) of type 790542 for thread 7200
Aktion beendet 23:17:05: WiseSetProfilesFolder. Rückgabewert 1.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:162]: Skipping action: ClearDisableUAP (condition is false)
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:162]: Skipping action: SetPatchMode (condition is false)
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:162]: Skipping action: SetPatchReinstallMode (condition is false)
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:162]: Doing action: Setup_Dialog
Aktion 23:17:05: Setup_Dialog.
Aktion gestartet 23:17:05: Setup_Dialog.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:162]: Note: 1: 2235 2: 3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'Setup_Dialog'
Info 2898. For Tahoma_80 textstyle, the system created a 'Tahoma' font, in 1 character set, of 13 pixels height.
Info 2898. For Arial10 textstyle, the system created a 'Arial' font, in 1 character set, of 16 pixels height.
Info 2898. For Arial14 textstyle, the system created a 'Arial' font, in 1 character set, of 22 pixels height.
Aktion 23:17:05: Setup_Dialog. Dialog created
Aktion beendet 23:17:05: Setup_Dialog. Rückgabewert 1.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:256]: Doing action: FindRelatedProducts
Aktion 23:17:05: FindRelatedProducts. Nach verwandten Anwendungen wird gesucht.
Aktion gestartet 23:17:05: FindRelatedProducts.
Aktion beendet 23:17:05: FindRelatedProducts. Rückgabewert 1.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:256]: Doing action: WiseUpgradeCheckEx
Aktion 23:17:05: WiseUpgradeCheckEx.
Aktion gestartet 23:17:05: WiseUpgradeCheckEx.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:256]: Note: 1: 2235 2: 3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'WiseUpgradeCheckEx'
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:271]: Creating MSIHANDLE (7) of type 790542 for thread 7200
MSI (c) (B0:A4) [23:17:05:271]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI7E86.tmp, Entrypoint: UpgradeCheckEx
MSI (c) (B0:A4) [23:17:05:287]: Closing MSIHANDLE (7) of type 790542 for thread 7200
Aktion beendet 23:17:05: WiseUpgradeCheckEx. Rückgabewert 1.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:287]: Doing action: AppSearch
Aktion 23:17:05: AppSearch. Suchen nach installierten Anwendungen...
Aktion gestartet 23:17:05: AppSearch.
AppSearch: Eigenschaft: WINPCAP
Signatur: AppReg
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: Note: 1: 2262 2: CompLocator 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying WINPCAP property. Its current value is 'No'. Its new value: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\WinPcap\uninstall.exe'.
AppSearch: Eigenschaft: WINPCAPWOW6432
Signatur: AppReg1
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: Note: 1: 2262 2: CompLocator 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying WINPCAPWOW6432 property. Its current value is 'No'. Its new value: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\WinPcap\uninstall.exe'.
Aktion beendet 23:17:05: AppSearch. Rückgabewert 1.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: Skipping action: CCPSearch (condition is false)
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: Skipping action: CCPDialog (condition is false)
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: Skipping action: RMCCPSearch (condition is false)
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: Doing action: ValidateProductID
Aktion 23:17:05: ValidateProductID.
Aktion gestartet 23:17:05: ValidateProductID.
Aktion beendet 23:17:05: ValidateProductID. Rückgabewert 1.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: Doing action: CostInitialize
Aktion 23:17:05: CostInitialize. Berechnen von Speicherplatzbedarf...
Aktion gestartet 23:17:05: CostInitialize.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: Machine policy value 'MaxPatchCacheSize' is 10
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: Baseline: Sorting baselines for {EB579783-79C4-461A-9493-B9F19EAA23B2}.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: Baseline: New baseline 1.2.0 from transaction.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: Baseline: Sorted order Native: Order 0.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: Baseline Data Table:
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: ProductCode: {EB579783-79C4-461A-9493-B9F19EAA23B2} Version: 1.2.0 Attributes: 0 PatchId: Native BaselineId: -2147483648 Order: 0
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: Baseline File Table:
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ROOTDRIVE property. Its value is 'C:\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CostingComplete property. Its value is '0'.
Aktion beendet 23:17:05: CostInitialize. Rückgabewert 1.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:303]: Doing action: FileCost
Aktion 23:17:05: FileCost. Berechnen von Speicherplatzbedarf...
Aktion gestartet 23:17:05: FileCost.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Note: 1: 2262 2: MsiAssembly 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Note: 1: 2262 2: RemoveFile 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Note: 1: 2262 2: MoveFile 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Note: 1: 2262 2: DuplicateFile 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Class 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Note: 1: 2262 2: TypeLib 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Note: 1: 2262 2: IniFile 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ReserveCost 3: -2147287038
Aktion beendet 23:17:05: FileCost. Rückgabewert 1.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Doing action: IsolateComponents
Aktion 23:17:05: IsolateComponents.
Aktion gestartet 23:17:05: IsolateComponents.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Note: 1: 2262 2: BindImage 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Note: 1: 2262 2: IsolatedComponent 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch
Aktion beendet 23:17:05: IsolateComponents. Rückgabewert 1.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Doing action: CostFinalize
Aktion 23:17:05: CostFinalize. Berechnen von Speicherplatzbedarf...
Aktion gestartet 23:17:05: CostFinalize.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OutOfDiskSpace property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OutOfNoRbDiskSpace property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Condition 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding TARGETDIR property. Its value is 'C:\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding GAC property. Its value is 'C:\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA property. Its value is 'C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WinSxS property. Its value is 'C:\WINDOWS\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding System16Folder property. Its value is 'C:\WINDOWS\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding All_Users property. Its value is 'C:\Users\All Users\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding FRITZPowerline property. Its value is 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\FRITZ!Powerline\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WWWROOT property. Its value is 'C:\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding INSTALLDIR property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding sqldrivers property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\sqldrivers\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding sensors property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\sensors\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding sensorgestures property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\sensorgestures\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding printsupport property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\printsupport\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding position property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\position\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding playlistformats property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\playlistformats\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding mediaservice property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\mediaservice\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding audio property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\audio\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding platforms property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\platforms\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding translations property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\translations\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding bearer property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\bearer\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding iconengines property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\iconengines\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding imageformats property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\imageformats\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding lang property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\lang\'.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Target path resolution complete. Dumping Directory table...
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Note: target paths subject to change (via custom actions or browsing)
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: TARGETDIR , Object: C:\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: GAC , Object: C:\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: LocalAppDataFolder , Object: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Local\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: CommonAppDataFolder , Object: C:\ProgramData\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: WindowsFolder , Object: C:\WINDOWS\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: FontsFolder , Object: C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: TempFolder , Object: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Local\Temp\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: SystemFolder , Object: C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA , Object: C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: WinSxS , Object: C:\WINDOWS\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: System16Folder , Object: C:\WINDOWS\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: ProfilesFolder , Object: C:\Users\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: All_Users , Object: C:\Users\All Users\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: DesktopFolder , Object: C:\Users\Public\Desktop\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: RecentFolder , Object: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: StartMenuFolder , Object: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: ProgramMenuFolder , Object: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: FRITZPowerline , Object: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\FRITZ!Powerline\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: StartupFolder , Object: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: PrintHoodFolder , Object: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: NetHoodFolder , Object: C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: WWWROOT , Object: C:\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: ProgramFilesFolder , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: CommonFilesFolder , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: INSTALLDIR , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: sqldrivers , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\sqldrivers\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: sensors , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\sensors\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: sensorgestures , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\sensorgestures\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: printsupport , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\printsupport\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: position , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\position\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: playlistformats , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\playlistformats\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: mediaservice , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\mediaservice\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: audio , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\audio\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: platforms , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\platforms\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: translations , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\translations\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: bearer , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\bearer\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: iconengines , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\iconengines\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: imageformats , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\imageformats\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:318]: Dir (target): Key: lang , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\lang\
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:334]: Note: 1: 2262 2: RemoveFile 3: -2147287038
Aktion beendet 23:17:05: CostFinalize. Rückgabewert 1.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:334]: Doing action: MigrateFeatureStates
Aktion 23:17:05: MigrateFeatureStates. Featurezustände verwandter Anwendungen werden migriert.
Aktion gestartet 23:17:05: MigrateFeatureStates.
Aktion beendet 23:17:05: MigrateFeatureStates. Rückgabewert 0.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:350]: Doing action: SetWizardProperty1
Aktion 23:17:05: SetWizardProperty1.
Aktion gestartet 23:17:05: SetWizardProperty1.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:350]: Note: 1: 2235 2: 3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'SetWizardProperty1'
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:350]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WiseCurrentWizard property. Its value is 'Welcome_Dialog'.
Aktion beendet 23:17:05: SetWizardProperty1. Rückgabewert 1.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:350]: Doing action: Welcome_Dialog
Aktion 23:17:05: Welcome_Dialog.
Aktion gestartet 23:17:05: Welcome_Dialog.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:05:350]: Note: 1: 2235 2: 3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'Welcome_Dialog'
Aktion 23:17:05: Welcome_Dialog. Dialog created
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:381]: Note: 1: 2262 2: DuplicateFile 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:381]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ReserveCost 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:381]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: _RemoveFilePath
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: Note: 1: 2262 2: TypeLib 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Class 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Class 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Class 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying CostingComplete property. Its current value is '0'. Its new value: '1'.
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: Note: 1: 2262 2: BindImage 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: Note: 1: 2262 2: ProgId 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: Note: 1: 2262 2: PublishComponent 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: Note: 1: 2262 2: SelfReg 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Font 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Class 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable property. Its current value is '0'. Its new value: '458967088'.
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired property. Its current value is '0'. Its new value: '163878'.
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining property. Its current value is '0'. Its new value: '458803210'.
MSI (c) (B0:70) [23:17:05:412]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumePath property. Its value is 'C:'.
MSI (c) (B0:88) [23:17:07:100]: Doing action: WiseNextDlg
Aktion 23:17:07: WiseNextDlg.
Aktion gestartet 23:17:07: WiseNextDlg.
MSI (c) (B0:88) [23:17:07:100]: Note: 1: 2235 2: 3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'WiseNextDlg'
MSI (c) (B0:88) [23:17:07:100]: Creating MSIHANDLE (8) of type 790542 for thread 8584
MSI (c) (B0:F8) [23:17:07:115]: Creating MSIHANDLE (9) of type 0 for thread 11512
MSI (c) (B0:F8) [23:17:07:115]: Closing MSIHANDLE (9) of type 0 for thread 11512
MSI (c) (B0:F8) [23:17:07:115]: Closing MSIHANDLE (8) of type 790542 for thread 8584
Aktion beendet 23:17:07: WiseNextDlg. Rückgabewert 3.
DEBUG: Error 2896: Executing action WiseNextDlg failed.
Interner Fehler 2896. WiseNextDlg
Aktion beendet 23:17:07: Welcome_Dialog. Rückgabewert 3.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:07:115]: Doing action: Fatal_Error
Aktion 23:17:07: Fatal_Error.
Aktion gestartet 23:17:07: Fatal_Error.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:07:115]: Note: 1: 2235 2: 3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'Fatal_Error'
Aktion 23:17:07: Fatal_Error. Dialog created
Aktion beendet 23:17:09: Fatal_Error. Rückgabewert 2.
Aktion beendet 23:17:09: INSTALL. Rückgabewert 3.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:09:740]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.
MSI (c) (B0:40) [23:17:09:740]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.
Property(C): DiskPrompt = [ProductName] [1]
Property(C): ROOTDRIVE = C:\
Property(C): UpgradeCode = {D97ED42C-0F6A-4664-BBFC-FCBCE5586BF9}
Property(C): InstallMode = Typical
Property(C): UILevel = 5
Property(C): VersionHandler = 5.00
Property(C): SourceDir = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wise Installation Wizard\
Property(C): OriginalDatabase = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wise Installation Wizard\WISEB57978379C4461A9493B9F19EAA23B2_01_02_00.MSI
Property(C): DATABASE = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wise Installation Wizard\WISEB57978379C4461A9493B9F19EAA23B2_01_02_00.MSI
Property(C): Privileged = 1
Property(C): MsiRunningElevated = 1
Property(C): RedirectedDllSupport = 2
Property(C): MsiWin32AssemblySupport = 6.3.16299.15
Property(C): MsiNetAssemblySupport = 4.7.2556.0
Property(C): Date = 02.11.2017
Property(C): Time = 23:17:09
Property(C): TTCSupport = 1
Property(C): ColorBits = 32
Property(C): TextInternalLeading = 3
Property(C): TextHeight = 16
Property(C): BorderSide = 1
Property(C): BorderTop = 1
Property(C): CaptionHeight = 23
Property(C): ScreenY = 768
Property(C): ScreenX = 1366
Property(C): SystemLanguageID = 1031
Property(C): ComputerName = BYIZB5
Property(C): UserLanguageID = 1031
Property(C): UserSID = S-1-5-21-3163064592-3421142574-1091766416-1000
Property(C): LogonUser = EBEL
Property(C): ProductCode = {EB579783-79C4-461A-9493-B9F19EAA23B2}
Property(C): ProductName = FRITZ!Powerline
Property(C): ProductVersion = 01.02.00
Property(C): Manufacturer = AVM GmbH
Property(C): ReinstallFileOlderVersion = o
Property(C): ReinstallRepair = r
Property(C): ErrorDialog = ErrorDialog
Property(C): Accept = No
Property(C): ALLUSERS = 1
Property(C): WiseInitSpaceError = Nicht genügend Plattenspeicher für die Erstellung einer temporären Datei verfügbar. Machen Sie etwas Speicherplatz frei, und starten Sie die Installation neu.
Property(C): WiseInitPrefix = Initialisierung
Property(C): ProductID = none
Property(C): APPS_TEST = 1
Property(C): WINPCAP = C:\Program Files (x86)\WinPcap\uninstall.exe
Property(C): ARPNOREPAIR = 1
Property(C): ARPNOMODIFY = 1
Property(C): INSTALLDIR = C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\
Property(C): _WiseDialogFontDefault = {\Tahoma_80}
Property(C): WiseInitAdminError = Sie benötigen die Rechte eines Administrators, um diese Installation auszuführen. Bitte melden Sie sich als Administrator an, und starten Sie die Installation neu.
Property(C): _WiseDialogTitleFontDefault = {\Tahoma_81}
Property(C): ApplicationUsers = AllUsers
Property(C): WiseCRLF =
Property(C): PIDTemplate = 12345<###-%%%%%%%>@@@@@
Property(C): WiseInitLangDefault = English,1033
Property(C): DefaultUIFont = Arial10
Property(C): _WiseDialogSuffix = Setup
Property(C): WiseInitSuffix = Assistent...
Property(C): INSTALLLEVEL = 3
Property(C): WiseInitExistError = %s Version %s ist bereits installiert. Sie müssen die vorhandene Version entfernen, bevor Sie %s Version %s installieren. Möchten Sie die vorhandene Version von %s deinstallieren?
Property(C): MaintenanceMode = Modify
Property(C): PALMUSERS = 0
Property(C): ShutdownOption = 1
Property(C): MsiHiddenProperties = WISE_SQL_CONN_STR
Property(C): _WiseDebugMode = 0
Property(C): AUTORUN = 1
Property(C): ProductLanguage = 1031
Property(C): WiseEditorVersion =
Property(C): WINPCAPWOW6432 = C:\Program Files (x86)\WinPcap\uninstall.exe
Property(C): ReinstallFileVersion = o
Property(C): SOURCEDIR = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wise Installation Wizard\
Property(C): TARGETDIR = C:\
Property(C): WWWROOT = C:\
Property(C): ProfilesFolder = C:\Users\
Property(C): NetHoodFolder = C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts\
Property(C): WindowsFolder = C:\WINDOWS\
Property(C): System16Folder = C:\WINDOWS\
Property(C): PrintHoodFolder = C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts\
Property(C): WinSxS = C:\WINDOWS\
Property(C): CommonAppDataFolder = C:\ProgramData\
Property(C): ProgramFilesFolder = C:\Program Files (x86)\
Property(C): StartMenuFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\
Property(C): LocalAppDataFolder = C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Local\
Property(C): SystemFolder = C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\
Property(C): GAC = C:\
Property(C): TempFolder = C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Local\Temp\
Property(C): ProgramMenuFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\
Property(C): StartupFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
Property(C): FontsFolder = C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\
Property(C): RecentFolder = C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\
Property(C): FRITZPowerline = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\FRITZ!Powerline\
Property(C): DesktopFolder = C:\Users\Public\Desktop\
Property(C): CommonFilesFolder = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\
Property(C): lang = C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\lang\
Property(C): imageformats = C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\imageformats\
Property(C): iconengines = C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\iconengines\
Property(C): bearer = C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\bearer\
Property(C): translations = C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\translations\
Property(C): platforms = C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\platforms\
Property(C): All_Users = C:\Users\All Users\
Property(C): audio = C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\audio\
Property(C): mediaservice = C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\mediaservice\
Property(C): playlistformats = C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\playlistformats\
Property(C): position = C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\position\
Property(C): printsupport = C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\printsupport\
Property(C): sensorgestures = C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\sensorgestures\
Property(C): sensors = C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\sensors\
Property(C): sqldrivers = C:\Program Files (x86)\FRITZ!Powerline\sqldrivers\
Property(C): VersionNT = 603
Property(C): USERNAME = EBEL
Property(C): WiseCurrentWizard = Welcome_Dialog
Property(C): MsiTrueAdminUser = 1
Property(C): AdminUser = 1
Property(C): VirtualMemory = 13568
Property(C): PhysicalMemory = 8106
Property(C): Intel = 6
Property(C): Msix64 = 6
Property(C): MsiAMD64 = 6
Property(C): ShellAdvtSupport = 1
Property(C): OLEAdvtSupport = 1
Property(C): GPTSupport = 1
Property(C): AdminToolsFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\
Property(C): MyPicturesFolder = C:\Users\EBEL\Pictures\
Property(C): TemplateFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates\
Property(C): SendToFolder = C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\
Property(C): PersonalFolder = C:\Users\EBEL\Music\Documents\
Property(C): FavoritesFolder = C:\Users\EBEL\Favorites\
Property(C): AppDataFolder = C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Roaming\
Property(C): CommonFiles64Folder = C:\Program Files\Common Files\
Property(C): ProgramFiles64Folder = C:\Program Files\
Property(C): RemoteAdminTS = 1
Property(C): System64Folder = C:\WINDOWS\system32\
Property(C): WindowsVolume = C:\
Property(C): MsiNTProductType = 1
Property(C): ServicePackLevelMinor = 0
Property(C): ServicePackLevel = 0
Property(C): WindowsBuild = 9600
Property(C): VersionNT64 = 603
Property(C): VersionMsi = 5.00
Property(C): VersionDatabase = 200
Property(C): MsiSystemRebootPending = 1
Property(C): CLIENTPROCESSID = 8112
Property(C): CLIENTUILEVEL = 0
Property(C): CURRENTDIRECTORY = C:\Daten\Install\AVM
Property(C): WISE_SETUP_EXE_PATH = C:\Daten\Install\AVM\FRITZ!Powerline_v1.02.00_DE.exe
Property(C): PackagecodeChanging = 1
Property(C): ProductState = -1
Property(C): PackageCode = {34B2984C-74EC-43EF-9F4F-9B8467968732}
Property(C): MsiLogFileLocation = C:\Users\EBEL\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI77c61.LOG
Property(C): DirectoryTable100_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA = DirectoryTable
Property(C): SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA = C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\
Property(C): CostingComplete = 1
Property(C): OutOfDiskSpace = 0
Property(C): OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0
Property(C): PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable = 458967088
Property(C): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired = 163878
Property(C): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining = 458803210
Property(C): PrimaryVolumePath = C:
=== Protokoll beendet: 02.11.2017 23:17:09 ===
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:09:787]: Note: 1: 1708
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:09:787]: Produkt: FRITZ!Powerline -- Installation misslungen.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:09:787]: Das Produkt wurde durch Windows Installer installiert. Produktname: FRITZ!Powerline. Produktversion: 01.02.00. Produktsprache: 1031. Hersteller: AVM GmbH. Erfolg- bzw. Fehlerstatus der Installation: 1603.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:09:787]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:09:787]: Cleaning up uninstalled install packages, if any exist
MSI (c) (B0:20) [23:17:09:787]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
=== Verbose logging stopped: 02.11.2017 23:17:09 ===